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FF-L-UK's Foreign Exchange.

Discussion in 'Archive: London UK' started by Yoshee, Apr 9, 2004.

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  1. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
    I thought that seeing as we do have quite a few over-seas posters here, that it was about time we had a thread to welcome them properly, and also to maybe get some of the lurking over-seas posters, to post here too. :p

    So, from all of us here at FF London UK, welcome to the forum, please feel free to post here and don't feed Stormtrooper_fan! [face_mischief]
  2. keithabbott

    keithabbott Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 7, 1998
    Hi everyone! :)
  3. Stormtrooper_fan

    Stormtrooper_fan Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2003
    Awwww I thought we were gonna get to exchange you for a foreigner Yosh... anyone would do :p I'm quite capable of feeding myself thanks though I'm all grown up and everything [face_mischief]

    Seriously though... Hello and welcome to anyone from far off lands please make yourself at home or just come say hi :)
  4. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
    Hi there Master abbot! :)

    How be things on your side of the pond?

    @ Sf- But who would you want to swap me for? [face_mischief]
  5. Jedi_padawan_leigh

    Jedi_padawan_leigh Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 13, 2003
    This is a good idea Yosh :p

    Hiya KeithAbbott :)
  6. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
    Thank you Jpl, i do have them sometimes :p
  7. keithabbott

    keithabbott Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 7, 1998
    Hey, you can do a swap for me. I don't care. :) I wouldn't mind living in England. The Abbott line is from there anyhow, so basically..I'd be returning home in a way. hehe.

    Things are not too bad over here on this side of the pond. I just wish I could find a permanent job around Richmond. Not having much luck though. I might have to move just to find work I'm trained to do. The economy is just so crappy right now...and gas prices...oh boy..ick.

    The good news...going to see my first NBA game this weekend. NY Knicks vs Washington Wizards. So that should be interesting. How about you guys?

    Oh and please..just call me Keith...or TK1210 if you're SF. :)


  8. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
    Well, fingers crossed you find work around Richmond, would suck big time if you had to move to find full time work! What is it you do anyway? :)

    Of course, if you were swapped for me, you may find work in your proffesion over here! :D

    Life for me over here at the moment, is a little strange for one reason or another, but good none the less!
  9. Jedi_padawan_leigh

    Jedi_padawan_leigh Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 13, 2003
    I know what you mean about the job thing Keith. I'm an A-level student and its quite hard to get a job which fits around my hours in college and put on top of it, stuff like coursework and homework, i'm pretty much stuck

    Anyway, over here up my end (I live up in the north-east of england, not London) its the easter holidays, a time to relax over Easter? pfft, not likely. Ive got so much work to do, its unreal. And to add to it, the film production group I'm a member of has placed me as the main character in this small film were doing, cos the original guy didn't turn up for shooting. (All this and I have only acted once in my life, and it was a two line part :p. Thats why I always wanted jobs BEHIND the camera lol)
  10. Stormtrooper_fan

    Stormtrooper_fan Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2003
    @ Sf- But who would you want to swap me for?

    ANYONE :p

    Ooooo TK1210 well hello there :D

    I should just say, foreigners are welcome and ESPECIALLY the Stormtrooper variety... or Royal Guard, Jango, Boba... you get the picture [face_love]
  11. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
    I have only acted once in my life, and it was a two line part

    Hehehehe this has just reminded me of my favourite ever role (used to take drama), i once played a sheep in a play..... and i had to beg for that part! :_|


    @ Sf- Calm down woman! [face_mischief]
  12. Stormtrooper_fan

    Stormtrooper_fan Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2003

    WHAT?! I'm just being friendly :D
  13. Darth_MacDaddy

    Darth_MacDaddy Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 10, 2003
    Is Manchester in this Foreign Exchange?!
  14. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
    Most definitly DM! [face_laugh] :p

    @ Nic- I know you are, that's what scares me! :p
  15. Stormtrooper_fan

    Stormtrooper_fan Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2003
    Yeah, we'll exchange Manchester for Hawaii :D
  16. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
  17. Stormtrooper_fan

    Stormtrooper_fan Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2003
    I dunno what you're laughing at Mr, I just tried to exchange Essex but they'd only give me The Bronx [face_plain] :p
  18. Yoshee

    Yoshee Former RSA & CR star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 3, 2002
    LMFAO!!! [face_laugh] [face_plain]
  19. keithabbott

    keithabbott Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 7, 1998
    I am working actually, it's just not permanent. I work through Adecco which is a temporary agency. I'm contracted through Capital One. But they aren't hiring though, not for what I do which is administration work. Admin assistant to be exact.

