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Saga *DarkFire- Shadowflame's Poems*

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Rilwen_Shadowflame, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    This is my little spot to show people my poems. Since you are reading this, you are looking at it -Captain Obvious moment...sorry :p - Shall we get on with it? *ignores anyone saying 'no'*
    First up....One I wrote in honour of Anakin/Darth Vader.

    Beneath The Mask
    Beneath the mask, a dying heart
    Encased in steely hate
    Contains one spark of shining light
    Will freedom be its fate?
    The deepest truths are bittersweet
    Be brave and strong, don't hide
    Take off the mask that weighs you down
    To see the one inside.
    The darkness is forgiven
    The spirit now takes flight
    And Anakin now once again
    Stands proudly in the light.
    Kahara likes this.
  2. ShadowSoldier6x6

    ShadowSoldier6x6 Jedi Youngling

    Jun 10, 2005
    the insight into the true underlying identity of anakin is deep and powerful.. i love it
  3. doc4converse

    doc4converse Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 8, 2005
    I love it, too.
  4. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    Next up, a Sithly sorta poem....Come to think of it, most of them are Sithly...Ah, well. Thats fun. [face_devil]

    Die Tonight
    My hatred is my strength
    My anger is my power
    Your fear is your weakness
    And my advantage.
    Run and hide
    Or stay and fight
    The choice is yours
    Will you die tonight?
    Kahara likes this.
  5. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    Another one:

    Turning From Light
    My blade is burning, blood-red flame,
    Your heart is turning, in shadows and shame,
    Turning from light, and a Jedi's code,
    Towards my own, much darker road,
    Follow me within this hour,
    Taste for yourself the Dark Side's power,
    Don't dare refuse, my proud Jedi,
    You'll join the Sith, or you will die.
  6. DarthUncle

    DarthUncle Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 20, 2005
    I like them, especially Die tonight.
    (and I actively dislike the OPPM, it should do just that, or preferably this afternoon!)
  7. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    Hidden Sith
    They came from shadows, turned to myth,
    The Jedi forgot the hidden Sith,
    Blood-red blades in black midnight,
    Striking in darkness, feeding on fright,
    Powerful hunters, cloaked in hate
    Only seen when it's far too late,
    Eternally enemies of the light,
    Caring not for wrong and right,
    They came from shadows, turned to myth,
    And avenged again are the ancient Sith.

    DarthUncle, Doc4Converse, and ShadowSoldier6x6; Thanks. :)
    Next, is one inspired by one particular person on these boards- if he dislikes it, he can PM me, and I will remove it. :)

    Izlos Kun
    In Jedi circles, naming one
    Brings heavy dread- Izlos Kun.
    They once believed he could be tamed
    But all such efforts were in vain.
    To gain a power long denied
    He soon gave in to his darker side.
    His new, Sith name, like an icy breath
    Chilled Jedi hearts like the touch of death.
    Beware, young Jedi; flee him, shun
    The man whose name was Izlos Kun.
  8. dragonsith13

    dragonsith13 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 3, 2005
    Very well done apprentice! If you would please post some of it on our trials site!
  9. ZekksGoddess

    ZekksGoddess Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 2, 2004
    Wow, you have an astounding talent for poetry. I particularly like Beneath the Mask, but they're all very moving and deep.

    Bravo!! =D=
  10. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    Dragonsith13, ZekksGoddess:Thanks. :)

    Ok, I've already done one Anakin/Darth Vader one, but I believe there is room for another. ;)

    Vader's Choice
    I heard it in the morning,
    I heard it in the night,
    I heard the Dark Side calling,
    Luring me from the light.
    A chill wind whispered in my heart,
    That terrible voice would play its part.
    From deepest dream I have awoken,
    To scream again, I won't be broken.
    Trapped within my darkest fears,
    Doomed to shed these bitter tears.
    All to gain, yet all to lose,
    It calls again and I must choose.
    For the last time ever, I face the light,
    Then turn away, to embrace the night.
    The voice is real, it's no nightmare,
    It speaks again; "Rise, Lord Vader."
  11. Darth-Vassago

    Darth-Vassago Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2004
    Excellent job on these poem, Rilwen. Really, very nice. You have much talent. :)

  12. americantragedy

    americantragedy Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 6, 2005
    Ahh. I love a good poem. excellent Job Shadowflame. I hope there's more soon!
  13. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    Darth-Vassago, americantragedy:Thanks. :)
    Ok, two more poems, both made for users on tf.n. The first is a gift for a Sith Lord I know. Enjoy.

