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ST Daisy Ridley (Rey) in Episode IX

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by sheri1967, Dec 12, 2017.

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  1. Jazz9276

    Jazz9276 Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 19, 2016
    @RandomGreyJ Agreed. Daisy tried backtracking her comments not to sound so final but I think she’s over it all. I can’t blame her. I’m sure plenty of good has come from this experience but she’s talked openly about the bad too.

    I firmly believe they’ll kill Rey off before they do Kylo.
    BalanceOfTheForce and wobbits like this.
  2. cut-of-space

    cut-of-space Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 29, 2017
    Uhh... I really hope you're wrong about the last part. I will be crushed if Rey dies, she's the character I relate to most in the entire SW universe. I know she's just one character in the grand scheme of things. But without her... I feel like there will truly be nothing left for me. It would be totally senseless. So many young women see themselves in Rey, why would Disney hurt us like that? What would be the point exactly?
    Miotas likes this.
  3. RandomGreyJ

    RandomGreyJ Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 14, 2016
    "I just didn't think she fit in the story anymore." ~ Rian Johnson

    @cut-of-space I'd be pretty bummed if they killed her off too soon, as well. But I wouldn't count on Disney to treat a character well just because certain audiences identify with them. Look at Finn for example. And for other audiences, Luke and Poe.
    But definitely Finn.
  4. Jazz9276

    Jazz9276 Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 19, 2016
    “I didn’t want to write it. The emotional payoff wasn’t right for this character.” ~ Rian Johnson

    Genius yeah?

    @cut-of-space KK said she’s sat down with the story group to map out stories for Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB8 for the next 10 years. That should be reassuring but until they show Rey as the main character, get serious about her development and POV, I’ll assume she’s expendable like the others not named Kylo.
    Ren Kylo and wobbits like this.
  5. Yora

    Yora Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 17, 2016
    I except Rey to be more wise and less naive in EP IX. Her character already grew a lot in TLJ. She admitted herself the truth about her parents. She left her past finally behind and above all, she accepted that she was what the Resistance needed all along (Not Luke, Not Kylo).
    Even if JJ Abrams is directing the movie, it's evident that she's no longer the Rey from TFA and will never be this girl again. TFA was about childhood while TLJ was about adolescence. Logically EP IX is going to be about adulthood, so can't wait to finally met a fully adult women in the next movie.
  6. Aetius888

    Aetius888 Jedi Master star 2

    May 23, 2005
    Maybe they should write a story for Rey for the next two years. Since apparently they forgot about half of it this time.
    mlsw likes this.
  7. Demsa Aztor

    Demsa Aztor Jedi Master star 4

    May 29, 2016
    Haven't really said much about Rey who I really like, but felt disappointed that she wasn't stronger. I see that it's part of her progression into adulthood, but I thought I would see more of that strength here. A woman that doesn't fall for men like Kylo. Kinda rolled my eyes during those scenes thinking, you could have come up with something better than this. Hopefully, Rey will be a much stronger character in Nine. I can see why Daisy also had her reservations about the script in 8.
    Maylander, Miotas, CairnsTony and 4 others like this.
  8. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Couldn’t agree more. I couldn’t even buy into her being 19 as a reason even though it is normal for 19-year-olds to make terrible relationship decisions.
    CairnsTony and Demsa Aztor like this.
  9. hermiona52

    hermiona52 Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 20, 2017
    The way I see TLJ is that Rey wasn't really tempted by the Dark Side, mostly because it couldn't offer her anything that she would truly need. But it doesn't mean she is completely immune to it and she does have a big weakness... Finn. Remember, big part of her character is that she quickly develops attachments. She didn't know Finn very long in TFA, but when he left her on Takodana it hurt her so much it triggered her memory of being abandoned by her parents (or more like, she heard cries of younger herself). When she saw Finn on Starkiller base, it was the first time ANYONE came back to her, for her. When she hugs Finn in the end of TLJ, she has a look of complete belonging, she is finally home.
    So Finn is her "weakness" and the Dark Side might prey on it. If she would be in a very clear situation, where it is either her falling to the Dark Side or Finn's death... she would be in a real trouble. When I think about it, I'm not sure which way she would go. And I think it would be the biggest challenge for Rey in not only Episode IX, but in the entire trilogy.
  10. Yora

    Yora Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 17, 2016
    Hmm, in my opinion, we are too late in the trilogy to see Rey falling to the Dark Side or even being tempted. TLJ was the middle chapter and the perfect occasion to do so, but that idea was definitely throw out of the window when Rey refused Kylo's offer. TLJ is already the movie supposed to challenge Rey and challenged she was with her painful past and her weird connection with Kylo.
    Rey experienced her biggest "dilemma" in this trilogy with Kylo's offer. In the end, she chose her friend Finn, the Resistance and the Light. Her choice is definitely made. TLJ was Rey's lower point in the trilogy where all her doubts and failures were explored. I admit that it wasn't very convincing (not once, we were aimed to believe that Rey was really going to choose the dark side) but still they can't repeat the same trope in episode IX.

    Also and more importantly, Finn deserves way better than being only a cheap plot device in Rey's storyline. It will be unfair for him to be killed or put in a coma during half of the movie à la Leia in TLJ, just because we need to see Rey being "tempted" while the spectators know perfectly that since she is our main heroine, there is no way in hell that she will stay evil at the end of the trilogy.

