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Star Wars OPEN Elite League Limmie

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Trieste, May 31, 2010.

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  1. Trieste

    Trieste Chosen One star 6

    Apr 10, 2010
    GM Post

    HSN Headlines
    • Euceron Storm file for bankruptcy under section 426(d)(11) of Euceron law, seeking reorganization of their debts
    • Filing declares assets between 1 million and 10 million credits and liabilities between 100 million and 1 billion credits
    • Reports are that the First Euceron Bank was preparing to file lawsuit against the Storm to recover the remaining balance on a mortgage on Euceron Stadium taken out in 270 to pay for the retractable roof
    • Mortgage is believed to have been placed in default because of the stadium destruction and resulting devaluation of the property; earlier statements made by general manager Aebatt Zargana after the Ralltiir–Euceron game support this
    • Zargana refuses to comment on "a pending legal matter", saying only that she will stay on Euceron to deal with the bankruptcy and will not travel to Coruscant
    • Lisan Rett'tey (Bothan, female), former longtime offensive coordinator for the Storm from 263 to 270, to come out of retirement and serve as interim head coach indefinitely while Zargana deals with financial issues
    • Sources indicate that Rett'tey will not be paid, but instead has agreed to serve on a volunteer basis out of love for the game
    • League indicates that Deputy Commissioner Gondorf has already been dispatched to discuss situation with Euceron management

    What We Learned: Week 5

    With six weeks to go, here’s some new year’s resolutions for all 12 teams.

    Agamar Packers – To big, bold, beautiful, and completely unapologetic.

    Bakura Miners – To party like it’s 277 because things didn’t get much better than that for the Miners.

    Carratos Pirates – Go all in on everything. It can’t go wrong to be continually tempting fate, can it?

    Coruscant Senators – To not firesale a team with a lot of good pieces that had a good 278 and is just going through a little bit of a Sophomore slump.

    Denon Demons – To keep playing like the Kuat Triforce. Apparently those guys were really good and we never knew it.

    Euceron Storm – To play some more defense. It wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

    Hapes Consortium BuccaneersTo make this the season that they finally release a team calendar. And to then release a second calendar with their cheerleaders because they’ve got some hunks on their sidelines.

    Mando’ade Mercs – To always tune their buy’ces to the Fandalorian because nobody does it better on the wave than those folks.

    Nar Shaddaa Smugglers – To not rush to judgement. Not on Lilly Vehn, Meredith Chambers-Vayne, or Roy Cardan. Especially Roy. He’s a pretty dramatic guy.

    Ralltiir Starkillers – To use their clear skill in just the right combination to throw together a few more wins because these guys are way better than a 3-2 record indicates.

    Rydonni Prime Monarchs – To keep getting just enough points to let Ozzie win them games because this guy is still their MVP.

    Ylesia Lightning – To play like they did at the start of the season because those Lightning looked amazing.

    TAG: Bardan_Jusik CPL_Macja galactic-vagabond422 jcgoble3 Jedi Gunny Rebecca_Daniels Runjedirun Tim Battershell Vehn
    Vehn, jcgoble3, CPL_Macja and 3 others like this.
  2. Runjedirun

    Runjedirun Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 3, 2012
    IC: Bat Vigo

    Archer’s Point Stadium A Day Before Departure to Garqi

    My spirit dropped as I watched the tarp being brought over the field to protect it. Our final practice before tomorrow’s departure was officially over. I was not excited about the upcoming three week span of road games. After a quick shower I ran up to my office to make sure that I had all the belongings I needed for the trip to Garqi. There was a message from Coach Till on my private line. Worried about more trouble at home I returned it immediately.

    “Bat,” he greeted. “I’m glad you were able to catch me. First off you can rest assured that Lucie, T.J. and Ty are going to be just fine. Ty practiced with the team today. Lucie and T.J. were in the owner’s box watching most of the time. I bet you’d like to see them again.”

    “Yea, well I got my own season to tend to,” I said not bothering to cover up my annoyance. He had to know how hard it was to be light years away from my family at a time like this. Yet here he was calling for no better reason but to rub it in my face.

    “Bat, I’m calling because I was wondering if you wanted to come get some field time next week against the Monarchs.”

    After my hot start in the Futures League I had given a lot of thought as to what I would do if the Starkillers actually did call me up. I had planned to talk to Tomas first because Limmie was his dream and I didn’t want to intrude on it. My performance against the Force had been lackluster. I had scored only 5 points and we had lost. The Starkillers had just put up a win to Hapes. I hadn’t been expecting this call. “Don’t tell me one of your starters is injured,” I replied trying to figure out his angle.

    “It’s nothing like that Bartholomew,” he assured me. “After recent events your mother and I got to talking. We want to get married next week. We want you to attend, with your family if possible. Since you would have to miss the game with the Sandskimmers I thought I’d give you a few minutes’ playing time. An audition of sorts.”

    “I’m not sure Tomas would appreciate that or Andres,” I said sharing my reservations.

    “Tomas is excited about seeing you play. One thing that sets him apart from most Limmie players is his selflessness. Your presence will either motivate Andres to outshine you and be the player we all know he is, or cause him to further remove himself from this team. His future with this franchise and in this sport is up to him.”

    “Where’s the wedding?” I asked. “Aren’t you worried reporters will follow you after the game and show up at the venue?”

    “We’re actually going to get married before the game. There will be a press release in the morning. Your mother and I are getting married at Financial Square. We’ll be holding the ceremony on the field.”

    I didn’t know how I felt about that. I was certain that when my father helped draw up the plans he hadn’t expected my mother to marry another man there. There were several moments of silence before I made my decision. “We’ll come,” I said at last. “I’ll bring the family and I’ll play. Whatever amount of time you are willing to give me.”

    “That’s great,” he said smiling. “Your mother is going to be so happy you agreed. Everyone will be excited to see you and the baby will get lots of attention, I’m sure. Good luck against the Gunners,” he said as he signed off.

    Tag: Anyone following my story.
    Rebecca_Daniels, Trieste and jcgoble3 like this.
  3. Trieste

    Trieste Chosen One star 6

    Apr 10, 2010
    GM Post

    HSN Headlines

    • Excerpt from HSN Euceron's online preview of Storm at Senators goes viral: "The Refresher Bowl will likely be flush with points, but the Storm will drop another turd of a game, leaving the Senators feeling refreshed as the Storm's season continues to spiral down the drain"
    • Deputy Commisioner Gondorf arrives on Euceron to take an active role in the Storm bankruptcy proceedings
    • Gondorf, an attorney by trade, spoke briefly to the media indicating she will remain on Euceron until the matter is concluded and ensure that he League's interests are represented in court
    TAG: jcgoble3 Jedi Gunny
    Jedi Gunny and jcgoble3 like this.
  4. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Geoff Copin
    Goss-Pell Memorial Stadium

    Geoff looked at his team at practice. They were riding high after four wins in row at home but, the next game was going to be on Rydonni Prime, if the season is any measure the Pirates were in for a beating. Their game against the Senators, their first away game this year, was a disaster, with nothing going right. Things had changed quickly afterwards and now the team from Carratos was on the war path. They wanted to keep wining some even started talking about a playoff run. The coach was cautious when talking about the future of the team, not wanting to jinx their run. Everyone knew that the wins were going to stop some time but, none admitted it. Right now Geoff was content to let his players enjoy their swelling morale. During a break he ended up near Logan and Marky standing around the water dispenser.

    “Hey, Logan,” the young midfielder said in an inquisitive tone “How long have you and Mikia been a couple?” The Logan started coughing uncontrollably, water going down wrong.

    “What,” He said between coughs, “No, me and Mikia, we’re not,” he paused to try and finally dislodge the errant droplet of liquid. “We’re just friends.” His voice was a little shaky. Marky made a confused face.

    “But, you guys spend every minute outside of practice together.”

    “We’re just,” the forward looked a little pained trying to find the words, “hanging out you know.”

    “Oh, so do you know if she’s seeing anyone?”

    “No” Logan responded in a harsh tone, one that wasn’t necessary for such a simple question. His teammate looked a little taken aback. The forward balled up his right fist in frustration, “what I mean is, she’s,” he paused again obviously uncomfortable with the subject. The dark skinned human’s face became serious.

    “Man,” Marky said a little bit of anger in his voice, “make a move or step aside.”

    “I can’t just make a move on her; we’ve been friends since we were kids.”

    “That just means you had plenty of opportunities to find out if the relationship was going anywhere.”

    “Can’t two people of different genders just be friends?”

    “Yes they can but, the way you’re acting is not friend like.”

    “I just,” Logan growled, “I just, don’t want to change things between us,”

    “If last year taught us anything, with what happened on Euceron and Nar Shaddaa, life is too short to be spend worrying about what could happen and then wondering what could have been afterwards. “

    “Where did that even come from man?”

    “Tragedies can force you to look at your life differently, decide what you’re going to do with it.”

    “You planning on leaving the team Marky?”

    “No, no, I couldn’t leave Gabby by herself. We’ve played together since we were born. She can’t work with anyone else. Besides I need this job. I just decided that I’m not going to let opportunities for happiness pass me by.”

    “But if things go wrong, it will hurt both of us.”

    “So it’s a risk, you were a Gambler, risks are nothing new.”

    “All right,” Geoff said breaking up the conversation, “time to get back to practice.” The coach made sure everyone was ready for the trip to Rydonni Prime and then Agamar. It wouldn’t be as bad as the four game road trip from last year but, the writing was on the wall by that point and they didn’t have much riding on those games. These next two were important they had momentum they needed to keep that to stay ahead of the league. They were on the edge of something fantastic. A few more wins and they’ll have their first winning season, a big step forward for the young team that many had written off. This was their chance to show the galaxy that they are ELL material to finally silence the doubters that had become quiet since the Pirates winning streak. In the back of his mind Geoff knew this was going to be a better season, if they lost the game against the Monarchs it wasn’t going to stop them they would keep moving. They had dusted themselves off after a crushing inaugural season and punishing first game of the new, he was confident that his team had the strength to shrug off one loss and not make it two.

    He had called Else to check up on her, she was doing better not ready to come back yet, and if Geoff was being honest she may never be ready to come back. As the coach walked out after practice a reporter from the Carratos Journal stopped him.

    “Mr. Copin, Cha Collina” the Mon Calamari said approaching “I’d like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.” Part of the human was worried; Rin Bahar usually handled the Pirates for the Journal. This guy was new to Geoff, maybe he was helping Ms. Bahar or something like that. She had always been professional and kind to the Pirates and, the coach saw no reason not to afford her colleagues the same curtesy.

    “Sure, but,” he said raising a finger “next time please contact the PR office and set up an interview please.”

    “Oh, don’t worry it shouldn’t take too long.”

    “Ok” they walked into the coach’s office and sat down.

    “All right,” Cha said getting down to business, “My first question is: does Else Reppen’s absence from apparently all team activities have anything to do with her murdering her father during the Starkiller game?” Geoff sat back in his chair.

    “Ms. Reppen is taking some personal time if you what a statement talk to her, not me.”

    “You were present when she was being questioned by police were you not?”

    “Mr. Collina, I fail to see how my being in the room is relevant to…”

    “What is your relationship, with Reppen?”

    “I’m her coach,” The human said annoyance in his voice.

    “And are coaches usually a person’s first call after being picked up by police?”

    “When the person has no one else they can trust, sometimes. What are you getting at?”

    “Well I’m just wondering how close you are to your players, especially the female ones.” Geoff made a fist with his right hand, anger rose through his body.

    “Mr. Collina there’s the door,” he said pointing with his chin “now get out,”

    “I’m just saying that this is not the first time you’ve been involved with player off the field.”

    “What,” The coach stood up from his chair and planted his hands firmly on the desk in front of him.

    “I have a source that saw you and Leigh Cavanaugh walk into your apartment building after the Senators game last year. I can also confirm that your wife was out of the home at the time. It begs the question what were you doing alone with her.” Geoff’s anger turned into outright fury, this man had no right to go prying into his private life. He gripped the Mon Cal’s collar and arm and guided him to the door. “Hey I’m just doing my job.”

    “No you’re just trying to get page views by making up a tawdry story about one of the few non-corrupt public faces on Carratos, and if you publish a single word of this I will sue you for libel and defamation of character faster than you can blink. Good day.” He closed the door and tuned away, his hands clinched into fists. He could have killed the reporter for even insinuating any impropriety between him and his players, thankfully he had controlled himself. No need to turn a non-story into one. Besides no news publisher would run a report with such tenuous links, right.

    TAG: CPL_Macja
  5. CPL_Macja

    CPL_Macja Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 29, 2008
    IC: Romo Crowley
    Monarchs Stadium, Ryell, Rydonni Prime
    279 ELL Week 4, Monarchs vs Lightning, 9-7

    During the fourth week of the Elite League, the entire Namaryne system always paused to remember those who paid the ultimate price for freedom. When the Monarchs were home at the same time, the cathedral to the limmie gods was the focal point for this solemn occasion. This season more-so than the recent ones, as another Monarch alum and Namaryne warrior crossed over to the other side.

    The normal fanfare and booming announcement of the players was forgone. Even the crowd kept their entrance into the stadium to a dull roar. Once the players from both squads lined up along the midfield line, with the officials standing between them, they turned and faced the system emblem of Namaryne as the system hymn was played by a brass ensemble. The final note drifted off into the night air.


    As was the tradition, following the anthem, the list of deceased Monarchs who served in the various system and galactic armed forces was read. The list began with the Fallen Fifteen:
    Lorli Boxey
    Hahn Emaldo
    Riv Emerik
    Nash Hareilly
    Endra Hawk
    Cota Lorley
    Austin Pence
    Gage Rango
    Ila Rieger
    Pia Riise
    Ali Senow
    Inus Socca
    Sasha Tarik
    Ahcas Yzoj

    They were then followed by those who died outside of the line of duty:
    Gary Berrina
    Jaren Strick

    This season the list ended with Tev Undolo, whose smiling face lingered on the vidscreen amid a respectful amount of applause from those in attendance.

    Once everything settled into the normal pre-match flow Romo handed out their assignments. “Ozzie is behind the pipes, Ping and Xux take the corners with Powe between. Helios, Konnenwirth, and Starr will be on the halfback line. Royd and Seter will start at midfield with Severine in reserve. Resh, Sojuria, Adams will be our first line of attack. Aptos and Rooth will take up the outside corners with Ileo being our forward attacker.” He looked at the players huddled around him, they all knew their assignments but for a team who had been running an unconventional formation for the past few seasons, it was good to give them a little reminder.

