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Amph "Engage!" - Star Trek: Picard Discussion Thread [Paramount+/CraveTV]

Discussion in 'Community' started by Darth_Voider, May 16, 2019.

  1. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    4 episodes in it doesn't seem like this story lends itself to Q showing up considering it's serialized and the tone of it (Q could literally solve this entire mystery with a snap of his fingers). It's kind of like how if you look at Encounter at Farpoint Q's plot is sort of awkwardly slapped on top of the Mystery of Farpoint Station (cuz it was, quite literally, rewritten by Gene to add the Q character on top of DC Fontana's Mystery of Farpoint station script but Q actually doesn't do a hell of a lot aside from the opening scene). but maybe Guinan S2 means Q is coming up then cuz they have a history and a Q story could make sense.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
    Blobofat likes this.
  2. Lord Vivec

    Lord Vivec Chosen One star 10

    Apr 17, 2006
    I think the Q arc finished up fine in TNG. I don't think there's anything left for Q to do for Picard's story.
    Sarge and Darth Downunder like this.
  3. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    ^ also a perfectly valid point but, y'know, I'd just kinda dig more Q stuff. The post All Good Things novels and comics have basically taken the Q Continuum God War shenanigans to get him involved. Although Voyager kinda did that too with the Q civil war stuff.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
    Blobofat likes this.
  4. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    Yeah, and for the past decade or so, thanks to Battlestar and Game of Thrones, we’ve basically had the possibility of feature film level special effects in weekly TV shows, so there’s potentially a lot of stuff they could do now with Q that would have been completely impossible ten or twenty years ago outside of a feature film.
    Blobofat likes this.
  5. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Well, it's not like Balance of Terror is an obscure episode of TOS. It sort of introduced 90% of what we still know about Romulans (that other 10% from TNG? Shoulder pads. Actually. Better make that 20%. Those were pretty big shoulder pads...) as well as introduced the actor who played Sarek to the franchise (albeit he wouldn't portray the actual character until later in the series).

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
    Sarge , Iron_lord and K2771991 like this.
  6. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    True, if he upset her she may get on the snake leaf again.
  7. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    "JL" is not the equivliant of "Jimmy Boy" or "Disco Sisko" (it maybe the the equivilant of Kayjay though), becuse those sound mocking. Abrevating someones name into initals like that is a very common thing when your close freinds - if anything, its closer to shortening James into Jim or Benjamin into Ben, becuse both are terms of enderment meant to imply your close with someone.

    It's certinaly not disrespectful, and Picard definatly did'nt think it was or have an issue with it.

    Why would he?

    When has Q ever just said whats going on or just done something himself? That's not his MO - even when the fate of Humanity itself was at stake in All Good Things he did'nt do that.

    They could easily have Q show up in an episode unrelated to the main plot to do something fun, or have him be a reacurring charecter driving the overall plot of a later season.

    (really though, as soon as Janeway shows up and starts hanging out with Picard, Q will appear - like, could he resist the temptation offered by both of them at once[face_laugh])

    "The trial never ends."

    "In any case, I'll be watching. And if your very lucky, I'll drop by to say hello, from time to time - see you...out there."

    They can't anyway, that would lead to confusion with Sisco's late-20th Century ancestor, Jerome "Disco" Sisko, the famous funk singer - not to mention his father's maternal great-grandfather, Benjamin Cartwright, who served aboard the USS Discovery and was "lost" with said vessel, that guy really loved wearing his off-duty Disco t-shirt to family gatherings.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  8. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    I could see Q solving the Picard S1 Data offspring/ artifact / synth rebellion / Romulan conspiracy mystery in the final episode 3 minutes just for kicks. Fine Jean-Luc, here's how it works, now lets get back to something important!

    Wouldn't be the most dramatically satisfying ending but I'd dig it.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
  9. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    I know. I was using slight exaggeration for the purposes of humour.
    You mean the writers of this show have no issue with it. They tell Picard what to think & feel. I don’t agree with them. I think it’s too informal for his tastes, but it’s also not the huge deal that this discussion is making it out to be.
    Sarge and K2771991 like this.
  10. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Fair enough.

    I've always found Picard's fomality overstated, personally. He's professional, but he's not nearly as stuffy as he's made up to be I think - especially with close freinds, which Raffi seemed to be. So I think that's why I'm more accepting of this.

