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Saga December News Stories Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by GeneralKenobi7, Dec 3, 2009.

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  1. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    Welcome to the December 2009 New Stories Index for the Saga Board!

    This Index will be updated daily (or so...:p ) with new fanfiction stories from this board, so you can spend less time searching and more time reading these great fics.I will try to locate new stories every day, but you're welcome to send me the info for your fic through PM. If I've missed your story, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me.


    Please put the following information in the first post of your fic to make the whole thing easier for me:



    Below is a list of common terms and abbreviations used in this forum that will be helpful for readers searching this index using the find functions in their browsers:

    EU - Expanded Universe (all of the books)
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story, especially a single scene
    humor - lots of silliness
    angst - anguish, torment, fear, anxiety
    crossover or x-over - mixing Star Wars with another movie, tv series or book
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song


    If you have any other questions concerning the fan fiction boards in general, you can contact any of our lovely moderators:

    Jedi Trace




  2. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for December 1

    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 2[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Star Wars: Descendants of the Force[/link]
    Author: TrainDozer
    Characters: OCs


    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 3[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Last Stand at Fortress Zulu[/link]
    Author: thorn058
    Genre: action, clones, magnificent valor
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Main Characters: Complete OC's just clones and none that are memorable save for this story
    Summary: This is a one shot story that I might submit for a challenge. i had intended o write it as one long unbroken tale but as I am equally excited to post it and too tired to type more I will post what I have which is a good stopping point and will finish it soon. Feel free to say what ever kind of concrit pops into your head.


    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 4[/color][/hl]
  3. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
  4. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 6

    Title: High Hopes
    Characters: Commander Cody
    Genre: War, Angst, Tragedy, General
    Ratings & Warnings: PG-14 Dark themes/War/Suicide
    Beta: A huge thank you to Cariel for beta reading this for me!
    Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it.
    Author's notes: This tale is not entirely accurate to canon and does bear influence from the novels.

    Title: The Way of the Sith Part One: The Phantom Menace
    Author: spycoder9
    Timeframes: 32 BBY
    Genre: Action/Adventure, drama, humour, angst,
    Keywords: Sith, Jedi Order
    Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-wan Kenobi, Siri Tachi, Count Dooku, Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious, Anakin Skywalker, (OC) Analla Kraia,
    Summary: Qui-Gon Jinn survives his almost death by murdering Darth Maul, but that increases his wonder about the Sith. He knights Obi-wan and does not take Anakin on as apprentice. While he leaves to discover the Sith, his former master Dooku has his own plan, a plan that involves ruling the galaxy.
    Disclaimer: I don?t own Star Wars ? it belongs to George Lucas. This is just fanfiction.
    Notes: This was not my idea, but a plot bunny I took, and I thank the person who gave it to me. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!

  5. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 7

    Title:A Shimmer of Hope
    Author: KnightFr0mOssus
    Genre: Memoir, Drama, Action
    Era: The Dark Times

    Title: Edge Of The Facade
    Author: madman007
    Setting: Around 21 BBY on the planet Ryloth
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. Plus an OC bartender.
    Summary: How far can Anakin and Padmé go to keep their marriage a secret?
    Notes: Part of the Movie Quote Roulette: My quote was:
    "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."
    Casablanca, 1942

  6. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 8

    Title: Wearing the inside out
    Author: BloodRaven77
    Characters: Padmé Amidala Rush Clovis
    Genre: friendship, one-sided romance,
    Ratings & Warnings: Mild PG
    Beta: A huge thank you to Cariel for beta reading this for me! *glomps*
    Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it.
    Author's notes: The title comes from the Pink Floyd song by the same name.

    None for [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 9[/color][/hl]
  7. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 10

    Title: Theta Squad
    Author(s): Ethaniel
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Kronos(OC) Victus(OC) Lex(OC) Red(OC)
    Genre: Action/ Squad Story
    Keywords: Squad Flick/ CW/ OC
    Summary:Theta Squad is a brand new Commando Squad for the republic yet few know the exsist.
    Under the leader ship of RC-023 also known s Kronos how long will they last
  8. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 11

    Title: Remembering, Fondly
    Author: PadawanEstel
    Timeframe: Ben Kenobi's Exile
    Characters: Kenobi
    Notes: I wrote something involving Anakin?? In which I don't entirely hate him?? Wait...I wrote something?! It's the middle of finals, what am I doing?
    Anyway. Can't promise I'll stay, but it's good to be back.

