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ST Episode IX Box Office Discussion

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Marathonjedi77, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    Hypothetically speaking, what would people think if (domestically) TROS makes Rogue One/dark Knight/Lion Kin'19 type numbers?
  2. Ricardo Funes

    Ricardo Funes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    People would go crazy as they always do. In fact, it is guaranteed that they will go crazy, no matter how much it makes.

    ... and I don't care, as long as I like the movie.
    rocknroll41 and Darth Dookacas like this.
  3. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    It would be an absolute meltdown.
    tymaux likes this.
  4. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    I would no longer be the internets, but instead, the libraries.
    qui-gon-chan, rocknroll41 and Hernalt like this.
  5. Glitterstimm

    Glitterstimm Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2017
    Do you still think <1b$ WW is impossible?
  6. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    Yes, absolutely. Under $1 billion is absolutely 100% impossible.

    I also think that the hypothetical numbers I posted are close to impossible but they are food for thought.

    I don't remember a HUGE meltdown over Solo bombing the way it did. That was primarily because nobody ever thought the movie was necessary so nobody really cared that much. And the future of SW movies never depended on Solo. The only things that depended on Solo were future Solo movies.
  7. chris hayes

    chris hayes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 13, 2012
    Going back to what someone said - people will still try and review bomb TROS even if the TROS is really good - so why will they still review bomb bacause they still hate TLJ - hopefully RT audience score can stop review bombing because I want TROS to be fully on merit and get the correct scores and the box office not to have any effect by review bombing...........
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
    Christopher Blair likes this.
  8. SevPrince

    SevPrince Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 4, 2016
    It did matter to future movies though. Future a star wars story standalone movies did depend on Solo's success. That is why Obi wan movie and boba fett movie which was reported by HR/Variety/Deadline have went to Disney plus. Boba/Monda stuff turned into Mandalorian.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
  9. abbyroads

    abbyroads Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 11, 2017
    I personally feel that Solo didn’t do so well because no one really wanted a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford, plus no one really cared enough for his backstory. If they did Boba Fett first, it might be a different case right now. People have always wanted to see his adventures and have always been curious about him. (However, we probably wouldn’t have The Mandalorian in its current form if that was the case, so bullet dodged.) Rogue One was an anomaly and probably shouldn’t have done as well as it did but it made insane numbers, and that’s more than likely because of the Vader scene at the end. Ask anyone anything about that movie, and that scene will always be brought up.

    TROS’s box office needs to have a scene like the Vader scene to get people talking and that’ll boost numbers real quick.
    Miles Lodson likes this.
  10. Rylo Ken

    Rylo Ken Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 19, 2015
    Best case scenario: a Baby Yoda cameo.
  11. Miles Lodson

    Miles Lodson Chosen One star 4

    Jul 10, 1998
    I have wondered whether they are releasing chapter 7 of Mandalorian next Wed (instead of Fri) to set up some kind of tie in.
    Glitterstimm likes this.
  12. Christopher Blair

    Christopher Blair Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    John did say in an interview that we would see some first order stuff, i believe
    Miles Lodson likes this.
  13. All_Powerful_Jedi

    All_Powerful_Jedi Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 12, 2003
    Teenage Baby Yoda.
  14. Darth Dnej

    Darth Dnej Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2013
    I say 1.5 billion worldwide. I know Disney-owned Star Wars is different than George's 6 films, but George's trilogies did best with their trilogy openings and second best with the third installment. I say IX continues that trend and finishes its run as the second-highest grossing film of the sequel trilogy.
  15. qui-gon-chan

    qui-gon-chan Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 5, 2018
    The clips released are really intriguing. I see TROS making no less than 1.2 billion. I think it will end somewhere between 1.4 to 1.6 billion.
  16. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    If the movie opens lower but gets a considerably higher multiplier than TLJ, that would be a HUGE win. That would be MUCH better than opening around TLJ but getting either the same or lower legs.

    Opening lower would indicate a lower interest going on (possibly/probably due to bad will from TLJ) but getting much stronger legs means that people like the movie and the franchise is going out on top.

    I would take a $175 million OW with a 3.3 multiplier over a $225 million OW and a 2.8 multiplier ANY day of the week!!!

    All you have to do is look at DC. BvS made a LOT more ($166m) than WW($102m) in its OW but WW's legs (no pun) were out of this world. At the same time, Aquaman ($67 m) did quite a bit less than JL($85M) in OW's but look at where it ended up in comparison. Then look at the overall reception for WW and AQM vs BvS and JL. Nuff said! (wow that's a lot of acronyms in one sentence LOL).

    I couldn't sit through BvS or JL (glad I never saw them in the theater). But I LOVE Aquaman and it is currently a cherished blue-ray, Mymoviesanywhere entry of mine right now!
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
    Darth Dnej and IlhamKamaruddin like this.
  17. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Still feeling good about my $216M OW. WOM will ultimately dictate the $705M DOM.
    chris hayes and IlhamKamaruddin like this.
  18. tymaux

    tymaux Jedi Knight star 2

    Sep 21, 2019
    Opening lower than TLJ but at the end making more would be huge victory for this movie and JJ as well. It will say that TLJ did damage this trilogy but not enough that JJ can't save it. Again. Lol
    All_Powerful_Jedi likes this.
  19. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    Exactly! HUGE win.

    BOP still has $200 million OW, but they haven't necessarily done too well, but it's something.
  20. Marathonjedi77

    Marathonjedi77 Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 2, 2012
    I think in the last few days a lot of tickets have been sold.I've been looking at my local theater for showings from opening until Christmas day and it has picked up steam over the last few days.
  21. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Ditto. A lot of sellouts starting to appear.
  22. Ricardo Funes

    Ricardo Funes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    The thing with Star Wars is that these movies have a LONG lifespan, and the money earned on them keep coming for many decades.
  23. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    Wow THOSE are some legs!!! [face_laugh]
  24. Ricardo Funes

    Ricardo Funes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    Well, people are still buying the OT Blurays, online renting them on Youtube, etc, etc.... so money keeps coming.
  25. jedijax

    jedijax Force Ghost star 6

    May 2, 2013
    I know. I was just being sarcastic.

    Btw, looking ahead, when do people think that TROS will be on D+? How long after BR release? D+ had some deleted scenes from EG that were not on the blue ray. I would LOVE to see deleted-deleted scenes for TROS too. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any new deleted scenes for TFA that weren't originally released. I'm guessing they're holding out for a deluxe box set of blu rays?
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