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Beyond - Legends Gifts Unknown (Leia, Luke, small Padmé, one-shot, introspective)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by AngelQueen, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Title: Gifts Unknown
    Author: AngelQueen
    Timeframe: c. Swarm War
    Characters: Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, minor Padmé Amidala
    Genre: introspective, minor angst
    Keywords: gifts
    Summary: Leia recalls something from her faint recollections of her mother. Something she continues to see in another.

    Many times others have told me I am like my mother, that she bestowed her abilities and gifts to me. My father always said I was a great deal like her, though I often sensed that he held back a great deal when he chose to speak of my birth family. He never spoke of my birth father and I always assumed - perhaps naively - that he did not know him well enough to say anything definitive of him. It was not until I knew the truth that I understood truly why he said nothing of the man. How does one tell a child that their father is a monster out of nightmares?

    Once I knew the truth, I wanted nothing more than to forget it. I was content with my parents being Bail and Breha Organa. They had showered me with love. What more did I need?

    But for you, my brother, there was no such consolation. Though your aunt and uncle - my aunt and uncle as well - cared for you in their own way, you had never had someone to call Father, or Mother. You never had the chance to bestow a child's adoration on a parent, as I did. You had no memories like faded holopics to touch upon whenever the need called for it.

    I remembered so little of our mother that what I did recall seemed so inconsequential. They were more impressions than they were memories. Thick brown hair pulled back in a frayed braid, large brown eyes so like my own. Once, I thought her eyes fit her face rather perfectly, while mine often seemed to large to fit my more angular features.

    She seemed to reach for something, someone, in my memories. I never knew who. And then there were the tears. I can remember her weeping brokenly, her gaze locked on some point far away from wherever she was at that moment.

    I never understood why she was so sad. I once asked my father, and he told me it was because she had known she was dying and was being forced to leave to her daughter. That explanation was more than enough to satisfy a small girl, longing for an insight into a time she barely knew. But as time passed and more facts came to me, I knew there had to be more than to my father's words.

    As I took the time to hone my talents as a Jedi, I learned to clear my mind of the chaos it had been engulfed in for so many years. A result of that was that my concentration became much more clear.

    In my meditations, I felt compelled to look at those faint recollections. And to my surprise - I felt I had gone over them and discovered every possible detail - I saw, no, heard something knew.

    I could hear a very faint voice...

    There... is good in him... I know... I know...

    Had I heard those words as a youngling, they would have made no sense. Perhaps that is why the Force did not reveal them to me. But now I understand.

    Those words, words so similar to what you said to me that night on Endor's forest moon, were the last ones she said before she died.

    She fell into death believing in him, even after he had left her to bear his children alone. Even after all the agony she had undoubtedly endured for his sake.

    She believed, just as you did.

    Do you not see, brother? Do you understand now?

    I was not the only one who was granted something of our mother. She gave me her eyes, her abilities in the political arena. But to you she gave something just as precious, perhaps even more so, in the larger scheme of all that happened.

    She gave you her faith. And a great and wondrous thing it was and continues to be.

    Feedback? :)

  2. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    Wonderful!! I mentioned this idea to my husband after we had watched ROTS for like the 8th time, but you've worded it far better than I ever could!

    Great, great, great job with this! I love it!

    =D= =D=
  3. Liesl

    Liesl Jedi Master star 4

    May 31, 2005
    Very good.It eloquently says what we all know - that Leia looks like Padme, but Luke is more like her in personality. I really liked it.
  4. RebelMom

    RebelMom Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 20, 2000
    Beautiful. So true. Luke was right there when she had said those last words - I guess subconsciously picked them up.
  5. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    ginchy: Wonderful!! I mentioned this idea to my husband after we had watched ROTS for like the 8th time, but you've worded it far better than I ever could!

    Great, great, great job with this! I love it!

    *blush* Thank you! The thoughts behind this ficlet were also spawned by RotS for me too. Luke laments he never knew his mother? Well, to see a remnant of her, he has only to look into his sister's eyes. To see her in himself, he has only to remember his belief that his father could be redeemed. :)

    Liesl: Very good.It eloquently says what we all know - that Leia looks like Padme, but Luke is more like her in personality. I really liked it.

    Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed!

    RebelMom: Beautiful. So true. Luke was right there when she had said those last words - I guess subconsciously picked them up.

    Mommy! *glops* Glad to see you! And you're right, Luke was right there next to his mother, being held in Obi-Wan's arms when Padmé said there was still good in Anakin. Granted, her husband was the biggest idiot in the galaxy, but there was still good in him. ;) :D

  6. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Oh great! I start off the New Year crying! :_| Beautiful and touching, sad and hopeful all at the same time. Bravo! =D=
  7. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Vader: Oh great! I start off the New Year crying! Beautiful and touching, sad and hopeful all at the same time. Bravo!