    “We’ll be making adjustments along the way, so everyone be ready.” Adjustments, the one constant in limmie. Whether they were small or sweeping, happening every minute or every other match, every team made them. And when the match was practically even at the half, Romo made his.

    Meanwhile, out on the field, the Monarchs organization was memorializing the recently departed Tev Undolo by posthumously retiring his number 48. His jersey would now forever hang next to his widow’s, two of his battle buddies’, and two of this closest friends’. It was the second time that the Monarchs played host to the Lightning while holding a retirement ceremony. The last time it was five years ago when the first numbers were retired since Reicrof’s in 268.

    That match in 274 was a landslide victory for the visitors, spoiling their festivities.

    Of course Romo wasn’t the one making the adjustments five years ago.

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    IC: Setarcos Rhemes
    The Claymore Hotel, Rythani City, Rydonni Prime
    Prior to the Core War, Monarchs at Senators, 10-4

    As the Monarchs traveled to the capital of the Republic, their GM made his way to the coastal playground filled with casinos, hotels, theaters, and various other entertainment establishments. If only that was the sole purpose for his visit, he might actually have enjoyed himself. But unlike his other trips to the home of entertainment in the system, his presence was requested… by Tavish McNosh.

    When he walked into the Claymore he knew he was being watched, of course he was probably being followed once he step foot on the boardwalk from his speeder. Strolling through the attached casino, he walked up the stairs right to the main restaurant inside. The hostess greeted him as he walked through the door and escorted him to Tavish’s private room. He stepped through the door and was met with a wall of sweet smelling smoke mingled with the pleasant sounds of female laughter.

    “Setarcos,” Minister McNosh called from across the room filled with various planetary and sector dignitaries surrounded by a wide variety of female companions. Tavish had a scantily clad Falleen on his own lap, “why don’t you pull up a seat. Would you like a t’bac cigar freshly rolled on the thigh of one of these beautiful young females?”

    Before he could object, a young, fair skinned, brunette in a black silky dress sauntered up to him and put an already lit cigar in his lips. She then led him to an empty chair at the table for him to relax and made herself comfortable upon his lap. “Hmm… can’t say that I’ve ever had this particular blend of t’bac before. But I’m sure you didn’t call me here to discuss t’bac products.”

    “Actually, Mr. Rhemes, I called this meeting.” Answered a middle-aged gentlemen in a bowtie, the only one in the room without a female drapped around him


    “Setarcos allow me to introduce you to Harold Rossum.”

    Rossum crossed the room and shook his hand, “A pleasure to finally meet one of my more astounding clients.”

    “The pleasure is all mine.” Setarcos didn’t move, not wanting to disturb the young woman who was now lightly stroking his red hair. “To what do I owe this honor?”

    “Well, Mr. Rhemes, to be perfectly blunt… you make me nervous. It’s not normal for my clients to allow me to hold over a million credits in escrow for them. Not only that, but Halverson tells me that you’ve only had a simple blanket wager of 10,000 credits on your own team to win. Now tell me, if you were in my shoes, wouldn’t you travel all the way from Coruscant to Rydonni Prime to ask for a meeting to determine your client intentions as well?”

    “Perhaps. But like I explained to the Honorable Minister about this subject over a month ago, I’m just being cautious with all the heat that the League office is putting on gamblers this season.”

    Mr. Rossum didn’t seem to like that answer, “Haven’t we give you enough assurances that your identity is one hundred percent untraceable? Do you not think that we will put the full weight of Eckdorf Zplatt & Kowmak to defend you should the league get to close?” Rossum took a slow drink from his glass which brought a calm to his voice, “How about this? Let’s make a side wager, one that is completely off the books and just between gentlemen.”

    “I’m listening.”

    “Currently your account stands at 1.25 million credits after four weeks of wagering. Your team is currently 2-2 with five more matches before the year is over. As it stands right now, the over-under in victories for your squad is four and a hook. How about this, I will take the under and you take the over, the amount of the wager shall be half the amount of your standing balance at the end of the season?” The wager peaked his interest. “Now, to ensure you don’t leave me holding a bag full of IOUs, your maximum wager for the remainder of the season shall be 100,000 per match. Does that work for you?

    It did not take Setarcos long to think about it, “I’m game… on one condition.”

    “And what might that be, Mr. Rhemes?”

    “No outside interference.”

    “Now hold on there…” Tavish started to rebuke Setarcos, but Rossum put a hand lightly on his forearm.

    “That’s alright, Minister.” He took his hand off the Minister’s arm, “You have my word Mr. Rhemes… no one will interfere with your team’s run for the playoffs.”

    “Perfect!” Minister McNosh exclaimed, “Now that we’re all done with that,” he turned to address the young woman who had her head resting on Setarcos’s shoulder, “My dear, do you have any idea who you are lounging on?”

    “No sir,” she said with a slight accent.

    “Why that’s Setarcos Rhemes, General Manager and future ELL Hall of Famer of the Rydonni Prime Monarchs.”

    “Oh,” she said without much enthusiasm, “I don’t really follow the Elite League… I’m actually partial to the Alpheridies Veilskimmers.”

    The end to that comment told Setarcos everything he needed to know. But her final comment, that she leaned in and whispered in his ear confirmed it for him.

    “By the way… Agent Kol’sin gives his regards.”

    TAG: Rebecca_Daniels, Trieste, Jedi Gunny
  6. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
    IC: Lilly Vehn
    Royal Limmie Grounds,Hapes

    “I spent two seasons with Hapes,” Meredith observed from the sideline as she watched the Nar Shaddaa Smugglers warm up in front of her.

    “Was it all that bad?” Lilly asked.

    “Let’s just say that I ran out of steam for the job,” Meredith replied. “Inviere and I could’ve assembled quite the team had Hapan laws not restricted how we acquired talent. Females can play well, I’m a testament to that, but that really narrows a successful recruiting pool and I think that’s what doomed my second season.”

    “That going to happen here with the Smugglers? You’ll just wake up one day and decide to quit?” Lilly inquired.

    Meredith kept her gaze on the reserves who’d been promoted from the Smuggler bench, a bench that was never deep enough, especially with McCloud out for the season and shook her head, “Give up on the burgundy and black? I’d rather die first.”

    “I had to ask,” Lilly replied.

    “I know. By the way, I talked to Cardan, and he’s decided to take over defensive duties while I leave the offense in a flux position,” Meredith said.

    “What do you mean a flux position?” Lilly asked.

    “More free-form. I want the players to take initiative and not be relegated to schemes. See if that helps us get out of the pit we’re in,” Meredith replied.

    Lilly headed over to Cardan who was crouched on one knee and going over the defensive gameplan for the day. The Smugglers hadn’t reclaimed their defensive standing since Ike Tullo headed off to free agency. Sure, they had a core group of players like

    Zelena Wiles, Ken Zetter, Wilhulf Nexrus, and Jayla Leed but the young ones like Anna Konder still had a lot to learn. Ike was missed in the Smuggler’s backfield.

    “The ladies aren’t a physical team, no disrespect,” Cardan said as he chewed on a cigar. “I want you to push them hard off their routes. They run a timing offense. Do that and we’ve got a good shot at winning today. Do that and maybe we can get to .500 and claw our way back to where we know we ought to be.”

    “So you want us to ‘Book ‘em’, Coach?” Jayla asked.

    Cardan smiled, pulled the cigar out of his mouth and crowed, “That’s right Jayla. Book’em.”

    Tag: No One
  7. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    IC: Pamila Korthe

    Pamila was shocked to see that her offense was actually out in force for the first time this season. They were carving up the Sandskimmers on their home field, something that she never thought possible coming in. The offense must have finally kicked into gear, she figured. They had the talent, just not the recent track record.

    And it all started with Callie Polarez. The 278 third-round draft pick, a Helmsman nominee who had been all but forgotten in the Draft, was demonstrating why she was the Senators’ top prospect. She weaved through the Sandskimmers defense time and again, making their defense look silly as she took over the game. The score sheet didn’t demonstrate that kind of dominance, but underlying the entire Force offensive effort was the left corner forward. She had a future in the Elite League; the only question was where, and when she would get the call-up.

    The defense had done better in this game. Oola Ban hadn’t been spectacular, but had done enough in goal to win them this one. Steen Roggers and Luka Mellott teamed up to make a solid wedge in front of the goal, and had it not been for Karin Cherf struggling on the other side, Pam figured, their defense would have been even better. The midfield duo of Mekmek and George Wulson had held their ground, and rookie Felda had also put in some quality minutes.

    On the overall, it was a good victory, something to look back at as a complete game. She mentioned this to the team in the locker room, and they obviously felt that something was clicking now. Maybe it was the longer season that had their spirits up, maybe the fact that they had finally won some games did it, maybe it was just Polarez’ recent play that had sparked their run. The Zeltron didn’t know, but what she did know was that her team was 2-3 and still within shouting distance of the leaders of the league. This would be their year if they kept things going. They had to avenge the collapse last season, and to prove to Gark S’rily that she still deserved to coach. No her records weren’t anything to look at, but she hoped that by developing talent that her job would still be kept. Futures League records weren’t everything; developing young players was the main impetus. Recently, the players called up to the majors hadn’t done a hell of a lot, but she had a better track record in the past. She could only hope that Force alums would continue to at least break even on Coruscant to keep her job safe if the Force didn’t win games.

    TAG: jcgoble3 for the league scores, Runjedirun (for the prior game)
  8. Trieste

    Trieste Chosen One star 6

    Apr 10, 2010
    GM Post

    Extra! Extra! Get all your bonus rolls! Get 'em while they're hot! We got your Bakura, Carratos, and Coruscant! We got some Euceron, Mando'ade, Nar Shaddaa, and Ralltiir! We even got some Rydonni Prime!

    Week 6 Results
    Carratos Pirates at Rydonni Prime Monarchs (35-10)
    Nar Shaddaa Smugglers at Hapes Consortium Buccaneers (10-12)
    Ralltiir Starkillers at Agamar Packers (27-0)
    Ylesia Lightning at Bakura Miners (10-16)
    Euceron Storm at Coruscant Senators (8-27)
    Denon Demons at Mando’ade Mercs (12-4)

    TAG: Bardan_Jusik CPL_Macja galactic-vagabond422 jcgoble3 Jedi Gunny Rebecca_Daniels Runjedirun Tim Battershell Vehn
    Vehn, Jedi Gunny and jcgoble3 like this.
  9. Trieste

    Trieste Chosen One star 6

    Apr 10, 2010
    IC: Rocket Richaud
    Hickory & Cherry, Gesco City, Bakura

    It was the same ad that had been on all week. There was no dialogue, just the sound of breathing. It started off with a close up of a pair of red pair of eyes with black in between. Slowly the image zoomed out, the gaze never blinking, pulling further and further back as blue started to creep into the frame. By the time the zoom finished, it was clear that it was Halar’ona’nurodo, the starting half forward for the Miners in his distinctive pattern of eye black.

    The picture then suddenly cut to black with the following words in white:


    A hard cut to new titles:


    A little overly dramatic? Rocket thought maybe, but not by much. The bar was stuffed to the gills today. She and Sadie hadn’t been able to get seats (but thankfully they had gotten drinks) with the crowd. Everything was tense.

    Last week the Miners had played a tight one against the Lightning. It had largely been a game of defense. The Miner offense had improved from its poor showing against Denon, though it hadn’t gotten back up to its previous dominance. Luckily, the defense had been in good form, reading the Ylesia attack well all day long. Comstock made fewer mistakes than her opposite number at the other end of the field and the Miners walked away with a two-score win, which was as close of a margin of error as Rocket wanted to see.

    The Smugglers, on the other hand, were currently sitting out of the playoff picture after losing by two to their head coach’s former team in what had been no doubt a frustrating return to the Consortium for Meredith Chambers-Vayne. Their defense had been nearly as good as the Miners. If the last game was any indication, they were going to be in for a defensive battle today.

    Then again, recent performance had nothing to do with today’s game. This was a rivalry that went back decades. The Rim powers of limmie. Others had come and gone, but the Miners and Smugglers had always been there, staring each other down mirroring each other. Each had been guided in the 240s and 250s by a defining Cup-winning player turned Cup-winning coach and general manager: Rhia Grames for the Smugglers and Dana Roslyn for the Miners. Grames might have coined the term “go local,” but Roslyn had had her own fiefdom in the Bak10 for years that churned out Miners on call--until the Smugglers started dipping into the pool.

    They had demonstrated the greatest form of flattery towards each other: blatantly stealing the other’s ideas. Kaitlyn Vehn looked at the dominant power offenses of the Miners and answered with Mylessa McCloud and Shady Lereoux to power her own. Quinn Cundertol looked at the success of the hard defenses of the Smugglers and promptly filched a gritty VCU half back in Ponie Ternardiel to toughen up his defense and win two championships. After being victimized by Alana Glencross at midfield, the Smugglers upgraded theirs with Windreaver. Frustrated by Meredith Chambers goalkeeping, Cundertol answered with Lizbit Comstock.

    Nowhere was this more evident than in the last four years. Two Galactic Cups aside, yet neither had beaten the other in the postseason. It was as if they warily circled each other, choosing their moments judiciously. The Miners and Smugglers were locked in a dance of punch and counterpunch and neither one ever gave up. Their record in the Silver Age showed it: 9-9. It was a true rivalry. It brought out the best in each.

    And here they were again. Divided by conference; united in respect born from loathing. It was a game both teams always wanted to win, a game circled on the calendar. There were seemingly more and more of those games as the seasons went on, but this was the one that had always been circled. You could pull a 246 calendar out of the waste bin in the Miners locker room (assuming the groundskeepers had been slacking off for over 30 years) and you’d find that the Smugglers game had been marked then. It always would be.

    This was the Black and Blue Battle. It was where winners came to play.

    And as the saying goes: winners. Take. All.

    TAG: Rebecca_Daniels Vehn
  10. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    IC: Christine Gamble
    Senators Stadium

    “Cover 2! Cover 2!” Christine yelled out to the back-line defenders. The 1-on-1 coverage of the Storm wasn’t working early, as the Storm came out with a vengeance. They obviously weren’t taking the ‘Refresher Bowl’ “hype” as positive vibes, and were willing to press the issue on the reeling Senators team in front of them. Deluxx shifted over, and Jenna Leed hit the hole just in time to make the play on a pass by the Storm in the offensive zone. The ball was tipped into the air, and Haybius Korpus, the other half back, made the catch for the interception.