    As I said before, at this point we don't know their full backstory - it could be that he'd known Raffi for decades prior to her serving as his aide, or that they had some sort of bond that fostered that kind of imformality (war buddies from the Dominion War who shared some sort of harrowing experience, maybe, or hell even a past romance from before they served together - though that's just wild speculation)

    I'm pretty sure Mark Lenard is the only actor to have played a Romulan, a Vulcan and Klingon (though it that actually an acolade that means anything is doubtful:D).
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
    Iron_lord likes this.
  11. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Jeffrey Combs: “Hold my synth-ale.”
  12. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    Yeah, can we have an episode of just Weyoun, Brunt and Shran in a room together?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    Sarge , BigAl6ft6, Nobody145 and 5 others like this.
  13. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    There was an episode with both Weyoun and Brunt in it but I don't think they interacted.
    Juliet316 and PCCViking like this.
  14. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Oh that's cheating - most of his charecters were just different versions of Weyoun!:p

    Yeah, the episode were Rom becomes Grand Nagus.

    Off the top of my head the only episodes I can think of off the top of my head with one actor playing two charecters who both interact with each other were said charecters are'nt alternate versions/copies of the same person is the episodes with Data and Doctor Soong and Data and Lore/B4. There are probobly others though that I just can't remember.
    Juliet316 and PCCViking like this.
  15. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Trekyards has a video up on the PIC BOP with some enhanced screenshots and a couple TOS model comparisons:

    (tagged for thumbnail spoiler for current episode)

    They make a good observation that this could be a TMP-era Romulan upgrade model ala the K'Tinga to the D7. Although I wouldn't mind it being a DIS-like visual reboot of the TOS-era ship if it comes down to it (which would work pretty well for a ship evolved from the ENT-era Romulan BOP as a mid-step towards the eventual TNG-era Warbird), for the time being it fits in any way you would like it to.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    Juliet316 likes this.
  16. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I don't think there's anything wrong with it being a retcon, it looks close enough to the TOS BoP (and even closer to the TOS-R version) to just ingore the differences. That being said, it could easily be a refit, or just a later version of bird of prey.
  17. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Well, the only thing "wrong" with it being a retcon would be for those who take a strict approach to the TOS designs (ie: they don't feel the TOS designs need to be retconned because they were intentionally designed to have less surface detail, etc). And things like strut impulse engine glows were not part of the TOS ship tech aesthetic, etc.

    But, if that is someone's position, then they can see this a refit or later model and everybody's happy.

    Me? I'm happy with it being a retcon or refit. As a retcon it would match the Discoprise design well (and as I feel that the Discoprise evolving into the TMP Refit works a lot better visually and logically than having TOS inbetween, swapping the BOP out for this new one as an evolution of the ENT-era one works very well) and as a Refit it fits the TMP look still (minus a few glowy bits that could be upgrades or just Romulan-specific tech advancements) while edging the TOS look towards the TNG era green colors (or should I say "back" to the ENT-era green colors? ;)).

    The only option i don't like is making it a model from the "lost era" between TMP & TNG as I think the Romulans had to have moved on to the Warbird series by that time (something smaller than the D''deridex but similar enough in design for it to be identified as a type of Romulan Warbird at first sight in The Neutral Zone).
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    K2771991 likes this.
  18. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    My take on Disco is that only thing being retoconned is the Menagerie, which is all presented as Talosian extracts from the memory of a heavily-wounded Pike, so we can chalk up inconsistences (the uniforms, the Enterprise's design, Colt being a Human) to being the results of either brain damage or the Talosians confusing fantasy for reality.

    To me, the Cage turtlenecks never existed as Starfleet uniforms and Pike and co were wearing their varients of the Disco uniforms when they went to Talos*, and the Discoprise is the Connie's original configuration before getting refited prior to Kirk assuming command.

    I'm ingoring their appearence in Where No Man Has Gone Before becuse that's just one episode (and is slightly out-of-step with the rest of the series anyway) and interpeting their apperence on the crew of the SS Antares as them being the uniforms of the Federation Merchant Service.

