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Saga Ghost -- ESB AU (Han/Leia/Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon/Luke) UPDATE 3/13 Chapter 11

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by IrishEyedJedi, Jul 30, 2006.

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  1. kimmi

    kimmi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 15, 2004
    That was agreat post. You go Han!!!!!!!!!
  2. chloe2102

    chloe2102 Jedi Youngling

    Jul 25, 2006
    I love protective Han Solo [face_love] even as a ghost he just can't help himself. This is really, really good can't wait for more.
  3. Araxie

    Araxie Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 6, 2006
    Well done, Irish. A great chapter with lots of intesity and wonderful emotion. I love Han mixing things up a bit!
  4. Jaswolan

    Jaswolan Jedi Youngling

    Sep 26, 2006
    I love how the start of the story is Han deing. :eek: Never really thought that would happen at the begining of a H/L story. I wonder what ghost Han did. Can't wait to see Leia's reaction to the living Han.
  5. Zonoma

    Zonoma Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2005
    I?m heeeere?.

    Chapter 3:
    Han rolled his eyes. ?You?re all about making an entrance aren?t you??

    ?I must say it does provide me with some small amount of entertainment,? he said with a smirk.


    Poor Leia and poor, poor Han! Now you have my curiosity peaked about the identity of Han?s attacker.

    Chapter 4:
    *shaking head* Han, Han, I hope you didn?t really alter the future. Leia knowing about her Force powers makes for an interesting twist. Loved Qui?s ?voice? in this chapter. I could practically hear it. [face_smile]

    Chapter 5:
    Okay, Han interfering with the future can be a good thing! Go, Han!

    You are going to need as many ?great debts of gratitude? to get through Alderaan?s destruction. :(

    Great chapters, Leah! Looking forward to more.


  6. Tatooine_Ghost

    Tatooine_Ghost Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 24, 2006
    I loved it. could you please add me to your pm list.

  7. sweetheart68

    sweetheart68 Jedi Youngling

    Jul 8, 2006
    Another great post Irish, well done Han for socking it to those Imps! [face_dancing]
  8. IrishEyedJedi

    IrishEyedJedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 24, 2005

    stormqueen874 - Yay! An update! And did I get first post?

    Lovely update, Irish! I loved the tension in this chapter, with Vader showing up at long last. *shivers* And Leia standing up to him! Go her! I hope she's able to keep those shields up though, even with all the dark power that Vader posesses. And yay for Han getting those rebels to safety, right under Vader's nose! I just worry what will happen with the Death Star and Alderaan... hopefully Leia doesn't get ticked at ghost-Han for not warning her...

    Great job here, and I really can't wait for more! I'm still anxiously awaiting the moment that Leia meets Han's past self- I can only imagine the rants she'll have then! Hope you update again soon, m'dear!

    -- Thanks lady, yes we still have a little ways to go before she meets live Han but we're getting there. These next few chapters will be tough for Han.

    Kelli_LB - Turning back to the rest of the bridge, she saw Vader and the crew still gawking at the empty view port. However one officer seemed to have a very familiar smirk on his face before winking at the Princess. She didn?t know how he had done it, or cared that he possible changed the future but she owed her future friend a huge debt of gratitude.

    So, I'm assuming that Han took over that body momentarily. I wonder how Han's ghostly presence will change things? Great chapter, I cannot wait for the next one.
    -- Yeah Han took over several bodies and jumped around to help Leia and the Rebels.

    Golden_Jedi - You were right, Ish... Go Han! -- LoL our boy Han strikes again. Poor Qui-Gon

    Jade_Max - Hahahahah! Han making sure the Rebels get away safely? That's the funniest thing ever! regardless of how it changes the future, I can so see him doing that (the Later "ghostie" Han that is) to spare her more pain! His taking over of random bodies to ensure she doesn't get hurt; trying to protect her to the best of his limited abilities. It's all so Han, later Han anyway, and very, very well written.