    “Push it!” the corner back then yelled at her teammates. She sensed that the turnover would help them push the ball up the field. Perhaps they could get their maligned offense back on track with a solid offensive set or two to get this one kicked off. Korpus’ pass went to Gayla Renhorn, who dodged a tackle easily and then chucked it to a crossing Anya Amasova. The Hapan rifled it over to fellow Hapan Becki Morlan, who then juked her defender out of his shoes and then made a dive for the goal. The Storm defense tried to rally, but Morlan would not be denied. She plowed through a tackle and then tried to throw the ball at the goal. A Storm defender undercut her and she threw the ball, but it was a very errant throw and went out of bounds.

    Christine smacked the turf of Senators Stadium with her foot when she saw the turnover. That was Morlan’s problem from the past few weeks; she hadn’t been passing like she should have. Ynisse Zalt, starting this one for Ava Killenger, who had a sore calf and would play limited minutes, was open in the flat for a shot on goal. But Morlan had squandered the opportunity, and the Storm got the ball back. Without Max Qorbus to take multiple defenders off the other forwards, Morlan had started to struggle. She had talent, but was just not a top-flight scorer. That had destroyed this half of the season, and had pushed the Senators into a must-win situation here today. They had to be victorious, or else the firesale would probably begin. Christine wasn’t too worried about being traded, since she had just signed a new contract, but most of the other players would likely be expendable if that happened, and Morlan would likely be one of them if she kept this up.

    On the next Euceron possession, Christine took down Boga with a solid form tackle. The Rodian tumbled to the ground and coughed up the ball. Christine rolled over her opponent and was able to grab hold of the ball. She then picked it up and threw it as hard as she could before rolling over again as Boga tried to make a play. The ball seemed to fall sideways but somehow made it to the hands of Korpus, who got it up the field. Christine, on her back, sat up as she watched the play. Renhorn threw in a dart to Zalt, who then kicked it over to Morlan. Becki beat Chaffery Ordona with a pump fake before burning a goal into the net past Kohdi’orr. It was her fourth goal of the season, and a good score to get the Senators on the board first.

    It wasn’t long before Christine made another play on Boga. The Rodian got sandwiched between Christine and Deluxx, who brought the pain with a back hit. The ball came out once again, and Christine found herself with it. She ran a few yards forward before pitching it off and getting buried by Pana Nelma. She was driven hard to the turf, just like she would take down an opposing forward. It wasn’t a pleasant hit, but she had experienced many of them in her career. It was just something you had to deal with as a defender; make a play, pay for it. It was an odd reciprocal effect given that defenders usually hit forwards, but sometimes the forwards wanted payback, especially when the defender held the ball after making a play. Then the tackle was more fair game than it would be elsewise for a forward.

    Down on the other end of the field, Zalt was able to get a nice bounce on her odd shot that got tipped at the line, and it trickled over the bar for her first point of the season. She was struggling mightily, and rumor had it that she would be sent down soon. So the coaches had experimented with starting her, in case it got her going. So far, it had. She had made a nice scoring play there, and had made an extra pass that resulted in a shot on goal by Anya Amasova. The Twi’lek, in her third season, wasn’t starter-material in most eyes, but the team thought she had some talent and would prosper with extra duties in this game.

    It was 4-0 Senators early, and the defense started to dig down deeper. Jamee Meels missed a tackle on Gurm Nay’ryn, but Jenna Leed cleaned up the play with a nice hit. Another Storm possession down the field resulted in a Storm forward throwing the ball out of bounds after being swarmed under by three Senator defenders. They were winning the battle in the Back 6, Christine knew. She hit Boga off his route and then picked off a pass meant for him. She took the ball up the field, dodged a tackle attempt by Nay’ryn, and then got it to the middle of the field before ceding control to Ye’ves’toung. She ran back to her position and then watched the Senators operate on offense.

    Leia Adama broke a double-team and caught a long pass from Vail Pin. The reigning Ingbrand winner, who had suffered an injury in Week Two and hadn’t been the same the past two weeks, was angry that she had been so thoroughly shut down like that. Without Qorbus to fill the lanes and draw defenders, she was the main scoring threat, and would be played as such. But she made the right move here and caught the nicely-thrown ball. She outraced Seena Bonga, the backup full back, and then stutter-stepped to fake out the goalie before beating him with a shot that scored a goal for her side. It was her team-leading fifth of the season, and she celebrated with a huge fistpump. The frustration of being shut down the past few weeks had gotten to her, so releasing that anger with the goal was certainly a sight that she wanted everyone to know. Double-team, triple-team, whatever, she wanted to say; she could still score points.

    Near the end of the half, the shutout ended when a Storm forward beat the Senator defense and scored a goal. It wasn’t a play that Christine thought should have happened; it was a mental lapse that had allowed it to occur. Against better teams, they couldn’t let that happen again. The Senator attempt to put up a score to counter failed with a stiff stand by the Euceron defense, and so the teams went to the locker room with a 15-3 score in favor of the home team.

    As she ran off the field to the locker room for the half, Christine remembered that Jamee Meels, the Talz half back, had left the field two minutes early and went back to the locker room. She hadn’t paid it any mind at the time, because it wasn’t her decision in that instance to make a personnel swap. Patti Meter had come in, and hadn’t ceded anything in those two minutes. The former starter was trying to salvage her career by coming off the bench; so far it was working.

    “How’s Meels?” Christine asked the training staff.

    “What do you mean?” an assistant asked.

    “He was injured, right?” Christine inquired.

    “Well, not physically . . .” the assistant said.

    Then Christine hit the locker room, and her nose was met by a very pungent odor. It reeked of manure, and as soon as Christine got closer to the refresher, she knew what it was. Meels hadn’t been injured; he had instead taken a hint from the game’s “moniker” and had done his business at the end of the half. When the other players came out into the room, they started to complain of the stench.

    “It’s like a manure pit!” Becki whined.

    “Compared to the stench on Ord Mantell, this is nothing,” Augustina Dekula, the backup half back, commented. She had gone to school there.

    When Jamee emerged from the refresher, everyone was looking at him with daggers in their eyes. The Talz, who didn’t speak Basic and generally said very few words, hunched his shoulders a little bit and tried to shy away from what he had done.

    “I guess the big guy feels better now,” Ava said as she pulled her jersey over her nose.

    “Hey, the Euceron media said that we would feel refreshed after this game!” Zovort joked. He was over near the captain stalls to try and get away from the stench, because they were the furthest stalls away from the refresher. His, as a rookie, was one of the closest, if not the absolute closest.

    “Go to hell,” Christine said. She tried to focus her mind on the game, but it was impossible to ignore the stench.

    The coaches, when they realized what had happened, held a short halftime speech before letting the players leave the locker room. Assistants promised that the room would smell better when they got back, but Christine wasn’t so sure. There was no way to mask that odor; you could just hide it for a little while. As long as Meels was satisfied, that was what mattered, but it wasn’t exactly the kind of “refreshment” the Senators wanted at this point. They had enough of those jokes during the week, and now it was being compounded by this incident. Hopefully he had at least shown some decency and flushed.

    During the second half, the Senators continued to wear the younger Storm team down. Christine kept dominating Boga, and the Rodian had no space in which to operate. This gave Christine extra confidence, because she was finally winning again. It had been hard to think that they would be this dominant after the Mercs game, but right now they were rolling, and it felt pretty damn good.

    The Senator offense assaulted the Storm even though there was no real need for extra points at the clip the defense was playing at. Leia punched in another goal, and Syra Kuna netted her second of the day and season on a skip shot that got past the goalie’s fingers. When they couldn’t penetrate inside and get a good shot on goal, they passed the ball around the perimeter and looked for an open bar point try. It seemed tedious at times, but then when a bar point was scored all that effort had been worth it.

    With about ten minutes to go, Christine and the other starters were pulled. As they got over to the sideline, Christine took a long swig of Gundarkade and sat down on the bench. Camille Montes was still out on the field because she was the only goalie they had active for the game. Jam Tarpals had been deactivated from the roster as soon as Sarah Connor had been upgraded to “Questionable” for the game, but she hadn’t been able to play after complaining of soreness during pregame warmups. So Montes was out there for the long haul in this one, and she was doing well for the second consecutive game.

    In the end, the Senators walked away with a 27-8 victory. They had won all three phases of the game, and had looked like the team they should have been coming into the season. They were now an even 2-2 at home on the year, ready to take on Hapes here the next week. Their overall record was 2-4, not completely out of things, but also not exactly in a good position. Their disastrous conference performance thus far had pushed them way out of first place contention, and they needed a lot of luck in order to try and sniff a playoff spot even with five games, including two in conference, left to play. But they had a win, and that was the first step.

    Christine returned to the locker room, and found that it didn’t smell nearly as bad. It was almost back to normal, but you could still detect the foul manure smell if you tried hard enough.

    Apparently that right there was the reek of victory.

    TAG: jcgoble3, who dared me to do that middle portion :p
    Rebecca_Daniels and jcgoble3 like this.
  11. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    Sub-GM Post

    Bonus rolls this week to (points in parentheses): Byblos (28), Concordia (30), Druckenwell (28), Tatooine (30), and Thyferra (32).

    Limmie Futures League – Week 6
    Concordia Crusaders at Thyferra Force (0–27)
    Druckenwell Marksmen at Eriadu Thunder (9–24)
    Byblos Red Wings at Gallinore Firedrakes (10–22)
    Tatooine Sandskimmers at Garqi Gunners (17–18)

    TAG: CPL_Macja Bardan_Jusik Vehn Rebecca_Daniels Tim Battershell Runjedirun Jedi Gunny
    Jedi Gunny likes this.
  12. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    IC: Karin Cherf
    Week Leading up to Concordia game

    The Futures League season was already halfway done, and the Force had their ups and downs. Starting the season with three losses had hurt their morale really badly, but a shootout win on Byblos followed by a road win against Tatooine had them back in the thick of things. But for Karin Cherf, she just hadn’t had a good season the whole time. While her fellow defenders had moments in the sun, she was still struggling mightily. It wasn’t like she was trying to; she just didn’t have it. Finally, in practice one day, things came to a head. She missed an easy tackle on Morgan Renhorn, and then the whistle blew.

    “Come on, Cherf!” Pamila Korthe yelled at her. “What’s wrong with you this season? I saw a lot more in camp than this crap!”

    “Sorry,” Karin said. She shied away from the Zeltron. “Not having a good season.”

    “I know you aren’t,” Pam said. The coach turned to Travers Mercator, the Calibop defensive coordinator. “Try to figure out how we can salvage her this season.”

    “Will do,” Mercator said. He came over to Karin. “Look, Cherf, it’s obvious that you aren’t yourself. Is there something you need to tell us?”

    “No,” Karin said defiantly. “I just don’t have it.”

    “How so?”

    “I don’t have the energy I usually have.”

    “How long has this been going on?”

    “The past few weeks,” Karin admitted. She hoped it wasn’t anything serious.

    “Hm, I see. We’ll get you checked out,” Mercator said. “You’re done for today. Report to medical staff immediately.”

    Two Days later

    “Well, Ms. Cherf, there really isn’t anything wrong with you,” Hamlin Trenos, the Iktochi trainer, said. “The doctors say that you’re fine.”

    “But why do I feel out of energy?” Karin asked.

    “Well, they’ve ruled out major diseases. You aren’t having the symptoms of crippling illnesses, and you seem fine, so it can’t be a lingering malady like a severe cold. So we need to know one thing.”

    “What’s that?”

    “Can you take one last test for us?” Hamlin asked.

    “Sure. I want to know what this issue is,” Karin said.

    Hamlin held out his hand. There was a small object in it. When his fingers unfurled, Karin could see what it was. It was confusing; why was he holding a pregnancy test?

    “You aren’t suggesting . . .?” she asked, looking up at the Iktochi.

    “We can’t suggest anything, Ms. Cherf,” Hamlin said. “We can only do tests and hope we find an answer. Now, if you could please perform this test for us.”

    “But that’s ludicrous . . .” Karin said.

    “Just do the test,” Hamlin said. “It would allow us to remove that as a possibility for your lingering energy issues.”

    “Fine,” Karin said. She knew she had no problem here; the team was certainly getting a little private with her. She had to prove them wrong.

    A quick trip to the refresher later, she waited for the test to turn negative. She was already figuring out what questions to ask of Hamlin and the doctors to find a cure for this mysterious ailment.

    But she never got to use them. Her heart sank into her stomach instead.

    The strip was coming back positive.

    She was pregnant.

    When Hamlin saw the test, he immediately ordered her to take another one. It just made Karin feel worse when it too came back positive. A third test turned up the same results.

    “Well, Ms. Cherf, that’s not the news you were probably hoping to hear, was it?” Hamlin inquired when the rookie corner back turned in her third positive test.

    “No, it’s not,” Karin said. She felt ashamed. She had only slept with one man in the prior 5 months – Eddy. She didn’t believe in the Force creating children out of thin air, so it was clear that he was the father. How could he have done this to her?

    “Ms. Cherf, if you were planning on having a child, we would have liked to know prior to the season so that we could have cut your minutes accordingly,” Hamlin said. “Can’t have a pregnant woman getting herself or her fetus hurt on the pitch by taking some big hits.”

    “I didn’t plan for this, OK?” Karin said, now sobbing. She couldn’t believe her rotten luck. So a baby inside of her had ruined her season, made her feel tired. That explained everything.

    “Well, whatever you do, please make sure to consult us,” Hamlin said, putting his hand on Karin’s shoulder. “That’s our number one priority.”

    “Thanks, doc,” Karin said. When she left the clinic that day, she looked down to her stomach and wanted to then punch a wall. Eddy had done this to her without her permission, and now she felt hostile towards him. How dare he try to ruin her career? She still liked the man, but he had gone too far this time. If they were dating, she would think it was OK. But this was not fine. This was something she could not afford.

    TAG: No One
  13. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    Power Rankings, Week 6

    1. Carratos Pirates – They have the best record in the league, and seem to be rolling after destroying a good Rydonni Prime team. In the preseason, few would have seen this coming. But maybe the Pirates have finally found their stride; just imagine if they had snagged Christine Gamble in free agency this year. That would have been downright scary. And to produce in the face of off-the-field issues, that’s a big bonus.

