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Before - Legends For the Record - Obi-Wan has his say, vignette, humor

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by VaderLVR64, Apr 26, 2005.

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  1. LadyPadme

    LadyPadme Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 26, 2002

    * laughs *

    For all that your name is VaderLVR, me thinks that a certain other Jedi has been in your thoughts of late... I right? Come, come, don't be shy! ;)

    And I for one think he's ALL those things. [face_love]

    Great job!
  2. Artemesielle

    Artemesielle Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 1, 2005
    I have to say that very little can get me to burst out loud in laughter. This succeeded with flying colors. Nothing is more ADORABLE than Obi-Wan getting flustered. hehe. Poor Obi-Wan.
  3. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Gina An opinion many would find completely understandable! [face_devil]

    Seven Thank you! :)

    Gkilkenny There is definitely some very manly sulking going on here! [face_laugh]

    Bekah_K If only he knew the stuff we don't post here, being a family friendly board and all! :p

    Jedi_Tigris I guess he gets tired of all the drooling and giggling.

    jodiwent You're preaching to the choir there! He is hotness personified, so there, Obi-Wan!

    Bastet He just needs to face the music and accept his hotness. Poor baby, I'll comfort him.

    Miana Kenobi Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

    Tanith I also kept picturing that very naughty grin that Ewan has. You know the one I mean! =P~

    Neo-Paladin Oh yes, definitely some heavy sighs!

    dianethx Thank you! That is quite a compliment coming from such a talented writer and lover of all things Jedi!

    Opal Much, much too late I'm afraid!

    DarthIshtar Thanks! :D

    SiriKenobi12 He seems to be quite stubborn on the point of his appeal, but he won't convince me!

    Aelan_Greenleaf I'm sure the dignified Obi-Wan is appalled at our antics.

    Valiowk Methinks he doth protest too much.

    LadyPadme I'm an equal opportunity Jedi Lover...

    Artemesielle He IS flustered, isn't he. Poor dear...

    Thanks to all who read this. I had a great time writing it, mostly because I had to keep looking at a picture of Obi-Wan. Purely for the purposes of inspiration you understand! Nothing more at all! So [:D] to all who read and found something they liked...
  4. ithesock

    ithesock Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 12, 2005
    **de-lurks, ashamed that she has taken so long to reply**

    Loved. Each.And.Every.Word.Of.It.

    And that's the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Loved Obi-Wan reflectsions, and the way he puts everything so clearly in that lovely voice of his [face_hypnotized]

    Brilliant work, Vadey. :D
  5. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    So when are you going to do the sequel with Qui-Gon? ;) Like, Master Like Padawan :p

    I"m sure Qui-Gon would have more than one thing to say to us Jinn Challenge Thread ladies ;)
  6. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    ARGH! Layren, stop giving me evil plot bunnies! [face_devil]
  7. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    I can't! my birthday's coming in a few months so I have to hand out lots of bunnies ;)
  8. padawan_princess

    padawan_princess Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 28, 2005
    OMG!!!I just stumbled into this thread. I don't normally read fanfiction, but I must say this is so good!! VaderLVR64, great job, no, terrific, fantastic job writing this! I loved it! This is definitely the funniest Obi-fic I've read :D! There is no escape! You have to do more!!! LOL! Please...:D
  9. Renton Kenobi

    Renton Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    May 24, 2000
    LMAO! That was great!
  10. SarkaVrae

    SarkaVrae Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 3, 2004

    how did i miss this? how funny!

    My eyes are not jewels. I would also like to clarify that they are not ?stormy seas upon which passion rages.? They?re eyes, plain and simple. I use them to see. They are not instruments of seduction, nor can they lure a staid, solemn Jedi into forgetting his duty to the Order. They don?t even work particularly well at distinguishing some colors. There ? the ugly truth is out.

    [face_laugh] so glad the "ugly" truth is out!

    ...somehow, i'm not convinced by his argument! ;)
  11. JOINME

    JOINME Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 25, 2005
    This is just great.
    No other way to describe it. Ha ha!

    I was in hilarious fits of laughter the whole eyes are not jewels ha haha...

    I think he just about covered everything, but,

    *shakes head* I aint convinced Obi. lol.

    Brilliant stuff!

    every Obi fanatic must read this. LOL stormy seas...hehehe....

    *attacked by another bout of laughter*
  12. Knight_Aragorn

    Knight_Aragorn Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 15, 2003
    I like this viggie, VL. :D Obi-Wan would probably be thinking it was long overdue. He's so cute when he's indignant, isn't he? ;)

    Great work! =D= :D
  13. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    ithesock Thank you! [face_blush]

    Layren I've already told you to keep your rabid bunnies to yourself! :p I'm still searching for a bunny for your birthday viggie, however, so feel free to send one hopping my way!

    padawan_princess I'm flattered and thanks!

