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ST Diversity in the Sequel Trilogy (see warning on page 11)

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Rickleo123, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    I put "humor alert" to my post. That said, Finn was not Rey's love interest. Daisy wouldn't describe their TFA relationship as "brother and sister" and I'm sure that she had a better input about ST including going forward than other actors, at least when it comes to JJ input. he talked to her a lot.

    However, Finn's character did come off as pining for Rey who didn't requite (maybe actors having a different take on their relationship played their characters in contradictory manner) so giving him a girlfriend was a sound decision to remove that perception from his character. Unfortunately, execution was clunky and backlash assured that the romance would be dropped. And the character reverted to appearing like he still had an obsessive unrequited crush on Rey. It's irrelevant whether Rey loved Kylo or Finn's best friend Poe (I'd say this would be much worse). What matters is that he had a chance to not be seen as Rey's love sick puppy thanks to TLJ development but that was squashed. Rian had the right idea but execution stood in the way.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  2. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    I ended up liking Finn/Rose, aside from Johnson’s “humor” of thinking that women physically attacking men is funny, and as such the tasing scene. I would have preferred that TROS elaborate on either Finn/Rose or Finn/Jannah, or do Finn/Poe, so yeah, I’d say Johnson doing Finn/Rose was a decent idea in concept.

    Doesn’t negate what @godisawesome said about Rey and Kylo though, which is the bigger issue there as far as diversity and acceptable 21st century portrayals of women.

    And by “female audience engagement,” I mean women who have been interested in Star Wars, not crap like the paperbacks on this shelf.

  3. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    we did get to see Kylo shirtless
  4. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Exactly my point. And TBF Kylo being shirtless in and of itself was not the issue. And I should probably add that there are men who read the genre depicted on those shelves but it’s not Star Wars.
    afrojedi likes this.
  5. vaderito

    vaderito Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2016
    Yeah no...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2020
  6. Ancient Whills

    Ancient Whills Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 12, 2011
    I initially thought Finn and Rose would be officially together in TROS (boy, was I wrong) and TROS showed Disney and LFL are not ready to show an on-screen same sex couple kiss for more than 2 seconds. As for Finn and Rey, I thought it was still a possibility after watching TFA depending on how it goes in TLJ and let's just say their relationship barely evolved (and whether Finn no longer only thinking about leaving with Rey is an evolution can be debatable) while Rian did most of the heavy lifting on Rey and Kylo's relationship, especially considering where they ended up in TFA.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  7. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Disney/LFL should have been ready to show a same-sex romance because people who get upset by that are not worth considering, much less pandering to.

    If they had a better reason for not doing Finn/Poe, like Finn/Rose or Finn/Jannah, and Poe/Zorri, that’s different.
    afrojedi likes this.
  8. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    I’d actually say this is the problem with the creation of Rose - that her purpose seems to be more about just being a not-Rey romance option designed to kill any shipping for Rey and Finn than it was literally *anything else.*

    Fundamentally, you didn’t really need to treat Finn’s possible role as a romantic interest for Rey as a liability, or to create a whole new character only to try and address that single aspect of the story, and especially to treat any interaction between Rey and Finn as anathema to development on their part.

    If you’re someone who fears people perceiving Finn as a romantic rival for Rey’s affections, or are someone who believes that somehow undermines his character, good news: there’s already a very strong framework for Finn being her found family, not her paramour. In fact, that’s kind of the real meat of TFA’s story between them... and part of why their chemistry and interactions in that movie are so strong and complementary to their individual arcs.

    Rose wasn’t just the victim of bad execution; she was also a victim of a superfluous and shallow conception. KMT made what lemonade she could from the lemons provided, but she was still underserved even at the character’s core level. Her clearest counterpart from the OT, Billy Dee Williams as Lando, at least has multiple impetuses for existing - in-universe, as a final, fatal trap and yet a last minute and supremely important ally to the heroes, and out-of-Universe, as a dynamic, erudite political leader and dignified authority figure played by a black man.

    Lando’s an example of diversity done right for its time, if still somewhat isolated and lonely. Rose arguably ends up being closer to “token” than is wise - partially because Finn’s story in TLJ, which Rose is attached to, is simply an exercise in unambitious plotting and busy work.

