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Does Chewbacca get to come back in Episode III??

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by PeterMayhew, Feb 6, 2001.

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  1. darth hideous

    darth hideous Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 10, 1999
  2. Arctic_Wolf

    Arctic_Wolf Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 19, 2000
    I'm glad to read a few pages ago that you enjoy Texas. I for one live in Texas and I agree bout the heat, it can be unbearable, thank goodness for air conditioning! :)
    I also hope that Chewbacca gets to come back for Ep. III.

    Good luck with all your future endeavors.

    -Arctic Wolf

  3. keokiswahine

    keokiswahine Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 4, 2000
    2/20 Transcript thread is up.
  4. AngelSith

    AngelSith Jedi Youngling

    Feb 21, 2001
    Dear Mr. Mayhew

    I just wanted to say how cool it is to actually be talking to one of the actors who portrayed one of the coolest characters in the worlds greatest movies ever made. It truly is an honor. Its great that you actually take the time to respond to us on this level..My question for you is....
    What was it like to work with Billy Dee Williams?
  5. Skywalk272

    Skywalk272 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 16, 2000
    I met Billy Dee at the same Plano convention you attend on occasion Peter, he just was not very nice to me. NOt a people person it seems.

    On the other hand, the guy who plays Jet Porkins wa a real hoot to listen to, I feel bad I can't remember his name. I'll go watch the end credits again.
  6. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    During the filming process, Billy Dee worked professionally alongside everybody else. He came in, did his job and then was gone. I didn't have a lot of opportunity to interact with him.

    SEMOJEDI Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 2, 2000
    Mr. Mayhew,

    I know this is going to sound like gushing, but I wanted to say how extraordinary it is of you to come to these boards and talk to us nutty Star Wars fans. I've been a big fan all my life, along with many of my friends. I can't think of any other "fan" group that has the personality and fun that Star Wars fans have. I just wanted to say that it's really great to have you here.

    (South East MissOuri JEDI)
  8. Primetime_Jedi

    Primetime_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 21, 2000
    Mr. Mayhew,

    Did you find it difficult/challenging acting in films with so many special effects? Was it hard "imagining" that you were seeing stars, asteroids, spaceships out the window? And dealing with laserbolts and other such things that were added in later?


  9. Jedi_Gonzo

    Jedi_Gonzo Jedi Youngling

    Dec 21, 2000
    Hi Mr. Mayhew,

    It is an extreme honor to speak with you. I think it's wonderful that you have taken the time to interact with us fans.

    I have a question for you. I was wondering, how difficult was it to work inside the Wookie suit. Was there any problems in the beginning that changes had to be made, like for breathing or for vision and such.

    I have always thought that Chewie's crossbow was one of the coolest weapons, if not the coolest, did you get to keep it?

    Thank you very much

  10. TheCat

    TheCat Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 21, 2001
    Hi there Peter. Often wondered just how comfortable it was up in that net in ROJ?!.
  11. AngelSith

    AngelSith Jedi Youngling

    Feb 21, 2001
    Dear Mr. Mayhew,

    If Chewie were to be brought back in II or III...Would you like it to be a prominent role or more of a in the background type of role for him? In your opinion what would be the best way for us to be introduced to his character?
    I'm vouching to see chewie in III!
    Once again its been an honor.
  12. AngelSith

    AngelSith Jedi Youngling

    Feb 21, 2001
    Dear Mr. Mayhew,

    If Chewie were to be brought back in II or III...Would you like it to be a prominent role or more of a in the background type of role for him? In your opinion what would be the best way for us to be introduced to his character?
    I'm vouching to see chewie in III!
    Once again its been an honor.
  13. Fartoo-Deeto

    Fartoo-Deeto Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 4, 2001
    Dear Mr.Mayhew,
    Do you play a musical instrument?
  14. Short Round McFly

    Short Round McFly Jedi Youngling star 6

    Nov 13, 1999
    This is the 42'nd page! Dan would be proud.

    Mr. Mayhew, do you prefere Hot Pockets or Bagel Bites?
  15. keokiswahine

    keokiswahine Jedi Knight star 5

    Sep 4, 2000
    McFly, are you sending him a supply? I'll take hot pockets, thank you. [face_clown]
  16. MrGeorgeLucas

    MrGeorgeLucas Jedi Youngling

    Nov 10, 2000
    Hi Peter,

    Long time no see. Here is a... uh... question for you.

    What was the best movie you have seen. I am personally fond of english cinema, no wonder Kubrick found his creative realm there.

    I wish you great luck in all your project.

  17. Short Round McFly

    Short Round McFly Jedi Youngling star 6

    Nov 13, 1999
    Naaah, just wondering 8-D

    Hot Pockets and Bagel Bites just rock!
  18. wookiee-jedi

    wookiee-jedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 12, 2001
    yeah,i love Bagel Bites,but Hot Pockets taste very bad to me :p
  19. Grand_Moff_Sickness

    Grand_Moff_Sickness Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 22, 2001
    Dear Mr. Mayhew,

    What do you think of the Mechanic and Dejarick Champion POTJ figures? and How cool is that Bowcaster that comes with that "exclusive" Wookie Scout figure??!?!?
  20. Jar Jar Fett

    Jar Jar Fett Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 11, 2000
    Man. I leave these boards for a few months and I miss the arrival of a true Star Wars legend? I'm sticking around for good now.

    So, Mr. Mayhew, has it ever struck you as odd how Chewie finds himself handcuffed in every star wars movie? Do you think you'd be cuffed if you appear in Episode 3?
  21. Primetime_Jedi

    Primetime_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 21, 2000
    "Chewie finds himself handcuffed in every star wars movie?"

    Hey, I never noticed that before, JJ Fett. If there is the speculatory enslavement of Wookies in III, he could make it 4 movies!
  22. TK171

    TK171 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 9, 2001
    Hey Peter,

    It was great talking to you this morning. I am so excited that everything worked out for Convergence Con. IF there is anything you need while in the twin Cities, please let me know. You and Angie are going to have a great time up here!! YOu have one sweet lady! very friendly. You should have my email, so again, if there is anything you want set up before hand, please let me know.

    Talk to you soon, and see you in July.

    Central Garrison
  23. wookiee-jedi

    wookiee-jedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 12, 2001
    hey everyone,
    here is some fried dough that looks like Chewbacca,to see it just go to my home page, heres the address
  24. Jedi Orph

    Jedi Orph Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 4, 1999
    Mr Mayhew... Have you seen the video news show TFN Digital on the If yes, what do you think of it?

    Jedi Orph
  25. Sara_Kenobi

    Sara_Kenobi Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Sep 21, 2000
    If you do appear in Episode 3, Mr. Mayhew. It will be just wonderful to see your character on the big screen again. ;)
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