    This chapter was awesome. Leia's awareness of Vader, the way she's getting clues, her defiance and "no fear" of Vader due to past interactions. Knowing he won't harm her without evidence to confirm his suspicions and without the approval of his Master. *chuckle* It all falls into place.

    I think the part I like most about this is that Leia's still Leia. She's still this fiesty, hot headed, hot blooded, afraid of no one and nothing Rebel. The little things really make the difference in this chapter with her character. Like the closing of Antilles' eyes and trying to ensure the safe treatment of her crew. Those things really hammer home the kind of leader she is, even at such a young age. It's her to a Tee and makes this a most enjoyable read.

    Thanks for the PM
    -- I really love the dynamic of older Han, the one who knows he loves Leia dealing with her before they meet. It will set up for some funny situations and some heartbreaking moments for the ghost. Maybe I'll throw in some romantic ones too ;) Put I loved the image of Leia closing Captain Antilles eyes.

    Healer_Leona - A most intense post. I'm torn between feeling relief that the crew escape and knowing that Leia is now alone. Which instead of threats to another person, leaves only herself to toture for the info Vader wants.

    I'm already chilled in anticipation of it and knowing Han will be there to witness it as well.

    Outstanding post!
    -- Yes this next post is gonna push Han to his limits.

    Arkady - Go Han! Muck up the future, its all good. I can't wait until Leia meets him alive. She's not going to believe they are the same person.

    -- Yeah she'll have quite the rant to ghost Han, I have no doubt.

    Lola64 - Go Han, sticking it to the Vader when he's not looking!

    Since I don't know that this NEVER happened, I'm going to believe it did.

    And he's still there for Leia, to help her, especially through interrogation.

    Great update. Thanks for th
  9. IrishEyedJedi

    IrishEyedJedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 24, 2005

    Ok so I wanted to get this up a little early since I wrote this chapter so quickly. Don't ya love me [face_batting] Anyway thanks aways to Wyn, and to you for reading. If ya wanna be added to the PM list just give me a shout out. ;)

    Chapter 6

    The Jedi Master watched in silence as the future couple quietly talked. He felt angry with himself for allowing the smuggler to interfere as much as he had, but the Jedi also felt pleased that Han had done so. The young man reminded Qui-Gon of how he use to be, always defying the Order and taking matters into his own hands. However, the fate of the galaxy was never something he took lightly. Many times he had told Yoda that Leia was the key in rebuilding the order. She could actually conceive children and bear offspring with amazing force potential. Of course he knew the future, having traveled to it often, and he?d tried to impart as much wisdom in his two Jedi friends over the years as he could, but neither Yoda nor Obi-Wan would budge on allowing the Princess to begin her training sooner rather then later.

    Solo had inadvertently given Qui-Gon the opening he was looking for. There was no way Yoda could deny that she needed training, not after her brush with Anakin. He refused to call the man by his Sith name. By not giving into the title, Qui-Gon felt that he was clinging on to the last shreds of the little boy he knew. With a deep sigh he rubbed the bridge of his nose. The next several days would be very hard, especially on Han. The Jedi knew he would need to keep a close watch on the man, at least until they got to the Death Star. Clearing his throat he made his presence known only to Solo and motioned for him to come talk with him.

    ?I?ll be right back,? Han whispered to the Princess.

    Her body stiffened as she watched him get up. ?Okay,? she said with slight anxiety.

    Leia?s new cell was private with a long bench and a fresher as its amenities. Qui-Gon was in the opposite corner from the Princess and watched as Han disappeared from her view.

    ?I thought I told you not to interfere?? Qui-Gon stated simple.

    He saw Han?s jaw clench as he stared back at him. ?Vader was gonna kill those people and you know it.?

    ?I do,? Qui-Gon said with a nod as he folded his arms into his robes. ?But that does not make your decision right.?