    My take on "warbird" as always been that its a type of heavier vessel - the Romulan equivliant to an assualt cruiser (the Valdores) or battleship (the D'deridex). I always assumed their were birds of prey and smaller cruisers flying around during the TNG era that we just did'nt see for whatever reason (there are "Romulan battlecruisers" mentioned convering on an outpost in Angel One, and that was before the Neutral Zone when they first encounter a D'deridex)

    At any rate we already know the Rommies were using the warbird classifiction before the Romulan War, so I'm sure the Federation know about the term well before the Romulans went into isolatation
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  19. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    To be more specific, they say "Romulan vessel" in TNZ (i was generalizing with "warbird"), so it's more that they had to be able to recognize the overall look somehow, even if they hadn't seen that specific class before. If all they had seen were BOP-styled craft (ie: saucer-based "headless" birds), it wouldn't make a lot of sense to jump to that conclusion-particularly while investigating a mystery attack.

    The Romulans no doubt had smaller vessels still in service in TNG, but it seems pretty clear they used D'Deridexes almost exclusively for encounters along the the neutral zone or ventures into Federation space (or into battle against the Dominion), with the (much) smaller Scout Ship (which was 3-4x bigger than a Runabout and about 10-15 meters smaller than a TOS Daedalus-class or ENT SS Emmette-type) and decently-sized Science Vessel (about the same length as a Connie) filling specialty roles.

    Since the only mention of "Romulan battlecruisers" is in dialogue, I'd be inclined to think of that as a more general ship description (like how the Connie is described as a "heavy cruiser"), which might make sense if they hadn't really gotten a good look at them before. However, I also wouldn't dismiss the idea that they were an earlier type of ship that the Federation was aware of.

    But, we also know that the Enterprise-C was destroyed in battle specifically against Romulan Warbirds, so we know for a fact that there had to be some kind of non-D'Deridex Warbird class in use by the Empire in that era.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    K2771991 likes this.
  20. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Even without the head, the BoPs (at least when they have the green paint) and the warbirds are similier enough, I think, that one could figure out they were made by the same race.

    True, but I think with the encounters its more for power-projection, and in the Dominon War it can be chalked up to the fact that they would'nt need smaller support ships with the Federation and Klingons filling that role (give that they share a border with the Cardassians, most of their forces were probobly concenrated their during the war, and those fleets probobly had plenty of other ships classes.

    They could have been D'Deridexes (which I think are called battlecruisers in anouther episode), but given that their were I think seven of them menancing the outpost that seems like overkill - I'm inclinded to belive they were smaller vessels, perhaps a Romulan-built sucessor to their D7s (or even just refitted D7s).

    It's non-canon, but I always imagined something like this - a late TMP (post TFF, pre TUC) warbird from the old Interplay era RTS New Worlds - in my head when I pictured what the E-C fought at Nerenda.

    There's also some weird D7/D'Deridex hybrid in one of the old TMP era comics.

    Non-canon stuff aside, they do say the drone ships in Enterprise are "modified warbirds," and the Vulcans call Klingon ships warbirds in the pilot of the show, so the term in and off itself was already being used by the Romulans and in general usage elsewhere well before TNG.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    The2ndQuest likes this.
  21. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    That image isn't working, but I sort of figure that if the TOS BOP is kinda equivalent to a Connie (actually more like a Miranda, but roughly speaking) and if the D'deridex is equal to, or superior to, a Galaxy-class (where it takes 2-to-1 odds to ensure a definitive victory), then whatever fought the E-C had to have been no more advanced than something equivalent to an original Excelsior-class (not Refit) if it took four of them to solidly take down an Ambassador-class.

    And, since the appearance of the TOS BOP was the first confirmation for the Federation that the Romulans had "acquired starship technology" (which kinda implies, in combination with the general look of the ship, that they stole the tech/plans from the Federation), it makes sense that they'd be "behind the curve" catching up to them through the TOS era (and explain why they were acquiring D7s from the Klingons instead of building their own) and don't actually achieve parity or superiority until they're ready to unveil the D'deridex (something fully designed by the Romulans).

    As a result, I think the Lost Era Warbird would have to be an inbetween- building off of the Starfleet BOP tech and Klingon D7 tech they already had as they moved towards Romulan-built tech of the TNG era. I actually have a little sketch somewhere of my fan idea of what they could look like. If I ever find some free time to learn a 3D program I'll probably model it one day. but it's basically the BOP body but with a semi-split saucer (like a thin/squashed OG BSG Basestar) and the bridge brought forward into a developing helmet head & neck. So feels more like an in-between ship ala the Ambassador (even if it obviously can't be a technological analog to one, it makes sense from a visual perspective of he era).

