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ST Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader) in IX

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by BalanceOfTheForce, Feb 13, 2018.


Will Anakin appear in IX?

  1. Yes

    248 vote(s)
  2. No

    126 vote(s)
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  1. Dark Ferus

    Dark Ferus Chosen One star 8

    Jul 29, 2016
    Personally, I'm not going by any leaks, regardless of how accurate the sources have been in the past.

    If Anakin is in the film, then to be honest, his presence might save it for me no matter what else happens, to a degree at least. Doesn't mean that all the wrongs (Luke for example) will be righted, but some more good could come out of the presence of the saga's main protagonist. I agree that Anakin is the other piece to the puzzle that Palpatine would be a part of, as @MissJo hinted at above. They'd be like the ghosts of light and dark, the angel and devil on the shoulders of Rey and/or Kylo, and yes, I know that Anakin was no angel during his lifetime.

    The issue does remain that the Force ghosts have, as far as we know, appeared to Luke until Yoda did after Kylo's turn, and possibly not after Endor. It wasn't explained in TLJ, and even if Anakin makes an awesome return (possibly along with Obi-Wan) this would probably have to be given some explanation.

    I've said before that I'd like a scene between Anakin and Kylo, but what I really want is one with Anakin and Luke, now both one with the Force as the two Skywalker heroes.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2019
  2. mattman8907

    mattman8907 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 17, 2012
    Well Ewan coming back to do Obi-Wan series, I'm still holding out that Hayden will come back as Anakin in Episode IX as a cameo, and will also be part of the Obi-Wan Series.
  3. ladygrey45

    ladygrey45 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 30, 2015
    Anakin makes sense as a force ghost or even something to warn Rey being like don't go down the same path I went down.
  4. Avnar

    Avnar Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 20, 2007
    I was 100% against HC in the ST but I have had a change of heart... At this point why not? For all the (over the top) hate he has got for his portrayal he has stayed pure class. Give him another shot! :anakin:
  5. MissJo

    MissJo Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 6, 2015
    I am not sure if this has any importance, but it is usually Hayden and Ian on these conventions.

    Lots of them this year.

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    InterestingLurker and Shamear like this.
  6. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011

    ... I want him back.

    I mean, I feel like so far the trilogy doesn't connect well with what came before. And Hayden Christensen is Anakin Skywalker as far as I'm concerned. Him and Matt Lanter at least. So give him another go.
    lovethedarkside and Glitterstimm like this.
  7. wobbits

    wobbits Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 12, 2017
    Yes. FanX just announced a Hayden/Ian panel. Can't wait to hear what comes out of that one..
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
  8. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011

    I would absolutely love to see Anakin talk to Kylo Ren about how a dictatorship would be better than a democracy.

    I mean, hey, maybe it'll create a heart-to-heart with Ben and that will eventually swing him to the dark side!

    If it works...
  9. Vezner

    Vezner Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 29, 2001
    It will be a huge missed opportunity if they don't include Hayden. Frankly, if this is the end of the Skywalker story, they better include Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Luke, and even Qui-gon IMO. Go big or go home.
    Deliveranze, wobbits and chrcharcor2 like this.
  10. wobbits

    wobbits Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 12, 2017
    Someone linked me to a Youtube video by Star Wars Theory that claims to have heard a voice in the Vader breathing at the end of the trailer. It has people thinking that it's possibly Anakin (Hayden's voice) speaking. I can't hear anything because the guy screams HOLY SH just at the point of the voice. Did anyone else see this and hear something?
    The Legions of Lettow likes this.
  11. The Legions of Lettow

    The Legions of Lettow Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 14, 2015
    Yes. He’s not sure if it’s Anakin, Vader, Ren, or Palpatine

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  12. wobbits

    wobbits Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 12, 2017
    Yeah I got that but whatever voice it was is completely shouted over by him. I was hoping someone else heard it BEFORE he played it back and slowed it down without him screaming.

    But that's what I get for attaching hope to any little news about Hayden in this film.
  13. The Legions of Lettow

    The Legions of Lettow Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 14, 2015
    Yeah. I wish he replayed it with volume up

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  14. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    Man...I want Hayden to be in it so bad. And he better be a physical presence. Dont tease me with a line or two. Gimme that full Anakin appearance.
  15. Daxon101

    Daxon101 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 7, 2016
    Its best to adjust your expectations to the minimum imo.