    Title: Comfort in Close Quarters
    Characters: Luke, Mara, Bant (briefly), others mentioned
    Timeframe: 2ABY, Massive AU
    Summary: A mission gone wrong leads to two young Jedi Knights meeting for the first time.

    Your fic-gift is for: mavjade (I had to include myself or we would have had an odd amount of people )

    Their Request is:
    I would like a story in Saga or Beyond with:
    1. an Alternate Universe story of Luke and Mara meeting
    2. hurt/comfort
    3. preferably Luke being the one who gets hurt

    I don't want: character death

    Characters: Luke, Mara and anyone else you would like to include
  9. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 12

    Title: Hot and cold
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: 27 BBY
    Characters: Yoda, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Siri, Ferus
    Genre: humor adventure PT challenge
    Summary: a trainingtrip to Rangoon and a snowstorm creating trouble for Anakin and the others but not that much.

    Title: A droid, a spider and a pea. Fic-gift for The Musical Jedi
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: Anakin is 10
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Dexter Jettster, Yoda
    Genre: vignette, humor
    Summary: a wild ride from Dexter?s by Anakin and a lecture by Obi-Wan.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by G.L.

    My fic-gift is for: The Musical Jedi
    Their Request is:
    Could be in BEFORE or SAGA
    1. A narrowly averted distaster
    2. A homecoming
    3. A revelation from one character to another
    I do not want: Siri or an unhappy ending.

    Title: Web of Deception
    Author: TheNewEmpire
    INFO: Ok, this may prove controversial but its something i've been playing with for a long time and I kind of like the idea.
    If it doesn't prove popular here then I won't continue. I have the entire story mapped out with two decades worth of plot developments and movie tie-in moments. Most importantly, nothing I have written will contradict cannon. If enough people ike it then I will post a second issue in December 2010.
    /For a while I was using an invented character to fill the part and then i found a senator from the prequels with a totally blank slate.

    Title: One Night Only
    Summary: Written for the PT Challenge. Anakin and Padme share a stolen moment together early in their marriage.
    Notes: Based between AotC and RotS.
    Author: Sara Kenobi

  10. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 13

    Title: The Art of Evasion
    Author: GeneralKenobi7
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan, OC
    Timeframe: somewhere between TPM and AotC
    Notes: Written for the PT Write/Rewrite Challenge

    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 14[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Every time We Touch[/link]
    Author: Jade_Max
    Characters: Barriss Offee, Anakin Skywalker
    Genre: Romance (Monday Mush Mania fic!)
    Era: Post Tragedy on the Landing Pad - post AotC AU, six months pre RotS
    Summary: Anakin's Knighting
    Notes: Inspired by the song "Every Time We Touch" which belong to Cascada and is her property. The partial lyrics used here at the beginning of the story are used without permission and are in italics.

    Title: [link=]Passing On Knowledge
    Author: JediXManSerenaKenobi
    A/N: This is a Holiday/Christmas fic-gift for Alley_Skywalker. I really enjoyed writing it because I hardly write about the bond between Anakin and Obi-Wan in a master-padawan relationship, particularly when Anakin's a child. Mostly when I write about their bond, it's a brotherhood bond - not a teacher/student or father/son bond. So I really loved writing this.

  11. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 15

    Title: Past Mistakes
    Author: GeneralKenobi7
    Notes: Your fic-gift is for: madman007

    Their Request is:
    I would like a story in The Saga, canon or AU, featuring:
    1. someone regrets a past mistake that has finally caught up to them
    2. there has to be a chase scene - you choose what kind (exp, landspeeder, starship, on foot, other)
    3. someone gives good advice

    Characters: Obi Wan, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu

    I don't want Anakin whining about his mother or how great and powerful he wants to be. In other words, a mature Anakin Skywalker. Good luck!

