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Definitive list of all changes ever made to the Classic Trilogy

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Darth-Walken, Feb 13, 2004.

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  1. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    "I want proof, not leads!"

    The grappling hook mystery continues...
  2. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    "I grow tired of asking, so it will be the last time..."

    "Where is the hidden grappling hook footage?"
  3. LouieLouie

    LouieLouie Jedi Youngling

    Apr 5, 2004
    Okay, I just read this whole thread and the one thing it does NOT contain is "a definitive list of all changes" made after 1977 but before the 1997 CGI editions... So I'm going to try to compile one here based on all previous comments (which I'm often quoting directly, so "I" is not necessarily me), and sticking to things which are verifiably part of the 1977 US wide release (and the equivalents for the next two), no missed grappling hooks. Please feel free to correct, amplify, etc.


    20th Century Fox logo varies to match then-current usage in different editions. (Same for the other two movies, I'm sure.)

    Opening Title did not include any of that "Episode IV" bs and the serial-style "crawl" was set somewhat differently ("DEATH STAR" on one line is the easiest way to spot a 1977 version; I believe that would only be visible on bootlegs, not on any legit video release).

    Shelagh Fraser (Aunt Beroo) is apparently dubbed differently at some point. Does anyone know when this occurred? Apparently some of the officers with Cockney accents who weren't dubbed in '77 has been dubbed subsequently as well.

    During the sequence when Luke is scanning Tatooine with his binoculars, after Artoo has gone missing, the sky is a dark blue colour. But in one close up of Luke, the sky is suddenly pink/red In the later releases, this shot was colour corrected, to match the rest of the scene.

    Greedo shoots first (am I correct that there are actually two variations of this? What's the last edition in which Han shoots first?)

    Is there a version where the bloody arm on the cantina floor is less gruesome or gone entirely?

    When the heroes are making their run back to the Falcon, the shots of Han & co ("nows our chance, go!") and C3P0 and R2D2 ("Come on R2, we're going") were swapped. (Which is correct 1977 order?)

    I think they edited out showing a death star officer getting shot in the SE. At least I heard that once. REPLY: They edited out a few frames of the shot "exploding" on his chest for the SE.

    C-3P0 has a famous line about tractor beams which comes and goes. According to one poster: "That "speech" was actually in most video releases, but wasn't in some of the original theatrical prints." (Is that true? Does anyone have more specifics on this, such as what video releases you can hear the line in?)

    "Close the blast doors"-- COMMENT 1: And both, of course, are missing the "Close the blast doors!" dialogue -- that wasn't recorded until 1996, for the Special Editions. REPLY: I don't wanna get too detailed about this, but I believe that "Close the blast doors" has always been there, while "Open the blast doors" has been in a state of flux. REPLY 2: I just watched my CBS/FOX A New Hope, and the "Close the blast doors !" isn't there. It's just the "Open the blast doors !" REPLY 3: Incorrect- "Close the blast doors!" was present on an audio mix from the original theatrical run, primarily for the higher quality theaters... The line *might* have made it into some early video releases, but is for the most part missing in almost all video releases (particularly ones from the late 80's and onward)

    During the Special Edition release of Star Wars at the theaters I remember Red Leader talking to Luke & Biggs about knowing Lukes father. Does anyone else remember that? REPLY: I think that was in one of the orginal versions and replaced in the SE with the Luke talking to Biggs scene about "Just like old times."

    Here's the audio history of ANH in a nutshell, compiled from info in this thread,, and my own speculation:

    - The original theatrical release had a lot of undubbed actors.

    - There were 2 audio mixes for the theatrical release:
    1. A dolby mix that included "Close the blast doors!", C-3PO's tractor beam line, and "He's on your tail!"
    2. A stereo mix that became the standard for the video releases.

    - "Close the blast doors!" somehow made it into some of the early video releases.

    - From 1984 on, C-3PO's tractor beam line was present in the video releases.

    - In 1993 th
  4. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    Is there a version where the bloody arm on the cantina floor is less gruesome or gone entirely?

    Definately in some censored versions, but Lucasfilm has nothing to do with this.
  5. MatthewZ

    MatthewZ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 21, 2003
    If the two audio tracks for that line have both appeared in different releases before the SE, does anyone know if "You were lucky to get out of there" in ESB had been used in a release before 1997?

    I heard the original piece of tape was not salvagable. I'm not sure if the new line appeared in a release before the SE.
  6. Darth-Walken

    Darth-Walken Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2001
    I don't remember "You were lucky to get out of there." being in any of the versions before the Special Editions.
  7. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    From one of the many wonderful links in this thread:

    >>>Also of interest to some may be that the 70mm prints of "The Empire Strikes Back" differed from the 35mm version in that some editing differences, additional shots, alternate takes, and extra dialogue can be detected through a comparison of the two versions.<<<

    You tell me...
  8. Darth-Walken

    Darth-Walken Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2001
    I seem to remember a version, where Luke said something along the lines of "Hey Artoo, you cheeky chappy, you're exceptionally fortunate, that you don't taste like chicken, otherwise that swamp beast might have decided to eat you." [face_laugh]

    I could be wrong though.... my memory isn't what it used to be ! [face_laugh]
  9. Stale_Elvis

    Stale_Elvis Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 5, 2002
    ...its all getting a bit daft now isn't it...