    The Jedi Masters eyes slightly diverted their attention to the now intrigued Princess. Through the Force he was transmitting the conversation to her, because she needed to understand that Han could not interfere any more.

    ?So I saved a few people,? Han threw up his hands. ?What?s the big deal??

    Qui-Gon felt a moment of guilt in the smuggler. Had he done something else besides saving her crew? Letting the question go he decided to press the man further at a later date. Han was going to be going through a rough couple of days as it were.

    ?The big deal is that you have gotten reckless,? Qui-Gon snapped. ?And the next few days you will be able to do nothing to help Her Highness.?

    Han?s brow furrowed. ?Whadya mean??

    ?I think you know,? the Jedi Master?s voice was unexpectedly reserved.

    ?No,? he said quickly before walking away. ?I won?t let them touch her.?

    ?You don?t have a choice,? Qui-Gon said aggressively. ?You have already kept her from suffering ? you can?t shelter her from everything.?

    Han was looking at the Princess who had pulled her legs up to her chest. ?Please, I can?t . . .?

    ?I?m sorry Han, but if I have to, I will restrain you myself,? Qui-Gon?s voice became reserve.

    Without another word Han walked out of the cell, Qui-Gon waited until Han was far enough away that he could talk with the Princess without her smuggler counter part interfering.

    ?I know they?re going to torture me,? she whispered as she saw the Jedi Master appear.

    Qui-Gon took a seat beside her. ?You?re stronger then you give yourself credit for, Your Highness.?

    Leia brought a shaky hand to her head and rubbed her brow before laughing ner
  10. RebelMom

    RebelMom Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 20, 2000
    I hope that Han's interferring isn't making it worse.

    Loved the dream battle though.
  11. Jaswolan

    Jaswolan Jedi Youngling

    Sep 26, 2006
    Leia being tortured. Han being held back so he can't help. :_| Great place to stop. :D Can't wait for more.
  12. Arkady

    Arkady Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 25, 2004
    I don't know who's torture is worse, but watching someone you love in pain can be worse than your own pain.

  13. Golden_Jedi

    Golden_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 10, 2005
  14. Kelli_LB

    Kelli_LB Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 24, 2006
    Not only is Leia being tortured, but Han is being tortured by not being able to do anything about it. I agree with the above poster who said that it's possible that Han's interference is making things worse.

    Great chapter, I'm so glad you you updated so quickly. I can't wait for more. Thank you for the PM.

  15. ccp

    ccp Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 29, 2005
    Excellent update!

    I'm guessing that she is not really dead.

    How exactly were the Jedi dense enough not to see Han acting this way?
  16. Healer_Leona

    Healer_Leona Squirrel Wrangler of Fun & Games star 9 Staff Member Manager

    Jul 7, 2000
    I enjoyed Qui-Gon's thoughts that Han reminded him of himself and that he saw such great potential in Leia. Awww, love that Qui-Gon taught her how to deflect pain and healing. She might be much further along than Luke at this point then. :D :D

    That was hard just reading as Han was kept back from helping Leia during her torture. :( :(

    Outstanding post!! :D :D
  17. chloe2102

    chloe2102 Jedi Youngling

    Jul 25, 2006
    This is breaking his heart...and mine too. :_| God this is good stuff!

    I wonder what else Han did [face_thinking] maybe warned Bail about Alderaan? Thanks for the early post. Can't wait for more. :D
  18. Araxie

    Araxie Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 6, 2006
    Great post Irish. I loved the little details, like Qui-Gon rubbing his nose. Little things like that really added to the story. I understand why Han can't help her. How will she learn what she is capable of if she doesn't suffer through all this. Still I like seeing the bit of Rebelliousness on Qui-Gon's part to help her as much as he can.

    It was hard reading about Han being helpless, but that is what makes the story intense. I look forward to reading some more! @};-
  19. dm1

    dm1 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 9, 2004
    That was truly intense! Poor Han, unable to tell Leia the true nature of their future relationship, unable to help her as she was being tortured and having to see it all as it unfolds.

