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Challenge Diary Challenge 2013 question for mini challenge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Diary_Challenge_Sock, Nov 21, 2012.

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  1. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    [face_laugh] Is any of it on Netflix?
  2. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Probably. I know it's on Hulu although I can't watch it because of those geographic restrictions. Also, there is a playlist on YouTube with the entire first season and probably has the others too.
  3. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    NYCitygurl -- DON'T watch Highlander 2.....Ever! It is cursed like that video in the movie The Ring. After watching it you are forever doomed to wander the Earth lamenting, "Why!!!! Why did they screw up my favorite movie!"

    Hazel you must warn people of what evil will befall them if they even watch past the opening credits! The horror!

  4. benknobi1

    benknobi1 Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 12, 2002
    when I had netflix, yes as far as instant streaming goes, it had all the tv shows, not sure about all the movies though
  5. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Yes, it's true! Not even the hardcore fans like that movie and even the PTBs like to pretend it doesn't exist. Proof of that they 'undid' of with the tv series and the third movie. This is why Highlander is THE MOST messed up fandom ever.

    My advise is to stick to the TV series (except for the last season which is very bad) and maybe watch the first movie but keeping in mind that it's not really compatible with the TV series. This because the movie is supposed to be the end of the story, but the series takes place after so it can't be the end. Or in alternative, you can just read my diary - I promise to explain everything you need to know.
    NYCitygurl likes this.
  6. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    I'm going to give it until the middle of January midnight board time.
  7. moosemousse

    moosemousse CR Emeritus: FF-UK South star 6

    Oct 3, 2004
    When's the last date to start by? Cos I've got no ideas at all! :(
  8. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    January 15th (next year that really needs to be put in the rules).
  9. Thumper09

    Thumper09 Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 9, 2001
    I'm giving this a try this year. :) I just posted my first entry and PM'ed the info to the Sock. Hopefully I didn't mess anything up.

    Up in Flames, about young Wedge after his parents' deaths.
  10. Allana_Rey

    Allana_Rey Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 2, 2012
    OK I'm defiantly doing Allana! Will start soon!
  11. Allana_Rey

    Allana_Rey Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 2, 2012
    Posted my first Allana entry!
  12. TrakNar

    TrakNar Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 4, 2011
    The Mists of Bedlam is posted.

    It's a continuation of my old diary, but to avoid confusion, I gave it a new title and its own thread.
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
  14. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
  15. Ceillean

    Ceillean Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 13, 2001
  16. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
  17. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
    Okay, I am certifiably insane. Here is a link to one more diary I just started on a whim: A Muggle in Wonderland, starring Dudley Dursley.
    NYCitygurl likes this.
  18. Volund Starfire

    Volund Starfire Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 5, 2012
    [HALO]Journal of a Spartan has been updated.

    Who exactly am I PMing about this and when will it be updated on the first page?
  19. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Volund Starfire. PM it to the Diary Challenge Sock (they did the first post). They will update the first page at least once a month, so I wouldn't worry about that.
  20. Diary_Challenge_Sock

    Diary_Challenge_Sock Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 23, 2007
    Please remember to pm the sock when you update and please do no post updated links in the thread thanks :)
  21. Volund Starfire

    Volund Starfire Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 5, 2012
    My bad, thanks!
  22. Diary_Challenge_Sock

    Diary_Challenge_Sock Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 23, 2007
    I finally got the index updated

    If I missed anything please let me know :)
  23. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    Let's keep the votes coming :)
  24. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    Er . . . some of the links in the index have {URL} and {/URL} in them.
  25. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Okay, I'll give this challenge a shot once again (it's only been...six years :p):

    The Star and Maiden

    and the PM has been sent.
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