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JCC Half a century later there (still) was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination

Discussion in 'Community' started by Kiki-Gonn, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Kiki-Gonn

    Kiki-Gonn Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 26, 2001

    Cold War Craziness Part III: A very merry unbirthday/Now things get REALLY weird

    Can we tie Oswald to the bizarre (way more than you think) world discussed above? Yes, yes we can.

    You could probably be forgiven for thinking that David Ferrie was a little odd...

    Sure the guy looked like a gargoyle, kept massive amounts of rats in his apartment and talked like a speed freak but he was also a pilot for New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello, knee deep in secret trips to Cuba, anti-Castro CIA/mob goofiness and all around Tom Foolery. He was also, drum roll, Oswald's friend years before '63. He also committed 'suicide' before having to testify in the notorious Jim Garrison JFK assassination trial. He left two unsigned, typed suicide notes behind I believe.

    Dean Andrews (MUST SEE), the awesomely eccentric New Orleans (home of Oswald’s cloak and dagger wackiness) lawyer who says someone called him up and asked him to defend LHO after his arrest.

    That's not all he said. Warren Commission testimony…

    Note- aside from amusement value, the point is that Oswald repeatedly (New Orleans, Mexico City, Dallas, Clinton) goes out of his way to be memorable to people in the many strange incidents he’s involved in. Also, the Latin connection (Mr. Andrews may not be adept at telling a ‘Mexicano’ from a ‘Cubano’ LOL but close enough).

    The famed Sylvia Odio Incident (Oswald and anti-Castro Cubans). There is no sane explanation for this visit other than setting the stage for Oswald the patsy. Oh yeah, unless it wasn't Oswald (the gov't verdict). Then someone was only impersonating Oswald. Whew, no conspiracy there!

    David Atllee Philips, CIA Agent/Cuban affairs boss seen with Oswald by one of the Cuban exile paramilitaries in Dallas. That paramilitary happens to believe that being shot in the head by a mystery assassin might just be a result of him speaking up…

    Oswald’s best friend when living in Dallas… George DeMohrenschildt (The Baron as he liked to be called). A man out of a freaking James Bond novel. Rich, globe trotter (and we’re not talking tourist, always near hot spots), sophisticated, working with the CIA since the 50’s. So well connected Jackie O knew him as Uncle George growing up (think about that). Why would a man like that be friends with a dirt poor (presumably) nothing like Oswald? Well, probably because he was the CIA’s handler for Oswald in Dallas (conjecture). He admitted as much and committed suicide after being called on by the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

    Warren Commission Transcript January 22 1964 - Executive Session. Lee Harvey Oswald and the FBI...

    LHO’s infamous distribution of pro-Castro flyers in New Orleans. He supposedly did it all on his own. This is like handing out pro-Obama flyers at an NRA rally. New Orleans was a sea of anti-communist, covert ops, the streets filled with anti-Castro Cubans. Anyway, Dean Andrews talked to Oswald on the street who said it was ‘a job.’ Also, he’s 1 of a 2 man team. Good God, it’s right there on tape. The WC was NEVER able to identify the other man. And yes, the JFK movie got something else right, he once handed out these flyers with ’544 Camp Street’ printed on them. 544 Camp Street was where ex-FBI, up to his eyeballs in anti-Castro covert ops hard case Guy Bannister had his office. This clerical error was quickly corrected. Bet Bannister’s secretary got an earful on that one.

    Also- Oswald introduces himself to anti-Castro Cubans, telling them he wants to help their cause. He then hands out these flyers in their neighborhood. This was not an accident.

    When the expected street scuffle results, the cops show up. Oswald then has a 90 minute private conversation with the FBI while held by the NPD.
    “WC: Did he tell you he was getting paid to hand out this literature?

    Andrews: Yes… pamphlets extolling the virtues of Castro, which around here doesn’t do too good. They have a lot of guys, Mexicanos and Cubanos, that will tear your head off if they see you fooling with these things.”

    Oswald’s mysterious day trip to Clinton, LA (mentioned previously, note the FBI already knew about it even though Oswald was a supposed nobody before the shooting)…

    Do you want to see James Earl Jones get to the bottom of this? Of course you do...
    Ruby-Oswald connection?