    This type of storyline is only effective when addressed in multiples movies (Example: Captain America vs Iron Man because of Bucky Barnes in the MCU). For the idea to work, EP VIII needed to plant the seeds and make Rey fall to the dark side while EP IX would have been her return to the light.
  11. Ben-Solo

    Ben-Solo Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 19, 2017
    Rey is at a crossroads, one which with her decsions will ultimately effect the outcome of the galaxy and the survival of the Resistance. She has a close inner circle it's time she leans on Finn, Poe and Rose, taking that step forward away from Ben Solo and towards her destiny.
    Miotas and Jazz9276 like this.
  12. CairnsTony

    CairnsTony Force Ghost star 5

    May 7, 2014
    WTF... I'm a bit out of the loop here, but did he actually say those things?!
  13. skybender

    skybender Jedi Knight star 2

    Apr 28, 2017
    He said similar statements, yes. The first one I think was about Lando? He said he couldn't fit him into the story. The second one was about her parentage. He basically said that the emotional payoff wasn't right for her to be a Skywalker so she had to be random.
  14. Jazz9276

    Jazz9276 Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 19, 2016
    Basically, but it was for Finn and not Rey. We just plug it in for all the characters except his favorite. It’s about a deleted scene. The link takes you to his thread and where it was originally posted.
    Miotas, Ren Kylo, wobbits and 2 others like this.
  15. The Regular Mustache

    The Regular Mustache Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    Prediction! Kylo and Rey dual. Kylo has the upper hand and tells her, "I told you the light wasn't inside me anymore!" Then Rey says, "then let me return it to you" and plunges her lightsaber into his chest.
  16. Gamma626

    Gamma626 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 6, 2014
    There's no way they end this with a dual. She could have already killed him when he was zonked out on the supremacy. That'd be incredibly dumb.
    RiddleMeThis and Yora like this.
  17. The Regular Mustache

    The Regular Mustache Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    I appreciate the positive feedback! Thanks!:D
    Varouneire likes this.
  18. Blastaar

    Blastaar Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 25, 2015
    Am I crazy? Or did rey and poe's intro underline finn and his obsession with rey. I know people think that sparks flew, but when poe said "I know" and they both smile at each other, I thought he was referencing the fact that he knows who rey is because she's all finn ever talks about.
    Eeyore freak likes this.
  19. NileQT87

    NileQT87 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 21, 2002
    More like underlining that Poe is one of the more Han-like characters in the film because of the vibe he gives off. Oscar Isaac knew exactly where "I know." came from and brought it up with the director. Carrie Fisher said the same. I think Carrie would know.

    It has nothing to do with the comedic sidekick who got friendzoned and then a new girlfriend. He's just not leading man material. Rose was obviously written and cast to fit someone who matches him better romantically.

    And it's not race. Billy Dee Williams was the epitome of the smooth leading man type in his day. Lando was written as an entirely race-irrelevant character cast with someone who fit the part with a specific personality. Lando's entire betrayal at Cloud City hinged on how charming Billy Dee was in order to make it shocking (he also got a redemption with an understandable motive of keeping his citizens safe). By comparison, John Boyega comes across a bit young and goofy and was cast accordingly.

    He was never going to be the leading romantic figure in a film where he's surrounded by Harrison Ford, Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac. It's tough to cast around Harrison to start with, because his leading man charisma is almost overwhelming with most young actors (huge problem in many movies where he overshadows the young talent). Julliard-trained Marine Adam Driver is one of the few actors to really pull off playing his son, not look like a wimp and act with the same level of old-fashioned dramatic intensity. I'm terrified for the Solo anthology film for that very reason.

    Rey is a serious dramatic character who deserves epic, mythic drama in her storyline. Rey and Kylo are just on a completely different level, drama-wise. She's very much like a character from a classic fairy tale. Ben Solo/Kylo Ren is, as well.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
    BrehaSolo and Aetius888 like this.
  20. cerealbox

    cerealbox Force Ghost star 6

    May 5, 2016
    Nah. It's cuz Poe saw her in the map room in TFA. And then he and the Resistance waved goodbye to the Falcon in TFA.

    That was before Finn woke up. You also have to consider BB-8 told Poe about Rey, not just Finn.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  21. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    Not to mention Finn now has other interests to take care about. Which is fine, at least this Rose girl does not friendzone him and kisses him where it proceeds.
  22. Blastaar

    Blastaar Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 25, 2015

    Basically finn only likes rose now, because rose likes him. Yeah....we're CW now.
    This article sums up nearly everything about rey pretty well. It also talks about finn, poe, and rose. Rey is towards the middle I think.

    If you're a reylo shipper, this article will likely trigger you so read at your own risk.
  23. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    Well, going very briefly through the article, I can already say it is not for my taste. Certanly I can't buy someone who does believe this film endorses sexism and racism. I like grown up debate, which IMO includes being able to say "I dislike this film" without having to say the writting sucks, LFL has a secret plan to undermine Finn because he is black, or that KK endorses misoginy with Rey. To me this kind of publications only show how childlish some fans are, how attached to certain headcanons, and how radical they have become in their views and critiques when those headcanons are not met.

    I am no Reylo shipper, I do believe I can clearly say I have no horse on this race. I like Kylo Ren as a character but I am not igniting a candle each night for him to have more "intimacy" with Rey in IX, because I like him as a villain. I have little interest in Adam Driver besides him being a talented actor.

    And I can say TLJ left certain things vague, but others were quite explicit. And Finn and Rose sharing a kiss (the first real kiss in the ST), plus him taking care of her at the end of the film while Poe and Rey share smiles IMO hints at where this is all going to.
  24. Blastaar

    Blastaar Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 25, 2015
    I agree with nearly every point made in the article.
  25. Darth_Bertie

    Darth_Bertie Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 30, 2014
    Well, to each his own. Now, without trying to sound offensive, doesn't a great part of you current distaste for the ST have to do with Finn not being as important as you wanted? Cause, in the same way, I would bet a good gin tonic the author of the article wanted certain things to happen. Which clearly did not.
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