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FF:SA Collecting around Adelaide.... What's new

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by Darth_Meanders, Sep 17, 2004.

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  1. Nawara-Ven

    Nawara-Ven Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 19, 2004
    we've all seen 'darth tater', right?
  2. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    I have....very cute...
  3. TK1571

    TK1571 Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 10, 2003
    Hope they bring out a Stormie version as well..... so getting that one ;)
  4. Nawara-Ven

    Nawara-Ven Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 19, 2004
    how about the Wookie Water Blaster???? :p

    I kid you not. There is one. Go look on the Hasbro site. Verrrry interesting indeed. Strange, but true.


    And now.....

    I must study.

    When will I ever get to sleep?????? :)
  5. Darth_Meanders

    Darth_Meanders Jedi Master star 5

    May 23, 2004
    Well if anything is going to instill fear and trembling into the galaxy its Darth Tater. So what's that make Luke and Leia - Tater Tots?
  6. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005
    When you guys talk about Insider, I assume you are talking about the SW magazine???

    I remember a long time ago hearing about it coming out in Oz, but never ended up getting any.

    What's it like???

    For the record I am a big collector of the Novels, anyone wanna talk about them???
  7. evil-incarnate

    evil-incarnate Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jun 30, 2004
    1. Yes, the insider refers to the mag.
    2. Yes, its available at either Tony's(adelaide comic centre)or Borders.
    Tony's cheaper.
    3. Ok, what do you want to know about the novels ?
  8. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    Like you Emm Dee I have all the novels and so does evil, DJ and TK :) I believe Motherly Princess is working her way through them as is Kooky. So, lots of readers here!! Go teh EU!!!
  9. evil-incarnate

    evil-incarnate Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jun 30, 2004
    The comics are the best source for filling in the gaps between eps.II & III.
  10. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005
    hmmm...I'll have to get me one of those mags.

    Cool I figured most of you guys would be into the novels. I've been collecting them for a few years, but have beeen a bit out of touch lately. To but it bluntly I only just got the first book of the NJO, and frankly woudn't be reading it for a while, cuz of a million other things.
    However I am just about to start the third book of the Jedi Academy, which has been one of my fav so far. I have also read and X-wings, Thrawn, Han Solo, Bakura, Shadow Hunter, and more...

    Who do you guys think have the best range???

    I reck Borders and Dymock in the Mall. Plus there is a sweet second store on Peel st. off Hindley.

    Anyone got into the Clone War Novels yet? Anygood?
  11. evil-incarnate

    evil-incarnate Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jun 30, 2004
    Every novel seems to centre on 1 character only.
    Need more blanketing of events & characters.
    Most of these novels are too vague.
    A good read, but factually skinny to the whole storyline.
  12. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005

    You mean for example:

    Dark Rondenzuos = Yoda
    Shatter Point = Mace Windu
    Jedi Trail = Ankin

    What your opinion of the NJO* Series

    *No Spoilers Please :)
  13. evil-incarnate

    evil-incarnate Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jun 30, 2004
    Waaaaayyyy too long.
    Lost interest several times.
  14. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005
    HEY Guys!

    On Twin St.(Off Rundle Mall) there is a very very cool piece on a dumpster. It is Speeder Trooper on his Speeder.

    Next time you all in there check it out.

    Peace Out. MD
  15. MarcusP2

    MarcusP2 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 10, 2004
    I'm into the novels as well (though my collection hardly encompasses them all) and I'd say the NJO was not the best. A few good books interspersed with some poor ones.

    I've just got into the comics and sense a deep pit of money about to come into existence...
  16. Nawara-Ven

    Nawara-Ven Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 19, 2004
    fox has all the novels as well - he even gave me a couple of Michael Stackpole novels that are signed for one christmas!! He's just gotten into listening to the audio books and has given me copies, when I find time to listen to them is another thing altogether!! I enjoy reading the novels, although I don't have an extensive collection - I just borrow from fox!! :D

    So yeah, more of us than was mentioned read the books, but as you would know M-D, Uni gets in the way a lot of reading these days...I usually use the holidays to catch up, but this semester break...well...studying during it didn't help!

    BTW - where did you think I got the nickname Winter from? And Nawara-Ven!! :D
  17. DarkDisciple

    DarkDisciple Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 20, 2005
    Just curious, what exactly are all of us into i know we have some people into costuming and some that arent. Whats sort of things do you guys like collecting??? eg. Novels, collectables, figurines, R.P.G's ????
  18. Darth_Meanders

    Darth_Meanders Jedi Master star 5

    May 23, 2004
    Did M-D just say he* hangs around dumpsters? :D

    My collecting has been tempered over the years, but I still keep up with the comics and some figures specialising mainly on one character. I'm sure you can guess who it is and I sense my wallet taking a beating this year :(

    * I'm using this in a gender inclusive manner since his profile page is giving nothing away ;)
  19. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005
    mmmm.... Dumpster.
  20. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005
    SOOO... Like Vader eh?
    **looks around awkwardly, seems concerned and have seen all that Vader stuff in one spot**
  21. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005

    I'd love to get into the comics but won't know were to start, been scoping all the places in the city out, and I like the look of that new Obession 5 part series, but can I still get number one of that series?

    If anyones feels like giving me a brief histroy and/or guide, please feel free!

  22. Darth_Meanders

    Darth_Meanders Jedi Master star 5

    May 23, 2004

    Just quickly, you can check out to find out what's what.

    Number one of Obsession might be still available - check Adelaide comics (in the Mansions arcade off Pulteney St). Most of the single issue comics eventually appear in a collected form as a trade paperback, so that might be your preferred form.

    There are ongoing series "Republic" (filling in between Ep II and III) and "Empire" (post Ep IV) at the moment. Most of these are either one-shot stories or over two or three issues, so you can come in at any point.

    There is also Star Wars Tales which comes out every three months as a collection of individual stories.

    What is currently on my wish-list is Star Wars - Panel to Panel

  23. oz_skipp

    oz_skipp Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 20, 2004
    Star Wars videogames. From the Atari 2600 to the XBox/Gamecube/PS2. I have heaps. Have played through many of them too, although I recently lost interest with Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast. The former because I've reached an area that I have no idea what to do in and the latter because....well, I just started to play a bunch of other non SW games *shrug*.

    But yeah, must get back to them. I have about 10 games on the go at the moment and I bet it'll be next time on holidays that I have a chance to get into them again...
  24. evil-incarnate

    evil-incarnate Jedi Youngling star 7

    Jun 30, 2004
  25. Emm_Dee

    Emm_Dee Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2005
    Cheers Meanders.

    I'll get stuck into, and my wallett. I saw Jedi Tales the SITH WAR on TPB, as I am almost finished the Jedi Academy Books I think it will go down a treat...

    Peace :) MD
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