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CT Did Obi Wan burn down the Homestead on Tatooine, killing Luke's Aunt and Uncle?

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by DarthTalonx, Feb 20, 2018.


Did Obi Wan destroy the Homestead to get Luke to join him?

  1. You may be onto something

    8 vote(s)
  2. From my point of view the Jedi are evil

    16 vote(s)
  3. More likely a rogue unit of the Empire

    25 vote(s)
  4. Jabba's people did it

    1 vote(s)
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  1. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Good point. There doesn't seem to be any logic or reasoning for the Empire to have done this.
  2. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    One wonders if Obi Wan did a Palpatine on Luke.

    You will find that the Jedi and Moisture Farmers are almost similar in every way.

    The Jedi use their powers on crazy adventures. They're all about excitement.

    And Moisture farmers don't? That speeder of yours and a joy ride to the Outlands doesn't strike me as a quiet lifestyle. And expensive droids to boot!

    Moisture farmers are selfless. We only farm to feed others.

    Did anyone ever tell you the Tragedy of the Chosen One?


    I thought not. It's not a story the Moisture Farmers would tell you. The Chosen One was Jedi so powerful, that he could fly anything. Fly anywhere. Even away from this forsaken planet. He had such a knowledge of the Force, he could even travel far from the ones he cared about.

    He could actually...leave Tatooine? Well what happened to him?

    He became so powerful. But of course, only thing he was scared of, was losing that power. Which of course he did. Unfortunately, he told his best friend everything he knew. And then his friend cut off his limbs on a molten planet where he would remain forever.... It's ironic. He could fly ships and land others safely. But not himself

    Is it possible to learn this power?

    Not from a Moisture Farmer...

    I think there are some interesting ideas here. Did the Rebels take out the Lars farm? It doesn't make sense that the Empire did this. Or certainly warrants a closer look.

    More going on on Tatooine, than has been revealed.
    Sith Lord 2015 and Darth Caliban like this.
  3. Christus Regnet

    Christus Regnet Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 10, 2016
    Why doesn't the poll include the scenario that the film implies? That's what I assume happened. The Stormies did it. They were following orders. They killed a bunch of Jawas, too. They're not rogue...they're savages.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
    Jade Kenobi and Iron_lord like this.
  4. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    man I'm cynical but I'm not THAT cynical. :p
  5. Christus Regnet

    Christus Regnet Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 10, 2016
    I propose a 5th option. It was murder suicide comitted by Owen. In fact, Owen left a suicide note. It looks like his handwriting.

    Everything appears to be in order. Move along. Move along..
  6. Erkan12

    Erkan12 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
  7. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Or that is what we are made to think. Look at these blast points. Far too accurate for Imperial Stormtroopers. Only Rebel Vanguards are so precise!

    And look at these imprints near the Homestead. TIES land on their wings. Only X-wings have three feet!

    It is possible that the Imperials discovered the illicit dealing activities of the Jawas (they tried to pull a trick on Uncle Owen selling bad droids). Whilst attempting to take said Jawas into custody, Imperial troopers encountered severe resistance, and in the course of defending themselves, several Jawas were killed, including their ringleader. That or the Rebels did it. Who stood to gain from all this. See the Empire's only mission was to recover the droids and take out the Rebels. The Lars/Luke were not Rebels. As far as the Empire were concerned, they were innocent victims of criminal Jawas. You can clearly see the Empire policing Mos Eisley. They stun Princess Leia.

    From my point of view the Rebels are evil!

    I hope it wasn't Obi Wan. But the only thing preventing Luke from leaving was his family. Coincidence? Imperial NCIS needs to take a look at all this. Also who gained? The Empire, or the Rebels? Given the Rebels did, it is possible they made it look like the Empire did it. (Making it look like the Empire in turn were trying to frame the Tuskens).

    Do not underestimate the deviousness of the Rebellion.

    I think there is a Robot Chicken where it's all about some poor taste of joke Owen had.

    Imagine this scene with hologram though, with Lord Vader saying, No leave them be. They're nothing to do with the Rebellion. Can you hear me? The transmission is very weak. I said stop. Come in! Acknowledge my order!