    In the long run its better to be surprised then it is to be disappointed.
  16. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Hayden will come but more as a cameo role then anything major. Anakin will surely be important but only have 2 scenes, 3 og lucky.
  17. TadoFett

    TadoFett Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Aug 16, 2004
    I agree with others that Anakin should not be responsible for turning Kylo back to the light, if indeed he does have a redemption arc. However, I still feel that Anakin appearing and telling Kylo that he was never the one speaking to him from the mask and warning him about his path would be interesting, and could plant a seed of doubt in the already conflicted Kylo's mind. I could even see this being influenced by force ghost Luke as part of his "see you around kid" line, lol!

    As others have said, I will be very dissapointed if Anakin does not have at least an appearance or mention or two in TROS, given his importance within the saga. Whatever form that takes is fine, provided that it makes sense.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
    wobbits likes this.
  18. Vezner

    Vezner Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 29, 2001
    I can't imagine Anakin being involved in any other way than you describe. I will be shocked if Kylo was being spoken to by Palps pretending to be Vader and Anakin will finally appear and tell Kylo that Vader is dead and buried and Kylo was duped.
    TadoFett likes this.
  19. Daxon101

    Daxon101 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 7, 2016
    Well if we go by what JJ says Kylo already knows all this stuff. he knows Anakin turned good. but to Kylo Anakin and Vader are not the same person.

    I still think hayden could appear as a dark vision of Vader. i dunno how people would feel about that as many seem to be expecting Anakin to show up to give support when being a dark vision would feel more like going backwards then seeing a future tense anakin.

    But then if you are reflecting on the previous films, then Vader is probably the one you wanna go with.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
  20. HevyDevy

    HevyDevy Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 13, 2011
    I bet we get something from the past with The Emperor and Vader.

    The new movies are almost being made by fanboys afterall.

    Agreed that we have got to find out what went on with Vader's mask and Kylo though. The suspense is killing me.

    I doubt it will just be Vader who appears in the present... unless it is to scare Kylo straight.
    I'm fairly sure redeemed Anakin will show up eventually.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
  21. TadoFett

    TadoFett Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Aug 16, 2004
    I suppose Hayden could appear as a half Vader/half Anakin spirit, as in the concept art. Maybe an attempt to scare Kylo straight? Kind of like Jacob Marley with Scrooge?
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
  22. wobbits

    wobbits Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 12, 2017
    I'd rather just have it be Anakin. With the redemption, the Vader persona is dead and gone.

    I'm with you @Deliveranze. Give him something good to work with. Make it emotional, make it mean something. If they waste it on some stupid joke or dumb meme inducing one liner that will just irritate me. Handle him and be decent about it.
    Deliveranze likes this.
  23. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    If Anakin makes a sand line, I hope someone at Disney is fired. :p

    I'd also prefer just Anakin. That being said, I don't mind Vader as long as Vader's persona is dead. In the old EU, Anakin's ghost appeared 100 years after ROTJ to one of his descendants, Cade Skywalker, and warned him of the consequences of the dark side. Anakin transformed into Vader to show what he became. So, it was still Anakin showing himself as Vader to warn his family, and not that the Vader persona was living. I'd be ok with a scene like this to warn Kylo for example.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
    Jedi Knight Fett and wobbits like this.
  24. Daxon101

    Daxon101 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 7, 2016
    Or one created by palpatine or snoke to lure Ben to the dark.

    I know many would argue but why doesn't the real anakin pop up and say hey that isn't me. but i could see JJ letting that one slide, plus i suspect the force ghost thing is complicated. if it wans't you would question why alot of things even happened. why one didn't come down and be like you might wanna keep an eye on this snoke guy!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
    TadoFett likes this.
  25. f1982

    f1982 Jedi Youngling

    Aug 30, 2019
    I do see a small problem with the idea of expanding the capabilities of force ghosts. It essentially opens up the idea that any character from SW history can and should turn up and intervene at pretty much every major moment. I think what they really need is to set up some limitations that go along with the force ghost expansion which appears to be coming.
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