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Disney now owns the rights to the SW scores! Sony's contract has expired!!!

Discussion in 'Star Wars And Film Music' started by PodracingSkywalker, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. PodracingSkywalker

    PodracingSkywalker Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 1, 2014
  2. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    Hopefully this means full PT scores!
  3. TheAvengerButton

    TheAvengerButton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2011
    We can only hope. I may even be fine with an Ultimate edition type of thing since a lot of the PT scores in their original forms were butchered for the films--only if that's what it will take to get slightly expanded PT scores. If they go above and beyond, I'll be ecstatic.
    11-4D and Huttese 101 like this.
  4. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    I just want to see some solid complete score/expanded score releases. Hopefully now that can happen.
    KyleKartan and TX-20 like this.
  5. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Ironic that Disney designed the TFA OST cover to match the original ANH OST cover but isn't using the original ANH OST cover in their own reissue of the ANH OST.
  6. Alexrd

    Alexrd Chosen One star 6

    Jul 7, 2009
    I don't see how this is necessarily a good thing. It was always up to Lucasfilm to release a full score, and they only didn't because there wasn't enough demand (as seen with the Ultimate Edition of TPM).
  7. Howard Hand

    Howard Hand Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2015
    I don't necessarily see how this is a bad thing, because Sony did a bad job of handling the Star Wars scores. They hadn't released an expanded Star Wars score since The Phantom Menace Ultimate Edition in 2000, and it was a poorly edited mess. Everything else has been a straight repackagings made for no other purpose than to gouge fans for money (ie The Corellian Edition).
    Plus there's other mishaps like the atrocious muffled sound quality of the 1997 ROTJ set (due more to an error of the technicians than actual bad source quality (just listen to the crystal clear sound of the Anthology set and OST, it's like night and day))

    That being said, I don't think that Disney will be the savior of film music or anything, but a change in management couldn't hurt at this point.
  8. Alexrd

    Alexrd Chosen One star 6

    Jul 7, 2009
    Never said it was bad. And how did they do a poor job?

    That's not their decision. It's Lucasfilm's. And they didn't release more because there weren't enough sales with the Ultimate Edition of TPM.
  9. PodracingSkywalker

    PodracingSkywalker Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 1, 2014
    Disney can license out the contracts to record companies if so (La-La-Land Records) or on their own CD label. Disney owns Star Wars, / Lucasfilm. Sony could have put out more expanded CDs, should they have felt the desire to- and clearly they did not. The poor sales of TPM be damned, as it was not only marketed poorly, but was a complete and outright lie, which I am sure hurt sales. I would be very shocked if we never see expanded and remastered albums. This is Star Wars after all, and Disney is gonna want to milk that cash cow every penny.
    Howard Hand likes this.
  10. Alexrd

    Alexrd Chosen One star 6

    Jul 7, 2009
    Yes, I know. My point is that as far as content goes, it won't change anything.

    That's Lucasfilm's decision, not Sony. Sony was just the go-to company if they ever needed to, just like Fox Home Entertainment was the go-to company if Lucasfilm ever decided to release the movies on DVD, BD, etc... Now it's all in the same company, but that's about it.
  11. PodracingSkywalker

    PodracingSkywalker Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 1, 2014
    Sony could have licensed them out, man. The literally owned the rights to the music, purchased them with their own money. They didn't need permission to release it at all. That's why this is a very big deal- Disney DOES license out their movies for expansions, and knowing SW and how much money it makes, I would be shocked if we didn't get them within the next 5-10 years.
    KyleKartan likes this.

    DARTH_BELO Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 25, 2003
    Surround sound remixes, anyone?! I would get all seven (or nine) if they released those...
    Huttese 101 likes this.
  13. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Hopefully Disney prints CDs and Vinyls with the original covers.
  14. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    There's a lot of different things that could happen at this point. I think Sony had a lot more input than Alexrd is stating. Sure Lucasfilm has control, but if Sony turned out to be a partner Lucasfilm didn't like working with as much as they'd hoped, they couldn't make any changes until the contract changed. It's also important to remember that Lucasfilm has changed a lot too. It's run by someone else entirely, with influence from Disney, who has a robust and dedicated committment to restoring archival films and soundtracks. Disney has released expanded and remastered versions of many of their film soundtracks over the years. Those two factors combined could easily result in new releases of all kinds. Especially because now that the Sony Classical contract is done, Lucasfilm/Disney can release these titles directly to Walt Disney Records and capture that revenue as well.
    darklordoftech likes this.
  15. Ethan Conrad

    Ethan Conrad Jedi Youngling

    Jan 1, 2017
    I had an eight and a half hour playlist and now all of it is gone. Do you think they'll add the newer soundtracks again. Because right now, we don't have multiple tracks from A New Hope and The Phantom Menace. Also, will they be re releasing the TESB and ROTJ soundtracks in the new format?
  16. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 18, 2013
    I don't know that anyone knows all the ins and outs but my impression is that there wasn't much will at Sony to do much new.

    It was only with the new movies that motivated them to partner with Lucasfilm to remaster the original soundtracks and get something out of it before their rights expired.

    I don't know what the sale for TPM UE were but the fan reception was clearly rather angry at not getting the cue score but the film music stem version or a version of it. I am fine with it and would have liked them for AOTC and ROTS as well. The release
    was strangely done in marketing terms of release date and marketing.

    IIRC there was some talk of releasing the complete scores around the time of the BD release.

    On top of that proper remastered releases of the OT should also be done but like you said if Lucasfilm doesn't want to do them in the first place then I don't know what can be done.

    I've emailed who does these kinds of things and maybe he can provide some insight.

    The JP podcast goes over the recent La La Land release:
  17. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 18, 2013
    Got a quick response from MM and he said pretty much what one would expect at this time.

    ie there are conversations going on but this may take a while:

    "I am involved in the conversations about where to go from here, but I’m not permitted to say anything beyond that. There would be a lot of work to be done and it may not be right away. But when it does happen, I expect it to all be handled properly."

    So if there is will in Lucasfilm then hopefully something will happen in the next few years.
    Larsonator and Howard Hand like this.
  18. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    I have that La La Land Jurassic Park Collection. It's great. Honestly, I hope whatever happens, Mike Matessino is involved. He does stellar work.
  19. Manny_Bothanz

    Manny_Bothanz Jedi Padawan

    Jan 13, 2017
    Hey all, I was just wondering if this is why so many of the Star Wars tracks on my Spotify playlists have recently been reassigned as "unplayable". This typically suggests that Spotify has lost the rights to a song, but it what is odd is that it seems that only half of the RotJ soundtrack went missing a few days ago. For instance, "Pit of Carkoon" is unavailable but "Luke and Leia" remains. Any insights?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Larsonator

    Larsonator Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 20, 2016
    This is indeed what's causing your problems. The OT Special Edition soundtracks have been replaced with the original LPs. Now a couple tracks, like Luke and Leia, are on both, so that's why you can still play that. But whatever wasn't on those original LPs is gonezo.
    darklordoftech and Manny_Bothanz like this.
  21. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    Which is why I am so glad I own them all. I never lose access to anything I own.
  22. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Hopefully Disney re-releases the complete soundtracks.
    Howard Hand likes this.
  23. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    For sure. I'd love to know if there's anything they can do with the OT scores to improve the sound quality. All three of them, but especially Jedi, need work to sound better.

    As for the PT, I hope Disney will work with Lucasfilm to release complete score packages for each of the prequels, both with music as it was composed by Williams, and as it appears in the film.
  24. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    I've heard that the quality is better in A Musical Journey.
  25. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    What is A Musical Journey?