    2. Mando’ade Mercs – Despite the loss this week, we still don’t believe in the Demons. And we believe in the Mercs. One bad offensive game aside, they are still as hot as any team in the league. They only allowed Denon to score 12 points, so it’s not like they played terribly in the Back 6. Shake off the off-game on offense, and this team is still scary.

    3. Denon Demons – A win on the road on Mandalore is never easy, but the Demons keep proving doubters wrong by winning games. We have to begrudgingly accept that for the moment they are a top team. We’ll see if that lasts, but if it does, we might see a long run with Denon in the Elite League.

    4. Ralltiir Starkillers – Shut out a very talented Agamar squad that has size to burn. That takes a lot of talent, and a lot of luck. But we’re not going to focus on that, because the Starkillers are an underrated team.

    5. Bakura Miners – Got back on track this week against Ylesia, and they are hanging around in the Solo. But this demonstrates that they are not invincible; 277 team they are not. Good, but not legendary good like that. They still have to make their way through a tough schedule in the last five weeks, so we’ll see if they can show their mettle.

    6. Rydonni Prime Monarchs – We’re seeing two issues here: a lack of offense, and a defensive lapse this week. Ozzie isn’t as impenetrable as he was last season, and the offense is struggling. They need to get that fixed ASAP before it clips their Solo Conference championship repeat bid.

    7. Hapes Consortium Buccaneers – Somehow they are playing good ball, and are staying in the thick of things in the Skywalker. They have a beatable Coruscant squad up next, so they can keep their drive to the postseason going. And it makes us wonder if Adanna Inviere knows something about her team that we don’t, because right now not having Meredith Chambers-Vayne on the sidelines looks like a good thing.

    8. Agamar Packers – Being shut out at home really stings, but the Packers should be able to bounce back. They need to get back on their (very large) feet collectively and continue to fight. There’s a lot of time left to mount a comeback.

    9. Nar Shaddaa Smugglers – They are still in the hunt, but the drive just isn’t there that they are used to. Kaitlyn Vehn would have gotten them through this. But Meredith Chambers-Vayne isn't getting it done.

    10. Ylesia Lightning – Right now, they are in free-fall. That’s four straight losses to drop them into a tie for last place in the Solo. They are in desperate need of a win to get their heads on straight, because the Solo Conference takes no prisoners. And they’re finding that out the hard way.

    11. Coruscant Senators – A blowout win at home is a good confidence-booster for next week’s game against a better Hapes team. Still, they are a long way from a playoff berth, and their chances seem slim unless they can come out with this kind of intensity every week.

    12. Euceron Storm – Only silver lining here is that they are one step closer to the first overall pick next season, and they could probably recoup 30 million credits or more for it if they sell it for cash. At least, that’s if they still exist come Draft time. We’re watching that situation closely.

    TAGS to Everyone, jcgoble3, Tim Battershell, Rebecca_Daniels, Trieste, Bardan_Jusik, CPL_Macja, Runjedirun, Vehn, galactic-vagabond422
  14. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Geoff Copin
    Monarchs Stadium, Rydonni Prime

    The noise in Monarchs stadium was deafening, much like the home of the Mercs on Mandalore. The Pirates took their positions under the thunderous crowd. Geoff strained his eyes to find the ‘Black Spot’ should be easy in a stadium filled with blue and gold. He gave up looking with his naked eye and picked up a pair of binoculars. The Pirate flag waved proudly in the far corner of the stands, it had been a long time since the coach had seen that large black flag flying. He wondered if the person holding it ever got in trouble for blocking the view of others. Scanning the rest of the stadium for other pockets of Scallywags, his eyes caught Lokensgaard looking down on the field from the owner’s box. Many people had a poor to mixed view of the commissioner but, Geoff for one liked him, he when out on a limb to promote this unknown team and had the determination to stand by them after a bad first season. Now that patience was being rewarded. The Pirates had been playing awesome limmie since the second week. They’ve had some close calls and a few injuries but, this season was turning into an excellent one for the Black and White.

    The Monarchs lined up in a standard 6-2-6 formation, instead of their nearly trademarked 6-3-5, a system that had served them well in the past but, seemed to lose its punch in recent games. That could be linked to the absence of their all-star captain Vesper Lynd, or that the other teams had found ways to consistently beat it Geoff couldn’t say for sure. The ref started the match and Logan immediately passed to Gor. The front six cut though the Monarchs quickly making it to the goalmouth almost unopposed. They dropped into the ‘All In’ attack that had been lighting up the league creating a mess of bodies in front of Ozzie. To the veteran keepers credit he kept his eyes on the ball and made the first stop of the game. The home team started their counter came back strong, unfortunately their attack ended at the half back line, with Rhodri making a hard tackle on Ileo knocking the ball loose. Gabby fought with Seter for the recovery eventually out muscling the Zeltron for possession and passing to her brother on a cross route out of the midfield. His marker was right behind him as he passed up to Leigh. She crashed the net with the other five following her. Again the front of the goal descends into slightly controlled chaos, with all the routes crossing over each other. It seemed like the front six shared a mind, always knowing where the each one of them would be and where they were going.

    Rime broke from the pack and rifled it past the Chiss net minder for his first goal of the season. Although the Devaronian was the team captain he was not known for his flashy scoring, preferring to set up plays and control the tempo of the attack. Geoff had to admit that they wouldn’t have half the points they did without Rime setting Logan or the other forwards up with a great leading pass or a strong pick. The Monarchs made a goal and a bar point but, the Pirates had control. They put up an impressive twelve points in the first half with goals by Leigh, Logan and Gor, along with Rime’s opener, on the other side the half backs continued to dominate, picking off passes and making hard hits. It seemed like something was missing from the Monarchs, they lacked the defensive edge they had the last time the two teams met. Ozzie looked a little off his game, and the rest of the defense appeared porous even with another player in the backfield. Maybe the Pirates had stepped up a level, finally tapped in to the potential the coach knew they had. Because looking at them in the first half, they didn’t look like the same team from last year and were parsecs better than the team Geoff first met two years ago.

    In the locker room the players held their heads high with a confidence that had been growing since their win over the Mercs. Even with the loss of Samia and Else they still didn’t let it get them down. It still hurt but, it didn’t do any good to dwell on it. Seiji and Leigh gave the rookie Gor a pat on the back, the Nikto was playing a good game with a goal and several shots. He glared at Logan, the two forwards played well together on the field, off the field everything was a competition. That somewhat unfriendly competition drove the two to play better. As long as it didn’t blow up into something bigger, Geoff was fine with it.

    “Alright team,” the coach said getting everyone’s attention, “you guys have been playing amazingly well for the past few games and you don’t look ready to stop now. We have the momentum on our side let’s not let up the Monarchs could still make it back so don’t get complacent. Keep playing like this and we could make the playoffs.” There the coach said it, he said the words that could doom his team, he mentioned the future. Logan, Rime and Mikia had a conversation amongst themselves for a little bit then turned to Geoff.

    “Coach,” Rime said raising his hand, “I’d like to make a little wager with you.”

    “What’s it,”

    “Well,” the horned humanoid started, he nodded to Logan who walked out of the locker room. “me and a few of the guys have been talking and we feel it’s time we have a little fun.” Logan returned with a black garment bag slung over his shoulder. “If we get to the playoffs, you have to wear this,” The black haired forward unzipped the bag to reveal and long coat made out of black felt like material with bright silver colored stitching and epaulettes. It looked like something out of an ancient holo-vid depicting the sea pirates of old, the pirate captain in his garish coat hounding the protagonist for a treasure map or some such. Geoff was taken aback. The thing even in this light looked embarrassing to wear. “You’ll have to wear it throughout the playoffs and the first three games of next season.”

    “Really” the coach replied “that long, I could die for heat exhaustion.”

    “You don’t have to wear it all the time just at games.”

    “Great so the whole galaxy can see me look ridiculous.” Mikia chuckled a bit,

    “Yeah they may mistake you for a mascot,” she said. Geoff smiled and raised his hands in defeat.

    “Alright if we get into the playoffs I’ll wear the coat.” The room erupted it to cheers, “Now let’s go out there and get one step closer.”

    “Aye, Aye”

    The two teams returned to the field ready to do battle. The Monarchs got in a quick goal off the start but the Pirates answered back just as quickly with Seiji booting one past Ozzie. Royd tried to make a leading pass to Resh only to have it picked off by Ponie. The veteran defender drove up the field making of a quick drop pass to Gor at the edge of the offensive zone. The Nikto diched his defender with a juke and bolted for the net. He threw a hard shot that was stopped but, the rebound came right out to Logan who put it into the back of the net. The game seemed to be a continuation of the first half with the Pirates controlling both sides of the ball. Mikia put another hard hit on Adams forcing a fumble that was picked up by Gabby. After during the second half the team was on fire holding the Monarchs scoreless for minutes on end, thanks mostly to Mikia, Rhodri and Ponie. Geoff knew that his half back line was going to be strong but, never did he imagine that they would be this dominate. It was like nothing got past them, almost every play they were right on the ball. The problem came when something got through. The back line seemed unprepared scrambling to make the play. This hadn’t led to disaster yet but, if something wasn’t done before the next game, it could be the downfall of the Pirates defense. With the visitors well into the lead with Logan’s third goal and three bar points from Rime and Vayan, Geoff decided to put Masters and Sylver in the midfield. Marky and Gabby came to the sideline a little hurt,

    “Why’d you pull us coach, we were playing fine.” Gabby protested

    “You were and your fine play has put us into a comfortable lead” the coach explained “and it’s time those two got some game experience.” The twins sat on the bench with Bestide and Sylvanus and watched the game studiously observing the play of the two rookie midfielders. Geoff was interested as well more than any other positions the midfield pair lived and died on chemistry between the two players. They comported themselves well but their inexperience showed. Sylver flubbed a pass out of the midfield and Masters looked squeamish about making tackles looking more to block the pass rather than get physical. These faults were excusable due to the half back strength of play making up for their missteps but, they would have to work on that. All told they worked together, and Geoff would probably play them again but, the Teaics were the starters no doubt.

    Towards the end of the match the Pirates offense had worn down the opposition and started racking up the points. Vayan, curved a bad angle kick perfectly into the far side of the net. Gor faked a bar point and slammed the ball into the ground bouncing it under the diving goalie. Leigh found herself open near the net and received a good cross pass from Rime. She finished by punching the ball into the top corner. The Monarchs were not out of fight yet, Adams managed to step around MIkia and charge the goal Jace and Boutros rushed to make the tackle leaving both Ileo and Rooth open for a leading pass in front of the goal. Qazi made the stop on Rooth’s shot but, couldn’t control the rebound and it went straight to Ileo. The full forward merely bumped the ball past the goal line. That was what Geoff was worried about, the back line over reacted to someone getting around the half back and left the back field open for a goal. That mistake aside the Pirates had the game well in hand and only added to their lead before the end with another goal and two bar points.

    In the handshake line Geoff told every player that they had played a good game. He hoped he didn’t come across at all smug or superior. He’d been on the other end of this situation and knew the pain of losing hard at home. The post-game press conference was largely congratulations and looking forward to the game against Agamar and their large forwards, until Geoff called on a reporter towards the back.

    “Mr. Copin, What do you say to the rumors that you’ve had inappropriate relationships with your players off the field?” the coach did everything he could to not make a fist.

    “Those rumors are nothing but lies, and this is not the place for such yellow journalism.” He walked away from the table in a huff. How long was this story going to hound him. A lie told enough times eventually becomes truth. He half wondered if Mr. Binks could handle a libel case if it came to it. Geoff put those thoughts out of his mind it was time to focus on the next game not his public image.

    TAG: CPL_Macja
  15. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    IC: Pamila Korthe

    The mess that Pam’s team was currently in was clearly evident when crafting her starting lineup before the Concordia game. Steen Roggers had been called up, Karin Cherf had mysteriously become pregnant without either the team or her knowing about it, Jam Tarpals had returned on a short week from Coruscant as their backup keeper got healthier, and now she had two new Senators prospects to deal with in Vex Blooker and Lomgat Vu. The Thakwaash Vu had played for several seasons with the Force, but had struggled with the Senators and was now back where he started. So many lineup changes had to be made.

    But she knew that was the point of her team, the point of the Thyferra Force in the Coruscant Senators organization. They were the squad where all the prospects would end up, where the draft picks, the journeymen, and the lifers would all co-mingle as they chased that elusive dream of playing in the Elite League. Vu had tasted victory in his first game with the Senators, but it was obvious that he didn’t have the skills to get it done as a utility defender, and thus he had been demoted back to Thyferra. So far, Zovort, a half back, was still with Coruscant after spending two seasons with Thyferra. So there was room for mobility, just not always a lot. Because when mobility chances were high, that didn’t bode well for the big club. It would mean they either had a lot of injuries, losses, or both.

    She finally crafted a starting lineup for the game, but it was difficult to find playing time for everyone. With Vu likely expected to have a starting spot as part of the demotion deal, that would bump Welnesleh, the Selkath, from getting a start. Blooker was taking over for Roggers, so the former reserve corners with the Senators would both start in this game. Having to replace Roggers made sense, since the team needed new blood in the Back 6, but Cherf’s loss hurt, even though she hadn’t done well at all. It was time to see if taking her out of the lineup made any changes. Then again, as a third-round pick, she was earning her money anyways. Draft players got a lot more cash on their deals than most LFLers, and thus not playing them constituted either wasted money or a lack of confidence in one’s own picks. Right now Loryyk Fey’limm, the second-round pick in the 279 Draft, was riding the bench at half forward behind entrenched starters in Morgan Renhorn and Voontoo. At some point the front office would likely want to see what Fey’limm could do; the discussion with the Bothan had been brought up to send her to Bessimir, where she could be a star player and they could test her mettle. But she had wanted to play here, and thus was a top option off the bench but not an integral part of the offense. It definitely wasn’t a spot you wanted to be in unless you were banking on additional leverage to get a call-up, and she had that in her guaranteed contract.

    When it was time for the game, Pam checked over her notes one last time. The Crusaders had given her team fits over the years, and thus they wanted to get another win in the conference slate. With the reorganization of the LFL into two conferences with double round-robin play this season, it meant that they had to take the long trip out to Mandalorian Space to play the Crusaders in addition to hosting them today. It was the same with Byblos and with Tatooine; they had already played both of those teams, and now the Crusaders were on their minds.