    Raymond Cummings, yet another Dallas resident whose story doesn’t match the official one…

    Warren Commission witness Aubrey Lewis. A Western Union employee who saw Oswald twice in Dallas:

    Here we have a witness from a different city seeing Oswald in the company of a Hispanic multiple times and even a touch of 'teh gay' thrown in.

    So did a straight laced Dallas Western Union manager and a jive talking beatnik lawyer from New Orleans get together and plan on telling similar stories about Oswald to the WC?

    Of course not. The important thing here is that NONE of Oswald's mysterious partners were ever identified despite him being the most thoroughly investigated human of that decade. If they were casual friends, co-workers, etc. do you really think the FBI and a presidential commission with nearly unlimited resources wouldn't have been able to them; or even one?

    Reality time- These people went to ground when the s went down. The leaflet partner, the Odio road trip buddies and the Western Union guy were likely anti- Castro Cubans Oswald was working with, getting set up by or both.

    Well, that was pretty crazy and, as always, just a taste. Now back to normalcy, a president getting killed and the murderers getting away scot free.

    Next, "I will be with you on your wedding night."
  2. Bib Fartuna

    Bib Fartuna Jedi Knight star 4

    Nov 4, 2012
  3. Kiki-Gonn

    Kiki-Gonn Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 26, 2001
    Interesting. As noted I've always maintained the easiest thing to prove regarding that day is what didn't happen. The further you go into what did happen, the quicker it goes from difficult to impossible. This isn't surprising given the innumerable instances of evidence destruction by the FBI.

    I've seen all but one of those names before. Naming shooters has never been an area focus for me because there's just no smoking gun and there are a lot of deathbed type 'confessions' in addition to those in the article. Who's to say which are real and which are people wanting attention?

    As far as number of shooters, it's complicated. > 1 for sure, at least 1 in front, after that it gets rabbit hole-y

    OMG people! Mind blown yet again... In Miami I talked to a guy who married into our family and the assassination came up (surprise). This guy's dad was in the Senate back them and ran afoul of LBJ's dirty as can be right hand man Bobby Baker.
    Baker put a hit out on the dad. He had to dissapear for a while. Left the country and even his family didn't know where he went.
    The guy I was talking to remembers the Secret Service picking him up from school.

    It was a different world back them people; this kind of s happened.
  4. Saintheart

    Saintheart Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 16, 2000
    This kind of s has always happened, and continues to happen in the present day. The only difference is that, in the Internet age, it's easier to do, because things can be erased much easier and because our journalistic institutions in particular are being eroded away by the cult of the amateur.
    Kiki-Gonn and Bib Fartuna like this.
  5. Kiki-Gonn

    Kiki-Gonn Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 26, 2001
    Hey there.

    Well the holidays are finally over so let me at least round out the trilogy of posts I started...


    “I will revenge my injuries”
    So said Frankenstein to his master.

    And we all know what ‘a’ Frankenstein is; a monster made of mismatched parts that turns against its master.
    We created our monster (autocratic clandestine intelligence agency married to organized crime killers, despots, guerilla fighters, etc.) to win the Cold War.
    Ironically, this was a monster with a penchant for knocking off heads of state that were seen as not helpful in the war against Communism.
    -South Vietnam (same month as the JFK assassination)
    -Cuba (repeated attempts, the one that got away. Damn Kennedy)
    And it wasn’t just people with fancy titles who were expendable. Innocent civilian casualties were acceptable (like the 70 million mentioned earlier).

    An all but certain CIA sponsored bombing in a public space at Saigon was once used.
    See, we have to kill civilian men, women and children through an act of terrorism in order to show how evil the communists are!
    Sorry, does that sound a little too X-Files-ish for you? Here’s a proposal on how to force a war with Cuba by faking all kinds of crap (although real people could die in the faking)

    As you might have guessed, I don't believe JFK's murder was an isolated moment without connection to the times it happened in. I believe it was the monster deciding the doctor had to go.
    Granted, it's not fair to cast JFK fully in that role. He didn't build Frankenstein, he inherited it.
    Regardless, he decided the creature had to be destroyed and thus began his own demise.

    That is why my summation of the case is this... JFK was the highest profile casualty of the Cold War.
    The irony being that he was killed by his own side.

    But why the cover up, why not string the conspirators up for all to see?
    No, not because half the government was on it. It was because they had no choice.