    Or else, the troopers arrived and managed to kill Rebels who were planning to kill the Lars and frame it on the Empire to convince Luke to join them. Owen is being treated by a medical droid who is just off the holocam's projector. Lord Vader is instructing them to render whatever assistance may be needed and to continue following up on the whereabouts of the droids, stolen by the Jawas and possibly in Mos Eisley.

    Then surviving Rebels who had been hiding, killed the troopers, completed their mission.


    There is more to this than meets the eye. Not all is as it seems perhaps?
    christophero30 likes this.
  8. Christus Regnet

    Christus Regnet Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 10, 2016
  9. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    I blame Gaius Baltar.
    BigAl6ft6 and Darth Caliban like this.
  10. Bazinga'd

    Bazinga'd Saga / WNU Manager - Knights of LAJ star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 1, 2012
    Can we get back on the thread topic please.
  11. oldtimefan 2

    oldtimefan 2 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Dec 27, 2017
    Snafu55, Sarge and Christus Regnet like this.
  12. teamhansolo

    teamhansolo Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Obi-Wan would never do that. If he really wanted Luke to come, he could have convinced him. Obi-Wan probably knew Luke wanted to get off planet, so he wouldn't have done anything that drastic. Anyways, wasn't he with Luke the whole time?
  13. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    I have to say I'm impressed that you actually thought about that! It never crossed my mind!! However, I agree with @teamhansolo . (and probably others. I just didn't read the entire thread). Unless Ben did it with the Force or had like timed fire...? How does that work? Besides, don't you think Obi-Wan deals with enough guilt as it is???
    Jade Kenobi and DarthTalonx like this.
  14. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    When you say convinced do you mean...

    Look it's not like I like the Empire. It's just I have a lot going on right now.

    You will join me Luke and learn the ways of the Force (waves hand). You must do what you feel is right of course.

    I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my Father.

    I also don't think Obi Wan did this, but it certainly changes the situation doesn't it. It is possible that the Rebels were involved? Who stood to gain from the Burning of the Homestead? Not the Empire that's for sure. Something else seemingly could have happened.

    Was Obi Wan with Luke the whole time. Imagine the Imperial Columbo asking Luke, So Ben Kenobi was with you the entire time?

    That's right Lieutenant. The entire time. Well I guess except for when he went to go and change whilst I jump started my speeder.

    So he wasn't in your sights for around 5 minutes correct?

    Then Columbo basically doing his whole Oh just one more thing Sir. To Obi Wan haha.

    It is possible Obi Wan didn't have anything to do with it, and maybe the Rebels did. E.g. We are made to think that the Imperials made it look like the Tuskens did that to the Jawas. Whereas the Rebels did that and burned the Homestead? Just saying it needs a closer look.

    Thank you! I can imagine the Imperials version of Columbo looking at this and suddenly discovering Ben Kenobi's identity as a Jedi Master. The same Jedi Master who left Anakin's father burning alive on Mustafar. It's almost uncanny that the last of Luke's family were left to burn at the Homestead? Force speed perhaps like with his old Master? I also thought Obi Wan had enough guilt and was a wise old man. But as for the Rebels, there must have been a reason why people like Han were hesitant to join such a cause. A reason for the fact that we see the Imperial troops consistently fire warning shots or try to disable/disarm Rebels. The only ones who stood to gain from the Lars' deaths, (the direct effect being Luke leaving his home) were the Rebels. I think a closer look is needed!

    I see through the lies of the Jedi! If they are not all destroyed, there will be civil war without end...

    Or did the Rebels make it look like the Imperials tried to make it look like the Tuskens did it? This conspiracy could be bigger than a certain Sith Lord becoming the Emperor. What is Mothma up to?
    Darth Caliban and Sith Lord 2015 like this.
  15. teamhansolo