    The game went well to start off. Callie Polarez, the 278 third-round pick who had been part of a bumper crop of draft picks, was carving up the Crusader defense. She was making passes, taking picks, and generally being a menace. She easily beat Kayla Maroney on a first-half shot for a goal, her sixth of the season, to get the Senators up early. Her teammates, most of them wondering if they would ever get a shot at Elite League glory, were all too willing to help her. Morgan Renhorn crashed down into the box late in the first half and got a hard-fought goal around the Crusaders defense. Bar points came fast and furious, and by the end of the first half they had it under control.

    The second half went like the first, and the Force walked off with a 27-0 home win. Jam Tarpals, who had a short week, earned his third career LFL shutout in this one, taking over from Oola Ban. Pam didn’t know if that was a record number for a goalie in this league, but she was going to take the victory whether it was a record-breaker or not. It propelled the Force back to 3-3, and with four games left they had a chance to make a move on a home playoff game. The defense had done its job in this one, with Blooker and Vu teaming up to terrorize the Crusaders. Luka Mellott was starting to come around a little bit at full back, and Vilnova Rickmond, Vanton, and Walter Paitone had done what was needed from the half back spots. They had thoroughly dominated in this one, and had not looked back after starting hot early. It was a great win.

    But it wasn’t over yet. As the Zeltron was uncomfortably aware, there were still four games left. A few wins now didn’t mean success in those four. She would have to make do with her ragtag bunch, and if the Senators had any more offensive issues she would most likely lose Polarez and or Renhorn. She had already lost both Gayla and Alex Renhorn to call-ups, so losing their sister and her offensive punch would hurt. Would Orrin Calcutt, who had a goal in this one, H’ten Stutt, who had been benched recently, and Voontoo be able to pick up the slack if they lost their top two scorers from this day’s team? Where would that put Fey’limm?

    In the highly-transitory Futures League, nothing was for certain. Rosters would change, and so would mentalities. It was Pam’s job to try and keep this ship together as best she could, weathering roster changes and injuries. That would truly determine her worth, even if it took a backseat to player development.
  16. Runjedirun

    Runjedirun Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 3, 2012
    IC: Bat Vigo

    Archer’s Point Tatooine

    I set up a meeting with coaches Sen and Zan the morning after we got back from Garqi. “Be honest with me,” I requested. “Do you think it’s foolish for me to take playing time in Ralltiir this coming week?”

    Keli Sen was the first to speak. “If the game is close Till will only sub you in for a few minutes. He rotates his starters out for rest in every game. It’s not a big deal to them who gets playing time while they rejuvenate on the sidelines. If the Starkillers are winning by a large sum or losing by a large amount you are likely to get some valuable experience. Why would you think it foolish?”

    “I guess, I meant am I going to make a fool of myself?”

    ““Everyone playing in the Futures League is fighting for a spot in the ELL,” Coach Zan said chiming in. “Very few players go up there on their first start and without showing signs of weakness when they hit the field. You’ve hung with the players down here. On the next level they will probably beat you more often than they do down here. The speed of play is more intense. You’re also going to have to play Trey Till’s Core Wrold’s offense. They pass a lot and only take goals when they have open shots.”

    “You can’t blame me for being nervous,” I explained. “This is going to be broadcast to billions. The game is on my home planet. My former classmates will probably be in the stands. Not to mention it’s my mother’s wedding day. That’s a lot to block out. To focus on Limmie will be nearly impossible.”

    “Not when you see a defensive player about to take you out,” Sen reminded me. “You’ll remember how to play the game or you’ll be flattened. You don’t strike me as the type to allow someone to flatten you.”

    I smiled despite myself. “Let’s watch the game tape from the Gunners game,” I said pulling up the footage on a large holoscreen in the conference room. “Tell me what I did wrong so I can work to improve on it before I leave for Ralltiir tomorrow.”

    We watched the tape. “You see that,” Sen said pointing to the screen. “You’re overcorrecting. If you sense that you can’t turn to the left because a player is there you need to make your turn to the right faster or vice versa. Turn sharper, those wide turns will result in turnovers in the Elite League.”

    “I know we just told you that Till’s offensive style is to pass often,” Zan continued. “Coming up here though you had an easy shot and you missed it. You pass over to Yolanda. She doesn’t have a good look or time and she ends up losing the possession. If you have an open shot you take it, every time.”

    “Damn,” I said as I watched myself make the pass without even glancing towards the wide open net. “That cost us the game.”

    “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Zan reminded me. “There were 14 other beings out there who all made mistakes yesterday. The team that wins is the team that makes the least mistakes. Just make as few as you possibly can.”

    Once we completed watching the tape I headed for the locker room and dressed with my teammates for practice. We practiced in the evenings because the suns were less brutal. I concentrated as best I could on the pointers that Zan and Sen had given me. When practice was over I gathered my teammates around me before we hit the showers.

    “As you all know I won’t be here for the rest of the week and I won’t be joining you on Thyferra,” I looked up to see acknowledgments from those gathered around me. “I expect everyone to play just as hard as if I were there. I’ll be watching the game and when I get back if anyone didn’t play their best you will be answering to me.”

    Hyperspace Somewhere Between Tatooine and Ralltiir

    Desperately I tried to sleep. My body needed the rest, but my mind continued to race. There was so much I wanted to do when I got to Ralltiir and so little time. I needed to prioritize. First I had to check in on my little brother’s and make sure they were getting along with Coach Till. The second thing on my agenda would be to report to Coach Till himself. In our last conversation he had suggested I relieve Right Corner Forward Vick McTodd. He said I would only get time in the Full Forward position if the Starkillers ran away with the game. He warned me that he wasn’t expecting that. Coach Till expected the Monarchs to come ready to play.

    Before I practiced with the team I wanted to speak to Fortune. Let him know I wasn’t after his job. Fortune had been good for our franchise. He had also been good for my sister, my niece and he had given me a nephew as well. I didn’t want there to be bad blood between us. I hoped we could be teammates. I wasn’t sure I would tell him that just yet. I wasn’t sure if I was getting ahead of myself by dreaming of playing at the stadium my father built permanently. I believed I could do it. I just had to prove it to the rest of the Galaxy and I was about to get my chance. It was no wonder I couldn’t sleep.

    Georgia rolled over in the bed next to me and put her arm around me. I nuzzled against her, allowing her to hold me. I felt like the luckiest man alive and finally I drifted off.

    Hours later I raced to the cockpit as the alarm sounded alerting me that the jump was about to end. I pulled the lever and watched in awe as my home planet came into view. It was so beautiful. After making a request to land I called my daughter to come watch the approach with me. She may have been born on Corellia, but she was Ralltiirian and I thought it would be nice to have her see the planet as we made our approach. I pointed out the Oceans and larger mountain peaks as they came into view. One day I hoped she would be able to call this planet home too. One day soon, I hoped.

    Cambrielle Spaceport

    Richard was waiting for us as we came down the boarding ramp. “Good you’re here to help us carry our luggage,” I said handing him a couple of suitcases.

    He laughed good-naturedly, “That’s what us older brothers’ are for.” He confirmed. “Besides I wouldn’t want one of my players to pull a muscle carrying one of his bags to the speeder,” he joked.

    “You think dad would believe this?” I asked.

    “There’s a whole lot dad wouldn’t believe,” Richard commented. I couldn’t argue with that. Besides, Richard didn’t give me the time to argue. “You and I need to talk,” he said walking faster. I sped up as well sensing that he didn’t want Georgia to hear the conversation. “Would it be alright if we drop of your wife and daughters at mom’s and go straight to the stadium so we can have a private meeting?”

    It didn’t take a genius to sense he had something important on his mind. “Sure,” I said with a shrug. Richard had borrowed one of my mother’s larger speeder’s. After dropping off Georgia and the girls we went directly to the stadium. His office consisted of several thousand square feet on what was known as the scenic side of the stadium. The entire city of Cambrielle was on display in front of several large windows to one side. He also had a private gym and kitchenette. We sat on facing nerf hide sofas.

    “I’ve been offered a position with a major corporation in Coruscant. I never wanted this team Bat. Lucie wanted Dad to buy the team because she danced here. You were working in food service and told Dad he could do better for your co-workers. Spencer and Tomas were just little kids with fantasies.”

    “So what are you saying? You giving the team to Coach Till? You’re just going to walk away?”

    “No, technically it’s mom’s team. I’m telling you to give some serious thought to your own future. I think we both trust Keli Sen enough to let her take over as GM on Tatooine. After the season I want you to move back to Ralltiir and watch over the team for me. If you don’t want the responsibility Spencer does. He’ll be 18 in two years. Can you watch over it that long for me?”


    Tags:Tim Battershell Jedi Gunny
  17. CPL_Macja

    CPL_Macja Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 29, 2008
    IC: Romo Crowley
    Monarchs Stadium, Ryell, Rydonni Prime
    279 ELL Week 6, Monarchs vs Pirates, 10-35




    Over the last four matches, the Monarchs offense scored an average of 9.5 points per match. After having scored their current season high of 27 against the Packers in week two, their offense has been less then pedestrian. The only caveat that eased Romo’s mind was that of out of those four matches, they had only lost two of them, and those were to the top two teams in the league.

    Before walking out to face the media in his weekly post-match news conference, he watched the lowlights that his in game scout team put together for him. One thing stuck out to him… the play of his full forward, Rew Ileo. The Monarchs sole number one overall draft pick had yet to completely pan out. Some said that his less than stellar development was due to his playing second fiddle to the perennial All Star Vesper Lynd. Romo, on the other hand, saw something else, a lack of execution. It almost seemed intentional…

    “Coach,” Romo was shaken from his train of thought by the questioning voice of the Monarchs Director of Media Relations, Erika O’Shane, “the press is assembled and awaits you.”

    “Well,” he said as he turned off the vidscreen, “I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting too long.”

    Standing before the press corp he fielded the typical questions after a match. Did he think that the change in formation scheme caused the lapse in the defense? Any word on when Vesper Lynd would be returning? Was he considering calling up more replacements from the Red Wings like he did last week? Did he feel that his current team has what it takes to make another run to the Galactic Cup?

    He answered each in turn. “No, I don’t think the formation change caused the lapse. I think that the Pirates offense is just that good. They’re in the top five for points scored I believe.”

    “We don’t comment on player injuries.”

    “No, but I think we are going to shake some things up next week. We’ll be returning Severine to the Wing and moving Ileo to reserve status. So for those playing at home that will be a 5-3-6 formation next week against the number one defense in the league this season.”

    “I’m probably somewhere, just in terms of overall our mindset, in-between not placing a call to Popie Oliva and probably not quite like Dick Woosey when he’s celebrating about getting some cold cuts.”
    His reference to the crisis manager in the popular holo-drama Siliceous and the former Limmie player who appeared in a speeder insurance commercial, caused the press to chuckle slightly before he continued, “We’re probably some place in-between in that regard. Not certainly in a crisis mode, but I think our players will get focused and directed the proper way so we can go out and get after the rest of our schedule.” *

    ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    IC: Setarcos Rhemes
    Financial Square Arena, Cambrielle, Ralltiir
    Prior to Week 7, Monarchs at Starkillers





    All of these are banes for not only the honest hard working traders on the hyperspace lanes, but also for the Monarchs. Over the past eleven and a half ELL seasons, the Monarchs faced off against these four squads twenty-nine times, with two more left in the current season, and Rydonni Prime had a whopping nine victories. Add to that that they still had the Starkillers and the Miners, on the road, the likelihood that they would be reaching the six victories he needed to win his side wager with Rossum.

    But first he had some business that he needed to take care of, another wager. This time it wasn’t for credits or glory or fame. It would be friendly wager, for a friendly rivalry. Setarcos walked up to the podium in the Financial Square Arena press conference room carrying the small satchel that Dawn Solo entrusted to him in the Pre-Season.

    “Thank you for joining me today. I know it is not traditional for the visiting General Manager to call a press conference, but seeing as the home owner and coach are busy making arrangements for their nuptials, I thought I would strike while the iron was hot.

    “Now, the Starkillers and the Monarchs have had a history of friendly ribbing, both on and off the field, but no matter which squad won we remained friendly with each other. We’ve traded victories and even players. One player in particular has had an impact upon both of our organizations, Abe Cynour.

    “When Mr. Cynour departed our organization he left a momento.”
    Setarcos reached into the satchel and pulled out the item within.


    “I propose to Mr. Vigo that this become a traveling trophy between our two clubs… but with a twist. Instead of the spoils going to the victor, the winner of the match will earn the privilege of awarding this grotesque, self-absorbed token to the loser.” A small grin appeared on his lips, “What say you, Richard Vigo?”

    TAG: Runjedirun, Trieste, galactic-vagabond422

    OOG:* Real Life inspiration
    ** Retconning previous post with GM’s approval
  18. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009

    "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! from downtown Keldabe, on a sunny and warm but depressing nontheless day. Welcome on into the Rancor Pit. I'm Randy the Rancor, he's Justin Pitt. Liz Baker on the boards, with Kitterich on the other side of the glass and oh baby do we have a big show for you."

    "Can't wait for Kor'le's mid week press conference."

    "We'll have that live in ten minutes, so we'll have to break from calls for that. We've also got the folks from the Limmie Spynet coming up in about an hour."

    "They make the Bothan SpyNet look like a bunch of amateurs."

    "Are you crazy? Are you trying to get our internal net sliced?"

    "Just saying that the insiders at Limmie SpyNet really know their stuff..."

    "They do, but please don't bring the Bothans into this."

    "Why not? Most of them over at LSN are Bothans too."

    "Are they? I never really knew that. Well....OK."

    "Well maybe they can tell us why the Mercs laid an absolute egg in this one."

    "It was a rough, rough game for the Mercs. For those that didn't watch it..."

    "Which can't be many of you, our signal isn't that strong."

    "..the game wasn't even as close as the score indicates. That was just a thrashing by a Demons team that came to play."

    "You know, the defense played well, despite the antics of Jinkins who did his best to just blow past them every time he got a hold of the ball."

    "That guy is nuts."

    "Yeah he is. He would do great on one of those "all in" offenses like the Pirates run."

    "Don't remind me, they beat us too ya know."

