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Unclassifiable OPEN Genesis Gate

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Darth_Elu, May 27, 2020.

  1. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Mr. Ke

    The group. So different. The bag crumples.

    He would need a doctor to make sense.

    He follows Baron Quinn. He smokes.

    Somewhere or another...

    Evaluations. Reasonable.

    Mr. Ke has one question.

    But he does not ask it. He follows.

    Tag: @spacelady @Shadowsun @Narancia @Ktala @Darth_Elu
  2. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Charjra Myt'tar
    ~Margaret Merryflask’s Elixirs, Onyx Bazaar~

    Checking over the items one more time, doing the math, and then using her wand to magically place the items in a bag which set itself before Charjra again on the counter, the old woman smiled and gave the price.

    Well within budget, Charjra thought to herself. And a chance to learn, even if the stuff didnt work. But she hoped the one for her pet would.

    “I’ll be here whenever you are ready to return, dearie,” Margaret intoned as she left, “Take care out there, you hear!”

    "Thank you," Charjra replied back, as she picked up her purchase and headed out of the store. She felt like exploring a bit more. Charjra remembered the directions to Jardok’s Livery Margret had given her earlier. So she decided that would be the place to stop off. But since she was had to pass the "Elites" estates, it would give her a chance to check out more of the place. And if she happened to pass by anyplace that piqued her interest...or her nose, she might take a look as well. But right now, just the simple freedom of walking about, and not immediately being shunned for doing nothing was amazing to her.

    Carefully guarding both her purse, which she hid inside her clothing once more, and her bag, she began to make her way towards the livery shop. She was looking forward to seeing what kind of animals were there.

    TAG: Darth_Elu


    Nomuk Lhur
    ~The Genesis Gate, Shadow’s Reach~

    Nomuk was glad when the cord finally came off. After it disappeared, he quickly patted himself. He felt normal, well as far as he could tell. He looked back over towards the one speaking, as the man now addressed them all.

    “If you don’t mind, ladies and uh, gentleman. Perhaps we could be moving on to clean ourselves and have some fresh clothes? I’m sure then the Baron Quinn could indulge us in further questions.”

    The Baron spoke up then, “I think Mr. Langdon is correct, now seems a good time to be moving on. I doubt we all wish to continue just standing around like this.”

    With a quick whisper into a device he wore on his left wrist, then an absent nod toward Nomuk, he began motioning for the group to follow him. Nomuk gave the man a look, looking more towards the fire creature that currently sat on his arm.

    The Baron spoke as he walked toward the door in the far corner of the room.

    “As mentioned earlier, after being cleaned off, I will have you all undergo a few evaluations. Simple ones, very basic. Just so we can get a good idea of each of you. After that, we’ll allow a short meal and have you escorted to your respective quarters where you can dwell on whether or not to join us and just process the day’s events. Your stamina won’t last much longer than that on your first day. Starting tomorrow you should be more in tune with your body.”

    While a few thoughts did come to him, getting clean was of importance right now. The smell was hard to get away from. And it was something else. Something disturbing. Moving past the pillar they came into the next section of the three-part chamber, mostly open and unused. The Baron kept moving across the room to the right corner where the door was situated. Not far from the door, to its left, was a round, ornate table made of pure silver. Not large, but still of decent size. Expertly crafted and very much contrasting with the dullness of its surroundings. On it was a large tray of flute glasses that held some kind of pastel yellow liquid. Quinn paused here, turning to face the group again.

    “If any of you still feel a little low on energy, these potions here will restore your lost vitality and vigor. We want to see you at your peak performance during the tests, after all. Nor do I imagine any of you liking that sluggish feeling if indeed it does persist.”

    Quinn allowed any who wished to take the glasses to do so, only further adding: “From what I hear, they taste like lemonade.”

    Nomuk quickly picked up a glass. The smell was quite delightful, and he did enjoy the taste of lemonade. He did not wonder if there was anything in it. After the last display, he doubted that they would go through the trouble to bring them here, to simply disperse them. Nomuk gave a low rumble of approval, as he drowned the drink. Setting the glass back down on the table, he flexed his shoulders.

    As they all finished the drink, they would follow the Baron through the door and closer to what Nomuk hoped was to be the cleaning area, as promised.

    But Nomuk has a growing disturbance in what he had seen so far. Being desperate to win was one thing. Being desperate enough to allow murders who did not care who they killed, and was clearly mad... Nomuk was not sure he could work with such beings. But for now, until he gathered more information, he would keep silent. For now.

    TAG: @Shadowsun @The Jedi in the Pumas @Mitth_Fisto @Narancia @spacelady @Darth_Elu
  3. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Califlour
    Genesis Gate Vestibule

    The big brother smiled at him, yeah, riding in a persons palm that is in fact a giant baby is not disconcerting at all! Nope, not like he felt like a helpless cough drop. Not one little bit.
    "I am glad you enjoy it and isn't that interesting... my toe smells quite good..."

    Tiberius then went to take a drink from the cups, before he then looked down at his new comrade.

    "I suppose you are not a fan of liquids like this, although you seem to be a particularly special fire, don't you? Would you like this drink my little friend?"

    "Let's see here. . ." he stated with contemplation as he formed arms and hands to rub his flame heads mouth where a chin would be. "Do I have a death wish at less than an hour old? No. No I do not." he stated with mild indignation, "I mean a can of petrol, especially a jelly version would be most welcome. Water is only good if mixed with a nice magnesium cocktail first. But that's for a nice relaxing night or sudden feats, not whatever this is supposed to be, this sounds more like a hearty coal and log situation."

    TAG: @Shadowsun , @The Jedi in the Pumas @Darth_Elu @Narancia @spacelady @Ktala
  4. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020

    "I am Sir Quackles the Third, Defender of Truth and Justice! And you Sir have offended this gracious Lady, apologize at once or prepare to face the greatest duck warrior to ever live!"

    Morimoto stared in disbelief at the four-foot duck that stood before him; it was almost impossible for him to process; the first emotion that came to mind was, of course, disbelief, then after a solid and perplexing four went by, Morimoto started to laugh and then laugh some more. Then after a moment, he saw the absolute determination that was plastered on the duck's face.

    "Oh, you're serious,"

    A beat.

    "I'm gonna laugh even harder!"

    And after a moment, Morimoto sighed, fully satisfied with his laughter.

    "Sorry, little ducky, no amount of chivalry will make bestiality ever okay if that's your goal; ever heard of nice guy syndrome? And besides, you can do much better like, for instance.."

    Morimoto surveyed around the room and eventually settled on the fireball dude who was now eating the cyborg dude and pointed at them,

    "Yeah, you two would make an excellent power couple; I would even get some tasty poultry out of it!"

    Morimoto saw that the group was beginning to move but waited on Sir Quackles before doing anything else. Morimoto unironically liked the duck; it was proof of surrealist existentialism that Morimoto always envisioned life to be; in fact, this entire plane of existence was this "Genesis Gate," which was a path to many realities the masses deem unnatural and improbable. Morimoto had no idea why he thought this way, but he did. Morimoto saw Mr.Ke leave, and that's when Morimoto changed his mind about waiting on the duck; he was interested in so many people in this world!

    Morimoto motioned for Sir Quackles to follow him before taking off and catching up to Mr. Ke and asked in a rather cheery manner.

    "So, what's your take on our existence, my friend!"

    Morimoto then switched gears and saw vials of liquids being offered; he didn't even think twice before chugging down the drink, his throat was so dry from laughing loudly, and he was parched!

    Morimoto felt so energized now! It felt like he had become a child again, even though Morimoto didn't know what that felt like; he couldn't remember when he was a child, but it was all a dream anyway. That actually got Morimoto to thinking, and so he asked the Baron,

    "Hey, so does our existence mean that Rene Descarte's dream argument was true? If it is, what else was Descarte right about?"

    Morimoto was unsure of where all of his knowledge came from, all he knew was that he had it.

    @Shadowsun @The Jedi in the Pumas @Darth_Elu @spacelady @Ktala @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  5. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    OOC: Will update the Second Wave of Elites in my next post, likely tomorrow. :)

    Agent Smith IC:

    ~Cyber-Matrix Suite, Shadow's Reach~

    The ability to keep up with his strikes were well noted, though the satisfaction did not show on Agent Smith's face. His eyes watching Samuel's every move, even as he enacted his thrust kick. When the elite opted not to dodge, block, or defect but instead utilize the time to move in; his brow rose though due to the rapidity of the situation it was not likely noticed.

    Given his position and the attack coming from his foot, his hands were free, with his right moving with that blinding speed he had been reserving to catch Samuel's cutting fist by the wrist and turning it away from him while also locking him in place and moving him closer to him while the kick still sailed through. There was no longer any chance of getting away from the attack or disrupting it by inflicting damage first, he would take the full brunt of the kick and sail backwards and into the wall with a large metallic clang with a simultaneous whack.

    Slowly lowering his leg and watching him, he nodded.

    "While your strategy failed, your creativity and ability to quickly improvise is well noted. This is good, something we can build from. Now, when you're ready to go again, let me see what Jupiter can do."

    Tag: Samuel Jupiter (Combo) @Shadowsun

    Captain Jack Sparrow IC:
    ~Cuisine Pirates of the Caribbean, Common Quarter~

    With a brutal wrenching motion and a subsequent pop, Captain Jack bore witness to one of his middle fingers being put disgustingly in a very bad direction. With a face and a small yelp, it betrayed that while Ayira successfully proved her point and inflicted some physical agony, the man had surprisingly high pain tolerance.

    His arm removed itself from around her, while he took a moment to stare at his hand after the initial pain was given.


    Well, that was unexpected.

    "Why do I always find the interesting ones," he muttered under his breath.

    Clearing his throat, he quietly and gingerly grasped his finger and -- pop! -- put it back into place with only a tiny hop and wince to show the last bit of pain coming from it.

    "Alright then, Ayira, luv. Still need your help, will make it worth your while, but I promise..." he looked at her, "No touching."


    "See?" he stated sarcastically while wiggling his fingers near her, without touching.

    Dropping his hands with a blank face, seeing how it was not being well received, he coughed nervously, but continued speaking before she could just run off. "Well, to business then. You seem capable and have a look about you that says 'I want to prove myself to Jean's Gate.'"

    A patron at the bar nearby turned to look behind him at the pair, his face scrunched up in annoyance. Judging by his gear, he looked to be one of the Shadow's Reach guards that was off duty.

    "It's Genesis Gate, you idjit."

    Jack pointed at him without missing a beat, while still looking at Ayira, "Right, that."