    Pay attention, this is the absolute evil genius of the assassination.
    To expose the culprits, you'd have to expose yourself.
    The authorities had two choices when they quickly started realizing who was likely behind Oswald:
    1. Let it end with Oswald
    2. Open Pandora's box, where much of your dirty laundry resides (top secret programs, working with the mob, knocking off heads of state, etc.).

    You don't have to recruit the whole gov't, LBJ, J Edgar Hoover, etc. into your plot. You do the deed, they'll clean it up.
    Even the president's own brother played along, never challenging the lone gunmen theory that he knew was bunk.

    Let that one settle in; if the tide you unleashed can even drag him along, who is going to resist?
    LBJ- No love for JFK, has zero interest in exposing all this crap on his watch.
    J Edgar Hoover- despised JFK
    CIA- not particularly keen on people knowing Oswald's association with them, much less their partnership with the mob, being an assassination factory, etc.
    US Military- now free of the Commander in Chief who lost them the chance to regain Cuba, thwarted them in Laos, wants to pull out of Vietnam, is talking disarmament with the hated Soviets.
    Law enforcement- RFK, the AG himself, had no interest in publicly getting to the bottom of this.

    That is how a small group pulls off the crime and then gets protected by the larger even if the larger had no clue about the plot beforehand.
  6. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    Kiki-Gonn: I saw a special on Lee Harvey Oswald playing on the television this evening. I watched a bit of it and it reminded me of you. This was a really fun thread to read back when it was active, both for your theories and the debates they would spawn. I always find it a nice way to wind down. Not sure if you have any more or not, but thanks for the memories.
  7. beezel26

    beezel26 Jedi Master star 7

    May 11, 2003
    Hey Kiki, was JFK's legacy saved by the same bullet that killed him?
  8. Kiki-Gonn

    Kiki-Gonn Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 26, 2001
    Was it the Frontline on Oswald? That one was only mostly terrible.
    It's an exercise in frustration for me to watch any of those specials but of course I do.
    It's not that they lie of course, they just leave so much out. I could make a list arm's length every time I watch one.

    I have tons more; it never ends really but I'm done case building. The holidays and aftermath took away my momentum so I ended it where I did.

    Since someone posted back in here check it out, I finally got to visit the Paine House museum.
    Here's holo-Oswald in the very bedroom where he left Marina on the morning of the assassination.
    The garage where they found the rifle.
  9. Kiki-Gonn

    Kiki-Gonn Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 26, 2001
    I would agree only in that it certainly enshrined him but people also tend to underestimate his accomplishments.
    Yes, I know the common thought is that he's overrated because of his death but I think a case can be made that his death has overshadowed everything else about his presidency.
    The missile crisis, the nuclear test ban treaty, forcing desegregation, standing up to the steel industry, etc.
    All in a short time isn't bad.
  10. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    It was some thing on either the Discovery Channel or the History Channel. Surprisingly, it managed to avoid mentioning any aliens or Nazis.
  11. Kiki-Gonn

    Kiki-Gonn Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 26, 2001
    So I missed the actual day but I can't let this tradition pass without a thread bump.
    My trek to the killing ground is concluded for the year. The weather wasn't great but it didn't rain.

    A belated birthday celebration tonight delayed this post but I had it on draft so what the hell.

    Now to the yearly reminder grab bag...

    People from the time who did not believe LHO acted alone or at all:
    -President of the United States LBJ
    -Head of the FBI J Edgar Hoover
    -Head of the CIA John McCone
    -Attorney General Robert Kennedy
    -The only doctor present at both the operating room in Dallas and autopsy in Maryland
    -The mortician who buried and exhumed LHO
    -The funeral home employee who handled and transported JFK's body
    -The only member of JFK's autopsy team to go public
    -Technician who processed the autopsy photos
    -Dallas police officer who got the call from Jack Ruby the night before Oswald's murder
    -Police officer who monitored Ruby after his murder of Oswald
    -Reporter who was the first to interview the Dallas doctors.
    -Reporter who filed the first story on the shooting.
    -Texas Theater employee who saw Oswald at the theater before the Tippit murder.
    -3 of the Warren Commission members.

    That's of course a partial list.

    And here's the craziest guy there today (not counting the Jesus is from Hell people who showed up as we left)...

    Juliet316 and Darth Tunes like this.
  12. yeurgh

    yeurgh Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 12, 2016