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Fanclub EU Alien Diversity Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by gizkaspice, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Jedi Master Cheve

    Jedi Master Cheve Jedi Youngling

    Jan 8, 2014

    Pyke, very Stargate.
    Starkeiller, spicer and Iron_lord like this.
  2. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    That's what I mean: they shared a common ancestor in the past and are related, but went different paths. Somewhere gizka also had to lose their front limbs. I wonder if they are distant cousins?

    ...because....this shark thing below is apparently a distant cousin of Selkath, both descending from that other shark-thing.


    So it's the Selkath that have sharks in their distant past.....maybe they only pretend they're peaceful? o_O

    Also...........I noticed Flesh raiders listed as a subspecies of Rakata in wookieepedia?
    Am I the only one confused why? they're so mutated they should be another species......subspecies would mean they can actually interbreed ( eww....)
    spicer and Iron_lord like this.
  3. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Something worse than Selkath sharks and rakata




    Ewoks are creepy...I guess that's why they beat the Imperials. :p
    Mitth_Fisto and Iron_lord like this.
  4. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Well if you want creepy take a gander at another of my favorites the Paaerdaug !


    An interesting 'twist' on the two heads idea ;)
    spicer and gizkaspice like this.
  5. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Can they split or are they stuck like that? Is there any reason why the green one has four eyes and the larger one two? the green one looks pretty cool.

    I still think Ewoks are creepier. :p

    here's a question: are there any depictions of alien kids in EU? and yes....near-humans, twi'lek etc are included. Always wondered what a baby flesh raider looks it like a small bipedal hammerhead shark?

  6. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    We see some in the tCW and as younglings among the jedi in the movies
  7. spicer

    spicer Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 14, 2012
    One of the few things I like from TCW, these aliens are awesome!
  8. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Well, according to the Wook they are born separately and then conjoin (permanently stuck as is) later before adulthood. . .talk about an interesting adolescence.

    As for the Pyke, I wish there was something more describing them, they look cool, but what else is there to them?
  9. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    TCW has a habit of dumping interesting aliens with little backstory. Same with Bivall, one of my favorites.
    I guess that's what EU is for.
  10. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I think you are confusing tCW with Star Wars overall
  11. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    TCW is composed of episodes and seasons--it had time to develop backstories for aliens.
    SW movies are movies...movies are short.
  12. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    What about the comics and the books that many times do the same thing?
  13. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Comics/books have time to develop backstories for aliens if authors choose.
  14. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Anyone have any suggestions how to make this place awesome? What do you people want to talk about regarding aliens?
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    So you should complain about the EU overall instead of just tCW
  16. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    I just like the zany off the wall conversations and surprise alien posts this place already has. Anything else will just be desert. . .I mean extra :p
  17. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013

    You want me to complain about the EU?

    Why isn't there enough Rakata in the EU?
    Why aren't they in every book, comic, etc?
    Why isn't there a Dawn of the Rakata?
    What do Rakatan Predors do in their spare time?
    Why isn't EU addressing any of this?

    ...........oh yeah, and why don't all aliens get a decent backstory all the time?

    Mitth_Fisto you always bring in here interesting aliens
  18. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    I will. . .
    Consider it :p
    gizkaspice likes this.
  19. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Well, let's just say that if there isn't any aliens here....

    there's going to be a lot more Yuzzem recipes.....

  20. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Just because we are in the middle of our worlds food chain does mean we are at the bottom of yours [face_cowboy]

    In fact I have wondered what Rakata taste like :p
  21. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    That sounds like a cook-off challenge....

    Yuzzem vs Rakata

    Who wins?

  22. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Rakata may have grizzle but fur absorbs a lot of damage ;) I win:p

    Now would that be a white wine reduction sauce or a la cart?
  23. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    not so fast...Rakata have shark teeth and aggression.

    and they might taste like chicken a little on the darkside
  24. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Who will be the next Iron Chef!
    gizkaspice likes this.
  25. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Rakata vs Yoda's species vs Ewok vs Yuzzem

    Who cooks whom first?!
    Who is left uneaten?!
    Who will be...the next iron chef?
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