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Reference Episode X Reference Thread

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource' started by LordTroepfchen, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    Welcome to the Episode X Reference Thread. Here you will find a number of resources for the game that will hopefully make playing in it an even better experience.


    Any kind of discussion can happen in our dedicated OOC thread.

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
  2. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    The Map


    Red is for the Free Systems / Tion Empire
    Green is the Third Republic
    All others are neutral

    The Map will be updated over time when territories shift.
  3. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    Placeholder for Dramatis Personae
  4. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    Tion and the Free Systems Military

    The Free Systems now aka The Tion Empire have been known to be peaceful worlds concentrating on trade and equality. In the shadow of this rather new superpower within the galaxy a very different kind of rulership has raised though. Now after the death of her father the Empress of Tion has taken over the Tion Empire and through a number of well-placed alliances actually most of the Free Systems.

    An alliance between the Centrality, the Corporate Sector, the Sinear Family and the Empress of Tion have created a military state, which is anything but „Free“. Prepared for a decade, it was established in a matter of days. People quickly begin to identify the new regime as the Tion Empire. A term only supported by the obvious fascination and inspiration the Empress of Tion, now de fact ruler of all Free Systems, has for the Empire of old.


    The Armada

    Technically the Armada was created by all of the Free Systems, but that massive fleet has been named the Armada of Tion by the galaxy early on in the war. Some also call it the Imperial Armada, a term reflecting both the status of Tion as an Empire and the obvious inspiration the designers of the fleet took from the Empire of old.

    The Armada is designed for one purpose only. Offense. Everything in it‘s design is meant to give an advantage for the conquest of worlds and to defeat other fleets in direct confrontation. Highly centralized command structures allow for a precise coordination of the large force and also most of the ship designs used in her are completely unfamiliar to the galaxy, it is obvious the officers commanding them are well trained with them.

    The Ships:


    Tion Shipyards "Empress"-Class Star Destroyer

    Length: 1.2 km
    Crew: 30.000 (mostly droids)
    Troops: 9.000 (humans and droids)
    Weaponry: Varies
    Fighters: Five Squadrons


    The backbone of the fleet, making up more than 80% of all capital ships of the Armada, the Empress takes the classical role of a Star Destroyer within the fleet. Every one of the ships hold a garnison of troopers, four squadrons of TIE-X and one squadron of TIE Crusader on board as well as dropships, walkers and artillery.

    The Empress is a fast and agile ship, much more sleek and active than it‘s historical predecessors like the Imperial-Class Star Destroyer.

    Many variations of the ship exist to serve specialized purposes within the fleet. The Republic has so far identified the Empress-X variation, that is specialized in ship-to-ship combat, the Empress-R which is build to support ground assaults with more weapons concentrating on bombardment and the Empress-E which serves mostly defensive functions, having an excessive amount of flak-batteries and point-defense weapons. Many more variants are believed to exist.


    Sinear Systems "Harbinger"-Class Siege Platform

    Length: 3 km (really height)
    Crew: 60.000 (mostly droids)
    Troops: 75.000 (humans and droids)
    Weaponry: unknown, but has mostly planetary bombardment weapons and defensive weaponry.


    The Harbinger-Class serves one purpose and one purpose only. Conquest of planets. It holds a large army and has formidable offensive capabilities against planets. The Armada has only ten of those massive ships of which so far only two have been used over Corsin.


    Tion Shipyards "Supremacy"-Class Command Ship

    Length: 8 km
    Crew: Unknown
    Troops: Unkown
    Weaponry: Unknown


    The Supremacy-class has been sighted in the Battle of Corsin, but has not have had any active part in any hostilities. Three of those ships are known to exist. The Supremacy, the Ascendancy and the Invincible. Little is known about them, but their design was obviously inspired by the Super Star Destroyer of the old Empire. They serve as command ships of the Armada.


    Sinear Systems "
    Supressor"-Class Carrier

    Length: 1.6 km
    Crew: 40.000 (mostly droids)
    Troops: 10.000 (humans and droids)
    Weaponry: Unknown


    The Supressor-class seems to exist for the purpose of carrying ships into battle. It has been used both as launch pads for TIE-X and ground transports in the Battle of Corsin. The ships have seen little ship-to-ship action, therefore little is known about their capabilities. The Armada seem to have almost a hundred of these massive ships.


    Sinear Systems TIE Crusader Light Bomber


    The Tie Crusader is a more agile design than it‘s historical predecessor the Tie Bomber, therefore able to stand it‘s ground in a dog-fight, while having five plasma bombs it carries into battle, which serve primary as air-to-ground weapons.

    Like all fighters of the new line of the Tion Armada the Tie Crusader is equipped with basic shields and additionally has a hyperdrive.


    Sinear Systems TIE X Air Superiority Fighter

    The backbone of the Tion fleets fighter force, the Tie-X was developed to be cheaply produced and provide the fleet with a fast, agile fighter. It got basic shields and powerful laser canons, but has no hyperdrive capacity. This limits her to fleet duty and stationary use on planets.


    Sinear Systems „TIE Reaper“ long range fighter

    These mysterious starfighters have been sighted over Corsin, but did not take any offensive role, therefore it‘s specifics are still unknown. Sensor data suggests they have space for up to four crew and one passenger, a hyperdrive and powerful shields. Republic strategists have the theory these are used as personal transports, potentially for the members of the Legion.


    Jaemus Shipyards „Interdictor“-Class Interdictor Cruiser

    Length: 1.5 km
    Crew: 25.000 (mostly droids)
    Troops: 2.000 (humans and droids)
    Weaponry: 24 Turbolaser batteries, 40 point-defense canons


    The Interdictor-class is a custom made ship-class produced with greatest secrecy within the corporate sector. Different then it‘s historical predecessors it is not small, but actually a massive warship on it‘s own, that surpasses the Empress-Class in offensive capacity. The main feature of the ship is it’s one of a kind gravity field projector, which can produce a larger gravity field disabling hyperspace travel than any other ship in history of naval warfare. On Corsin the field surrounded the entire planet of Corsin. The ships seem to be very rare. Even in the attack on Corsin only one of them was present.

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
  5. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    Placeholder for The Third Republic Fleet and Army
  6. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    Placeholder for Planets and Settings I
  7. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    Placeholder for Planets and Settings II
  8. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    The Legion (and what we know about it)
  9. LordTroepfchen

    LordTroepfchen Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 9, 2007
    The Jedi Order