    So I really need a perm job with benefits. Right now, I have none which also means no health insurance, which is not good as you can imagine.

    I'm considering moving to D.C. though if I can't find anything in Richmond once I return. I was unemployed from October through the beginning of January. Went on 9 interviews, got nothing. It's that bad here. over 60 qualified individuals for one job. And that's what I kept hearing. But I've been told by a friend of mine there are tons of jobs in D.C.

    When I finally found some temp work in January I figured I'd wait until after my trip to Europe before trying to find perm work again. Makes it easier when you don't have to tell a new employeer (if I found one) that you need to take 2 weeks off for a vacation when they might have just hired you.

    So do keep your fingers crossed for me. I could use some good luck in that department. ;)

    Leigh, College and working...just plain hard no matter where you are especially with the hard economy at the moment. Maybe everyone should be keeping their fingers crossed for both of us. :)

    Northeast of England? Like near York?

    I know what you mean about acting. I do Star Wars audio dramas. I'm producing my 2nd one now. And I'm also going to be the lead this time. I'll be lucky if I can pull it off, but I've just added a director with some decent acting experience so I'm hopeful. Good luck with your film. What's it called?

    SF, yeah and I'm on film too! You won't be able to tell which one I am, but I'm in SW: Revelations that's not quite out yet. hehe. I've been a member of the 501st for a few years now. And I love it. Are you a member? or maybe just a trooper groupie? ;)

    Manchester is foreign? haha. *zips lips*


  20. Stormtrooper_fan

    Stormtrooper_fan Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 23, 2003
    I'm most definately a troopette (trooper groupie) :D

    I would love to have a suit of my own but I'm only 5'2" tall and the old "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper" quip would grate on me a little after about the 578th time I heard it ;)

    ... and I would be small enough to get beaten up by Jawas :p
  21. keithabbott

    keithabbott Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 7, 1998
    Haha..get this..I've seen a short female Vader! :) Lil'Vader was her name I think. Saw her a few years ago at the Shoreleave convention in Maryland I think it was.

    So do you have that all white outfit? The one with the go-go boots, short vinyl skirt and muscle shirt? :) I hear that's becoming the norm for you troopettes. hehe. We have one in our garrison, but she's also a trooper. Go figure. And she's trying to get some male trooper groupies. I'm not sure how that's supposed to work though. ;)

  22. Jedi_padawan_leigh

    Jedi_padawan_leigh Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 13, 2003
    Newcastle is a little further up than york so yeah I guess you could say that

    The film? Well the working title is vicious cycle. It had to be on a theme, and what the organisers decided on they was youth crime. (Long story short its about how theres no such thing as a victimless crime) Its only going to be a short 10-15 minute thing but were going to have like interviews with the police and vox pops and things within it so... that should help bring it along a bit. Also trying to write a decent script to shoot over the summer but my bin is overflowing with rejected ideas at the minute :p
  23. keithabbott

    keithabbott Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 7, 1998
    Newcastle...ahh....the home of my favorite alchoholic beverage (still need to try the Red Dragon from Wales though. I hear that's some serious stuff, but I've never been able to find it). :)

    That film sounds like a doozy. So you have a lot of indecisive people working on that film? hehe. If so, I sure hope you all can finish it. That seems to be the #1 thing in the fan film forums..people giving up what they started working on.

  24. Jedi_padawan_leigh

    Jedi_padawan_leigh Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 13, 2003
    Ah, the fan films forum... Ive only posted in there a few times to say that i have an interest in film-making and If I could, I would love to attempt a fan film. (Not a lot of girls post there to my knowledge) I discussed it with a friend for college and he laughed and said "Jedi's and Imperials with geordie accents? Can you imagine"

    Jedi: may the force be wi yee
    Imp: Yee rebel scum
    Darth Vader: When Ah wez wi yee Ah wez but the learner, noo Ahm the master

    I could go on [face_laugh] :p
  25. keithabbott

    keithabbott Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 7, 1998
    Those guys in the fan film forums could care less what kind of accent you have. So long as you're cute and female they'll excuse any kind of acting, no matter how bad you might act. hehe. Well, maybe that's not totally true..but they are hoping to see more female leads and female filmmakers.

    It does seem like a male monopoly though.
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