    Title:In the Garden
    Author: VaderLVR64
    Characters: Jobal and Padmé Naberrie
    Summary: Sometimes a mother just knows.

    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 16[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Attack of the Clones Humorous Version CONTINUED Continued [/link]
    Author: study3600


    None for [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 17[/color][/hl]
  12. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    November 18

    Title:Through a Dark Glass
    Summary: An Obidala AU that takes a dark ending for Obi-Wan and Padme. One-shot.
    Author: Sara Kenobi

    Title: Home
    Author: Takianna
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano
    Genre: Fluff
    Notes: Two people find comfort knowing they are home.

    Title: Retribution
    Author: Jainasolorocks
    Notes: An Alternate Version of 'The Force Unleashed'
  13. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    November 19

    Title: Torn
    Author: LuminaraFan4Evr
    Notes: Padawan/Master fanfic

  14. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    November 20

    Title: Motherly Love
    Author(s): spycoder9
    Timeframe: days after ROTS
    Characters: Padme Amidala, Luke Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi, Bail Organa, Leia Organa, Yoda, and many more
    Genre: Action
    Keywords: Padme, alive, thoughts
    Summary: Padme Amidala has survived, only by being stuffed in carbonite secretly by the doctors. Days after her supposed ?death?, the doctors called Obi-wan back, and told him of Padme?s recovery. The rest from there, is going to be a surprise!
    Notes: This has been done MANY times before, I know, but like I mention below, I want to add my special mark to this on, so everyone will remember it.

    Title:The Love of a Brother
    Author: dancing star
    Characters: Han, Luke, (Leia and others later on)
    Timeframe: ESB
    Summary: Short story. Focuses on the evolving friendship between Han and Luke during perhaps what is Han's most selfless sacrifice in the trilogy.
    Notes: There may be a few familiar sentences from an old Hoth fic of mine, but most of it is changed.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars isn't mine. I'm just borrowing some of my favorite characters.

    Title: The Dance
    Author: Kelia
    Characters: Leia, Luke, Han
    Timeframe: Pre ESB
    Genre: Christmas themed mush
    AN: This is my Christmas X-Changed gift to JediXmanSerenaKenobi. She requested:
    Leia, Han and perhaps an appearance by Luke
    *An argument
    *A kiss
    *A dance
    This was a lot of fun to write and, Serena, I hope you enjoy!

  15. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 21

    Title: The Twelve Days of a Fan Christmas
    Author: Lady Misty
    Disclaimer: I don't own either Star Wars or the song The Twelve Days of Christmas
    Notes: I got the idea for this song while listening to the Redneck version so the dialog reflects it.

    Title: Snow Day
    Author: moosemousse
    Timeframe: roughly the same time as TPM
    Characters: Kavra Thane, Keyan D'Shan, Dania Thane
    Genre: mush
    Keywords: mush, snow, Jedi, cute
    Summary: A young family enjoys a nice day in the snow together
    Notes: Keyan D'Shan and Kavra Thane appear in the ongoing fic The Diary of a Jedi Archivist as well as Things Lost and its sequal Things Found. I have pictures of both in my profile.

  16. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 22

    Title: The Best Lifeday Ever
    Author: QueenArdnassak
    Notes: Merry Christmas everyone! This is my first ever Rexoka fic, and I decided to make it a gift-fic for the person who turned me on to Rexoka, KotORBF2Female_Revan.
    For the purposes of this fic, Ahsoka is eighteen.

  17. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 23

    Title: Escapes
    Author: BloodRaven77
    Characters: Chopper and Moteé
    Genre: friendship, war, general
    Ratings & Warnings: PG-14
    Beta: A huge thank you to Cariel for beta reading this for me! *glomps*
    Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it.
    Author's notes: This tale is an AU of an AU and was inspired by a tale I am currently co-authoring with Cariel

    Title: ARC
    Author(s): CT-770492A3
    Timeframe: PT (late Clone Wars)
    Characters: ARC clone trooper (OC), OC droid(s), OC CIS scientists/researchers, OC Jedi
    Genre: Drama, angst (?), some (scattered) humor
    Keywords: clone, ARC, anonymity
    Summary: An ARC trooper infiltrates a Separatist research facility to gather intel and ends up in a bigger pile of osik than expected.
    Notes: First story I?m posting here. Hopefully it?s of decent quality.