    This may be a little weird, but I think that Abrams wound up doing more heavy lifting for the relationship by the time TROS is done, as bad as it was, simply because there really wasn’t much work done on it in TLJ. TROS’s answer of a magical pseudo-soul-mate-situation between Rey and Kylo is still fundamentally shallow and insubstantial, but at least it comes with Ben at the end being a good guy and has a *reason*, however stupid it may be, for Rey to care about Kylo before his redemption.

    TLJ’s writing for them is really more founded on just assuming Rey would naturally find Kylo attractive and engaging than it is actually building their relationship. In TLJ, he’s fundamentally uninterested in her as a person, and she’s fundamentally uninterested in who he is as a person - it’s a story of hypotheticals rather than substance.

    And those hypotheticals just don’t make sense given the realities of TFA *and* TLJ.
    anakinfansince1983 likes this.
  9. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    And by “female audience engagement,” I mean women who have been interested in Star Wars, not crap like the paperbacks on this shelf.


    You think their mutually exculsive?

    Why are you assuming that men who read books like that, like woman who read books like that, can't also enjoy Star Wars?

    Finn/Poe did'nt happen becuase Disney/LFL had an issue with the concept though, it did'nt happen becuase they did'nt intend those two characters to be gay and are'nt obiligated to force them together just becuase a subset of fans ship them really, really hard.

    Better news - TLJ exists as is and I like Finn's storyline in it far better then his storyline in TFA;) (which, incidently, I also found to be fairly ambitious - certianly much more ambitious then just having him sit around as Rey or Poe's side for the whole film as other peaple have suggested)

    Lol, Rey never says or even gives any indication that she's attracted to Kylo in TLJ; as far as we know she showed compassion to him becuase she felt bad for him, not becuase she's in love with him. Such information is stright-up not in the film.

    If she was in love with him, why did she seem so quick to abandon going to get him if only Luke joined her? Why does she never say it? Or think it during her POV scenes in the novelization? (it would be pretty hard to avoid that). And when and how did she fall in love with him? And for what reason?

    I dunno, I thought Rey had a pretty solid spine in TLJ, and if I was a woman I'd probobly find her as engaging as I did as a man - which is to say very.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
    Iron_lord likes this.
  10. AEHoward33

    AEHoward33 Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2019
    Disney was never prepared to convey a same sex romance of any kind in the Star Wars movies. Not really. And judging how Lucasfilm had demoted John Boyega's role in the trilogy and in the end, pushed Rey and Kylo Ren as the leads, it's also apparent to me that the studio was never going to allow a major interracial romance - especially between a black man and a white woman - let alone a same sex romance.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  11. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    @K2771991 , people can enjoy both, but I have seen a lot of commentary over the past five years about how Disney was “changing” Star Wars to make it more “female centric” or “bring in women fans”, which is ridiculous because we’ve always been here. And when I and others have pointed this out, the response we get is along the lines of ‘Not you—those women fans.’

    But you don’t think there is a romance or quasi-romance between Rey and Kylo unless Rey says “I love you Ben Solo,” and you’ve said as much over and over again while demanding that others of us “prove” our viewpoints to you, so I suspect we won’t see eye to eye on this one either.

    And yeah, I don’t think Rey had a spine at all in TLJ. If she did, her “compassion” wouldn’t look so much like “putting up with mistreatment for no reason”.
    afrojedi and godisawesome like this.
  12. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Yeah, sure. That's why two women frenched each other in plain sight in TROS, right?;)

    Look, I know you think they demoted him. But from my perspective they second to films promoted him and his character is far better off - and much more engaging - becuase of that. I also doubt they had an issue with interacial romance (why would they? This is 2020, not 1970 - no sane or reasonable person has an issue with such things anymore), becuase if they did they would'nt have let Johnson have Rose kiss Finn in TLJ and would'nt have greenlit a script were Poe and Rey get together and then only not made that movie becuase of a completely unforseen tragedy.

    Maybe the woman making that commentary did'nt feel as if it was female centric before and do now? Different woman feel differently about different things, and it's equally possible for one to find Rey engaging rather then Leia or Padme. Everyone has different tastes.

    I don't need to you to prove your viewpoints to me, but if someone expects me to believe something they need to provide evidence. You guys can rant and rave about Reylo being real all you want, but unless I get evidence I'm not going to put any stock in that opinion.

    And it goes beyond her not saying it; we see her POV in the novels - her inner freaking thoughts - and as far as I can recall (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) she never brings up loving him. Including in the moment right after he died. Why should I believe Rey loved Kylo when she not only does'nt say it, but does'nt even think it, even in moments were it would be impossible for her to not acknowledge her feelings? Heck, if Reylo was so allegedly importent to the films, why did the filmakers never chose to bring it up and confirm it was a thing?

