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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Archive: SF&F: Films and Television' started by Dark_Jedi_Kenobi, Jan 3, 2006.

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  1. DorkmanScott

    DorkmanScott Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 26, 2001
    Probably they just figure it's a foregone conclusion that they've got the part, hence they needn't put pen to paper until they're just about to shoot.

    M. Scott
  2. ObiWan506

    ObiWan506 Former Head Admin star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 5, 2003
    Why does Yahoo have a whole bunch of actors/actresses already signed up for OotP? Unless they are just being preemptive and putting down the names of the "most likely" actors/actresses.

    Also, does anyone know the actual start date of filming? I can't find it and the official website still has the GoF material up.
  3. Jedi_Master_Conor

    Jedi_Master_Conor Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 24, 2005
    i thought filming is supposed to start in march
  4. Everton

    Everton Chosen One star 10

    Jul 18, 2003
    Luna casting down to 400 candidates.

    More than 400 girls have reached the next stage of the search for a young actress to play Luna Lovegood in the next Harry Potter film.

    It follows an open casting call held in London on Saturday. The casting team is contacting the girls concerned.

    More than 15,000 people spent hours queuing after Warner Bros. appealed for girls aged between 13 and 16 to attend the casting.

    Potter bosses said they'd like to thank every single girl who turned up.

    Fiona Weir told CBBC Newsround: "We really didn't have a particular look in mind and saw many fabulous girls from all points of the UK and Ireland.

    "We were really amazed at the response and would like to say a big thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturday."

    She added: "Even though we had many thousands more than anticipated, we were determined to see everyone who came along."

    According to Warner Bros. the girls who have reached the next round have a wide range of accents, backgrounds and ethnicity. They came from all over the UK and Ireland ranging from Renfrewshire to West Sussex, and County Clare to Newport.

    Because of the huge number of girls who went to the casting on Saturday, the organisers will only be contacting those they wish to see again.
  5. han_solo_321

    han_solo_321 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 14, 2002
    Filming starts next mouth
  6. ObiWan506

    ObiWan506 Former Head Admin star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 5, 2003
    Crap, I think you're right.

    Filming delayed for exams
  7. Jedi_Master_Conor

    Jedi_Master_Conor Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 24, 2005

    wow. i didn't know that filming was delayed. i thought it was supposed to originally start in march
  8. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    Returning to the score discussion, I'd seriously pick Doyle over Williams for OOTP. It's just not a film that should need themes. It is a dark and personal story, in a quite different tone to the other four books. With the exception of the fight between V & D, and possibly a new theme for Umbridge, I don't see William's pulling out his best work here. By all means, I would be upset if Williams didn't return for 6 or 7, but leave Doyle there for 5.

    Also, the music need not be noticable for it to be good. That's also a problem with Williams - his music is always "there", always a character. The (debatably but widely accepted) best film composer of the 20th Century, Bernard Herrman couldn't write a theme to save his life, yet I find his scores to be brilliant.
  9. ObiWan506

    ObiWan506 Former Head Admin star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 5, 2003
    March seems far away. I was so excited when I heard filming was in February too.

    About the score, Doyle and JW are two different kinds of goodness. You could argue Doyle goes for the more dramatic tone in certain situations whereas Williams goes for elegance and gracefulness. Both are great and I wouldn't mind either one at all.
  10. AnakinGirl05

    AnakinGirl05 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 1, 2005
    I agree that the music does not need to be noticeable for it to be good...but I rather like that about Williams' stuff. I like that I can make an immediate association to a scene that moved me in time with the music.
  11. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    I LOVE the POA soundtrack. I love the Celtic tones in the flutes and the haunting melodies in it. GOF deserved a booming soundtrack because of the large number of exciting, action packed scenes in them.

    OOTP is a more introverted film where Harry's got personal turmoil to deal with rather than trying to stay alive. I think it would be nice to revert back to Williams to score the film because he's a genius at conveying the emotions of being lost and sorrowful with his music.

    And we certainly know that he knows how to deliver dark, powerful music for huge showdowns between good and evil ;)
  12. DorkmanScott

    DorkmanScott Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 26, 2001
    I think Williams has been seriously off his game for a long time now. The Star Wars PT soundtracks sounded nothing like the OT soundtracks, and that was really apparent in cases where the original themes made appearances and sounded completely out of place. All of his themes lately sound like rejected tracks from Hook or some other swashbuckling pirate movie.