    Title: The Strangest Gift of All
    Author: VaderLVR64
    Characters: Corran Horn, OC (Ahsana Horn ? creation of MiralukaJedi)
    Notes: This fic is for MiralukaJedi, who requested:
    Either on the Saga or Beyond the Saga board
    1. The title: 'The Strangest Gift of All'
    2. A strange winter solstice gift is given to someone in a secret santa gift exchange.
    3. A good time is had by all involved
    I do not want: anyone dying.
    Characters: definitely the OC Ahsana Horn, any other characters of your choice

    Title: Rogue Luck
    Author: Idrelle_Miocovani
    Timeframe: pre-ESB
    Genre: Humour
    Characters: Wedge, Wes and Hobbie; appearances by Dak and Luke.
    Summary: The Hoth Rebel base is on lockdown and Wedge is already having a bad day. Consider having prankster Wes Janson in the room, armed with a coin and a deck of cards.
    Notes: This was written for the Holiday fic-gift exchange. This story is for DaenaBenjen42, who asked for:
    I would like a story in Saga featuring:
    1. a coin
    2. an unused deck of cards
    3. conversation
    I do not want: character death
    Characters: Rogue Squadron Pilots

  18. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 24

    Title: Delta Clowns
    Author: Takianna
    Timeframe: End of Clone Wars
    Characters: Walon Vau, OC Child
    Genre: Semi-Humerous
    Notes: Here is the request:
    Their Request is:
    I would like a story in Saga featuring:
    1. Mandos disguised as clowns
    2. humour
    3. explosions
    I do not want: anyone dying
    Characters: Walon Vau

  19. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 25

    Title: Pilgramage
    Author: BloodRaven77
    Beta: A huge thank you to Cariel for cleaning up this tale for me and for ensuring that it did not become the disaster that I feared it would turn into. You freaking rock! Also thanks for the title I had no idea what to call this but this is perfect!
    Rating: PG-13 (violence/war)
    Characters: Asajj Ventress and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Anakin Skywalker and Count Dooku mentioned)
    Summary: The Clone Wars may have taught Asajj Ventress the darkness of battle. But it was an enemy who would teach her that not all the knights of the old legends were gone. That for one warrior, nobility, chivalry and honour are more than just mere words; they are his life.
    Disclaimer: George Lucas and Lucasfilm own Star Wars and all such related. No profit is intended from this fan-generated material.
    Warnings: Violence, torture, undertones of Het!love which may offend some.
    Author?s notes: This was written for Citizenjess as part of the Jedi_mistletoe exchange.

    Title: Untitled?
    Author: mujapple-juicey
    Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars... that's Palpatine's job
    Fic-gift for DarthIshtar
    1. A political argument
    2. Two Jedi
    3. A Fete Week celebration
    Of course... there's more than two Jedi, and I hope that's okay...

    Title: Run
    Author: amidalachick
    Timeframe: Pre-TPM to RotJ
    Notes: I wrote this a while back, recently rediscovered it, and decided I'd share it. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
    Disclaimer: SW belongs to George Lucas. I own nothing and make no money off this.

  20. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 26

    Title: Savages and Fighter Pilots
    Author: DaenaBenjen42
    Characters: Luke Skywalker and Aube Canaille (OC)
    Timeframe: Post-ESB (Breezyverse)
    Disclaimer: Am very happily borrowing.
    Notes: This is a fic-gift for Darth Breezy for the Annual Fic Gift Exchange, who wanted Luke and Aube interacting as friends. I hope I did her justice, Breezy. Enjoy.