    The man shook his head and turned back to his drink, filtering them out now the best he could.

    Here the man leaned in, oblivious to how he smelled of alcohol, "The bartender here is one of the enemy. You know, the Kingdom. But the guards are...well, guards," he shot a quick glance to the one sitting at the bar, "They don't really think. Only act. Savvy? I need your help exposing him so I can get in good with the leadership, you'd profit as well. You up for a bit of 'fun'?"

    Tag: Ayira @spacelady

    Sniper Wolf IC:
    ~S.R. Farms, Shadow’s Reach~

    Wolf listened to Jo’Sua’s explanation about phasing trouble, which took her a few moments to understand given her non-wraith self. Still, she figured it out quietly while he reloaded more efficiently the second go through.

    The woman watched him, still silent for the moment, as he waited on her order. He followed orders, always a good thing to see.

    Pursing her lips, she turned to look in the direction of the target.

    “I’ll look into that phasing issue. There might be something that can help.”

    She raised her binoculars to get a good, crystal clear view of the target now as she gave the go ahead to continue their training.

    “Two more shots…Fire.”

    As she observed, she also thought not just about the training but of other, greater things. So many things to consider, some of which she’d rather not…but showing themselves to be of necessity now.

    Her lips thinned as she watched Jo’Sua’s shots strike.

    Tag: Jo’Sua (Combo) @Mitth_Fisto

    Jeannie Yardhouse IC:
    ~Dining Room, Elite Dreamers Estate~

    While Jeannie waited for a reply from Aryan, she turned to look back at Amaya as the woman elite responded to her. Brushing some of her red hair behind her ear, she bit her lip in thought, her gaze temporarily rising to the ceiling.

    Somewhere interesting…hm. Somewhere interesting.

    Jeannie ended up ticking off three areas she could think of personally, a finger rising with each one. “There’s the Meditation Garden, when it is open to the public. It isn’t always because some on The Council like to frequent there in peace. It’s in the Citadel of Dominion. There’s also a large trophy museum if you are into hunting! Showcases some of the amazing beasts out there in the Omniverse! They call it the Nocturne Triumphant, that’s in the Central District. And um…well, I find the entire Assembly Quarter always fascinating to walk through while all the workers do the amazing things they do!”

    The maid flashed a smile. “But that’s just me, milady.”

    Tag: Amaya & Aryan @TheAdmiral @HanSolo29

    The Central District
    ~Southern Streets~

    Not much would particularly draw Charjra’s attention as she left the Onyx Bazaar behind in the general direction that had been told for her to follow to get to Jardok’s Livery. Guards were still dealing with the mess in front of Shelby’s Bakery across from the Elite Dreamers Estate.

    If nothing drew her in the Common Quarter, then she would find herself coming upon the southern streets of the Central District. An area that two other elites before her had come through.

    Upon entering this area, she would find the same sights that they had. The Shadow’s Reach Auction House to her left and Spacey’s Designs & Clothier to her right. There would be a good sized four way intersection of the street straight ahead, with those two buildings marking the southern parts of the intersection here on the first floor. Across from the Auction House was the Technological Wonders of the Centauri Empire, some kind of store for high-tech equipment. And across from that and the Clothier below was Erada’s Repair Shop. It looked like it also specialized in high tech devices, though had a broader range than the Centauri store.

    None of these would look remotely familiar to her. But she would notice Goro speaking with a few gentlemen off to her right in front of one Tommee’s Smoke Shop. Right next to Spacey’s.

    To her left, it was rather busy and filled with a decent amount of people, but nothing really caught her eye…except for a little furry creature that quickly disappeared into the Auction House. Who or what it was, she couldn’t guess. Might be worth investigating…and might not.

    Up straight ahead of her was another small crowd of people milling about, but there was an individual who actually caught her eye. Whether she chose to approach them however was another matter. He appeared to be a dark elf, much like herself…and appeared just as lost as he stood in front of Herbalism Supreme, an apothecary and herbalist store right next to Erada’s.

    His eyes momentarily caught hers. A sign or not, who knows.


    Tag: Charjra @Ktala
    Ktala, greyjedi125, spacelady and 4 others like this.
  6. spacelady

    spacelady Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Ayira

    Ayira glared at the drunk as he yelped and did exactly as she wanted, removing his arm from her. Gross... she felt she needed a bath again. She quickly smoothed out her new outfit and tilted her chin up in a haughty manner, glad he could be taught a lesson about messing with her. Although his reaction wasn't exactly what she had been expecting. He calmly looked over his hand before raising an eyebrow in her direction and popping his finger back into place without much effort.

    "Alright then, Ayira, luv. Still need your help, will make it worth your while, but I promise... No touching."

    The word love certainly caught her by surprise. She blinked, bewildered, and not sure how to respond to that. Why would he call her love?! She didn't even know him! But her confusion faded within a moment as he wiggled his fingers in front of her face, making an annoying point that he wasn't touching her. A small sneer formed once more at his aggravating behavior.

    "Well, to business then. You seem capable and have a look about you that says 'I want to prove myself to Jean's Gate.'" He quickly moved on to explaining, a little, when she obviously didn't care for his statement.

    A nearby man, a guard she assumed, looked over with an annoyed expression. "It's Genesis Gate, you idjit."

    "Right, that." He recovered. "The bartender here is one of the enemy. You know, the Kingdom. But the guards are...well, guards. They don't really think. Only act. Savvy? I need your help exposing him so I can get in good with the leadership, you'd profit as well. You up for a bit of 'fun'?"

    The blonde made a face when he leaned in, conspiratorially. The smell of alcohol was coming off of him in waves. How did she get roped into this? She leaned away from him, clearly unhappy with his whole situation and being there. "Oh? He's an enemy, you say?" She raised her eyebrows, exaggeratedly. "This is serious! I'm sure we can find you another place to get you more drinks, though."

    He was just wasting her time now. He clearly was mad because he wasn't getting more of what he wanted. She sobered, letting her irritation show again as she crossed her arms against her chest. "Look, I'm on important business. I need to find somewhere to get some weapons for my Elite training." She explained, hoping to drive the point home that she had more important things to do than to help him get his drink. "Try somewhere else." She went to awkwardly pat him on the arm, but stopped halfway, remembering who she was talking to, quickly bringing her hand back to safety. She offered a tense smile and moved to leave.

    Tag: @Darth_Elu
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2021
  7. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    GM Approved by the mighty Elu^:)^

    Name: Hugo Klaasen
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 34
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Eye Color: Blue
    Height & Build: 5ft11in
    Other Physical Attributes: None
    Magic Sensitivity: No
    greyjedi125, Darth_Elu and TheAdmiral like this.
  8. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    IC: Aryan Graul
    Dining Room, Elite Dreamers Estate

    From Aryan’s perspective, the main dining room didn’t offer much in the form of luxury. It was pretty standard compared to some of the more opulent establishments he had visited in his vaunted past. The problem was he wasn’t sure how he should feel about that. Should he be insulted? Embarrassed? It was difficult to follow a definitive path when the life he thought he knew was all part of an elaborate deception.

    Or was that what they wanted him to think?

    Aryan scowled at that notion, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the scene before him. A small crowd had gathered for breakfast, and while most of the occupants included members of the elite class—such as himself—he noted a few local inhabitants randomly dispersed around the room as well. They were likely members of the house and kitchen staff, but that’s not what raised his suspicions. Under the circumstances, he half-expected to find one of the instructors lurking from the shadows, silently appraising them as they carried out mundane tasks…

    Would selecting an improper food item to consume earn them a reprimand?

    What about striking up a conversation with the wrong person?

    Did they even care about the specifics of their morning routines?

    Before Aryan could further speculate about his purpose here, a servant girl dressed in a white apron and a matching bonnet approached and offered him a gentle smile.

    "Hello, good sir!" she exclaimed with a bow. "How can I assist you this morning? Is there anything you would like to eat that I can get you? If not, there are a few available options on the counter over there already, if you wish to do so yourself."

    A frown crossed the politician’s features at her introductory spiel. It took a lot of nerve for her to suggest that he actually serve himself. Did she have any idea who she was addressing?

    Regardless of her insolence, Aryan had to admit that she had restored some semblance of normalcy. She represented a certain aesthetic in his mind, a reminder of the lavish lifestyle that he had grown accustomed to over the years. For that reason alone, he decided to indulge her.

    "I’ll make this easy for you," he began evenly, canting his head to meet the servant’s gaze. "I order the exact same dish every morning; once you write it down, there’s no need to ask me again. You can simply have it waiting for me when I arrive."

    He brandished a hand, counting down the items on his fingers as he spoke. "A western omelet with swiss cheese, plain toast, and crisp bacon, as well as a cup of diced fruit and a hot coffee…black, always black. I don’t abide by any of that fancy, or—gourmet stuff. I’m a relatively simple man."

    With a charming grin, Aryan sidled up to the nearest table and casually took a seat while he waited for his food to arrive. Unfortunately, he didn’t bother to check if it was available before settling down.

    The brunette who sat across from him had an exotic appeal; her lithe form was elegant, radiating both confidence and strength. He also recognized her as one of his fellow elites and a member of his evaluation class. In that sense, they were practically already acquainted.

    Graul, ever the perfect gentleman, acknowledged her with a polite nod. "I apologize for the intrusion, Ma’am, but I hope you wouldn’t mind a bit of company. It’s not every day that I’m afforded the opportunity to simply mingle and enjoy a casual conversation without guarded protection. They’re like a shadow, constantly hovering over my shoulder."

    He leaned back with a quiet scoff. "I finally feel...liberated."

    TAG: @Darth_Elu; @TheAdmiral
    TheAdmiral, Darth_Elu and spacelady like this.
  9. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    Goro Oni
    The Central District, Shadow's Reach

    It was like finding water in the desert when Goro's eyed fell upon Tommee's Smoke Shop. Goro slipped his hand into his pocket, taking out his pack of cigarettes. He had smoked a few on the way here and was nearly out.

    In such a wacky place, he had to check it out. However, as Goro got closer, lighting another cigarette and exhaling the smoke into the air, his attention was caught by a most intriguing man in a burgundy suit. He didn't know him, but he carried himself with importance. He looked like he knew how to fight. This excited Goro, and he couldn't help but grin.

    Two brushed past him, calling out to the burgundy man, giving Goro the information of his name.

    "Oh ****! I didn't know you were in town, Django!"

    The man, Django, turned after being called.

    Django? What kinda name is that?! Goro thought to himself. Django shook hands with the two, and then would divert his attention to Goro.