    Well, your entitled to think she has not spine and was putting up with mistreatment for no reason, but I'm also entitled to think she does have a spine and see her as actions as being motivated by pretty solid - at least from her POV - reasoning.

    That's the glory of having an opinion. We can both be at opposite ends of the spectrum, feel completly differently about the subject and still both be 100 percent right.;)
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  13. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Women (or men) who did not think Star Wars was “female centric” before obviously did not know that there have been women who were Star Wars fans since the outset, and given that most of those who claim that now, know that there are women fans, they obviously don’t think we count.

    But regardless the point is that Star Wars should not change in any way to accommodate some bad stereotype of “what women like” when women have always liked Star Wars.

    And yeah, you don’t see Reylo, I don’t care. It will probably keep coming up and you’ll keep telling people you don’t see it and no one has proved it to you.
  14. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Or maybe the woman who did'nt see it as female-centric before now just did'nt enjoy the other two trilogies and/or did'nt relate to Leia and Padme the way they do to Rey?

    Just becuase you think something is a bad stereotype does'nt mean that A) the peaple making the films saw things the same way and B) other woman share the same opinion of what is a bad stereotype as you do.

    Well, speaking for myself why should I believe it's a thing if I don't see the evidence to support it being a thing?:confused:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  15. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Yeah, I know, not everyone agrees with me about what is and is not a bad stereotype. And I don’t need affirmation from all the everyone’s who don’t agree with me. I’m still going to point it out.

    If you’re waiting for me to be silent or submit to the ‘not everyone’ who does not agree with me, you are going to be waiting for a very long time.

    Do you have a point other than “not everyone agrees” to many of the points people are making here? Because I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish. Your last two or three posts have been largely “not everyone agrees,” which just looks like being contrarian for the hell of it.

    If you are waiting for me to change my posting style or put “IMO” in front of every post, you’re going to be waiting a very long time for that as well.
  16. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    When did I give any indication that's what I want you to do?:confused:

    Nobody wants you to "submit" or be silent, but at the same time those of use who disagree with you should'nt be silent either, as either of those two actions will lead to this thread just becoming an echochamber - and I'm sure neither of use want that.

    Well, sometimes I feel like you guys could stand to be reminded that not everyone shares your opinions and the fandom does'nt consist of two opposing veiwpoints; I'm definantly not being a contrarian, since lest you forget I've agreed with you plenty of times in the past in other threads.

    That, and I kinda hope that if I point out that I disagree I'll get intellegent conversation from the peaple I disagree with, rather then just get shouted down as if I just did something wrong. We don't have to change each others opinions, but I think we'd all get much futher discussing our differing viewpoints rather then just rooting our feet in the ground, crossing our arms and refusing to see the reasoning and logic behind any other viewpoint other then our own.

    It might help, actually:p. But as it is I'm just going to assume your stating your opinion 100 percent of the time since you've already made it clear you don't care to do that.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  17. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    We already know everyone doesn’t agree with us. I don’t think anyone ever presumed that everyone did. So no, the reminders for the hell of giving reminders aren’t necessary.

    And sure, if you point out that you disagree and say what you disagree with, there would be some point of discussion. The “does Reylo exist” one has already been done several times though, although someone else is welcome to take you on that one if they choose. I’d have to change what I have viewed as “signs of quasi-romance or romance” for decades in order to find any commonality with you there though, and I would also have to care what is in the novel, so it’s not going anywhere.

    I’m not changing my viewpoint on what constitutes a bad stereotype, but sure, there could be discussion outside any obligation on my part to do that.
  18. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    I think you have a point, but I think it should be noted that it’s not so much “interracial” romances that Hollywood traditionally shies away from as much as its “interracial with a white woman” romances they shy away from - Finn and Rose is, after all, an interracial relationship.

    And I’d say the DOTF pursuit of ReyPoe would back that idea up - since Oscar Issac is fair complected, and that relationship seems like a random one to pull out after TLJ; I still think it would be healthier than Reylo, but it an out-of-left-field one to deploy so late.
  19. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Poe/Rey would definitely be healthier than Reylo, but I still saw it as more “traditional”—older white-passing man, younger white woman—and as such didn’t want it.
    godisawesome likes this.
  20. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    No offense - and I'm sure this is'nt inentional - but becuase a some of you guys seem to state your opinions as facts, rather then opinions, does actually make it sorta look like some of you assume everyone agrees with you.