    I don't think they could make that conclusion given that the Klingons had been using green ships for seemingly even longer- and were far more likely to be encountered in Federation territory.
    K2771991 likes this.
  22. Biel Ductavis

    Biel Ductavis Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 17, 2015
    Maybe we already saw Q in the first episode, without realizing it
  23. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    The BoP, aside from the one-two punch of its plasma weapon and cloaking device, is pretty clearly at an overall disavatage when compared to the Enterprise. It's probobly more equivliant to a B'Rel, if anything - or even weaker, since a squadron of ten (probobly not equipped with the same type of plasma torpedos as they had in Balance of Terror) was required to tackle the Enterprise in the The Deadly Years - and even then the Enterpise took a lot of hits without taking any visable damage.

    As for the image, it was working when I posted so I don't know what went wrong. Here's a link to anouther shot, and here's the ship in profile from Bridge Commander. As I said the game its from is set between ST 5 and ST 6, so it would seemingly be an equivliant to an Excelsior.

    I belive that the script for Balance of Terror originally indeed actually stated that the Romulans had stolen Fed tech, with renmants of this abandoned plotline being the design of of the BoP and Stiles's otherwise random and unfounded belief that their might be Romulan spies about the Enterprise.

    But as for them having "starship technology" equivliant to the Federation, even if they were outpaced by the time of TOS (which I always took them to be becuse of their isolation) they definatly were'nt during the Earth-Romulan War, were there technology actually seemed on par with the Vulcans/Andorians and their ships were already using the general BoP design and shape.

    I think I get your general idea. Something vaugly like this? Or maybe this or this?

    The Romulans were already using green ships back when Earth made first contact with them. It would'nt be an unknown thing to the Federation.

    Designs and color aside, the Federation would be able to read the power signatures and such, so even if they did'nt reconize the general design on sight they would still know it was Romulan by design, if not by affilation.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  24. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Fair point- definitely weaker than a Connie. Maybe equivalent to a Reliant without the added mega-phasers and weapons pod?

    Agreed- they were ahead or on par with the upper common races in ENT, but after the war their isolation caused them to fall behind and in TOS they're starting to play catch-up but don't succeed until Lost Era or TNG.

    The second one is the closest (though that kinda makes me think of the Science Vessel with that forward section shape). Mine inches more towards the Warbird for the forward section (and the semi-split saucer furthers the hint towards the hollow core of the D'deridex) since I'm envisioning specifically the immediate class predecessor to the D'deridex but that's pretty close.

    That Condor is ugly as sin, though. Feels more like a Daedalus bridge sphere slapped onto a BOP. In principle, however, I like the idea of a Klingon "crown ridge" being added as an influence on Romulan design stemming from their use of D7s. I even considered adding it to my design but I think that would have been something phased out by the E-C era and more likely to be seen in a TMP-era ship.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  25. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Probobly weaker then even a pod-less Miranda. As I said, ten of them were attacking the Enterprise in the Deadly Years and did'nt even take down her shields. Their seemingly attack ships, so if anything they'd be like a TOS version of a Klingon BoP or a Jem'Hadar attack ship (with the Consitution being akin to a Galaxy in comparsion)

    They may have already caught up by the time of TUC - by then their considered equal enough by then with the Federation/Klingons to be at the Khitomer confrence and for the Federation President to have their ambassador in his office for dicussions regarding importent affairs and seek his advice on them. So even if they were'nt fully on par, they were definalty close enough that any deficiencies did'nt matter in the eyes of their rivals.

    After all, D7s were newer then the Consitutions by over a decade by the time the Klingons gave some to the Romulans, so its not like they were being given outdated rusbuckets - it probobly would'nt have taken them that long to play catchup after being given acess to those ships, especially if the Klingons were helping them in other ways.

    The second one is a Centurion-class, and is anouther design originating from an Interplay game - IMO the interplay era video games contian a lot of good TMP era designs for all three of the big races. It was just a cruiser though, not a D'Deridex equivilant, the equviliants to those from those games would be the warbird I posted before and these two ships, the latter of which might be a little closer to what your imagining.

    It's ugly, but it could actually be worse - as I said earlier there's actually a warbird from an old comic that's just a K'tinga turned into a proto-D'Deridix by just mirroring its wing section into a hoop. It looks akward as hell, and is probobly one of the dumbest Trek-related ship designs I've every seen.