    Don't get me wrong, the man has churned out some brilliant and varied stuff in a long and illustrious career. I just think he seems to have finally run out of steam, and I'd personally rather he didn't come back to Harry Potter.

    M. Scott
  13. AnakinGirl05

    AnakinGirl05 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 1, 2005
    I love the PT soundtracks! He has created some new classics I think.

    Duel Of The Fates
    Across The Stars
    Battle Of The Heroes
    Anakin's Dark Deeds

    I love all of those from the PT in particular. And his work on the POA soundtrack is to me some of his finest work yet. I love how he pulls out the emotion and plays it in the music...So I too would like to see him back for Oop, which I think he is right?

    Does anyone know if he is set to do the music for the new Superman? I thought I heard that...not sure, and I know that is way off topic.

    What do you think they will be leaving out of the movie this time? There was so much left out with GOF, of course there had to be to make a less than three hour movie out of about 800 pages, and I do not have my book here in front of me, but I think that it is even longer than GOF right?

  14. bgii_2000

    bgii_2000 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2005
    Duel of the Fates has become the biggest FanFilm cliche since Darth Baddus and Master Goodus met in a forest to do battle. Battle of the heroes is threatening to do the same. Across the stars is one of my favorite repertoie peices for piano, and I find myself coming back to it everytime I sit down to play. Buckbeak's flight is still my Favorite harry potter track of all time although Finale from PoA comes in a close second. I love the sound of buckling swashes! John Williams will continue to be a huge influence in the world of movie scores in the years to come. Although you're right Dorkman, he has lost his touch a bit, and he has been recycling a lot lately.

    My cuts for the OotP:
    Dudley Demented
    Harry's Trial
    Lots of Sirius' house
    Lots of class time
    Hagrid and the Giants
    Lots of Quiditch
    Wandering around the Dept. of Mysteries

    My keepers for OotP:
    Harry's Birthday
    Harry getting a lifetime ban from Quiditch
    Sirius' death
    Dumbledore vs Voldemort
    Dubledore explains exerything
  15. TheBoogieMan

    TheBoogieMan Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 14, 2001
    RE: John Williams. I agree with Dorkman in that his work has not been as good as it was recently, but I have to say that he isn't 'seriously off his game'. Angela's Ashes (2000) was possibly one of the best score's he has ever done. TPM was the best of the PT by a long way, and possibly even better than ROTJ. I also have it on good authority that A.I. is among his best work, but I haven't heard it. But AOTC was terrible, with the exception of Across the Stars, which Dorkman has already noted sounds like the Hook main theme. Chamber of Secrets is to me similar to AOTC - good new themes but terrible incidental music. The action sequences are 'nothing' music. Whatever happened to action music being recognisable? "Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra"? "The Asteroid Field"?

    RE: Cuts from OoTP. I think Harry's trial and Dudley Demented are fairly important sequences in the film. Sure, cut it down, but it needs to stay. Personally, I'd love to see the film start with Harry sitting on the swings watching Dudley go past. Then he catches up to him and off we go to Dementorland . . .

    Kreacher could go, but it couldn't really hurt to have him in. He'd only add two minutes max screen time, and I think it would be interesting to see an evil house elf.

    I'd like to see Growp stay, but I realise he might not make it. However he might be integral to Book 7, so I don't know.
  16. -Phoenix-

    -Phoenix- Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 21, 2005
    Sorry this is off-topic, but I feel it's the best place to ask. What's the reason for the change in location of Hogwarts from CoS to PoA? I've been out of the loop for a while, so I don't know the reason, but in PS and CoS, the ground was all...flat. In PoA and GoF it's all mountainous and rough. Why exactly is this?
  17. Idrelle_Miocovani

    Idrelle_Miocovani Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Feb 5, 2005
    In PoA and GoF it's all mountainous and rough. Why exactly is this?

    No idea. When in doubt, blame it on the possibility for Hogwarts grounds wanting to move around like the paintings do in the school. :p 8-}

    My cuts for the OotP:
    Dudley Demented
    Harry's Trial
    Lots of Sirius' house
    Lots of class time
    Hagrid and the Giants
    Lots of Quiditch
    Wandering around the Dept. of Mysteries

    There, I think I'm going to have to disagree with you on Harry's trial and Sirius' house. They need Sirius to be in it deffinately more than he was in GOF for his death to have any significant impact for those who have not read the books.