    Nobody wants you to change your viewpoints, but if you'd like I (and perhaps others if they feel up to it?) could explain why we don't see bad stereotypes where you do.

    Who cares if the couple is two white peaple, a white person and a black person, a white person and an Asian, an Asian and a black person or whatever else under the sun. This is 2020, interacial couples hav'nt been taboo for a long time and no reasonable person goes to watch a movie and says "ewwww. That white girl kissed a black man! Yuck!" (they either go "awww, how romantic." or they don't think anything of it at all).

    I doubt the races of Finn, Rey, Rose, Poe and Kylo even factored into the thoughts of Abrams, Johnson and Trevarrow when they were thinking about kisses and hypothetical romances.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  21. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Absolutely, no reasonable person does that, but there are plenty of unreasonable people out there, and a lot of them were yelling racist crap at Boyega on social media, including threatening racist crap relating to his real life friendship with Ridley and any potential on screen relationship between their characters.

    And I don’t know where you live, but there are rural areas of my state which had a large percentage of “people” (and I put that in quotes for a reason) who were opposed to interracial relationships as recently as 20 years ago. They may still be; I got the hell out of there and haven’t been exposed to their crap since.

    And sure, if you want to explain why you don’t see bad stereotypes where I do, go for it.
    afrojedi and Jedi Ben like this.
  22. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    Well, that’s the point - racism, systemic or personal, isn’t reasonable, and the more quiet, status-quo type of racial bias is the one that meaningful, intentional diversification may be needed to counteract.

    There was a joke/satirical point being made for years that while inter-racial relationship were on the rise in media, ones with a white woman were still far less likely to actually be apparent, even with big name stars like Denzel Washington.

    And since it’s hard to justify the bias towards Kylo without some amount of privilege excuse, the uncomfortable question arises as to whether or not it’s possible that part of the formulation that led to TLJ introducing Rose, forbidding any dialogue between Rey and Finn, and the whole sale embracing of Kylo as Rey’s companion and main screen partner might have something to do with those same antiquated biases that we all hope are on their way out... but that the current politcal atmosphere shows are still very much present in society.

    I mean, as much as we want to hope we’re past some things... it took until Phase III of the MCU to get a female lead movie and to make sure Blade wasn’t longer the only major Black superhero with his own movie... and we are talking about a franchise that started with a girl as the main character, a black man as her male lead, and then kicked him out of that role and gave her second movie to an old man, before LFL endorsed the fascist patricide as the main romantic lead.
    afrojedi, Troopa212, Jedi Ben and 5 others like this.
  23. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    And Boyega took those peaple to task and shut them down.

    If peaple like that stop liking Star Wars becuase it has POC and woman in it, then I don't care; in fact, I hope they just call it quits and leave the fandom. I won't shed any tears.

    I live in New Hampshire in a "city" surrounded by crappy little towns filled with no small amount of ingorent hicks. I'm no stranger to racists and bigots; heck, just a couple of years ago their was someone pretty regularly putting up white nationalist flyers and anouther guy driving around with a Confederate flag flying from his pickup truck.

    I don't pay attention to peaple like that. I don't care what they think and I care even less about the peaple who do. My time and energy is too precious, and my life to short, to waste on bigoted, ingorent idiots like that.

    Well, for starters the idea is that it's a sexist sterotype, correct? Well, as I've said before the movie gives me no reason to think Rey would'nt act the same way towards Kylo if she was also a guy, so I can't see it as sexist towards woman if I think she would do the same thing if she was a guy.
    Furthermore (and just off the top of my head).
    • I don't see a woman showing compassion to a man who was cruel to her as sterotypical - in my experience that's not a simply not a sterotype or, when it comes to ficitional characters, not even really a negative trait (I've known peaple, both men and woman, in real life who are capable of showing empathy towards peaple who were pretty awful towards them).
    • The point was made in the past that Rey was trying to "fix" Kylo, but if that was the case she would'nt be so eager to abandon her mission before even leaving on it if only Luke joined her. The way the movie presents things she seems to be motivated primarly by nessesity and (what she thinks is) strategy, not her sympathy towards him, and she does'nt even think it's a case of "fixing" anything, just going to him and having him turn on his own (becuase that's what she saw in her "vision").
    • Finally, Kylo is pretty awful to Rey (super awful in fact) but she does'nt just lay their and take it. She tries to murder him in cold blood when she first sees him in TLJ and later on in the movie, after she relizies he won't turn, she decides to attack him. She's not a passive character and, when push comes to shove, she gives as good as she gets, which to me is a pretty positive dipicition of a character (gender nonewithstanding).
    • Plenty of woman don't have an issue with Rey. Now I'm not arguing that all woman need to agree that something is sexist to make it sexist, but I'm not about to discount their opinions - if peaple want to look up to the character and enjoy her dipicition, then who am I to tell them there's something wrong with that.
    Well, I don't care about what unreasonable peaple think, and I see no racial bias, intentional or not, in either TLJ or any of the ST films.