    *hands over a specially made New Years' tissue* [face_mischief] [face_mischief]

    Thank you, my friend! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D

  8. JediMasterRev

    JediMasterRev Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 2, 2004
    How sad, but very touching. I like how you wrote Leia's thoughts on her mother and how she connected her best traits with her brother. This definitely shows how far she has come in order to accept her parentage. Very well done!

    NARRABIE Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 7, 2005
    Very good. Can we have more ?? PLEASE
  10. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Rev: How sad, but very touching. I like how you wrote Leia's thoughts on her mother and how she connected her best traits with her brother. This definitely shows how far she has come in order to accept her parentage. Very well done!

    Thanks, my friend! :D I rather think Luke had more of his mother's better traits than Leia did. She had too much of Darth Daddy Dearest's temper. Glad you enjoyed it! :)

    NARRABIE: Very good. Can we have more ?? PLEASE

    Thank you! As for more, well, this was meant to just be a nice little one-shot. Happy you liked it! :)

  11. SpiritofEowyn

    SpiritofEowyn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 5, 2005
    Such a sweet moment of introspection. :D
  12. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    SpritofEowyn: Such a sweet moment of introspection.

    Thank you! :) [face_blush]

  13. AzulSaber

    AzulSaber Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 15, 2005
    Simply wonderful AQ!! =D= I'm really glad ginchy gave me the heads up on this little vig.

    You've beautifully expressed the bond between the twins and their mother in light of their characteristics, Leia's memories and politics and Luke's faith. I also liked how Leia remembered her mother's words, she just had to open herself up more and dig deeper.

    I loved it! Great job. :) @};-
  14. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Azulie: Simply wonderful AQ!! I'm really glad ginchy gave me the heads up on this little vig.

    You've beautifully expressed the bond between the twins and their mother in light of their characteristics, Leia's memories and politics and Luke's faith. I also liked how Leia remembered her mother's words, she just had to open herself up more and dig deeper.

    I loved it! Great job.

    *grins and blushes* Thanks, Azulie! I really thought it was a good way for Leia to recall Padmé's final words. Sometimes, people cannot remember things for years, but it eventually comes to them. Just as what happened to Leia.

    Thanks again!

  15. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    Lovely, AQ. :) Luke definitely inherited a lot of Padmé's personality. It would be nice if he knew that, so he could feel that connection to her.
  16. pregnantpadme

    pregnantpadme Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 25, 2004
    That was really beautiful. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing.
  17. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Gabri: Lovely, AQ. Luke definitely inherited a lot of Padmé's personality. It would be nice if he knew that, so he could feel that connection to her.

    Yeah, that's something that would be nice. Let the boy know that his mother does not just live in Leia, but in him as well. Padmé Amidala Skywalker did not completely fade from the galaxy the day she died. Her descendants carry a part of her within them, especially her children.

    pregnantpadme: That was really beautiful. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing.

    Thank you! :) Glad you liked it! :D

  18. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    That was beautiful!

    She gave you her faith. And a great and wondrous thing it was and continues to be.

    I love that thought. [face_love]

    Excellent work! =D=
  19. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    amidalachick: That was beautiful!

    She gave you her faith. And a great and wondrous thing it was and continues to be.

    I love that thought.

    Excellent work!

    [face_blush] [face_blush] Thanks! :) I rather liked that final thought myself. It spawned this entire ficlet. :D

  20. leia_naberrie

    leia_naberrie Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 10, 2002
    She gave you her faith. And a great and wondrous thing it was and continues to be.

    :_| *sniffs* What a sad story. You really captured Leia, and Padme. Thank you for writing this.
  21. Vongchild

    Vongchild Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2004
    That was very cute. :) And an excellent explanation for it all.
  22. Flowerlady

    Flowerlady Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2005
    That was incredible...=D=

    I agree with those above...You captured Leia perfectly...

    Great Job...

    FL @};-
  23. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004

    Had I heard those words as a youngling, they would have made no sense. Perhaps that is why the Force did not reveal them to me. But now I understand.

    wow powerful! This is very powerful stuff.

    She gave you her faith. And a great and wondrous thing it was and continues to be.

  24. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    leia_naberrie: *sniffs* What a sad story. You really captured Leia, and Padme. Thank you for writing this.

    Thank you for reading it! :)

    Vongchild: That was very cute. And an excellent explanation for it all.

    Thanks! :D

    Flowerlady: That was incredible...

    I agree with those above...You captured Leia perfectly...

    Great Job...

    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!

    SilSolo: Had I heard those words as a youngling, they would have made no sense. Perhaps that is why the Force did not reveal them to me. But now I understand.

    wow powerful! This is very powerful stuff.

    She gave you her faith. And a great and wondrous thing it was and continues to be.


    *smiles* And thank you as well! :D

  25. EmilieDarklighter

    EmilieDarklighter Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    AQ! *glompage!*

    Wonderful stuff dear. Does Lukie know you're saying nice things about him behind his back? ;)