    At least Leia recognized that Han shouldn't help her anymore than he already had.

    Oh, so frustrating! Poor Han, poor Leia!:_|
  20. Zonoma

    Zonoma Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2005
    :eek:[face_thinking]=D= You killed Leia (even if we all know it isn't forever -unless THIS was the result of Han interfering and now they are both hunting back in time together???[face_thinking]) - I didn't think you had it in you! You evil, wonderful, devious authress!

    In other news, I loved Qui-Gon's refusal to call Anakin "Vader" in his own mind. Seems like something he would do, you know?

  21. Lola64

    Lola64 Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 10, 2005
    ?Whatever you want me to do, Your Highness I?ll do,? Han said begrudgingly.

    She was quiet for a moment. ?Hold me,? she begged.

    The smuggler turned to see emotions welling up within her, with two large strides he had her enveloped in a protective hug. He closed his eyes and rested his head atop hers, and that?s how they stayed until she woke up.

    *sniff* Han is so wonderful. *sniff*

    Poor Han now having to watch her suffer so. I hope they can hold him back.

    But you know, wouldn't it be kind of funny if Han slipped away and got inside Vader. [face_thinking]

    Any news yet on Han's killer? Because it's almost time that the back-in-the-day Han arrives.

    Fabulous update. This story just gets better and better. And it was so good to begin with.
  22. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    Poor Han, poor Leia... :_| Leia tortured by electricity, Han tortured by being unable to step in and interfere.. especially by Jedi!

    Really gives you another look at how and why Jedi "ghosties" refuse to interfere, eh?

    Wow, this was a spectacular post. I loved Qui reminicing about his younger self and seeing a kindred spirit in Han, though it's sad that Obi-Wan had to step in to help restrain Han; that can't have been an easy thing, knowing what they know.

    And Qui's journeys to the future must be very informative ;)

    I adored the dream fight between Vader and Han - though it does make me wonder if Vader's not clued into the fact that something is off now.

    Leia's so strong to resist Vader like that. I don't believe you killed her; there's just too much good stuff in here and the potential for newness is increasing with every post as Han's actions change the future... I can't wait until Han's brasher, more jaded self shows up ;)

    Awsome post, thanks a bunch for the PM! [face_peace]
  23. starwarsfan68

    starwarsfan68 Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 25, 2003
    :_| NOOOOOOOO! She better be ok!
  24. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Wow! Two great chapters. Sorry I'm late. [face_blush] I love the Han-Leia characterizations and how Han is continually failing to obey Qui-Gon's rules.

    So we finally caught to the beginning of ANH, but Han sticks his nose in. He saves, lives, but disrupts things a bit.

    Without hesitation an Imperial officer walked over and jolted the Princess with electricity. Han couldn?t take it anymore, he shoved Qui-Gon out of the way, but Obi-Wan appeared and grabbed one of his arms while Qui-Gon grabbed the other. The two Jedi held Han back.

    Chapter 6 was excellent in every ways. From Qui-Gon's musings on Han's recklessness and Leia's training to the two Jedi having to hold him back as Vader tortures Leia. Lots of action. I love it. The scene above is quite original. Imagine not only Vader and Leia in the cramped cell, but Han, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon too. :cool:

    So, do I think Leia is really dead? I'm not sure. If she is, its a an evil cliffie so we can see her revived in chapter 7. Also, if she is dead it would kind of kill the entire premise of the fic so far. Hmmmm...[face_thinking]

    I love it, Irish! Can't wait for the next step.=D=

    Edit: Oh yeah. What else did Han do to interfere? And the Vader/Han tussle was... priceless. :D
  25. cibbler

    cibbler Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 30, 2006
    Han helplesly having to watch the woman he loves being tortured...and Leia's monitors stopping after cold torture... :eek:

    Interesting journey indeed! Can't wait for the next chapter.
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