    "This man with you?" Django asked the two men, but Goro snorted before they could answer.

    "These two? Heck, do I look like the kinda guy to hang out with losers?" He baited, before turning to the two.

    "Nah... These kids look like they still get their asses whooped by their parents. I don't like weak dudes." Goro remarked, his grin widening. He spat out his cigarette, dropping his grin quickly.

    He began to walk forward, a smirk on his face, and shoved into the marine, continuing his walk towards the smoke shop.


    "I'm just a man fiendin' for his smokes."

    Darth_Elu and spacelady like this.
  10. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Charjra Myt'tar
    Wandering the Southern Streets

    As Charjra walked through the sights, she tried not to look too much like a fish out of water, but there was just so much. And Margaret's words about the omniverse she was beginning to understand it. So many different types of shops. So many things, some she had no clue of their purpose... yet. A clothing store looked interesting. She would need that soon. She did spy the one called Goro speaking with a few gentlemen off to her right in front of one Tommee’s Smoke Shop. Right next to Spacey’s.

    To her left, it was rather busy, and when a little furry creature quickly disappeared into the Auction House, she found that curious, but she was not really looking to deal with auctions just yet. So she kept watching. But then... she spied something that made her stop a moment.He appeared to be a dark elf, much like herself…and appeared just as lost as he stood in front of Herbalism Supreme, an apothecary and herbalist store right next to Erada’s. His eyes momentarily caught hers. She gave the being a slight nod, and then looked at the herbalist store. A possibility indeed. She might need them after training. But right now, the Livery store was on her mind. And after seeing that furry-looking creature that had just scurried by, made her more determined. So she continued, passing off to the side of the dark elf, unless he made other motions toward her, and looked for her store.

    She was sure that if he was here, she would see him again.

    TAG: Darth_Elu
  11. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Jo'Sua Dhatra
    ~S.R. Farms, Shadow’s Reach~

    When all was done and he lay in silence he waited, listening to her make a change to her breathing, watching and learning. That was a good thing in a prospective mate.

    “I’ll look into that phasing issue. There might be something that can help.” She raised her binoculars to get a good, crystal clear view of the target now as she gave the go ahead to continue their training. “Two more shots…Fire.”

    Letting out merely a hiss at the recoil this time as he expected it, he was able to merely take the time for the site to settle before he fired a second time. Mentally adjusting his aim from the barest glance to see where the new mark on the target had fallen, a minor shift, and then squeeze off the second shot.

    As with anything practice makes perfect, the barrel was warming up but not enough to influence things just yet. "Sauron's Wraith likely have same issue. It is why we wear these cloaks and the armor beneath. They are anchors for our base incorporeal natures. Without them most wraith can be nothing more than a bad feeling and a stabbing sensation of fear into your deepest heart without reason. The armor, the robes, they give us form and containment. A wolf is not so easily cowed and I have grown beyond the limit, or had. It is harder now." He simply stated, sharing his own unique prior growth but also that he largely lost that ability, having stronger limitations. He could do it, but maintaining it and doing things was another matter of incongruity between the Lies of Life and the new reality of life that he was living.

    Tag: @Darth_Elu
  12. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Wapoe

    "Indeed it does. I would say to calm yourself for this conversation, but no doubt you would not listen. But I understand..."

    Wapoe watched Moriarity, and as he stared into the flame, there was the briefest moment of, could it, empathy?

    "Do attempt to not allow yourself to stiffen so visually at a mere tic of another's facial expression, Wapoe. Even if simply a lure to draw out more from me, the chances of it backfiring are higher than you realize. Such tactics are best used against one you know fall prey to such things. Generally speaking, keeping an immutable personage or at least one constant state is the most reliable option."

    Maybe not empathy.

    But wisdom, and advice.

    Wapoe paused, taking that on-board, but holding himself still anyway.

    "With that said, I keep this little room prepared at this place for a reason. Manipulation is nothing without knowledge and this building is the very accumulation of it. While your previous experiences likely gained you much knowledge, there is so much more out there to lean than you realize,"

    "Oh?" Wapoe said, curious, and that earned him a truly dictatorial gaze.

    "And that is where your rise's inception must begin. In this building's knowledge. What is the one thing you would like to learn about that you have limited to no knowledge of. The absence of such comprehension will be erased forthwith."

    Wapoe hesitated, and raised a hand. "One second."

    He released a breath, and his body became more supple, and at ease. He folded a leg, and swirled the wine lightly, bringing out the flavour.

    What was his hearts desire?

    "I want to know," he said, slowly. "Why I am here. Not just the generic, but the specific. I am clearly expected to do something or be something. Not just a tool in some omniversal war, no, but a very plain reason. Someone wanted me here, perhaps you yourself, and I would like to know, if I may, why." He shrugged, jostling his drink. "Because after all, I am more likely to attempt to break this reality than not, aren't I?"

    He leered.

    "It's what I do."

    TAG: @Darth_Elu
  13. Narancia

    Narancia Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 24, 2020
    Combo with the GM


    As Atmora charged ahead, bypassing the little table with the glasses of stamina potions, she went through the door and into a hallway beyond. It was still mostly stone, though there was more lighting in the area. There was a door to her immediate left, though it had the sense of not being a particularly important area and so she would likely bypass without too much consideration.

    Going just a little bit more, with the hallway slanting to her right for just a short distance, she would notice some stairs tucked off into the corner even further to her right, but otherwise it would just go on. A door to a room of possible importance (or not, so hard to say when she knew nothing at all!) just ahead and to the left.

    However, before she could make any formal decision, she would be met with Something standing at a good 6'2" height and coming down the hallway; stopping right in front of that door, staring right at her with red glowing eyes and intimidating silver skeletal frame. Despite its appearance, it made no move to accost her. Yet.

    "Halt. Identity recognition turns up unknown. State your name and business in this area."


    Lady Atmora stared at the metallic being before her; it was unreal, beyond anything that she's ever seen before but also absolutely terrifying. But even before she spoke, Lady Atmora raised her hands in the air to show the metal being that hopefully, she wasn't a threat.

    "I am Lady Atmora, a recruit that the Baron brought in. I wish to find the showers. As you can see, I'm completely drenched in horrid liquids. Could you help me find them?"
    The being took a moment to process Atmora's words and considered them before nodding succinctly.

    "Recruit under Baron Quinn's guidance. Orientation Protocol. Understood."

    The metallic person waved for Atmora to join it, seemingly showing no hostility at this point. An improvement from its neutral stance seconds before.

    "No showers in this area. Area has been designated for recruit cleaning and medical examination," it paused a moment to analyze her full body within seconds, "No injuries detected. Come with me for cleaning."

    It opened the door it stood in front of, moving to the side of it so Atmora could enter when she was ready.
    Lady Atmora nodded, secretly relieved that she managed to de-escalate the situation. In any other circumstance, Lady Atmora would've tried her luck, but her weakened state from thrashing Morimoto around made it impossible to put up any amount of resistance. So with quiet anxiety, she walked through the door and left the metal being alone.


    Lady Atmora was fed up with this place, the blood, the gore, the maniacs, the mysteries, she wanted answers, and she wanted them now! So with one swift movement, Atmora pivoted on her feet to grab the metallic being and intended to tear the being apart with the superstrength she didn't know she had until she started confronting Morimoto. Lady Atmora wasn't sure that she could take it on when it was in high alert, but its guard was down now, easy pickings, she thought.

    As she made her way into the room, she would notice before her sudden attack, that there was a number of servants milling about the room. Some further back cleaning tables and setting up for some kind of small feast it would appear, with a few other servants standing much closer with some bins at the ready. It looked like they had towels and such with them. The cleaning area that was spoken of.

    They had smiles on their faces as she entered...till she pivoted toward her escort. Those expressions froze in surprise, not that she could see them now.

    Using her swift speed and strength, though it was nowhere near what it might have once been, she leveraged a surprise move to take on the hulking silver skeleton thing. She managed to catch it, with its head tilting in what would have been surprise for it. And with her great strength.....

    She couldn't even make it budge. Atmora, in that moment, would have a split second to realize she might have made a really, really bad mistake. With great speed and precision, it grasped both of her wrists and in a sick echo of what had happened earlier, she felt the CRACK as it bent them back with frightening ease.

    Both wrists were now broken. Not even a shadow of a doubt. It let go of her left wrist and grasped her under the shoulder, hoisting her up one-handed as if she were nothing more than a toddler. It would not let go. It didn't even matter what she did. Or said.

    "New assessment. Medical treatment required. Inform Baron Quinn of recruit's status when he arrives."

    "Uhhh...S-S-Sure," murmured one of the servants with a now pale face.

    The being known as a T-800 Terminator turned cooly on its heel and marched out the door, then turned left to carry Atmora further down the corridor. There was no hesitation or strain on its powerful frame.

    She was in trouble now.

    Lady Atmora was shocked at the events that transpired; not only do her strength fail to make it budge, but it quickly broke both of her wrists.

    Atmora let out a small yelp as this happened. It was then that Lady Atmora realized that she had more in common with Morimoto than she probably would like to admit.

    Now Lady Atmora was at the complete whim of the robot which carried her through the corridor what was worse was how humiliating this display was. Complete and total humiliation.
    While Atmora rued her current situation, the Terminator stomped down the hallway, it curving to the left a bit before straightening out again until they came to a third door on their left. There was another closed door ahead of them, but the robot seemed to ignore that direction for now.

    The door was a modern one with a doorknob, which was turned and opened. Inside was a large clothing room, with said articles of clothing hung up or put on shelves all around the edges of the rectangular area; but it had clearly been converted into a very temporary medic station for the elite recruits.

    "What's going on?" asked a man leaning on a cane not far from Atmora and her 'caretaker.'


    There were two other individuals in the room with a decent amount of space in between them and some hastily assembled trays of medical equipment set nearby.

    "First the sudden call, then we're literally crammed into essentially a closet, now we have a prisoner brought by one of our resident guards from hell? Been a stellar day so far, I have to say."

    "This recruit attempted an assault on this unit," the Terminator replied emotionlessly, "Swift retribution was exacted. Current orders require she be given medical attention due to recruit status."

    "I can see that. Killer robots were even more genius than led to believe. Who knew."

    A pause as he stared dully at the Terminator.

    "Well? Set her down. Thank you."

    The T-800 did so promptly and turned to stand outside the doorway, with its back to them in a clear guard position now. While looking away, it would no longer be wise to assume its alertness was compromised.

    The doctor hobbled over while another man in medical scrubs and a woman in white and red robes, watched on quietly for the time being.