    Darth Dispicable
    Well-nigh undefeatable
    Is the Gen'Dai Darth Dispicable.
    With knowledge of the Dark Side's path
    He has earned the right to the title 'Darth'.
    Yet to make their names, some poor fools,
    Challenge him to useless duels,
    Though those who seek to make his doom,
    Shall swiftly hear a calling tomb.
    In full respect, a truth is this,
    To simply name him 'a true Sith'.

    Ok, this next one is for someone on the boards, who, I think, knows who he is ans why I wrote it. Anyways, its for a very cool master. ;)

    The Dragon's Shadow
    I walk in the shadow of a Dragon's wings,
    As he teaches me how to fly,
    For I will learn a thousand things,
    Before we say goodbye.

    I walk in the shadow of a Dragon's wings,
    In the Temple of the Sith,
    For I have sworn my loyalty,
    To my Master, Draconis.

    I walk in the shadows of a Dragon's wings,
    I follow where he flies,
    And thus this Sith Apprentice,
    Thanks a Master of the skies.
    Mikaboshi likes this.
  14. darth_nemisis

    darth_nemisis Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 15, 2004
    These are....amazing! =D= I like them a lot! Keep it up!

  15. Darth-Vassago

    Darth-Vassago Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2004
    I am throughly impressed. Your poems are very well done, Rilwen. Keep up the great work. :)

  16. Siaynoqsbride

    Siaynoqsbride Jedi Master star 4

    May 17, 2005
    Great job on these! =D= More!
  17. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    I did not know that you wrote, your stuff is really good (way better than anything I would ever dream of being able to do :p). Thank you very much for that poem you wrote about my RP character, I am very honored by it. [face_blush]

  18. dragonsith13

    dragonsith13 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 3, 2005
    Yes, you have a very good talent here!!! KEep it up!
  19. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    :D Thanks everyone for the kind words.
    Next up, another little giftie. :p This one's for....well, you'll see. ;)
    Darth Nemisis
    Within the temple of the Sith,
    Stands one-by name, Darth Nemisis,
    A mighty Sith Lord cold and cruel,
    Nigh unmatched in any duel.

    Trading jokes or funny rumours,
    We bow before his sense of humour,
    Possessed of such malicious glee,
    His sense of humour's as evil as he.

    Hot of temper, cold of heart,
    Seeming forged by some dark art,
    A demon from a dark abyss,
    Who bears the name Darth Nemisis.
    Mikaboshi likes this.
  20. darth_nemisis

    darth_nemisis Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 15, 2004
    Awesome! [face_devil] Great job! :D
    Mikaboshi likes this.
  21. _Jedi_of_Destiny_

    _Jedi_of_Destiny_ Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 17, 2003
    :eek: Wow. All these poems are great! I'm a big poetry fan and my humble attempts pale in comparison to these. You've got talent, ShadowFlame. :)

    My favorite one so far is the first one but they're all really good.

    Keep it up. :)

    MAGAX_DESTROYER Jedi Youngling star 4

    Mar 4, 2005
    Awesome my friend, keep it up! =D=

    I'll start mine later days.

  23. padawanlissa

    padawanlissa Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2005
    =D= Very good! I can't write poems at all:(
  24. Rilwen_Shadowflame

    Rilwen_Shadowflame Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 27, 2005
    Thanks guys. :)
    Ok, I decided to try something a little different- a trio of linked haikus.
    Blade of shining light
    Ozone tang fills the air
    Saber ignited.

    Jedi Blade
    Defending justice
    War weapon in peaceful hands
    Shadows flee the light.

    Sith Saber
    Vengeful bloodshine blade
    Weapon wielded in hatred
    Saber sings of death.
  25. Darth-Vassago

    Darth-Vassago Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2004
    Very good. A uniqe new style, and it looks like it worked very well. Keep up the good work.