    Renton Kenobi Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

    SarkaVrae Methinks he doth protest too much. Don't you? ;)

    JOINME I'm sure the poor baby does get tired of all the adulation...

    Knight_Aragorn He's cute no matter what, but he's especially adorable when indignant and on a rant!

    And thanks to everyone who thought this little viggie was worthy of an award. This one was written on the spur of the moment, thanks to inspiration from a random comment made by that most random of gentlemen, Drabbo_Fett. Thanks, Drabbo!
  14. moonwashedrose

    moonwashedrose Jedi Youngling

    Aug 14, 2005
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] This cracked me up so hard I choked on my chips! [face_laugh]

    *rubs neck*
  15. Force-sensitiveLyn23

    Force-sensitiveLyn23 Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 27, 2005

    me too:)
  16. stormqueen874

    stormqueen874 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 7, 2005
    Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! =D= Easily one of the best Obi-POVs I've read to date, and it's hilarious to boot. You've done such a wonderful job with this!

    And hate to break it to you, Obi, but your hair does look pretty reddish sometimes... :D

  17. TheLurker

    TheLurker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 4, 2005
    hilariously funny writing. i can so imagine him writing this. although i'm sure that many people would beg to differ on many - or all - of those points!

    TRADMIC Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 24, 2005
    HAHAHA!![face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Ok, I must admit it...this was one of the first things I read when I found this site and fanfic, but I was new and didn't even know how to post.[face_blush]

    This is absolutely hilarious!

    Now that it's back UP, I had to read it again!
    And to see that it was you who wrote this...
    Oh, I am soooo watching you

    And "for the record" we should all be challenged to a story that includes everything...Obi being adorable, jeweling his eyes and highlighting his hair, making him a "hot" exotic dancer, referencing Qui-Gon, Xan, and Siri, and of course a little torture for the poor boy...

    :hands Obi duffle bag with only leather pants, dark blue eyeliner and some survival necessities:

    May the Force be with you, Obi
  19. DarthMousche

    DarthMousche Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 16, 2005
    I first saw this back in my old lurking days (all of five months ago) and remember just convulsing in my seat. Anyone watching would have called 911.

    I always wondered what the poor guy would think of all we put him through - now we know! I love this and I go back and read it whenever I need a laugh - or when my fics are getting out of hand and I need to keep it real. :D

  20. Star_Drifter

    Star_Drifter Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 18, 2005
    "Thanks to all who read this. I had a great time writing it, mostly because I had to keep looking at a picture of Obi-Wan. Purely for the purposes of inspiration you understand! Nothing more at all!"

    Oh, really, VaderLVR64... o_O

    I can see it was most inspiring... ;)

    Good job! =D= =D= =D=
  21. Siaynoqsbride

    Siaynoqsbride Jedi Master star 4

    May 17, 2005
    [face_laugh] That was great! I loved it!
  22. corellian-jedi

    corellian-jedi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 4, 2005
    My braid is not a leash. [...] I certainly don?t want it to be a part of any sick fantasies you might conjure up featuring my poor bit of plaited hair.

    [face_blush] *Blushes furiously*

    I?m not ?hot.?

    Liar, liar, pants on fire! :p

    I do not resent my Master. In fact, my feelings for him are quite the opposite. And no, don?t go in that direction, either! Stars above, will you people please elevate your minds!

    You tell 'em, Obi!

    Wonderful, VaderLVR64. Priceless. [face_laugh]
  23. Kynstar

    Kynstar Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 2, 2004
    Oh man I'm so glad somebody upped this so I could see this!

    [face_laugh] Oh my goodness! I can sooo see him saying these things!! :D Great work! Sooo needed that laugh. Once again Mama Vader you've done an awesome job.
  24. PadawanKaterina

    PadawanKaterina Jedi Knight star 2

    Sep 1, 2005
    I?m not ?hot.?

    I beg to differ!

    As far as I know, my body temperature seems to run just about normal for a human male in good health. Although I have been known to run a fever on occasion, it is always due to some bacteria that has attacked my system and not an excess of emotion centering on one or more person or persons who shall remain nameless.

    Lol. [face_laugh]
  25. Fate

    Fate Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2003
    Oh, my goodness. [face_laugh]

    I followed the link to this, thinking it was another story, but I'm glad I stumbled across it, however indavertently.

    This. Was. So. Funny!

    If I try to remember the lines I loved, I'll only quote the whole thing. So here's what gave me my first big laugh:

    My eyes are not jewels. I would also like to clarify that they are not ?stormy seas upon which passion rages.? They?re eyes, plain and simple. I use them to see.

    I swear, I can hear Obi-Wan's clipped accent setting things straight.

    Very, very funny, VaderLVR64. [face_mischief]


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