    He pointed with his cane almost accusingly. "Both wrists are broken, that didn't take a rocket scientist. You can probably tell too. Anything else or do you want attack the robot again first? Maybe get your ankles broken next for a full matching set?"

    "Dr. House!" exclaimed the clearly magical healer nearby. The doctor ignored her.

    Lady Atmora didn't know what to think of this situation; this whole facility had an entire medical station, with two different doctors, one who is obviously broken on the inside and the outside. While the other gave off a majestic aura, maybe not everyone here was so bad, Lady Atmora thought to herself, obviously referencing the magical healer.

    The broken man had ordered the robot to put her down, which the robot did so obediently and dutifully.

    "Both wrists are broken, that didn't take a rocket scientist. You can probably tell too. Anything else or do you want attack the robot again first? Maybe get your ankles broken next for a full matching set?"

    Lady Atmora's reaction was hidden behind her mask, but she responded with a barb of her own, "A small man with a big cane must be overcompensating for something. Just one look at you, and I can already tell how pathetic you are, no family, no love, and no personality. So if you don't mind, do your job and be quiet; more people would like you that way."

    TAG: @Darth_Elu
  14. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Theatre of the Jam

    The JAM lifted weight after weight before finally throwing one across the room. His strength had returned.


    Tag: @Darth_Elu
    Sinrebirth and Darth_Elu like this.
  15. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    OOC: Sorry for the delay on this particular update, everyone!

    Baron Quinn, Dr. Gregory House, & Alorea Sythul IC:

    ~Genesis District, Shadow's Reach~

    Mir was rather annoyed with him, that was clear. In truth, the Baron found the feeling mutual. As reasonable as the man was trying to appear to be, he was simply walling off and being as stubbornly resistant as possible. To not even entertain the thought was annoying, more so since he hadn't encountered such difficulty with the first wave of elite recruits. But it was what it was. He wouldn't think overmuch about it.

    Tiberius thanked him for his clarification, softening his own views toward him as they had been clouded by his growing agitation due to the others. This was compounded further when he surprised him by ripping off his own toe and offered it to Califlour. The explanation that he regenerated and felt no pain had it suddenly make much more sense.

    "I thank you for your assistance, Tiberius. A pragmatic solution to the situation."

    Califlour was also happy to see the idea being brought forth.

    "I shall leave you and save your arm for now oh Papa / Dr Quinn Medicine Man! Have no fear! Although if you don't mind if I take your coat that would be wonderful, save your flesh. . .I mean unless you wanna give it to me then by all means, you just have to agree to it."

    Quinn nodded toward the fiery creature, "It's quite fine. It's just a coat, take it by all means. I daresay I have more stashed away. We'll come back to that flesh offering issue another day though, I think."

    If it ever came down to it, Quinn didn't think he'd really mind offering some of his flesh should it be important enough, the idea didn't bother him in the slightest. Though he wouldn't offer his life however, that was another matter!

    When they reached the potions and he watched as some chose to drink and some did not, he waited and turned to face Mir again as he came toward him.


    "I will not be taking these 'evaluations' of yours... at the very least not until I know who I am."

    Quinn only stared hard into the man's gaze for a long, silent moment before giving a nod. "Very well. I shall make sure the citizenry registration department is prepared for you then. Just stick with us for the time being until I can have you escorted there. No point in getting lost at least."

    What what it was indeed. A little unfortunate, he had been hoping to see this Mir Dragonson pitted against Atticus during the evaluations due to their tense banter. Would have made a wonderful rivalry. Any further thought on the matter was interrupted by a new elite who had been hiding amongst the others and thus not immediately noticed, finally....waddled...up to the fore and confronted Morimoto.

    "I am Sir Quackles the Third, Defender of Truth and Justice! And you Sir have offended this gracious Lady, apologize at once or prepare to face the greatest duck warrior to ever live!"

    He was speaking of what happened with Atmora was he? A noble soul in their midst. And...a duck. The Omniverse being what it was, it wasn't entirely surprising, but still he nearly groaned aloud. Just what was the Overseer thinking?

    "Oh, you're serious."

    Morimoto was already responding. Quinn kept a very close eye on the two of them.

    "I'm gonna laugh even harder! Sorry, little ducky, no amount of chivalry will make bestiality ever okay if that's your goal; ever heard of nice guy syndrome? And besides, you can do much better like, for instance..Yeah, you two would make an excellent power couple; I would even get some tasty poultry out of it!"

    Lots of barbs. The rivalry could definitely be used later on, but the whole duck thing was still hard to get used to. The fireball daemon was a lot easier to digest somehow for Baron Quinn. Smoothly he interjected before it could much further.

    "Sir...Quackles, your chivalry does you credit I am certain. As you can see Morimoto didn't apologize for his act, so I agree that perhaps a trial should be brought forth," a little smile appeared, "And that will be the evaluations ahead. Whomever does better in them shall win your little contest. But I implore you two not to fight at this stage, otherwise I'm afraid you might put us further behind. Chivalry would dictate that is of bad taste for one's host, am I wrong?"

    Best to twist it to their purposes and without more mess than necessary. Plus, at this point Morimoto had marched away to talk to Mr. Ke who was being ominously silent. The questions about the paper bag were there, much like most others, but Baron would just let the doctors deal with it. He'd learn later he was sure.

    "Now come, it seems you are all ready. Follow me so we can all get cleaned off and prepared for the tests."

    The door opened and he led the way down the corridor, past a door to their left, curved to the right a little and past a staircase tucked away into the corner, and then came to a stop at another door to their left. It was already open and within they could see a decent sized room, where in the back some servants were busying themselves with preparing for what could amount to a small feast later, judging by what they were doing. No food was present yet however.

    At the front though, there were some tables with wash bins and other servants standing by them, and another man in flowing robes with a wooden staff seemingly watching over them all. An old beard completing the classic wizard look perfectly.

    "And here we are," Quinn announced simply, "Let us head inside and get ourselves cleaned off first before anything else. Except for Mr. Ke, Morimoto, and anyone else who wishes a doctor, in that case...follow me to another area first. The rest of you, stay here and clean."

    He looked at the 'wizard', "Clothing Room for the medic station then?"

    The man nodded, "That is correct, Baron. Though we had a T-800 escorting one of your wayward recruits, a woman? As she entered, she suddenly attacked it."

    Quinn's face scrunched up in annoyance as he rubbed his temple. "A haughty one, that one. Let me guess...medic station?"

    "Oh yes."

    "Very well, I'll speak with her in a moment. Thank you."

    The servants then made themselves announce to the group that the recruits were allowed to grab some wash cloths within the bins and clean themselves if they wished or ask a servant to do it for them. If especially dirty, they could inquire with Ronald the Brown who would use his magic to help completely cleanse them, but only if it was to a degree they felt a simpler mode wouldn't do.

    As Quinn turned, motioning those wanting medical attention to follow him, he paused one last time as he notice another recruit standing about. Observing quietly. He had been doing so the whole time, not hiding his presence or being blocked from view initially like Sir Quackles, he was just...quiet. Taking it all in and learning on his own time. Still, an introduction would need to be made.

    "Excuse me, sir. I don't believe I got your name?" Quinn asked Hugo.

    With a nod, he let him know to follow him if he needed medical attention (though it did not appear so), but otherwise relax while cleaning like the others until he returned. Wanting not to delay much longer, he moved with his much smaller group toward the Clothing Room that was the next door down the hall. The mentioned T-800 Terminator standing guard.

    "Stand aside, we have arrived for the medic station."

    "Understood," it replied emotionlessly and then did so.

    As they crossed into the room, Baron first, their eyes would fall on Dr. House just lowering his cane after having pointed it at Atmora whose back was to them currently.

    "A small man with a big cane must be overcompensating for something. Just one look at you, and I can already tell how pathetic you are, no family, no love, and no personality. So if you don't mind, do your job and be quiet; more people would like you that way."

    House rolled his eyes, "Joke's on you then. Nobody has liked me in a long time and I kind of prefer it that way. Thanks for the concern. Also the cane's to help with an injury, but then I'm the doctor in the room. I forgot for a moment."

    "Full of personality as always, Doctor," Quinn remarked wryly, "And I see you're making friends already, Lady Atmora. Please do not rush ahead next time. This could have been avoided. I hope you're not too badly hurt?"

    "Her wrists are broken. Attacked a hulking body of titanium. So results are about what are expected," House turned to look at the blonde woman in the white and red robes nearby, "Alorea, I won't be able to do much about broken wrists. Not for what they need right now, so that one is all yours. Maybe leave just a little hairline creak in the ulnocarpal?"

    Alorea shook her head at the doctor's brand of 'humor,' as she came forward with an apologetic smile. "I'll take over then, Doctor. Let me see your wrists, Lady Atmora. I'm sorry to see this happened to you."

    Sighing, Quinn motioned for the others with him to fully enter the room now. "Here are the others who need assistance. If it is not too severe right now, please talk to Dr. House here. If you feel your needs," a look toward Mr. Ke, "are more specialized or severe. Perhaps speak with Alorea."

    Tag: Mir, Tiberius, Atticus, Califlour, Sir Quackles, Morimoto, Mr. Ke, Hugo, Nomuk, & Atmora

    @Shadowsun @spacelady @Mitth_Fisto @Narancia @The Jedi in the Pumas @Jerjerrod-Lennox @Ktala
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
  16. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005

    IC: Hugo Klaasen
    Location: Genesis Gate

    Hugo Klaasen awoke.

    And he wondered how he had even gotten into this situation.

    The first thing he noticed was that he was on his back on what seemed to be a cold floor. The second thing he noticed was that his mind was fuzzy like he had had one too many drinks. But he couldn't remember a thing. How he had got here, what maybe he was doing here, practically anything. Except he still knew he was Hugo Klaasen. That was it.

    As he slowly sat up he could see people around him. An eclectic mixture:

    A man that looked a little like an elf.

    A dapper looking gentleman.

    A woman in some sort of bodysuit.

    A man with mechanical arms.

    A man with a paper bag on his head (really?(

    An Oriental looking man who had an insane look in his eyes.

    Someone who looked like a canine.

    Some fireball thing.

    And….was that a duck!

    I think I'm in hell.

    There was a man in front of him, he looked like he was from a fantasy novel with what he was wearing. Was he about to tell where they were? Unfortunately not as he was more interested in asking the question of who they were. Which was a very good question as Hugo could only remember his name and as he looked down at himself he was dressed in black.