    teamhansolo Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    The stormtroopers could have reported it to their officers, who reported it to Vader. (It meaning the fact that they traced the droids to the Lars homestead, but they were no longer there.) Vader, wanting to destroy anything relating to his past life, and already upset about the loss of the death star plans,would have ordered the stormtroopers to destroy the homestead, and search the town for the missing droids.
  16. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    That is all speculation though. None of that is suggested by the film. In ANH, it appeared that Lord Vader delegated retrieving the stolen plans to a Commander and that his Star Destroyer took the Princess to the Death Star in another part of the galaxy. I don't see Vader destroying the location of his family either and his mother's grave. Again, from what we see on the film, I don't think Vader is going to order such senseless action. He goes after specific targets. That is shown in all the films. And the Stormtroopers set their weapons to "stun" on the Tantive once they have taken it. There isn't any logic or reason for them to burn down the Homestead. Their mission is to retrieve the plans. They had a lead on "Droids" in the desert. There didn't appear to be a suggestion that this means they need to go and burn down Homesteads.

    The Imperials appear to be shown to police the towns. As for the deployed local forces, they have been alerted to also join the search for the stolen plans and the stolen droids (stolen by the Jawas and then sold as illicit goods). In fact it isn't made totally clear that the Imperials will kill whoever has the droids. Since the buyer didn't steal them in the first place. However if Rebels are located, then they would probably be apprehended.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
    Sith Lord 2015 likes this.
  17. Christus Regnet

    Christus Regnet Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 10, 2016
    If Obi Wan killed or orchestrated the death of Owen and Beru, then he also killed the Jawas.
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  18. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Obi Wan never told you what happened to your Father. Or your Aunt or Uncle. Or the Jawas...

    Mind blown. You have a point. Wait why the Jawas? It is possible, or maybe it was the Rebels that did it since they were who stood to gain the most from all this?
  19. Christus Regnet

    Christus Regnet Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 10, 2016
    The rebels hired Bubba Fett to do the deed, while Obi-Wan's job was to keep Luke distracted, and away from the farm.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  20. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014

    Look at these starship footprints on the sand. TIE fighters land on just two wings. Only REBEL X-wings land on three feet!

    And look here, these blast points on the Jawa transport are too concentrated for Imperial Stormtroopers. Only Rebel Marksman are so precise!

    Or perhaps:

    Mothma: Keep the boy occupied. His family are being dealt with as we speak.

    Obi Wan: That was never part of the agreement! Nor was keeping Luke in the dark about what you plan to do to sow chaos!

    Mothma: Perhaps you think you're being treated...unfairly?

    Obi Wan: Noo.

    Mothma: Good. It would be unfortunate if Imperial Authorities were to receive the whereabouts of one of their most sought after fugitives from the inception of the Empire.

    It is quite possible that the Rebels did this all along. To turn Luke against the Empire. Whether Obi Wan was party to this information or not is unclear. The Rebels could have attacked the Jawas too. Anything to turn Luke against the Empire. Luke after all couldn't wait to join the Imperial Academy this year.

    It is also possible that the Rebels killed Luke's family, but the Jawas were simply apprehended for dealing in illicit goods. They may have resisted arrest and in the course of defending themselves, Imperial troopers had no choice but to fire back. Or that the Rebels actually killed them, made it look like the Imperials framed the Tuskens, leaving enough breadcrumbs for Luke to put it together that the Imperials did this. Do not underestimate the scheming of these "Rebels."
  21. crazyewok

    crazyewok Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 27, 2017
    I just always pictured that uncle Owen went full redneck "get off my property" and the storm troopers having no time for dumb hicks killed them.
    Jade Kenobi and Sarge like this.
  22. Christus Regnet

    Christus Regnet Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 10, 2016
    Hey, Owen's not dumb[face_beatup]
    DarthTalonx likes this.
  23. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Agreed. And the Stormtroopers would have no reason to kill them, or burn down the entire Homestead for that matter.
  24. DarthTalonx

    DarthTalonx Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2014
    Poor Obi Wan being constantly harassed by the Star Wars version of Columbo about all these things!

    Are you saying the Jawa also, to convince Luke that it was the Empire? He did seem remarkably well informed about what these supposed Imperial culprits had done...

    Thank you! More going on Tatooine I feel, than has been revealed. Did Ben, or the Rebels orchestrate this to acquire the droids, gain Luke's help, turn him against the Empire (and his father)? What do you think about it all?
  25. SateleNovelist11

    SateleNovelist11 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 10, 2015
    The Jedi are evil. Bleh.
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