    I agree with TheBoogieMan on Harry's Trial and Dudley Demented segments.

    And I, too, would love to see Kreacher in. Evil house elf.

  18. bgii_2000

    bgii_2000 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 21, 2005
    They don't have to cut Sirius himself, but how long do you think they're going to linger on scenes of people cleaning a house? Or Harry moping around for days at a time? (which he does at least twice). Almost all of the events that take place at sirius' house, are not central to main story. Although I'm sure that the house will be in the movie, I don't think it will have even half of the screen time that it gets in the book.

    As for Dudley Demented, what exactly does it have to do with the main story? I suppose it brings up the point that his aunt is slightly more in the know than she pretends to be, but other than that, what is accomplished here? There are so many more faster ways to get Harry out of Privet Dr. that I don't think it'll make the cut. I does provide a reason for harry being prosecuted. If they do still keep the subplot of Harry's trial, they can still have Harry be attacked.

    The problem that I see with Dudley being attacked is:

    He wasn't in the last movie, and was barely there in PoA. Therefore, it takes more than the normal amount of exposition to bring him back into the story. Since we skipped the dieting phase in GoF, it's a little hard to explain his jarring change of physique and character.
  19. han_solo_321

    han_solo_321 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 14, 2002
    IMO Dudley's scene should be in the film along with the trial. That moment we can explan all about how the minstery doesn't believe Harry about voldemort and stuff. Plus it would be a great way in introduce Umbridge.
  20. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    If they cut out Grawp completely there won't be a reason to have Hagrid in the story, and it explains why Harry & Hermione miss Ron's big game.

    I think they can breeze through the Dementors stuff in the beginning and then a few minutes at Sirius's when they learn that Harry needs to goto his trial. Harry's trial is necessary because while there Harry sees where the secret halls for the Ministry of Magic is located which is how he knows to get back there when they all return at the end of the book. Kreatcher is important because he gives Harry false info about Sirius which is what sends he and his friends to the MOM in the first place.

    They can cut out many of Harry's detention times, classroom scenes, elf stuff, and about 1/2 of the stuff that goes on at Sirius's house.

    I hope they keep the stuff w/ Ron's Dad being attacked and him going to the hospital so we get to see Neville's parents...especially if they do keep in the full explaination of things from Dumbledore to Harry at the end of the film.
  21. Everton

    Everton Chosen One star 10

    Jul 18, 2003
    And since the kid who plays Neville is getting better and better with each film I think he would do a really good job with that scene.
  22. DMPjedi

    DMPjedi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 26, 2003
    Agreed with the last two posts ^^ I think they need to keep the Dementor attack so we have some kind of tie from the beginning of the film to the end where Dumbledore explains everything. Plus the fact that we need the trial for Harry to know how to get into the Ministry of Magic means that we need him to be tried for something. That, and I just really want to see that scene on screen :p As for Sirius, they better watch themselves...they've already cut out too much of him IMO, and they need all the Sirius they can get to make his death meaningful, without simultaneously cramming him down the movie-goer's throat.
  23. ObiWan506

    ObiWan506 Former Head Admin star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 5, 2003
    I think we need the trial not only so we know how Harry knows the inside of the Ministry, but also because we need to see the building seperation between Harry and the Ministry. We need to see the mistrust they have in Harry and the lack of confidence they have for Dumbledore. I think that's important.
  24. AnakinGirl05

    AnakinGirl05 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 1, 2005
    With you all on the keeping in the stuff aobut Ron's dad being attacked, but I can not see them keeping that out of the movie, that and all that has been mentioned above are important parts of the book and would be integral to a proper telling of it in movie form.

    I agree that the kid who plays Neville is getting better with each film and this book is important to his story line as well, so I hope to see more of him in OoP.

  25. Everton

    Everton Chosen One star 10

    Jul 18, 2003
    I suspect that when they were casting for the first film Rowling would've had a word in the ear of the casting agents to make sure they got a kid that looked up to the part - as he would become an important part of the story.
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