    However it seemed that their pasts didn't matter if they had any. Because they were here as part of their present and future and something about them being connected to their past selves. Which it seemed Hugo could not remember. As Hugo stood up he looked around, surveying the place and the other people within. And he wondered why he was doing it, did he used to do something like this?

    The fantasy novel man in front of him introduced himself as Quinn, Hugo wasn't sure about his accent as yet. But it seemed they had umbilical cords (you got those when you were born, right?) and he asked them all for introductions. But if there was one thing Hugo was certain was that he did not trust this man already, neither did he the others. This Quinn was not giving them any answers at all at the moment and information especially in this case was paramount.

    And so it went: Atmora, Mir, Marimoto, Sir Quackles (nearly a snort from Hugo at the duck’s name), Atticus, Tiberius, Nomuk, Mr Ke and Califlour. Hugo did not introduce himself; he was still sizing up the others and he wanted to see the others' reactions to what was going on. Plus what they asked and how this Quinn answered, hopefully some answers would be revealed soon.

    Well not before one person decided to spontaneously combust. Thankfully Hugo was right over the other side and only got lightly splattered. And also he was thankful for wearing black so it wouldn't show. Marimoto seemed to be laughing his head off at the whole thing, Hugo could see the intensity and maybe the insanity in his eyes. One to watch him.

    The phrase never let them see you bleed came into his mind, but where was that from?

    Quinn continued on. So it seemed they had been brought in to defuse a crisis. Although why they had to be brought in so roughly was anyone’s guess especially since they couldn't remember anything. And then things began to get a little weird. Something about them elites and leaders, something about a fight. Omniverse. Omni Kingdom. Genesis Gate. Some people that had arrived before them in the first group. About some making it and some may not.

    Tell that to the bloke who has just spontaneously combusted.

    Then it got weirder. Something about their memories returning. That their former lives were a lie and that they were basically reborn. That there was no going back.

    What is this some kind of alternate reality? A welcome to the real world scenario? This is bloody ridiculous. To be honest I want to shoot this man and tell him to cut the crap. Maybe shoot the others too, maybe they are not real either. But why have I got the urge to do this?

    Mir it seemed had had enough and wanted out. Morimoto was definitely insane (one to avoid) Cauliflower wanted to eat the remains of the dead person (Hugo definitely did not agree with that although he had a feeling he may have been used to violence somewhere) people were querying where their magic had gone (Hugo wondered if magic was even true) Hugo remained quiet. It was a lot to take in to know that the life you lived was basically nothing and that you were here to fight someone else's war.

    Do we get paid for this Hugo wondered. Again something niggled at him like this was something that he did.

    The umbilical cord disappeared and Quinn continued his prattling. Hugo nearly tuned out. He hated people who prattled on, he liked them clear and to the point. No messing around just straight to the point. Bang. Done. But on and on he went, something about dreams, them being part of dreams and that they had literally just been reborn, congratulating them as if they had just won a prize.

    Get to the point. Or I am seriously thinking about trying to shut you up.

    And yet he still went on. Hugo of course was interested in one thing and one thing only. If he was going to fight a war he wanted to be paid handsomely for it and since it was a war he needed to know more about the enemy. So he could kill them. No questions asked. It seemed this Califlour too was a bit bonkers as well. Another one to avoid. He did’nt do business with insane people.

    Did he?

    Atmora meanwhile wanted desperately to find a shower and by the looks of her...could she be a competitor or an ally? She looked like she could handle herself. The others he had not grasped yet their true intentions apart from Mir who wanted nothing more than to find the nearest exit. Atticus wanted to move one and Hugo agreed, they had suffered enough from this Quinn and his machinations.

    Next up though: evaluations. So it was time to be tested. Hugo stiffened at that. Of course he remembered nothing from his past “life” so how could he do these tests? Were they physical or mental? What would they involve? And of course if you failed would you end up like the poor bloke and dead? Everything needed processing but Hugo at the moment was bypassing it all. He couldn't think about anything at the moment and especially not if he was about to be evaluated.

    This Genesis Gate. Are they a syndicate? A government? Again more questions than answers as to these guys. All I know is they want us to fight a war against an enemy we don’t know about. And they want to test us before we go to war. Very shadowy.

    Again he had an inkling that he had dealt with these types before.

    Time of course before a quick drink before the main event. And Hugo did wonder whether the drinks were spiked, but would this Quinn get rid of them so easily if he wanted them to join this shadowy game? Hugo took one and drank it down in one go, he needed a boost. Mir meanwhile was still going on moaning, whilst Califour was having a snack thanks to Tiberius giving him a piece of himself. Hugo had to raise an eyebrow at that.

    Ke had kept quiet throughout it all apart from asking for a doctor, why the hell he had a paper bag on his head was anyone's guess. Sir Quackles was trying to be chivalrous, Nomuk was quiet and Morimotot was still being his insane self.Atmora meanwhile had legged it.

    Time to move on again and a stop it seemed for a cleanup and anyone who needed any medical attention. Hugo needed neither but he was content to wait and watch still, the mention of something called a T 800 intrigued him though. The others definitely looked like they needed a good clean.

    Quinn asked him to introduce himself. Of course he had not in the beginning as he was too busy staying quiet and watching the others but he felt he should do now.

    “Hugo Klaasen” he said simply. His accent sounded….South African? He tried to remember if he spoke Afrikaans but his memory was at the moment still blank. It frustrated him.

    Meanwhile he would watch the others and wait for Quinn to return.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu , @Shadowsun , @spacelady , @Mitth_Fisto , @Narancia , @Ktala , @The Jedi in the Pumas
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  17. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Sir Quackles the Third, Son of Sir Quackles the Second, Son of Sir Quackles the First, Defender of Truth and Justice, and Master of Eggscalibur
    Justice Incarnate

    "Sorry, little ducky, no amount of chivalry will make bestiality ever okay if that's your goal; ever heard of nice guy syndrome? And besides, you can do much better like, for instance.."

    Sir Quackles the Third merely narrowed his eyes at the man named Morimoto, his words slanderous and most uncouth. His eyes baffled at the accusation, did this heathen have no idea who he was talking. He was Sir Quackles! His name revered throughout the land of... of... Sir Quackles narrowed his eyes in confusion... what sorcery was this?

    "Yeah, you two would make an excellent power couple; I would even get some tasty poultry out of it!"

    Sir Quackles's attention was snapped back to the hideous man, his eyes narrowing.

    "How dare you, Sir! I am but just a humble Knight bringing Truth and Justice to all those that need it, such accusations cannot be forgiven, except with blood!"

    The Duck Warrior then instinctively reached for where his sword was normally kept, only to find it was missing, his eye narrowing in annoyance. The man continued to speak but Sir Quackles paid no attention to him. He then heard the voice of Baron Quinn call out to him.

    "Sir...Quackles, your chivalry does you credit I am certain. As you can see Morimoto didn't apologize for his act, so I agree that perhaps a trial should be brought forth," a little smile appeared, "And that will be the evaluations ahead. Whomever does better in them shall win your little contest. But I implore you two not to fight at this stage, otherwise I'm afraid you might put us further behind. Chivalry would dictate that is of bad taste for one's host, am I wrong?"

    Sir Quackles gave a gracious nod, good whoever had brought him here were understood the rules of chivalry. The Duck's low voice boomed, his deadly seriousness seemingly a hallmark of the warrior.

    "A most noble suggestion Baron Quinn, forgive me if I overstepped I look forward to these evaluations posthaste!"

    They then all traveled to an area where they would be able to clean themselves.

    Thank the heavens thought Sir Quackles. While much of the blood had splattered on his armor, some had gotten onto his magnificent Duck Feathers, blood would be most difficult to get out of them. Sir Quackles waddled over to the nearest servant and outstretched his arms. It would seem he was somewhat used to servants putting on or cleaning his armor when he was wearing it. Not that he had any memory of it.

    He then waddled over to the mage, the blood still remaining in his feathers.

    "Oh Good Sir, I would be most appreciative if you could do me the honour of cleaning my feathers!"

    He gave another nod as this was done and then began to wait patiently, waiting to see what else would be done and who else would speak.

    Mir Dragonson
    Oh what a bore

    The armor-clad man raised an eyebrow at the sight of Sir Quackles and his little outburst, not paying that much attention to it. However the existence of such a was troubling, to say the least. What was this place?

    He then looked to this 'Baron' Quinn his eyes narrowing in annoyance, which appeared to be mutual, as the man gave a reply to his request.

    "Very well. I shall make sure the citizenry registration department is prepared for you then. Just stick with us for the time being until I can have you escorted there. No point in getting lost at least."

    This was... reasonable there was nothing about this he had to particularly complain about. He was after all still drenched in blood. After a few moments, they were in some sort of cleaning area, Mir huffing as he eyed the servants.

    This will take forever. He was then glad to see there was a mage that would be able to take the blood off magically. He went straight for the man. As Mir was the cause of the 'blood bomb' it was quite obvious he would be the most drenched in the remains of the soul that had died. Once he was cleaned he went off to the side surveying the others. Giving a glance to Atticus before looking elsewhere.

    He did look to the man named 'House' a rather useless looking man that lacked any sort of magical prowess and made up for it with some awful humor. Such beings Mir detested. A glance to the ceiling as he began to contemplate who he used to be, and the residual memories that somehow remained. That of his name. That he used to have wondrous magic. This was all so...beneath him.

    Tiberius Trajan
    The Daemon Bros

    "Let's see here. . .Do I have a death wish at less than an hour old? No. No, I do not. I mean a can of petrol, especially a jelly version would be most welcome. Water is only good if mixed with a nice magnesium cocktail first. But that's for a nice relaxing night or sudden feats, not whatever this is supposed to be, this sounds more like a hearty coal and log situation."

    Tiberius smiled and chuckled at his Daemon companion's response.

    "I'll keep a note of that, was just making sure"

    As they wandered into the cleaning Tiberius contemplated his current position and the nature of Genesis Gate. He was becoming more relaxed about it all, not as accusatory as Mir. He saw no immediate harm so there was no particular reason to resist, besides he had nothing else to do. Not to mention the fact that it had been made clear there was no going back to his old world, whatever that had looked like.

    He drifted to where he could clean himself, using his free hand to do so. There was not too much blood on the shirtless man, only taking a few minutes. It was a little awkward cleaning his hair of the blood and still keeping a hold of Califlour, he did put him to one side as he did this so he could clean it properly before drying himself off and picking up his Daemon friend again.

    "I suppose you do not remember your past, my little friend, a shame I would quite like to hear it"

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto @Darth_Elu @spacelady @The Jedi in the Pumas @Jerjerrod-Lennox @Narancia @Ktala
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  18. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    Betwixt Light and Dark
    Plasma Stream Bridge

    “Give it time, your powers will return to you.”

