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Saga ~Detective Skywalker on the Loose:The Case of the Senator?s Assassin. AotC, a/p~

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by angel_of_the_force, Jul 11, 2005.

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  1. mmfcfa

    mmfcfa Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 2, 2005
    Just discovered your story.

    Utterly inventive!!=D=
    It is so film noir...
    Can't wait for the next update!

  2. TrinityDay

    TrinityDay Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 6, 2000
    So Anakin and Padmé knew each other once upon a time. I think I like this development...
  3. angel_of_the_force

    angel_of_the_force Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 26, 2005
    mmfcfa: i am glad you appreciate it!

    TrinityDay: i wish you were more sure...
  4. angel_of_the_force

    angel_of_the_force Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 26, 2005
    We ran out of that restraunt like we just wanted to disapear into nowhere with eachother. We ran until the restraunt was as far away as a distant memory. When we stopped Padme was holding her hands to her knees panting. I thought we would just walk and laugh some more, but this girl never stopped surprizing me, still doesn't.

    "You were the boy weren't you?" She said, standing up.

    "Why would you think that?" I asked, uneasy.

    "Just a feeling." She said Shaiking her head.

    We kept walking in silence, for a little while. Then another surprise.

    "But it's true, right?" She asked. "I mean, I know you agree."

    "Maybe." I said, gulping.

    "Maybe you agree?" She asked, testing me. "Or maybe it's possible?"

    I didn't say anything.


    "Yeah, I know." I said, quietly.

    She nodded, her head down. After a little more walking our hands met. I don't exactly know when, my concentration wasn't in my hand, or hers.


    "This is my place." She said.

    "What?" I said, probably sounding like a fool. I thought we were just walking, but I guess I was walking her home. "Oh, right."

    "Well, bye." She said.

    "Yeah, bye." I said back.

    "I'll... uhh, see you tommarrow." She said., slowly walking up the steps, until she was gone. It felt odd to me. Incomplete, so much for a first date.
  5. Jadie

    Jadie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 9, 2005
    What a first date! :p [face_laugh]

    Please, longer chapters! ;)
  6. angel_of_the_force

    angel_of_the_force Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 26, 2005
    Jadie: don't worry, from here on out my chapters will be very long, i wrote this one in a hurry.
  7. qtrhrs78

    qtrhrs78 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 1, 2003
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