    "They did, and that may be a part of the issue. Kor'le, despite leading the team to a 4-2 overall record, can;t seem to make in game adjustments to some of the...more unorthodox schemes out there."

    "I don't know, she did just fine game planning against the Senators."

    "They were hurting, there was no way a team with this much talent was going to lose that game."

    "Yeah, that's true. But let's face it, the Demons didn't win this game with offense like the Pirates beat us. They beat us on the other end. The problem was our own offense."

    "Four points, we scored just four points. And for the second time this season."

    "Yeah, and unlike that game against the team from Nal Hutta's moon, the defense couldn't bail them out "

    "Well, this game had a very different feel from that game."

    "That was a playoff type atmosphere, like it always is against them. Regardless of records."

    "That was a defensive struggle, hard hits, blood on the field. The kind of game the Mercs are built to win. This was..."

    "The Demons beat us with a finesse game."

    "I hate to say it, but they did. Their players came in well coached and well prepared."

    "It seemed like no matter who had the ball their backs were ready for it. I lost count of how many interceptions they had."

    "It was...a lot."

    "Even when the Mercs did get into position to score, Wulf shut them down from the goalie box."

    "He was...he was great. He had a shutdown didn't he?"

    "I think so."

    "He did, Daryc scored one point, Langston had two and then Mor'kesh added one late on that trick play."

    "Langston? You mean Langdon."

    "Oh yeah. I do."

    "You're an idiot Kitterich."


    "But I'm your idiot."

    "That you are. You know though, getting back to the game. That trick play just rubbed me the wrong way."

    "It worked didn't it?"

    "Yeah, but by then we were down by what? 10 or so?"

    "I think it was about that."

    "It was nine. We were down 12-3."

    "With only a few minutes to go. We needed to get the ball in the goal. We needed threes."

    "Wulf wasn't allowing anything, anything, into the back of that net."

    "No, I guess he wasn't. But it seemed like a waste to run that play there then. Like I don't know. Maybe we could have saved it for when we needed something like that."

    "Well it does give something for opposing defenses to look at going forward. Something to prepare for in the part of the schedule where the week seems to drag on and your focus isn't all there. It's a distraction for them if nothing else."

    "I just think it could have been better used sometime else is all."

    "Well maybe Kor'le will address that in her presser."

    "I how someone asks her about it. The Mercs are still in the playoff hunt here."

    "They face a tough Lightning team next week to close out the homestand."

    "Is it the Lightning? So odd to see them in our old conference."

    "Yeah it is. I keep looking for them in our conference standings."

    "Kind of glad they are over there though, the Mercs seem to always have a tough time against the other "newer" teams."

    "Lost to the Pirates in our only two meetings."

    "Lost this past week to the Demons."

    "Well, they have a long history in the ELL."

    "Yeah, but this group, this team is new to the league."

    "OK. I'll give you that."

    "And now the Lightning, who although newer than the Mercs, already have a Galactic Cup title to their credit."

    "Hey, two runs to the finals over the past ten years isn't bad."

    "No, it's not. But, unlike what some college limmie coaches think, you do need a trophy to ultimately be a winner. And the Mercs haven't won that trophy."


    "Right. Yet. OK, I'm getting word that Kor'le will be starting her press conference soon. So lets get to break, when we come back we might have time to take a caller or two and then on to Meshla Vhetin to get remarks from Mercs Head Coach Ryi Kor'le, right here on the fandalorian."

    TAG: No One.

  19. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Aleyn Bray
    Aleyn’s Apartment, O’pahz, Carratos

    Aleyn sat staring for a long time at the ticket, interrogating it looking any clue that could help him understand. He knew who it was from, that wasn’t in doubt but what plagued him was why. Why would Baroness leave this for him? Did she think he was in her pocket? Was this a bribe, a trap? Kill the detective during the game, after the game? His mind was riddled with questions what purpose did this serve, a reward? He must have mentioned he didn’t care for limmie in their conversation last night. That thought triggered the memories that night, the wine, her eyes, her laugh, the way she looked at him, like he was something she didn’t care about but, still had an interest in. His stomach turned, he’d shared a drink with someone who’d kill without hesitation, torture a man to preserve her own power. Every moment he was around her he could feel his hate for her slipping away. It wasn’t that she was changing, he was, into what this city wanted him to be, an obedient cop who does what his told. He couldn’t let that happen he was the only detective that cared at all about the truth.

    That was his problem he needed to know the truth at any cost, that’s why he went to see Baroness, that’s why he can’t destroy this ticket. He had to know why. Not knowing hurt him more that becoming a monster. He ran his fingers over his head and interlaced them at the back of his skull. A growl slipped past his gritted teeth, how could he be okay with what he was becoming. Turning a blind eye to horrible crimes because of who committed them or giving criminals a pass just to make his life easier. He found the holo of the woman he was here to find. He’d looked at it a thousand times, he had the image almost burned into his brain. He probably didn’t need the holographic projection anymore but, he kept it for nostalgia. A memory of a time that was far simpler for him.

    He got ready and left for work. All the while it felt like someone was watching him. It was a feeling he was getting used to, everyone watched everyone. The cops watched the crooks to keep tabs on their plans, crooks watched cops to keep them in line. Work made minutes feel like hours, all there was to do was paperwork or chase dead leads. It gave his mind too much time to wander. Inevitably he would wander to her, the blue demon that dominated his thoughts. He shook his head trying to clear his mind. Focusing on the work in front of him, he hear the robbery desk get an alert, the third one this morning. That was uncommon most robberies went unreported and were dealt with by forces other than law enforcement. Alyen subtly pulled up a map of the city and overlaid the locations of the alerts. All of them were stores on the edge of Baroness’s territory. Did she rescind her protection, or was this an attack someone making her look weak? He was reading too much into this, this city was full of desperate people, willing to do extreme acts. He put the other crimes to the back of his mind and, looked to the work in front of him. Time slipped by slowly by lunch time his eyes hurt and his brain felt numb. He wanted to close his eyes and not look at another report again.

    He had gone out for lunch and on his way back he passed by Else Reppen’s apartment building. Outside he clocked at least three reporters and two Star Dragon enforcers. The detective felt a little angry at those reporters, they had all rights to ask questions but, they didn’t need to camp out on her front lawn. Then there was the rumor that was making the rounds, that her coach was having an affair with her. Aleyn remembered how awkward Coach Copin was when Else hugged him. It was plain to see that there was nothing going but, give some people an idea and they’ll run with it. He half wondered if the tenacity of the murmurs were because Copin was an outsider, someone unblemished by this world. Aleyn had found that most career criminals never accept that a person can be good just for the sake of being good. There was always an angle to be played, some advantage gained by appearing altruistic. That thinking spoke to the nature of this planet but, also put it at odds with the changing society. A lot of people have been immigrating from other worlds for jobs or different opportunities. It had been happening for a while well before Aleyn ever showed up. Many welcomed the changes especially those trying to eke out an existence on this planet.

    Carratos was still in a transitional phase, crime bosses still held power but, had fell back to the shadows, operating through intermediaries or outright puppets. The dark side returned to being just that, something hidden from the light. Some may see Copin as a representation of a new world, a place where criminals have no power. Maybe that was giving one man too much credit. O’pahz was still a dangerous place. Anyone could tell you that, Aleyn saw it firsthand almost every day. The numbers didn’t lie though, violent crime had dropped for the last four years. Nothing major, but, little bit by little bit things ware becoming peaceful.

    A question remained, was the drop in crime caused by more cops that cared, a new attitude from citizens, or was it something more sinister. That the ones who lead the underworld had solidified their power, and they were running the show. Keeping things calm because it was convenient for them and furthered their goals. If he was being honest he didn’t know.

    TAG: No one
    Rebecca_Daniels likes this.
  20. Runjedirun

    Runjedirun Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 3, 2012
    IC: Ty Allin

    271 Law Office of

    Trey was convicted of second degree murder. It was for the best that I was in hyperspace when the decision came down. Trey’s lawyer was a nice enough man, but he was beat before he took on the case and he knew it. The man had no fight. He was gracious enough to speak with me privately and explain why the case lay so heavily against Trey. “First of all,” he told me. “Your teammate is lucky that there is no evidence to make this case a premeditated case. If the charge was premeditated he would be facing the death penalty. At least this way even with a conviction there is hope that the truth will be found one day and he will be a free man again.”

    “What do you mean one day?” I asked angrily. “Why don’t you do your job and help Trey walk out of jail today, right now.”

    “I’m up against more than I can handle, that’s why.” He answered defeated. “Ira Clark has helped pay for the best lawyers the prosecution can hope for. There are four other players that could be on trial from the Starkillers in this case. Four players that probably all have liability in this case and who should all serve time. Problem is Ira has invested every credit he has in the Starkillers and in order to start getting some of those credits back he needs them to be promoted next season.”

    “So Limmie is more important than a man’s innocence?”

    “No, credits are more important, it’s Limmie that brings in those credits,” he explained.

    “Is there anything I can do to help Trey?” I asked hopefully.

    “Keep your eyes and ears open. There’s bound to be someone willing to take down Ira Clark. He’s run over more beings than just Trey Till. Keep visiting Trey as well. Your visits mean a lot to him.”

    I didn’t know what I was supposed to be looking or listening for. I did what I could for Trey by going to see him the moment I left the lawyers office. “I’m so sorry,” I told Trey.

    “You have nothing to be sorry for,” Trey insisted. “For whatever reason I’ve been dealt on unfair hand at this time in my life. All I have to do is be patient and believe that things will turn around for me. Believe with me,” he suggested. “It makes this easier.”

    IC: Ty Allin

    279 Ty and Lucie’s Living Room

    Coach dove and got a piece of a shot enabling Kaat to make short work of stopping an attempt on goal. Lucie squeezed my shoulder for support. “You wish you were out there?” She asked me gently.

    I shook my head, “I’ll be out there next week. This is where I belong right now,” I replied. Kaat drop kicked the ball out to Hovechar who easily dribbled around the Agamar midfielders before passing up to Fortune. Fortune was quickly caught between two defenders. In desperation he attempted a shot on goal. His shot went wide to the left. As the first half progressed our defense continued to hold strong. Coach had started himself at fullback, but quickly moved Noah into the position and took the right corner. The Packers continued to double team Fortune. Between Sureysh, Lightcin, McTodd, and Frokabukk the Starkillers managed to put 7 points on the board. Sureysh got the lone goal of the first half.

    As promised Coach called from the locker room at half time. “Did you see my nephew out there?” He asked me gleaming with pride as he gave Noah a pat on the shoulder.

    “Your keeper was doing a heck of a job too,” I said giving Kaat a wink.

    “I wish you were here, Allin. Since you’re not I need to figure out how to change up something on our offense. There is no way my body can take as many hits in the second half as it did in the first.”

    “Sureysh and McTood need to be more aggressive,” I advised. “They let Fortune get stuck in double coverage.”

    “Keep making those observations,” Coach told me with a smile. “I’ll speak to you again after the game,” he said as he finished off a cup of Gundarkade and cut the line.

    My ad was airing on the holovision.

    At the end of the ad I had the privilege of smashing another man’s sandwich into a table. T.J. grabbed his mother’s bottle of water and slammed it down on our caf table splashing us both. We were laughing hysterically when the second half began. Our smiles remained present throughout the second half. Kaat Stun was able to record her second shutout of the season. On the offensive side Fortune was able to get open. After scoring that first goal there was no stopping him. He put 12 points on the board in the second half. Sureysh scored another goal and Lightcin also added two more bar points.

    I was feeling good about my team’s 27-0 victory when Coach called one last time. This time he ordered me over to the stadium. He had a trainer waiting for me so I could get my own workout in today. Lucie argued with me, but eventually she relented and let me drop her and T.J. off at her mother’s while I went to the stadium for my workout. I wasn’t ready to leave them alone at the house yet. I didn’t know if I would ever be ready to leave them alone at the house again.

    I was put through the ringer at the stadium. Sprints, push-ups, weight lifting and defensive drills were all on my agenda. Dazed I stumbled into the locker room for a shower. As I dressed afterwards I noticed a new locker had been set up on the offensive row. Curious I decided to take a closer look. There wasn’t a name plate, but the jersey that hung in the locker displayed a #5 and the name Vigo. Coach had been sly not to tell anyone about this development. I decided to text him. Saw the new locker just now. Know your secret I do.

    I got an immediate reply. There will be a team meeting morning after tomorrow. Keep your mouth shut until then. How was your workout? Will you be ready to play against the Monarchs next week?

    I was ready to play this week. I typed back.

    Then I expect a flawless performance from you next week. You’ll be starting at Full. I’m taking left corner and moving Jeffers to Right Half Back. Shyall suffered an ankle injury and I don’t think she’s going to be able to start next week. He ended the conversation with a reminder that my trainer and I had another scheduled workout tomorrow.

    I spent the time that I wasn’t at the stadium with my trainer with my wife and son. The morning after my team arrived home from Agamar we gathered for a team meeting. Coach stood poised in front of the room. “I want to congratulate everyone again on our victory against the Packers. As you know there is a lot at stake in our upcoming match-up against the Monarchs. I do not want my wedding to be a distraction to this week’s preparations. We need to stay focused on Limmie. This is a divisional game. A win here moves us closer to the play-offs. A loss could push us out.”

    He was quiet a moment to allow that statement to sink in. “I know it’s not necessary, but Richard Vigo requested I give his brother a few minutes on the field this week since he is making the trip for my wedding. I have agreed to give him those minutes. Bartholomew has played well for the Sandskimmers. I expect him to be treated with respect. He should be reporting for practice this afternoon. If anyone has concerns or grievances state them now.”

    Coach was quiet. All of us sat in silence. No one would object to the owner’s son being given playing time. Bat was a smart kid he would know coming in that some of us weren’t exactly thrilled about his presence. I was more than curious to see how his arrival would go over amongst my teammates.

    As we hit the field for warm ups Kaat was the first defensive player to voice her opinion. “The boss is coming to show off his stuff,” she said. “Fortune better not struggle in the first half again. He may not get an opportunity for a second chance this week.”

    “Coach won’t put Bat in at Full,” I informed Kaat. “He’s probably only putting him in at all to please Richard or the soon to be Mrs. Till.”

    “That may be the case this week. You watch he’ll prove himself on field. The boss plays to win,” Kaat stated full of confidence.