    The level of conviction in the man’s voice caught Valynor’s attention just then, his fingers slowing in their movement, then coming to a full stop. The red haired elf brought down his hands as he too turned to face the man, a soft smile still playing upon his elven features.

    “You seem fairly certain about this.” Valynor stated, his curiosity now turning from the plasma stream to the man, his green eyes now taking him in fully. The white hair, they grey and purple robes. Perhaps he too was a mage or wizard? He certainly had the bearings of one, especially the wisdom etched in his eyes.


    “Oh, I am.” The man responded with a chuckle, but offered no further explanation. Valynor chuckled himself, suddenly understanding.

    “So….what makes you so certain of this fact?” Valynor inquired, now gleaning that he would only get answers to the questions he asked. Hmm, then definitely some kind of Arcanist.

    “Seeing that we just met.” he added.

    “Well…” the man began, bringing a hand to his chin.

    “You are an elf and elves, as I understand it, are almost always conduits for magic, wherever they might be. You are here, in Shadow’s Reach, a place strong in magic.”

    The man gestured towards the sky, which shimmered with charged magical energy, then his hand motioned towards the Plasma Stream.

    “You recognized this as a powerful current of power, as stated. You also mentioned not yet having your magics, then proceeded to perform what were likely basic signs that would confirm if your magics could be conducted in this spot.”

    Valynor could not help the expression of surprise that came to his face. Had he unintentionally conveyed that much in such a short span of time? Who was this man?

    “Like you, my powers were inaccessible when I first arrived, but now…”

    The man paused his words, however, his form levitated several hand-spans off the floor, then remained aloft for several heartbeats, before he smoothly settled himself down once again.

    “They are returning to me, albeit at a much slower rate than I’d initially imagined.”

    “By the Valar!” Valynor exclaimed.

    “The Vanir and the Bendu.” The man added smoothly.

    Valynor was completely astounded at seeing the small demonstration of levitation. The sight of it only increased his desire to regain his lost abilities all the more.

    “I…..uhm. My apologies. Forgive my lapse in manners. I am Valynor Syndoriel, one of the many Elites just brought through the Genesis Gate. Might I have the honor of knowing your name, sir?”

    The elf held out a hand, mimicking the human gesture for courteous first encounters and introductions.

    The man smiled in good humor at the elf’s reaction. Hmmm. Genesis Process. He’d heard a good deal about it, but could always learn more, especially from a proclaimed 'Elite'.

    With a graceful motion, the man did reach out his own hand to shake the elf’s.

    “You may call me…Twilight. I am but a mere visitor here.”

    The two shook hands in pleasant greeting. Below them, the plasma stream’s iridescent surface reverberated, as if in response to forces unseen.

    Tag: @Darth_Elu
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  19. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Nomuk Lhur
    ~The Genesis Gate, Shadow’s Reach~

    As an area was shown to them to clean themselves off, Nomuk watched the being who looked like some type of bird. An interesting being. And one who viewed himself as a knight. A knight? That term sounded ... familiar to him, though he could not recall why. He walked over in the same directions as Sir Quackles.

    He waited as Sir Quackles spoke to the mage, and then responded like ways. "I could use your services as well. While dunking myself would help my fur, Im afraid it will not do for my robes." Nomuk gave a slight smirk. "And while I dont mind wet fur, I am not sure of the others." Nomuk gave a gruff laugh. He then looked down at the smaller being.

    "Sir Quckles is it? You say you are a ... knight?" Nomuk asked. "Once we get our memories back, I would like to hear more of this?" he stated. He almost crossed his arms, but instead, carefully removed his robe as he waited to see what would be next. This person called himself a mage. He wondered what thay ment here.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu , @Shadowsun , @spacelady , @Mitth_Fisto , @Narancia , @Jerjerrod-Lennox, @The Jedi in the Pumas
  20. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    IC: Sir Quackles the Third, Son of Sir Quackles the Second, Son of Sir Quackles the First, Defender of Truth and Justice, and Master of Eggscalibur
    Making Friends

    Sir Quackles the Third, Defender of Truth and Justice, was minding his own business when a rather magnificent looking Lion decided to make conversation with the Duck Knight. His eyes darted around, locking themselves with Nomuk, his expression that of a grandiose calm grace. His deep voice booming through the room.

    "Certainly my Good Sir! I shall regale you with the most wonderous tales of the bravest and most noble Knights ever to have lived! The story of the great Quackles Dynasty and their rise to fame!"

    He took a dramatic pose holding his arm upward as if holding a sword. He then turned to the Lion giving a deep bow.

    "I would also be most honored good sir if you bestowed the story of your past! Let this pact be known to all!"

    He then flourished up, a faint look of notification on the duck's face as he awaited his new friend's response.

    TAG: @Ktala @Darth_Elu @Mitth_Fisto @Narancia @Jerjerrod-Lennox @The Jedi in the Pumas @spacelady
    Darth_Elu, Narancia and spacelady like this.
  21. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Captain Jack Sparrow IC:
    ~Cuisine Pirates of the Caribbean, Common Quarter~

    Captain Jack made a slight face at the initially exaggerated reaction Ayira was giving. So she didn't believe him, huh? Couldn't fault her or anything. Pirates.

    Her comment about weapons for elite training caught him by surprise, his eyebrows raising. Then a smile formed. That was the in he needed and she just supplied him with it! Granted, she could still refuse, but it was worth one last try.

    Putting an arm in her way before she left, he kept his smile on his face.

    "Elite training, you say? Weapon?" he eyed her up and down for a moment critically, pointing questioningly.

    "Sword, I'm guessing? It's sword isn't it. If that's the case, you're in luck. I am close friends with the swordsmith, Taranas. You know, from Taranas' Blades? I deliver certain metal shipments from time to time. It's what I do for the Gate, on occasion."

    The pirate added a charming wink to the young woman at this point. "You see, you scratch my back, I get you a sword for free? Now how about that help, hm?"

    Tag: Ayira @spacelady

    Jeannie Yardhouse IC:
    ~Dining Room, Elite Dreamers Estate~

    The moment Aryan even began speaking, Jeannie slightly stiffened right away. This was an elite who acted like an elite. He knew what he wanted, how he wanted, when he wanted, where he wanted it.

    She was about to hear exactly all that. Just the tone of the first syllable leaving his mouth told her all that.

    “I’ll make this easy for you. I order the exact same dish every morning; once you write it down, there’s no need to ask me again. You can simply have it waiting for me when I arrive.”

    A little notepad and pen were already out, whisked almost instantly from one of her aprons pockets, she nearly gulped.

    “Yes, of course, sir. I am ready.”

    “A western omelet with Swiss cheese, plain toast, and crisp bacon, as well as a cup of diced fruit and a hot coffee…black, always black. I don’t abide by any of that fancy, or —gourmet stuff. I’m a relatively simple man.”

    Her hand was moving a mile a minute as she wrote it all down, word for word, as quickly as she could. Once finished, she bowed to Aryan and Amaya, who the gentleman sat across from now.

    “I’ll have it prepared immediately, sir.”

    She flashed a small smile toward Amaya before turning for the kitchens nearby and relaying the order before diving in to help prepare as well. After quickly pouring a cup of hot, black coffee first and delivering it to Aryan of course. It wouldn’t do to make him wait for that. It would also not be too long into the conversation before the food, precisely as ordered, came out nice and fresh. Ready to be consumed with satisfaction.

    After this, Jeannie would remain quiet in demeanor but ubiquitous in service, off to the side of the room but ready to spring to action if summoned. She would allow the elites to converse in peace.

    Tag: Aryan & Amaya @HanSolo29 @TheAdmiral

    Django Freeman IC:
    ~Tommee’s Smoke Shop, Central District~

    As soon as the question was out, Goro was reacting before the two men with Django could even reply.

    “These two? Heck, do I look like the kinda guy to hang out with losers?”

    Their faces went stony, clearly ready to beat this upstart for his words. Django’s eyebrow merely raised, the cigarette in his mouth merely shifting in place.

    “Nah… These kids look like they still get their asses whooped by their parents. I don’t like weak dudes.”

    The two men began to move, almost like a knee jerk reaction, toward Goro but Django threw out both of his arms to block them both. He shook his head to force them to stand down.

    “That so?” he murmured while watching the elite go by, bumping into the marine whose anger only boiled all the more for the action.

    There were some curses thrown under their breath.

    The cowboy pointed at the eyepatched man’s back. “What we gonna do about that sonuva —?”

    “You gonna do nothing, Rufus,” Django replied easily with a look before turning to watch Goro again. “Let the man get his smokes.”

    The one in the burgundy suit smirked himself now as he followed up by raising his voice to be heard however, “You best be careful though, newcomer. Around here, there be a lot of people who can throw down!”

    Not an open challenge, but a definite warning.

    “Come on, lets find a bite to eat,” Django stated while moving his companions with him.

    You best bet the small interaction would be remembered.

    Once inside Tommee’s Smoke Shop, it was pretty standard fare for a small store. But the selection was amazing! Pretty much anything you’d want in there, was available.

    The tall man (an alien of some kind) behind the counter off to the right, just casually looked at Goro once he entered.


    “Welcome to Tommee’s. I’m Tommee. You smoke, I sell. Whatchoo wunt?” Tommee asked in a deep guttural voice, his unique accent dominating his speech.

    Tag: Goro @Master Vo'Un'Var

    Jardok’s Livery
    ~Central District, Shadow’s Reach~

    With a quiet nod toward this other dark elf, whom returned the nod before seemingly vanishing into the crowd, Charjra wouldn’t make it far down the street before she remembered she was supposed to have turned right back at the intersection, not go forward.

    The sighting of a fellow dark elf must have thrown her off, but with her determination firmly at hand was able to correct course and head back the proper direction. Passing by a man she didn’t know was named Django Freeman and the two friends of his as they left for elsewhere. Looks like they had finished speaking with Goro.

    Passing by Tommee’s Smoke Shop, she would round the corner and head down the street, passing by Support Staff Training Center on her right and the Vault of the Gate on her left. Not far from there, she saw a back door to Jardok’s Livery, easily the largest thing on this street given the length of the Livery.

    There was a sign hanging over the top of the door however that stated ‘Plz use othr durr. Tank u!’

    Well, whomever had written it had tried at least. The message was just clear enough, so she would head further down. Best Smiles Dentistry was to her left, followed by S.R. Potions Masters, and then directly across from the front door to the Livery and to the left was: Provisions of Jod.