    ...but theres one obvious change that up to now no-one has mentioned...

    ...the LucasFilm logo... remember in the Pre-Special Editions it was simply green text - 'A LUCASFILM PRODUCTION' or something similar, at the end of the 20th Century Fox fanfare...

    ...I wish they'd bring that back, it was really old-school, much better than the new LucasFilm logo. Its too 'bling'...
  10. Darth-Walken

    Darth-Walken Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2001
    That's a good point, Stale.

    That old logo was really simplistic. It always put me in mind of old style, green screen computer writing :)

  11. Stale_Elvis

    Stale_Elvis Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 5, 2002
    ...i think American Zoetrope had the same style text for its intro too...

    ...didn't Lucas create American Zoetrope with FF Copolla???

    ...suppose all the youngsters and people who only seen the SE's wont have seen the original LucasFilm Production text...
  12. squonk

    squonk Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 4, 1999
    There is one format you all have forgotten about. The missing scenes might be on film inside a little camera thingy toy that I think Kenner made. It was blue and came with Big red film cartridges that had little scenes of the movie Star Wars. I am not saying for a fact that these missing scenes are on this toy, but I remember watching the tie fighter attack on the falcon over and over on this thing. I remember you had to point it at the light. What do you think? Can we find out what tapes they made for that thing? Here is a link to one I found on EBAY:
  13. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001

    Ha! notice the little picture in the lower right corner?
  14. Darth-Walken

    Darth-Walken Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2001
    I don't rembember those ! I'm sure that there were different ones here in the UK. I seem to remember the movie viewer being completely red, and looking more like an angular pair of binoculars. I seem to remember the film slides coming on little circular pieces of cardboard :)

  15. MatthewZ

    MatthewZ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 21, 2003
    >>I don't rembember those ! I'm sure that there were different ones here in the UK. I seem to remember the movie viewer being completely red, and looking more like an angular pair of binoculars. I seem to remember the film slides coming on little circular pieces of cardboard

    Yes, we had those here in the states too. Maybe this was and early design for the things. LucasFilm trailblazing again.
  16. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    But that "binocular thing" only showed stills, not a moving picture, right?
  17. Darth-Walken

    Darth-Walken Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2001
    Yes, that's right. It just showed a slide show.

    I don't really remember the movie versions, like the one in that picture.
  18. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    For the visually challenged:

    The picture on the box is a reversed frame from the grappling hook scene...

    of all scenes, they just had to pick that one. :_|

  19. squonk

    squonk Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 4, 1999
    They didn't show just slides, they showed movie clips without sound.
  20. Stale_Elvis

    Stale_Elvis Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 5, 2002
    Plo Kloen... the pic isnt reversed... in the original 1977 version of the film thats the way the scene was shown...

    ...i remember it vividly...
  21. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
  22. Darth_Rush

    Darth_Rush Jedi Youngling

    Apr 7, 2004
    I have a VHS copy of ANH from British TV in 1985.
    Sorry but the grappling hook misfire is not there, but it has the following differences:

    - Different Aunt Beru voice
    - Threepio's original pre-SE tractor beam line intact
    - "Close the blast doors" is also included

    But one difference that hasn't been noted before:

    - The line "Blast it Wedge, where are you?" is used instead of "Blast it Biggs, where are you?"

  23. Plo_Koen

    Plo_Koen Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 23, 2001
    That's very strange, all those things were indeed in the pre-ANH version, but they were (supposedly?) changed in 1981.

    I can't imagine a pre-ANH version being broadcasted in 1985. I assume your version has the "episode IV A NEW HOPE" tag, otherwise you would have mentioned it.

    Very strange indeed...
  24. Handmaiden-

    Handmaiden- Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 30, 2003
    has severe headache
    Oh my gosh, would the real version of A New Hope please stand up?

    On this page alone there are so many alterations/versions that I cannot comprehend the correct order and what was included where. This is a fine mess. Does anyone know exactly how many versions of this film were made? It seems like they varied completely from year to year shown on tv, and depending on what country you lived in.

  25. Handmaiden-

    Handmaiden- Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 30, 2003
    "I grow tired of asking, so it will be the last time..."

    "Where is the hidden grappling hook footage?"

    Peers over Plo's shoulder, staring at A New Hope playing on television.

    "The Ranch. It's at the Ranch."
    (hangs head)

    Plo, I've looked for that second taped copy of ANH and I cannot find it. The copy of ANH that I do have readily available is taped off of USA network in the mid-90's. For certain, this version does not show the 2 grappling hook throws; just the one. But I know I've seen it. Sorry I couldn't help. I think someone needs to ask George what the deal is with this!!
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