    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 27[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Like Snow[/link]
    Author: MsLanna
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, assorted clones
    Notes: Written for the Holiday Fic-Gift Exchange 2009
    The Request was:
    1. A snowball fight
    2. A wampa attack
    3. Hot chocolate
    I do not want: any deaths.
    Characters: Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, and Anakin Skywalker.
    I had to squeeze in one of above, and hope you can forgive me.
    If not, I will have to write a follow-up.

    Title: [link=]Just Friends[/link]
    Author: MsLanna
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Ahsoka, Rex

    Title: [link=]Vote Of No Confidence[/link]
    Author: madman007
    Setting: Two months after Geonosis, at the start of the Clone War
    Characters: Padawan Zett Jukassa, Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander
    Summary: Padawan Zett complains about the discipline of basic military training.
    Your fic-gift is for: VaderLVR64
    Their Request is:
    I guess it will be set in the Saga time period.
    Do Jedi go to boot camp? Okay, we know they train all their lives, but with the Jedi going to war in the Clone Wars, what about military training?? They had to get them squared away before dropping them in the middle of all those clone troops, right?
    1. So, I?d like to read about a Jedi boot camp scenario. It can be funny or serious, whatever your muse dictates.
    2. This can feature canon characters we all know and love (or hate, as the case may be) or original characters.
    3. However, I would like to see at least a cameo appearance by Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you?d like to feature him prominently, then so much the better!
    There?s so much to pull from: bad food, lack of sleep, lack of privacy, military chain of command, battle tactics, military equipment, the military ?culture? and the ever-annoying drill sergeants, or whatever the GFFA equivalent might be.

    Merry Christmas, VaderLVR64! I hope I have portrayed the boot camp experience well. Keep in mind that I have logged exactly zero hours of military time, so all my knowledge of boot camp comes from movies. It may be fitting that I didn't have a military background with this considering the story. Read on and enjoy! Also, there's a small note at the end to avoid spoilers.

  21. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    December 28

    Title: Wedding Anniversary
    Author: RK_Striker_JK_5
    Characters: palpatine/OC, Anakin
    Notes: gift for DarthIshtar

    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 29[/color][/hl]

    Title: [link=]Falling Through Fate: A Story of Leia[/link]
    Genre: a Leia AU
    Author: Jedi_Latin_Student
    Era: between RotS and ANH
    Notes: I wrote this a while back, but never put it up here, I have been editing it recently and thought, why not? I'll put it up and see how it does. this is only the first part. the rest will be up tomorrow, because i am too tired to do it now.
    Summary: Something goes wrong on the way to Alderaan. A young Leia finds herself falling through the hands of fate and into a destiny far different than that of a princess and yet very much the same.

    Title: [link=]Of Madness and Rain
    Author: TheMacUnleashed
    Genres: Friendship
    Notes: Fic-gift for Kelia, who requested a story in the Saga featuring:
    1: A surprise
    2: A mishap
    3: A happy ending.
    I do not want: any sadness

    Title: [link=]Polaroid[/link]
    Author: DarthBreezy
    Characters. Anakin,OCs
    Timeframe: Pre AOTC
    A/N: just a silly little ?snap shot? about some friends?a fic gift for mujapple-juicey

  22. GeneralKenobi7

    GeneralKenobi7 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 18, 2009
    None for December 30

    [hl=sandybrown][color=darkred]December 31[/color][/hl]

    Title:[link=]Kiss Her Once For Me[/link]
    Author: Alexis_Wingstar
    Betas: Jade_Max and Kelia (thanks to you both )
    Characters: Owen, Beru, Cliegg
    Timeframe: Sometime after AoTC
    Note: This was supposed to be for the MMM challenge, but I missed both of the December dates. Here is the challenge though so you know why I quoted some song lyrics LOL: Write a holiday themed vignette in which you use all FOUR of the holiday song lyrics listed below. (You do not need to use the song titles, just the lyrics.)

    "Ho ho ho, who wouldn't go?" from ?Up On the Housetop?

    ?All is calm, all is bright? from ?Silent Night?

    ?Tis the season to be jolly? from ?Deck the Halls?

    ?Kiss her once for me? from ?Holly Jolly Christmas?
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