    As soon as she entered, it was in a lobby like room with some counters blocking off the interior door that led deeper in. There were posters, some with hologram projections and some not, of all kinds of animals along the walls. Big and small, mundane and wondrous. Monstrous or awe-inspiring.

    At the sound of her entrance, a little tiny bell went off once to announce her arrival. And the first critter she would meet within, lazing about on one of the counters, suddenly sat up at attention to watch her with interest.


    Not to be outdone however, on the opposite counter was a GIANT of a being! It looked like he could barely even fit within the confines of the room, so crowded into the corner he was! But he began to stir a second after the animal did, his arms the size of tree trunks unwrapping from their folded position, his back straightening a bit further (as much as the ceiling would allow!), his eyes blinking comically from where he stood.


    “HEWWO!” his big voice boomed kindly, “WULCOME TO JARDOK’S! HAVE MANNEE NICE FRIENDZ! I HELP U?”

    Tag: Charjra @Ktala @Bravo (For the Reference)

    James Moriarty IC:
    ~Private Chamber, Omniversal Library~

    Moriarty watched neutrally as Wapoe forestalled the next phase of their little session, in a sense at least. In some ways he played to it all the same. Just not in the originally intended direction, but it made no difference to one who sat upon The Council.

    “One second. I want to know,”

    Moriarty watched him curiously, “Yes?”

    “Why I am here. Not just the generic, but the specific. I am clearly expected to do something or be something. Not just a tool in some omniversal war, no, but a very plain reason. Someone wanted me here, perhaps you yourself, and I would like to know, if I may, why.”

    The Councilman considered Wapoe a few moments, thinking this over on his inscrutable face.

    “Because after all, I am more likely to attempt to break this reality than not, aren’t I? It’s what I do.”

    “And now I know that,” Moriarty replied smoothly before taking a sip of his own drink, “It would feel delightful to know that you were handpicked, I assume. In a way, you were. As with the others. But not in the way you imagine. You come from the Plane of Dreams, Wapoe.”

    Moriarty casually set his glass down on a tray off to the other side of him before looking over.

    “The Plane of Dreams is a tumultuous place. Ever shifting and weaving, changing in a myriad complex labyrinth of space, for lack of a better term, all its own. The individual in charge of locating and picking out talented savants for our elites, and normal soldiers and agents at other times…is known as the Dream Overseer. I can arrange a meeting some time, if you wish. Should prove enlightening in your position, I would imagine. Your…how to say? Energy signal? No, perhaps soul? Maybe will? Whatever poetic way you wish to use, was what was detected. This is how he singled you out.”

    Moriarty was not disguising the fact that he was openly analyzing how Wapoe was reacting to this currently. His eyes trained on him like a hawk.

    “We only started learning about you after you arrived. As well as where your strengths lay, hence the evaluations. You may take away quite a bit from that statement. As soon as it was determined manipulator and you yourself decided this course of action, I wished for you to come to me to make sure you are one of the best agents to be used in our war, yes. But your estimation of there being much more to this is flawless.”

    There was a distinct, meaningful pause here.

    “We need to manipulate because sometimes that is how you keep order. We need to persuade behind the scenes because sometimes we need to break realities, to use your vernacular. And, Wapoe, I have need of one who can carry my will to perfection. I heavily suspect that you and I will discover each other to be very like minded, moving forward. And you heard right, I said my will. Not Genesis Gate’s. I’ll be blunt about that.”

    He gazed at the flames once more with a soft sigh. “Surely you did not think everyone within Genesis Gate is of exactly the same mind? The Game is played by all, whether you realize or not, at all times. There are no rests, no breaks, only transitions. Scene changes, new players upon the stage. And you are very welcome to try disrupting this reality, for being the Omniverse…it shows no sign of breaking.

    “For all things that begin to all things that end, all realms trace back to here. It is not this place that needs breaking, Wapoe. It is all the others beyond. And that is something I presume you won’t entirely mind doing.”

    Tag: Wapoe (Combo) @Sinrebirth

    Sauron IC:
    ~Theater of the Gate, Common Quarter~

    The Dark Lord of Arda watched silently as Jam managed to rest and restore his vitality, getting straight into weightlifting. As expected, pure strength was something he excelled at. Evidently, while his stamina by itself was poorer than desired, the orc’s ability to recharge so quickly was a great boon.

    Sauron could use this.


    He watched as a weight or two sailed across the theater, crashing into the ground with some destruction to the floorboards. Nothing to worry about, the Genesis Gate coffers could easily cover such things. The proprietors of the theater wouldn’t dare complain about Sauron’s ‘event’ in their building.

    They wouldn’t last long if they did.

    “So it may be, Jam,” he replied, “Now lets see if we can utilize that spirit into true presence. It is something essential to all Destroyers. I demand just shouting and roaring, but your very being screams attention. Even if you were to sneak into a room and just stand there, quiet as a breath, you would demand attention. And dread. And awe.”

    A pause as he considered the elite’s personality.

    “More than you already possess, naturally. I shall show you how to refine that presence into a weapon itself.”

    Sauron stood in the middle of the room and faced Jam once more.

    “Now. You are here, so bring the fight to me again! I want all of your will behind your first strike! Show me what it means to be THE JAM!”

    Tag: Jam (Combo) @The Jedi in the Pumas

    Plasma-Stream Bridge
    ~Central District, Shadow’s Reach~

    The handshake was a momentous occasion by one who was elite and one destined to be so. But, for the time being, the other denizens of Shadow’s Reach seemed to continue about their day unaware of such a fact.

    Valynor and Twilight were undisturbed with everyone so preoccupied with their own personal agendas, whether great or small. They could split up for now or move together toward Valynor’s original destination, with Twilight as guide due to his having already visited the Omniversal Library before this. Recently even.

    Of course, they could also held for somewhere else as well and explore the city further. That was entirely up to their predilection however.

    Tag: Valynor & Twilight @greyjedi125

    Baron Quinn, Ronald the Brown & Servants IC:
    ~Improvised Cleaning Station, Genesis District~

    As he left, Baron Quinn managed to briefly make an introductory greeting with Hugo, which he was glad of finally managing.

    “Hugo Klaasen.”

    That was all that was said by way of introducing himself. The Baron gave a slight quirk of a smile. Rather straightforward of the man. He was focused on getting his bearings more than all else right now. Smart enough.

    “A pleasure, Hugo,” he stated, “I hope we have a better moment to converse later. Welcome to Shadow’s Reach and Genesis Gate as a whole.”

    He inclined his head for a moment, “Now if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’ll be back soon.”

    With that, Quinn led Morimoto and Mr. Ke, along with any others who spoke up about following them, toward the hastily organized medic station in a different room.

    A servant nearby motioned for Hugo to look their way not long later. “Would you like a wash rag, sir?”

    A different servant merely bowed toward Tiberius and Califlour as the former began to clean himself, but otherwise continued to talk amongst themselves.

    Ronald the Brown however was already receiving quite the attention. The older man’s bushy brows raising at the swift attention.

    “Oh Good Sir, I would be most appreciative if you could do me the honor of cleaning my feathers!”

    A duck of all things. Sir Quakles, according to another. The Omniverse was such a strange place sometimes. Such a wonderfully, amazingly, strange place. It almost brought a happy tear to his eye, but none of this was evident on his expression.

    Nomuk came over now.

    “I could use your services as well. While dunking myself would help my fur, Im afraid it will not do for my robes. And while I dont mind wet fur, I am not sure of the others.”

    A feline type of being, though this was not uncommon these days in Shadow’s Reach. And now such a ‘cat’ for lack of a better term due to their exact species being unknown to Ronald, was beginning to talk with the duck.

    Oh, thank you Omniverse for this wonderfully, amazingly, inspirational scene!

    His eye gleamed oddly for a moment while Mir also approached, likely with an eyebrow raised, while waiting for magical cleaning as well. Ronald finally focused on his job, especially with Mir’s presence.

    “Dear me, truly a mess, you all are. Yes, I shall assist you. Clothing, fur, feathers, and all! Hocus Pocus, Hippity Hoppity, Wiggly Waggly, Presto Chango! Clean these good fellows right away, keep the dirtiness wholly at bay, oh so I do say!”

    A couple of servants did their best not to laugh, their eyes darting the other way, yet despite this…The man raised his staff and a magical glow did emit from it. In a small flash of light and white sparkles floating in the air for about ten seconds afterward all over the three recruits; they would notice that Ronald the Brown wasn’t as much of a joke as his chant.

    They were indeed quite clean.

    Tag: Hugo, Sir Quackles, Mir, Tiberius, Cauliflour, Nomuk, & Atticus

    @Jerjerrod-Lennox @Shadowsun @Mitth_Fisto @Ktala @spacelady
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  22. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    IC: Amaya Trakand

    Amaya looked at the newcomer and tried to hide her distaste of how he treated Jeannie. Though she did not say anything. There was no point in making a fuss about it. Besides, Amaya had enough rivals as it was - that orc and his buddy.

    Some people let the title of elite get into their heads. Maybe that was the point? Their masters wanted to put their suspicions to sleep. After all, being coddled and praised would put one at ease.

    It made you susceptible to manipulation.

    Or maybe she was reading far too much into the whole thing? Either way she had to keep her eyes and ears open for any scrap of useful information.

    But first to finish her breakfast, then maybe check on that blue skinned servant… Amaya blinked as she realized that non-human could be the way they were controlling her?

    She nodded to Aryan “I don’t mind it all.” she managed a small smile. Was he testing her? “I am not a… what was that word… a fan of big crowds myself too.” Amaya looked at him “I am used to working alone.”

    She took a sip of her tea “How about you? What were you in your world?”

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @HanSolo29
  23. Ktala

    Ktala Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 7, 2002
    Nomuk Lhur
    ~Getting Clean, Shadow’s Reach~

    "Sir Quckles is it? You say you are a ... knight?" Nomuk asked. "Once we get our memories back, I would like to hear more of this?" he stated. Sir Quackles eyes darted around, locking themselves with Nomuk, his expression that of a grandiose calm grace. His deep voice booming through the room.

    "Certainly my Good Sir! I shall regale you with the most wonderous tales of the bravest and most noble Knights ever to have lived! The story of the great Quackles Dynasty and their rise to fame!"

    He took a dramatic pose holding his arm upward as if holding a sword. He then turned to Nomuk and gave the duck a bow of his own. Even though his memories were not fully there, but he felt quite normal talking to this being. There was no strangeness.

    "I would also be most honored good sir if you bestowed the story of your past! Let this pact be known to all!"