    Well, jokes on whoever made that joke (is that a joke? Are you sure? Becuase it's not even funny), becuase I know a lot of woman who would be perfectly willing to be in an on-screen realtionship with Denzel.

    That seems a little conspiracy theory-ish to me. Why does it have to be "antiquated biases" that led to that, as opposed to just Johnson thinking Kylo/Rey and Finn/Rose's interactions were more interesting then the alternative? After all, TFA was the movie that seperated Rey and Finn and set Rey and Kylo up as being set on a collision course with each other. He was just following through with that.

    We already had female and black leads in the MCU well before Captain Marvel came out. I don't really see why it matters if they were the sole main characters or if they were co-leads in other films - I mean, speaking for myself I much perfer the Wasp and Gamora as part of an ensamble then I do Captain Marvel as a sole lead (IMO I'd much perfer a good superhero movie then a superhero movie with a black or female lead) and I think Black Widow was a horrible choice to give a solo film to (and that has nothing to do with ScarJo's gender, just her acting, which I think is terrible).

    Not only that, but this point only seems to hold water if you limit yourself to the MCU; there are plenty of sucessful movies out their with black and female leads in this world, and have been for a long time.

    Finn was still a main character in TLJ:rolleyes:. Just becuase you did'nt like his storyline did'nt mean he got "kicked out" and "replaced" by someone (let alone Luke, whose just a supporting character, or Kylo, who can't replace him becuase they were both already main characters).
  24. dagenspear

    dagenspear Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 9, 2015
    We had Hancock, Spawn, Steel, Catwoman, Elektra, Supergirl, (Google says Tank Girl as well) The Meteor Man and Blankman before that. Though I think Supergirl, Steel and Spawn are the only ones that were maybe direct comic characters (though Google says Tank Girl is one, but I don't know how close of a adaption that is), as far as I know (Wonder Woman came out before Captain Marvel as well), and I wouldn't call Spawn (maybe not even Elektra, though maybe even Catwoman and Tank Girl, which TG is a movie I don't think I've ever seen) are superhero fictional characters.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
    godisawesome likes this.
  25. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    I’m not in a position to just ignore bigots, because they still have far too much power in our world, particularly in the US.

    Boyega shutting down bigots doesn’t mean the bigots never went after him. In fact, the idea that someone can only be a victim of bigotry if they don’t shut down the bigots is pretty antiquated in and of itself. I’ve used a similar example to this before: if someone yells sexist crap at me while I am exercising outside, and I flip off the ***holes and run off, it does not mean that the person did not yell sexist crap at me, or that the sexist crap is somehow less awful than it would have been if I had stood there and cried about begged the person sweetly to please please not talk to me that way.

    And I am under no obligation to take the opinions of other women on what is or is not a sexist depiction into account so that I what? Rethink my opinion? Change my mind? They can certainly enjoy what they choose but their being women has no effect whatsoever on my standards for what constitutes a sexist depiction.

    And sure, “a lot of women” might be interested in an onscreen relationship with Denzel Washington, but that does not mean Hollywood is as likely to write a story with a white woman and Denzel as a story with a white woman and a white actor.

    The bias towards Kylo is definitely a privilege excuse, even using “he’s a Skywalker”. There is literally nothing else to explain why his feelings are supposed to be more important than anyone else’s. And I would ask *why* Kylo and Rey’s interactions would be “more interesting” than the alternative.

    There may be “plenty of movies with Black and female leads,” but until there are as many movies as there are movies with white male leads, and until movies with Black and/or female leads are considered more the default and we get more “pandering” comments about movies with white male leads than we do about movies with Black or female leads—there are not nearly enough.

    ...or we could have no comments about “pandering” at all. The point is that the playing field has not been *nearly* leveled.