    I had never heard anyone call Bat Boss before. Each time Kaat referred to him as boss I had to stifle laughter. Which was every time she spoke of him, I soon realized. Coach Till joined us for morning practice so he could work with the offense in the afternoon when Bat arrived. Thankfully that put an end to Kaat’s praise for Bat. At least for the time being.

    Richard brought Bat down to the locker room after our break for the midday meal. “This is my little brother,” he said proudly. “He’s here for our mother’s wedding. And he’s here to play Limmie. How’s everyone feeling about the match-up against the Monarchs? Do you think we can take them?”

    Those of us who could speak basic gave a resounding, “Yes sir.”

    “That’s what I like to hear,” Richard declared. “The Monarchs are bringing a little souvenir with them. Goalie gloves once worn by none other than Galaxy Defender. They have been dipped in gold and made into a trophy. The loser of this week’s match will take possession of the gloves as part of a challenge I have accepted from Monarch’s General Manger Setarcos Rhemems. I do not want those gloves in this locker room. My father’s first order of business when he bought this team was to trade Cynour. Do not let one of his possessions make its way into this stadium for a long term stay.”

    “Yes sir,” we all repeated.

    “Have a good practice,” Richard told his brother as he turned to leave the locker room. By getting us all pumped up for the rivalry this coming weekend Richard had temporarily taken the spotlight off his brother. I admired his tactic.

    It was my job to lead the defensive practice that afternoon so I was unable to observe how Bat fared with the offense. Several times I had to remind Kaat to keep her eyes on our side of the field. “The boss is going to score goals this week, I can feel it.” She commented.

    “You worry about protecting our goal,” I reminded her sternly. “If I see your eyes wander over there again you and I will stay late to run extra drills tonight.”

    Not ten minutes later I caught Kaat watching the offensive practice again. As much as I hated to stay late myself I called her out on it and began to scheme up exercises we could work on once everyone else was allowed to head home.

    When practice was over I let Coach Till know that Kaat and I still had some things to work on. It wasn’t long before Bat came out of the locker room to check on us. “She giving you trouble?” He asked.

    “Wouldn’t keep her eyes on our side of the field,” I explained. “I figured she earned a few extra reps.”

    “Great,” Bat exclaimed. “I’ll help.” Bat took shots on Kaat for an hour. They were both drenched in sweat from their effort when I called for them to stop. As the three of us dressed to go home I asked Bat how he felt about playing this week.

    “I know I have my skeptics,” he said. “I chose to ignore them. My father always said that in order to succeed at a task you needed three things. First you have to want to achieve your goal. Second you have to be blessed with the genes to exceed in the field of your choice. Third you have to put the work in. I have all three of the necessary components. I’ll prove my doubters wrong.”

    Bat was full of confidence. He didn’t come off as cocky and as a team we warmed up to his presence easily. By the time practice broke for the last time before the game we all genuinely hoped he would put out some good plays when he had his chance to play.

    Game day began with a team breakfast. The Vigo family, the dance team, my son, Bat’s wife and children and the Fortune children joined us. As tradition dictated Mrs. Vigo was swept away from Coach’s presence once the meal ended. She was not to be seen again until she made her entry on the field for the ceremony.

    The excitement felt in the locker room before the game that afternoon was special. We were here today not just to win a Limmie game. Not just to get ourselves one step closer to the post season. We were here to witness as one of Coach Till’s dreams in life became a reality. “Are you nervous?” I asked as we stood in our suits waiting to be retrieved for the big moment.

    “Nervous about getting married? No. I’m elated. This is what I’ve lived my life for. To find someone to share it with and to be an example for children. Even if they aren’t biologically mine.” At that moment I realized Coach had gotten what he knew all those years ago in prison he would be granted.

    Richard ran in and told us to take the field. I walked out and stood next to Coach in the middle of the field. Then as beautiful as ever there she stood. Madelyne Vigo with a spotlight on her at the opening tunnel of the home team:


    Lucie led her mother out onto the field to Coach’s side. Together we took each others hands and walked over to where the rest of the family stood to observe. Coach and Madelyne stood before former Starkiller Patrick Oaks who performed the ceremony. As to be expected for the circumstances the ceremony was short and sweet. The crowd gave a standing ovation as Coach and Owner shared their first kiss as a married couple. I squeezed Lucie’s hand realizing just how fortunate I was. I too had what I wanted in life. The opportunity to play ball for a living. A beautiful wife and a son. My wait had been shorter and less painful than my coach’s but I could still appreciate how lucky I was.

    Tags: Tim Battershell CPL_Macja
  21. Trieste

    Trieste Chosen One star 6

    Apr 10, 2010
    GM Post

    What We Learned: Week 6

    There’s a new musical craze that’s sweeping the intern pool and (because we dared them to) they created…

    Elite League Limmie: Week 6, 279


    We hope that it adds an enjoyable soundtrack to your day. Or at the very least that one of them get stuck in your head.

    Agamar PackersThe Packers would really, really like to try playing this past week over.

    Bakura MinersThe Miners have been musically inclined for years, but Alana Glencross is pretty much a one being musical for years when the Miners win.

    Carratos PiratesIf you can’t guess this one given the All In strategy, well, we’d like to make a bet with you. Just remember Pirates: don’t count your money just yet.

    Coruscant SenatorsRecent win aside, this season could be going better. But hey, the sun will come out tomorrow! (Don’t worry, we didn’t go there...just next door to there.)

    Denon DemonsWhen you can storm into Mesh’la Vhetin and eek out a defensive win, then clearly you’ve signed some sort of compact with your namesake.

    Euceron StormThe Storm’s season might not be an epic disaster holo, but it still deserves its own anthem.

    Hapes Consortium BuccaneersIf you think these ladies are going to just roll over and throw in the towel, then you don’t know Bucs.

    Mando’ade MercsThis one’s for Jeem Daryc and Jonny Limmie who need to remember that they should be playing together, not getting into who’s the big vornskr of the Merc offense. Don’t ask us who’s who (but dance monkey dance!).

    Nar Shaddaa SmugglersWhen you lose by less than a goal, you’re so close and yet...

    Ralltiir StarkillersThis one’s for Kaat Stun. Mighty mighty indeed.

    Rydonni Prime MonarchsIf only the Monarchs were kings of the pitch. What did the Pirates got that they ain’t got?

    Ylesia LightningWhen you have two great goalkeepers, you just have a real dilemma, especially when you’re trying to find the one with the hot hand.

    TAG: Bardan_Jusik CPL_Macja galactic-vagabond422 jcgoble3 Jedi Gunny Rebecca_Daniels Runjedirun Tim Battershell Vehn
    Vehn, Rebecca_Daniels and Runjedirun like this.
  22. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    IC: Gark S’rily
    Senators Stadium, Week 7

    Gark stood on the field at Senators Stadium, watching his team warm up for the upcoming game between them and the Hapes Consortium Buccaneers. His team was 2-4, at the bottom of the Solo Conference, yet was coming off a resounding home win over winless Euceron. It had been his squad’s first win over the Storm since the 270 season, a game he remembered very well. It had been the game in which he had returned from being acquitted in a Coruscant courtroom of Calo Mornd’s slander charges. The team had made its way to the postseason that year, but then five straight losses to Euceron had dampened the mood. Now they had a win against them, and had momentum coming into this game.

    The C-Bucs were a mixed bag, having gone 3-3 thus far in their first season in the Skywalker Conference after a stint in the Solo. It would be hard to view this as a nonconference game, the Bothan figured, because of how these games used to count for tiebreakers instead of just win-loss record. There was no way either would win the Commissioner’s Trophy, or come anywhere near it, so the victor of this game was lucky to receive a win. Both teams desperately needed it, the C-Bucs to keep pace in the Skywalker as Carratos pulled away, and the Senators to get out of the Solo cellar. In that instance, it was a must-win for both sides.

    He had the chance to speak with Adanna Inviere, his former assistant GM who was now in her third season with the C-Bucs. They had become semi-frequent trade partners over the past few seasons, and their franchises both included players who had stints with the other side. Starting midfielder Alysha Romax and goaltender Ziva Kender were former Senators who were now playing for the C-Bucs, while starting goalkeeper Camille Montes, corner back Kara Milovy, and half forward Anya Amasova were facing their fellow Hapans from the black and orange side of the equation. These teams knew each other very well, and it was time to throw down. Inviere had quipped that the Senators hadn’t come calling with a recent trade offer like they usually did.

    “Gamble’s not a trade piece,” Gark had to remind the bleached-blonde C-Bucs GM.

    “Never say never,” Adanna commented. “If things keep going badly, you might end up reconsidering. Gamble would look good in a Buccaneers uniform.”

    “And what would I get in return? I pretty much have half of your old roster on mine right now. The good ones,” Gark replied back bluntly.

    “Oh, I think we’ve got some good prospects down on Gallinore who might be of interest, should you ever feel the need to trade players to us,” she said.

    “How’s Maff?”

    “He’s back to working, actually. The Gundarks called,” Adanna had said. “Ever since they broke off ties with the Storm, they had needed someone who had once played in the game for some front office stuff. I’m not really sure what he’s doing for them, but he’s getting a decent gig out of that. Because, let’s face it, he’s not GM material,” she said, holding out her hands as she shrugged.

    “How’s the kid?” Gark asked. He hadn’t seen Adanna since she had given birth at the end of the prior season.

    “A handful,” the Hapan commented. “Of course, I think you know what that’s like.”

    “Boy do I,” Gark said, scratching his chin. “Only have a second if you really know you have the time and energy.”

    “Nah, I think Vivienne is enough,” Adanna said. “As long as it’s one who can keep the name, and maybe someday be a Limmie star in her own right, then I’m satisfied. If it had been a boy, though, I definitely would have had another kid. Gotta have a girl, you know. Anyways, how’s the family?”

    “We’re dealing with child #2,” Gark said. “We’ve got ourselves a girl now as well, so it’s a challenge to have two kids, plus our adopted son.”

    “Three kids? Geez, I think you’re crazy,” Adanna quipped.

    “We manage. Not always the easiest task, but we make do,” Gark commented.

    After a few more minutes, Adanna left and went back to her side of the field, and Gark remained at his. This was when an assistant came down to talk to him. “Message for you, sir,” the man said.

    Gark took the device from the man. “Thank you. I’ll attend to it right away.” He retreated into the bowels of the stadium before taking the call.

    “What is it?” he asked.

    “We’ve started our investigation,” came the voice of Nat’alia Patrovish.

    “Find anything yet?”

    “We may have a lead. It could be a big break, or nothing. We’ll follow up on it soon. But of course Dun Dun wanted to watch the game, so we couldn’t start on it now . . .”

    “Typical,” Gark said, rolling his eyes. “Get started on it as soon as possible. We have no time to lose.”

    “Roger that.”

    Gark could only hope this was the big break they needed to figure out what was going on behind the scenes at the stadium and the fake I.D. card, or cards, which were being circulated.

    IC: Christine Gamble

    Christine felt nervous about this game. Last week’s win against Euceron had been against an overmatched foe; they had a major advantage before even hitting the pitch. But today they had a team of ELL regulars to deal with, and that would make things a little trickier. It was no secret that she was anxious about this one. She was fiddling with her hair some, almost as if she was going after imaginary knots. It was the pressure of what they were about to attempt that was getting to her.

    Losing was common with Christine. She had lost a crapton of games with this team since coming into the league in 275, and winning sometimes felt almost impossible to achieve. So now she found herself having won a game and now needing to make it another one. Sure the Senators had fired off 6 wins the prior year in one impressive string, but then they had lost 7 of their next 8, including a playoff loss. So to be stuck in a must-win position like this was nerve-wracking. There were no more mulligans that they could rely on. The Solo wouldn’t wait; they had to earn a playoff berth at this rate. And right now, that would prove to be difficult. So a win here was necessary to keep any playoff hopes alive, even if it was a nonconference contest.

    Her eyes shifted to Camille Montes. The goaltender had a good string of games in her after joining the Senators, but no one saw how good she was because of the overall league standings. They had the Senators down as the second-worst defense in the league, but it wasn’t Montes’ fault. The 40 points they had surrendered to the Mercs had come in a game where she had been injured and missed the contest. Christine had played in that one in goal, giving up 20 points before finally being injured herself and having to leave the game. But Montes had otherwise shown very well in the first half of the season; gave up a few points against Carratos, had a rough game against Ylesia, but not a dreadful outing, kept the Monarchs quiet for the most part, and then shut down the Storm the prior week. In her body of work, she had surrendered 73 points in five games thus far; not the most favorable stat line, but not terrible either. The trick here today would be to see if she could easily keep against her former teammates, whom she had spent several seasons with. That would be the key. Adanna Inviere know what Montes was all about, and would definitely have her coaches attack the Senator defense. That meant Christine would have extra work.

    Sarah Connor had returned from injury, and thus the “Wildbeast” option was back on the table. She had been injured in the same game Christine had, but was finally back to full strength. The coaches would likely cap her minutes so that she wouldn’t get hurt again, but the ploy had worked well against Carratos. They could only hope that it would do the same against the C-Bucs.

    When Christine got onto the field, she knew that the key for this game for herself was to just take it one play at a time. There was no need to overplay something because she wanted to get to the end line. That would lead to stupid mistakes. She was an All-Star, a star player. She was better than that. But she had to stay calm and do her job so that everyone else did theirs.

    They had a win under their belt. Now they needed another one today.

    TAG: No One, although I would like to mention that if anyone is interested in the behind-the-scenes stuff regarding the investigation, that will be hosted in my Fic. PM me for details.
    Runjedirun and Rebecca_Daniels like this.
  23. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    IC: Eddy Beagle

    Eddy came into work one day to find Lara waiting at the front door for him. “Ah, Mr. Beagle,” she said. “Good news.”

    “Have they found out who is behind the whole thing?” Eddy asked. A bead of sweat formed itself on his neck.

    “No, but it’s almost as good,” Lara said. “They’ve acquitted me from fault.”

    “That’s great news! How?” Eddy asked. They walked towards the back of the office.

    “Once they determined that it was a copy of my key, and not the one I have, then they couldn’t find enough fault in me. Now, they want to know how the key was copied, but it wasn’t done well enough to get through their detection system. It’s apparently pretty powerful.”

    “But how could they let you off the hook? I would think that they’d still suspect you . . .”

    “Are you trying to say something about me being guilty?” Lara asked, her tone changing. Eddy knew he had to save his bacon here.