    Nomuk went on one knee. "Indeed, I look forward to it, Sir Quackles."Nomuck replied, As he was standing back up, the mage who had been described as a mage came over to them, speaking in a strange way."

    “Dear me, truly a mess, you all are. Yes, I shall assist you. Clothing, fur, feathers, and all! Hocus Pocus, Hippity Hoppity, Wiggly Waggly, Presto Chango! Clean these good fellows right away, keep the dirtiness wholly at bay, oh so I do say!”

    Nomuk's ears twitched, as he heard some of the other people nearby. But then, he quickly noticed that indeed, they were clean. Nomuk huffed slightly as he looked towards the 'mage.' "Thank you. A appreciate the effort.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu @Mitth_Fisto @Narancia @Jerjerrod-Lennox @The Jedi in the Pumas @spacelady


    Charjra Myt'tar
    ~Jardok’s Livery- Central District, Shadow’s Reach~

    After correcting herself, Charjra finally made her way towards the shop she was looking for. And there was so much to see. A smoke shop. A support staff training center. Wonder if that was for the folks who worked at the gate. She looked at another shop, the Vault of the Gate. A bank perhaps? Then she spied the place she was looking for, Jardok's Livery. And the place was huge!

    Excited and looking forward to a fur friend, she moved forward. She saw a sign on the door. ‘Plz use othr durr. Tank u!’

    Ooookay. Well, as long as they had what she was looking for, she would be happy. After all, maybe the common tongue was not their normal language.

    She looked at another sign. 'Best Smiles Dentistry'. She figured with the words smiles, it had to do about teeth. She had never heard the word...dentistry before. Another potions place. She would try that later perhaps. And then there was something about ..the Provisions of Jod? She had no clue about that.

    Another timer perhaps. For now, she entered the Livery. As soon as she entered, it was in a lobby-like room with some counters blocking off the interior door that led deeper in. There were posters, some with all kinds of animals along the walls. Big and small, mundane and wondrous. Monstrous or awe-inspiring. A movement on the counter made her turn, and she looked over in wonder, as a creature sat up, noticing her.

    A catbird?!?!?!

    IT was beautiful and consuming at the same time. She smiled, giving the creature a polite nod. But then something moved in the corner, and she turned to look...

    A GIANT!!

    He barely even fit within the confines of the room, so crowded into the corner he was! But he began to stir a second after the animal did, his arms the size of tree trunks unwrapping from their folded position, his back straightening a bit further (as much as the ceiling would allow!), his eyes blinking comically from where he stood.

    Charjra's smile had faded a bit, as she looked up in wonder. Yes, this place was going to be interesting indeed.

    “HEWWO!” his big voice boomed kindly, “WULCOME TO JARDOK’S! HAVE MANNEE NICE FRIENDZ! I HELP U?”

    Her smile lit up again. She hoped this guy and The grand idjit never ran into each other. She took a few steps forward.

    "Yes!" Charjra stated as she stepped up. "I am looking for a friend. But I don't know what animals are here. Can you help me?" She then quickly added. "I would like something that likes being indoors," she added quickly. She wondered if she should try the potion now, or simply look first.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu
  24. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    IC: Hugo Klaasen
    Location: Genesis Gate

    Sir Quackles and Nomuk seemed to be making friends already, as was Tiberius and the fireball Califlour.

    Mir was quiet now, perhaps he had run out of steam after protesting so much.

    Hugo remained quiet through all this while still watching. It seemed this group was making friends already. He had an inkling that maybe he used to work alone. Did he have any friends or partners in his past life? He had no idea. But his mind was now focused on what was to come, and these tests that Quinn had talked about. He knew he couldn't not take these seriously, to not do so was to fail and failure in this place could mean you were ousted.

    And if you were about to fight a war, you had to prove your worth. Even though Hugo still hated the fact he was fighting someone else's war.

    Quinn was polite enough though to welcome him to this Genesis Gate and Shadow's Reach, Hugo simply responded with a nod as Ke and Morimoto were taken away for medical attention. Those two were the weirdest of the bunch along with Califlour.

    A servant asked Hugo if he wished to have a wash rag and Hugo looked at the servant with a disdainful look as if the man was totally bonkers. He wasn't as badly splattered as the others and thankfully he was wearing black so nothing much would show. Maybe it was a badge of honour to have blood all over you. He wasn't quite sure if this was something from his past or not.

    Plus he was pretty sure he was not used to having servants ask him things and do his bidding. He was pretty sure he could handle and look after himself. Perhaps this was one of the perks if you survived the tests, servants running around after you. Was there five star service involved too?

    Mir, Sir Quackles and Nomuk headed over to a man who looked like, was he some kind of wizard? This place was getting stranger and stranger by the minute and it seemed only he was the only sane one here. Well him and Atticus. The man looked decidedly a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

    And Hugo’s eyebrows raised as he seemed to say some nonsense but it seemed to help clean the others. So far he had encountered insane people and creatures, a man who definitely was untrustworthy, a woman running off, an elf type creature that had already had enough, a duck that thought he was a knight and some weirdy beardy wizard.

    Please can someone wake me up from this bloody nightmare.

    As the others were talking it seemed Atticus was not talking to anyone yet, a dapper looking gentleman he seemed to be the only proper human around here. Time to have some interaction, perhaps get the man’s thoughts.

    “Atticus right?” Hugo said moving over his South African accent more clearer now “I’m beginning to wonder if I was the only non bonkers person here. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on all this”.

    “And especially what you think about these tests we may be about to encounter. You look like the sort of bloke who would be good at a mental test”.

    TAG: @Darth_Elu , @spacelady , @Mitth_Fisto , @Ktala , @Narancia , @The Jedi in the Pumas , @Shadowsun
    Ktala, Darth_Elu and TheAdmiral like this.
  25. spacelady

    spacelady Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 16, 2003
    IC as Ayira

    Ayira made her move to leave, but the man quickly held out his arm to block her. She came to a stop and narrowed her eyes dangerously at his attempt to stop her. Apparently dislocating one of his fingers wasn’t enough of a message. He had no idea who he was dealing with and clearly needed to be taught a proper lesson. The glare she shot him would be hard to match by anyone else, the burning rage smoldering within her green eyes. But before she could say anything…

    "Elite training, you say? Weapon?” He asked with a smile and eyed her for a moment. "Sword, I'm guessing? It's sword isn't it. If that's the case, you're in luck. I am close friends with the swordsmith, Taranas. You know, from Taranas' Blades? I deliver certain metal shipments from time to time. It's what I do for the Gate, on occasion.”

    Ah. So that’s why he stopped her from leaving. She folded her arms across her chest, the severity within her eyes fading, but only slightly as she awaited the inevitable.

    "You see, you scratch my back, I get you a sword for free? Now how about that help, hm?” He winked.

    Ayira didn’t remove her gaze from him, turning over his offer in her mind and trying to decide what to do. She could go off on her own and find one herself, but would she be able to find a good one with the amount of coin leftover after purchasing her new outfit? And yet, this seemed more like a headache than anything else.

    “The bartender?” She started, making her expression very clear that she despised him with every fiber of her being. “You believe he’s of the Kingdom? This so-called enemy of Shadow’s Reach? If you are to have my help, I need more information. I’m like no one you have ever met before, and am certainly no dog, jumping at the chance for a treat. I can just as easily attain a sword on my own.”

    A glare. Dangerous and deadly.

    “Tell me what you know within two minutes. Go on, I’m being rather generous with my time.”

    Tag: @Darth_Elu

    IC as Atticus Langdon

    Moving beyond the drink station, the blood stained group eventually found their way to a cleaning station. Atticus had to endure enough of the blood pressure spiking banter along the way there with something he hadn’t seemed to notice at the beginning of all of this. Some duck… in a suit of armor? Was this some Alice in Wonderland dream of his? Someone must have drugged him, but how…? He thought carefully, not allowing his face to make any expression over his growing concern. The barbs traded among those around him made his head throb in pain.

    He would be happy to wake up at any moment from this… crazed world he found himself in. But to where? At this, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He overheard Baron Quinn’s comment toward Morimoto and the duck, offering a “helpful” suggestion to take their issues up at the evaluations later. Yes, he may have had a point about being late, he felt tardiness was never an okay thing, but he also could easily pick out the twisting of motives in his words. Granted, the last thing Atticus needed was more blood on his suit. He thought about these evaluations, not giving any of his thoughts away.

    Atticus also took note of the servants busying themselves with setting up what looked like a feast. He put to memory the routes they took and the layout of the area. Best to have that on hand. Just in case.

    Baron Quinn reached their destination, offering for any of those injured to follow him to be tended to. Atticus was in good shape, appearance otherwise, and so he followed the rest of the group inside, catching the exchange between the Baron and what looked like a wizard. Atmora had apparently made it this way, but ended up in the medic station. Something about a T-800, which he had no idea what that was.

    The man in the suit looked himself over and at the bins of cloth to wash themselves off. He made a face at the suggestion that he would clean himself off and eyed the people gathered to help the recruits, stepping up before a servant.

    He inclined his head faintly in acknowledgement. “I don’t wish to clean another man’s blood and entrails off of me, myself.” He spoke in an annoyed tone, indirectly asking for assistance.

    Atticus stood tall and still for the help, removing his coat jacket so that it could be clean more effectively, and trying to push down the level of irritation. The cold expression on his face clear. There were about a million other places and things he would rather be doing than standing here like this… how utterly humiliating.

    To make matters worse, he was approached by one of the recruits. Horrible timing. Not that any time to randomly waltz up and strike up a conversation with him was a good one.

    “Atticus right? I’m beginning to wonder if I was the only non bonkers person here. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on all this. And especially what you think about these tests we may be about to encounter. You look like the sort of bloke who would be good at a mental test.”

    Atticus spared the man a brief look while the servant did their job of cleaning him up, standing with an air of dignity as if he had been used to others fussing over him like so in whatever world he left behind.

    “It’s not considered wise for a man of my position to freely give away thoughts to a stranger. They are private for a reason.” A slight pause. What position did he mean? His anger flared once more, but he recovered almost instantaneously, making it nearly impossible for the others, and Hugo, to even notice. He leveled an annoyed look in his direction. “I’m in no mood for gossip. I’m sure Mir would be happy to indulge you in conversation however.”

    Atticus faced forward again, awaiting the servant to finish cleaning him off.

    Tag: @Darth_Elu, @Jerjerrod-Lennox, @Shadowsun, @Narancia, @Mitth_Fisto, @The Jedi in the Pumas, @Ktala
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2021