    “No . . . it’s just that legal processes sometimes leave guilt lingering until they can prove one possibility or the other,” Eddy said quickly. “Obviously something else came up that proved you weren’t at fault for it.”

    “Obviously,” Lara said, her countenance returning to normal. “And it’s nice to have that gundark off my back. I was really starting to worry there. They’ve assured me that it’s not my fault, and that I won’t be penalized for having my identity stolen. Although I still don’t know how the card could have been copied. I keep my card with me at all times, and at my house when I’m there. If it was stolen, it was quickly returned, and in good shape . . .”

    “Then I wouldn’t worry about it too much. The organization will get things cleared up, and you’ll be able to forget that this ever happened,” Eddy said.

    “You think so?”

    “I really do think so.”

    “You’re sweet, Mr. Beagle.”

    “Thank you.”

    “Which reminds me. You’ve got some good news as well.”

    “What kind of good news?” Eddy inquired.

    “You’re getting another promotion.”

    “A promotion? But I’m already at a decent level in this office for how long I’ve worked here . . . Dru would hate me . . .”

    “Are you complaining?” Lara asked, an eyebrow raised.

    “No . . . it’s just that I’m gracious for this new opportunity,” Eddy said. “What’s the promotion to?”

    “Beat writer,” Lara said.

    Eddy’s eyes lit up. He had always wanted to be a beat writer, and now if the boss’ words were true, his lifelong wish was about to come true. But then something else came into his mind; he felt skeptical. “But Dru’s wanted that promotion for years. Reminds me of it every time I talk to him. How will you get this one around him?”

    “Let’s just say that the official record of promotion states that you’re the harder worker than he is. And I want to make sure that you follow through on that statement, Mr. Beagle,” Lara said, pointing a finger into Eddy’s chest. “Understood?”

    “Understood, ma’am,” Eddy said, sharply breathing in as he said this.

    “Your first assignment is to get things straightened out on your Cherf interviews, and then to prepare yourself to write your first report. I look forward to seeing what you have to say, Mr. Beagle. After all, a man of your . . . performance . . . deserves a fitting reward.” She winked.

    Eddy returned the wink. “And I won’t let you down, no matter the location.”

    “You’d better not,” Lara said before walking off. Eddy went to his office and then sorted through his things. If he was a beat writer now, he wouldn’t need all these notes on Karin Cherf and the Thyferra Force. Now he could concentrate on the Senators and the Elite League level, a major step up from the LFL. Cherf was now someone else’s concern; she was in his past, and he was ready to move on to greener pastures in his career. If she still liked him when she came back, perhaps they could start a serious relationship. He still thought she would make a fine wife for him, so that hope was still tendered as he started on his new job.

    Meanwhile, Viktor, the Barabel, was asking Lara about some important office things. “Now, have you named a new beat writer?” he asked.

    “Yes, I have,” Lara said. “Or at least the panel decided it.”

    “Well, who was it? Dru won’t shut up about how he’s going to finally be promoted,” Viktor commented.

    “He’s going to keep waiting, unfortunately,” Lara said.

    “What?” Viktor asked, astonished. “Then who else got the nod?”

    “Beagle,” Lara said.

    “Beagle? But he’s just a lowly intern!”

    “Look, Viktor, his writing has been top-notch as of late. You see some of the accolades his work has been receiving in the Thyferran press for his draft pick interview series?”

    “No I haven’t. Enlighten me.”

    “He’s been averaging about 10,000 views for each of his stories within the first two days of publication. The highest-read segment has about 42,000 views.”

    “Not bad,” Viktor said. “But Dru’s had those kinds of numbers for a while now. What made them choose Beagle over Dru?”

    “I don’t know, Viktor, I really don’t know,” Lara said, shaking her head. “But it’s the way I saw things, and the way the panel saw fit.”

    “Fine,” Viktor commented. Lara went back to her office, but Viktor stood there for several seconds. He felt miffed; Dru would be crushed when he learned that an intern had gotten the dream job instead of he, the guy who had worked here for several years. And something smelled fishy about all this; Beagle wasn’t that great. Viktor didn’t really like the kid’s work, or his snotty attitude on certain things.

    When he broke the news to Dru, the Twi’lek man was crushed as expected. “How in the hell could she do this to me? After all I’ve done,” Dru said after slamming a fist on his desk. Heads popped up around the office to see where the noise came from, and thus Dru kept his voice low and stooped his head so as to not be seen.

    “I’m not one to speculate, but I smell a rat,” Viktor said.

    “You think Lara’s in on this?”

    “I don’t know anything. We have no proof.”

    “Not giving me my dream job, instead favoring some stupid kid, seems proof enough to me! Close enough for government work, Viktor!” Dru said angrily.

    “What do you suppose we do? If we do too much, then we’re liable to be fired,” Viktor warned. “And I’d like very much to keep this job if I can.”

    “We should bide our time and wait,” Dru suggested. “I’d like to see how far this goes. If we can corner Beagle, maybe we can find out what we need to know.”

    “Good idea. But we should make sure that this is a suspicious rat and not just a messed-up panel of promotions.”

    “They never get it wrong,” Dru pointed out. “You got a promotion that you deserved. I got mine because I worked my ass off for it. Beagle hasn’t done crap. That much is clear. Now we need to nail him.”

    A whole week went by, and each day, the workers got more suspicious of Eddy. They saw him go in and out of Lara’s office semi-frequently. One time they even found his hair somewhat frazzled as he left, even though he was still trying to comb all the loose hairs out and make his slicked hair look normal.

    Finally Viktor could take no more. “Dru, I think it’s time we take action,” the Barabel said. “Beagle’s been in her office twice today, and it’s not even lunch break yet.”

    “Then what do you propose we do? Lara likes him a lot; always crows about how good his reviews are.”

    “Sithspit. You wanna know what I think?” Viktor asked.

    “Not really, but go ahead anyways.”

    “I think there’s more to this than just a promotion. I think we’re on the cusp of something.”

    “I just want my well-deserved promotion. Get what you need to done,” Dru said.

    “Then we’ll try something tomorrow. Beagle stays late. We’ll nail him tomorrow.”

    “But act nonchalant the rest of the day. If he’s on to us that we might know something, and there’s something up, then he might sound the alarm. We can’t afford that,” Dru commented as he shuffled a few files together into an envelope.

    “Good point,” Viktor said with a sigh. “Tomorrow after work, then.”

    “Tomorrow,” Dru repeated. Now they would get to the bottom of this.

    At the end of that day, Eddy returned to his apartment to find someone on his porch. He approached cautiously and asked the woman what she wanted. She replied that she had his winnings from gambling; 5,500 credits, to be exact. Eddy received the package and sent the runner on her way. He went back inside and checked on the package; sure enough, the credits were there. He had a banner day the prior week picking games, so Lucky Eddy was back on top.

    And he hoped that this was just the beginning. As he sat on the sofa, he fell asleep. It was almost as if he was dreaming of credits, including those now sitting at his feet. He dreamed of he and Karin being married and starting a family. He dreamed of Lara and her attraction to him. He dreamed of himself as a successful beat writer, and someday the successor to Lara in the office.

    Then the comlink rang. He picked it up to find that it was Karin. “How could you do this to me?” she asked angrily.

    “Do what? I wrote that last article really well. I got a promotion, see, and I had to pass your story on to someone else . . .”

    “Eddy, listen to me,” Karin said, obviously sobbing. “I’m pregnant. And you’re the father.”

    This certainly turned Eddy’s world upside-down.

    TAG: No One
  24. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
    IC: Lilly Vehn
    Bakura Gardens, Bakura

    Lilly remained in the background as she always did for games like these. This game was important to the franchise. Nobody had to be told that. Nobody had to be reminded. This was a match up that pitted the two champions from the last four years against one another and somehow both franchises had avoided striking the killing blow in the game that really mattered: the Galactic Cup Final.

    “Today matters. This game matters,” Meredith yelled as she gathered her team around her, “I know our record indicates that we’ve dropped some winnable games. I know our record indicates that we’ve struggled to put other team away. Forget our record. Forget what we’ve done and what we haven’t done the last few weeks. Today this is the only game that matters. Right here, at the Gardens, where so many great players who wore the burgundy and black used to own the Miners on their own turf. We can do that today. We can make a difference today. Our season isn’t lost. You forget what you hear. You focus on this game and this game alone. Play some solid,fundamental Limmie, and let the rest take care of itself, you hear me?”

    There was that old fire Lilly had so desperately wanted to see from Meredith. There was the old spark that had diminished during her time with Hapes. There was that old spirit that had triumphed time and again in 261,267, and 270.

    “I know we’re down some skill players but you’re Nar Shaddaa Smugglers. We don’t select talent just because we need to fill holes. We select talent because all of you can step in at any given moment and make the play that will change the game. I need those of you who sat on the bench to really step up today. Not just for yourselves or your families back home but for the fans and for our owner who pays that comfy salary you so enjoy. Now, let’s go out there and fight hard against the Miners! Team on three!”

    “Team!” Cried out the voices of this squad that had yet to really find its identity.

    Lilly pulled Meredith aside as the Smugglers trotted out onto the field.

    “Where has that been all season?” Lilly asked.

    “Someplace safe, someplace hidden,” Meredith replied.

    “I’d like to see more of that,” Lilly insisted.

    “So would I,” Meredith said as she folded her arms across her chest and focused on the 19th meeting between these two squads.

  25. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Geoff Copin

    “Hey babe,” Geoff said to the holo-graphic projection of his wife, “How was your day?”

    “It was fine,” she replied “just finalized some designs before sending them off to production.”

    “You’ve been pretty busy these last few weeks.”

    “Yeah Bilbringi Shipyards is getting ready to launch their new line of long trip freighters, so they need all hands on deck to make deadline.”

    “They aren’t working you too hard are they?” Laura smiled,

    “Before I met you, I’d work twelve hour days to make a milestone, and after five years of taking care of two little girls, this is like a vacation.” She let out a yawn as she stretched. “Besides I love doing this work.”

    “Unless Yag is involved,”

    “Yag’s not a bad guy, just efficient, some times over so but, once you figure out his just trying to give the customer the best product, a lot of his behavior becomes understandable.”

    “So what you’re saying is that underneath the hard scary exterior is a gooey center?”

    “I wouldn’t say gooey, less rough is probably the better term.”

    “How has school been for the girls?”

    “They’ve been good, Iris hasn’t been getting into trouble since you talked with her and Ira’s gotten used to being around the other kids.”

    “I knew Ira would be fine.”

    “Yeah I was a little worried there for a bit, some kids can be so cruel.”

    “We can’t shield them from the galaxy forever.”

    “We can only give them the tools to handle it.” She paused to move a lock of her hair from between her eyes. “How have things been going for you?”

    “Very well, we’ve been on a roll so far and the team’s really fired up. They want to make the playoffs.”

    “Do you think they can?”

    “If we keep playing like this, yeah, but the thing is I don’t know if we can continue this intensity forever. The ‘All In’ takes a lot of stamina to maintain, I worry that I’m pushing them to their breaking point.”

    “Didn’t you spend a lot of training camp and practice working on conditioning?”

    “Yes but, there’s only so much they can physically take before their bodies give out.”

    “Hon these are professional athletes you’re talking about, surely they can take it.”

    “I hope they can.” Geoff yawned and rubbed one side of his face. “Alright It’s about time I go to bed, night babe, love ya’”

    “Love you too,” He ended the call and crawled under the covers of the hotel bed.

    The next morning as he was getting ready for the game against the Packers a call came in from Schintt.

    “Morning, Schintt,” he answered cup of caf in his hand, “How are things in the front office?”

    “Decent,” The owner replied, “I still have to get a scouting report together, and start planning the festivities for the game against the Buccaneers.”

    “Isn’t that game like a month away?”

    “Yes but, it a lot to plan, I told you I was going to make the game between the Pirates and the C-bucs something big.”

    “If you’re just going to pick our, rivals, why not the Mercs, we kept them out of the playoffs last year and beat them by double this year.”

    “But don’t you see, the league has been begging for this game since we joined the league. Lokensgaard even made mention of it when announcing the realignment. They want this to be a big game, they want a bunch of hoopla to be made. I plan to give that to them.”

    “So, what’s the plan boss?”

    “I’m thinking a festival for the whole week or the three days leading up to the ‘Marauder Melee’, the special name I’ve picked for the game, and then to top it all off the ‘Swashbuckler Soiree’ after.”

    “Excuse me, what?”

    “Oh I’m sorry, I was thinking that because it’s the last game of the season, afterwards we could have a classy party to cap the regular season off.”

    “How classy are we talking here?”

    “Not, white tie and tails, but, a black tie affair, with music, dancing, bubbly wine, fine food and we can make the whole thing a fundraiser for a good cause.”

    “That good cause being?” Geoff said with a rolling of his hand

    “Any number of groups trying to better the lives of those less fortunate than us,”

    “And who do we invite to this thing?”

    The balosar started counting off on his fingers, “You, your wife, your kids, the whole Pirates team, all the C-bucs, any of Hapes high society that travels with the team, the well to do of Carratos,”

    “That’s a big list of people. Can you find a space big enough?”

    “Don’t doubt me Geoff, I’ll make this work.”

    “What happens next year, when the game is on Hapes, and possibly in the middle of the season?”

    “By then the ‘Cutthroat Carnival’ will be a tradition, and I’m sure I can negotiate with the Queen Mother to have their version of the festivities on their planet.”

    “What’s the upshot to all of this other than the fundraiser for charity, who going to foot the bill for all this partying?”

    “That’s the fun bit. Local shops, artisans, and crafters can setup booths and stalls to sell things during the partying. They get an economic boost and everyone gets to have fun.”

    “What about security, there’s going to be a lot of people things could get out of hand.”

    “Don’t worry about that, I’ll handle it. Everyone will be safe, trust me.”

    “Alright, I’ll trust you. By the way when am I going to get an assistant coach? Or any other support staff besides the medical and trainer staff?”

    “You’re in need of an assistant? You seem to be handling the stresses just fine.”

    “Having an assistant would make those stresses less and possibly give me better sleep. I can only handle this ship solo for so long, just like you need to hire a scouting team, and possibly a PR person, so you don’t have to keep doing those jobs on top of being Owner and GM.”

    “I’ll look into it.”

    TAG: Tim Battershell
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