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FF:QLD "Heroes"

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by Magnus_Darcrider, Nov 22, 2006.

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  1. HappyBob

    HappyBob Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 7, 2002
    We just had our own little Heroes event here, but I hope you all have a great viewing tonight. You're in for a very satisfying ending.
  2. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    End of Volume One.

    Start of Volume Two.

    Oh. My. God.

    And here was me saying they weren't going to have a cruel ending. I swore loudly at the TV when those 3 evil words came up. You gotta be frakin' kidding me. [face_hypnotized]

    Well, I'm off to check myself into rehab. See you guys later in the year when season 2 starts up. *Waves*
  3. General Cargin

    General Cargin Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 15, 1999
    I have only one thing to say.


  4. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    HappyBob, that completely depends on your definition of satisfaction.

    The eclipse was a nice touch!

    Anyone know much about season two at all? Might it be set in the past or partially in the past? Or is Hiro just going to be trapped there, just waiting for a completely random, but necessary moment, to find himself in the future again?
  5. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Well said, Cargin. :p

    There are no details about season 2 known, except for the 'Origins' thing, and that it'll follow more of a mould of 24 than Lost, that being that it will be a very distinct "Volume 2" rather than a continuous ongoing storyline. There will be quite a few new characters. That's literally all we know, or all I know, at least.
  6. ImperialCourtessan

    ImperialCourtessan Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 10, 2005
    Weeell... I found it a bit anticlimatic after Episode mind benders like 20 & 21 (our brains really did get spoilt by those) .. 22 I felt it was winding down and thought it was setting up for like, the calm before the storm ... but all thru the finale' I was sitting here waiting/thinking 'well come on.. crank it up' .. but the 'final solution' was touching & appropriately teary ... but how things were left regarding Sylar was plain bloody annoying ..

    And I'm sure we haven't seen the end of Peter either...
  7. GoobaFish

    GoobaFish Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 15, 2002
    I agree, IC. It did feel a little anti-climactic. I was thinking "but what if" and "why didn't", but the end was reached with really only the big baddies buying the Farm. Or those in the grey who'd do what they thought was right in their own eyes.

    Agreed. Peter's not dead. Doubt Nathan is, either.
    My only (minor) problem is why Sylar didn't just 'squish' people he was trying to kill, using telekenesis. EG Ando, Peter, Hiro. But it's minor. And a marathon viewing may make things clearer.
  8. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Doubt Nathan is, either

    Not a chance. Invincible Peter could survive exploding, and probably the hundred thousand foot drop, too, but he couldn't survive vaporisation, which is what Not-Invincible-At-All Nathan will get when an Exploding Man goes off in his face. Yeah, he could have flown, then dropped him and sped away, but I doubt it.
  9. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    I've been wondering if Peter ever got close enough to Linderman to get his power as well, but I don't think he ever did. I think Nathan is dead - both he and Peter thought that was what was going to happen, having said that you never really know with these shows.

    Speaking of which... Could Sylar now eat Linderman's brain and still get his power, or could he have done that BEFORE he met Peter outside the building... Might explain his stunt.

    EDIT: And then if he did that Peter would definately have that power as well... *blink* The plot thickens.
  10. Magnus_Darcrider

    Magnus_Darcrider Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 24, 2005
    "Heroes" is listed as returning 24 September 2007.

    Four months...I can do four months.

    Be seeing you,

    Magnus Darcrider

  11. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    Ooh. Yeah, 4 months... I can do that...

    In the meantime, Tim Kring has made a big ol' series of posts on his blog answering fan questions. Some great stuff in there, including several important tidbits about next season.

    Highlight for highlights...

    Volume 2 will NOT last for the entire season. Volume 3 will begin sometime after the halfway point, which is very interesting. Tim says that he's much more partial to storylines that don't last an entire season, because they're easier to manage and make the show more accessible for new viewers. Volume 2 is called "Generations," and will deal heavily with multiple 'generations' of people with powers, which rocks, because I love that aspect. So people of Claude's generation, Linderman's generation, and apparently Kensei's generation are all going to be touched upon. EXCITEMENT.

    Also, they are in discussions with Christopher Eccelston for Claude to appear again, so woot. Hana may also very well make a return.

    He hints very strongly that Angela Petrelli has a power, which definitively puts her in the Original Justice League.

    Oh, and also, he speaks more than once about Peter in the present tense. So he's almost definitely still alive.
  12. MarvinTheMartian

    MarvinTheMartian Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 31, 2002
    Well i've finally seen to the end of it at last

    Nathan is probably dead...unless he flew off and dropped Peter. its conceivable
    As for what Sylar got up to, I'm sure we'll find out

    I am curious what the consequences of not nuking new york will be. because there was a faction of people who insisted it take place, that it was necessary to save the world. How will New York not being destroyed alter this?

    cant w8 for season 2 :)
  13. GoobaFish

    GoobaFish Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 15, 2002
    Marv, I'm not really sure how much the 'faction' will be involved in Season 2, since they've already introduced the new villian through Molly Walker.
  14. Luke_Sparkewalker

    Luke_Sparkewalker Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 23, 2001
    Finally cought up and watched 23:eek:


    The last few scenes were so powerful:_| [face_hypnotized] =P~

    And I just read on that Peter, Nathan, Sylar and maybe parkman will be back[face_dancing]

    Whats up with the cockroach? Does it have something to do with the new villan? Did he save Sylar?
  15. Lozza

    Lozza Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2005
    Luke, I took it as a homeage to the fact that cockroaches are resistant to radiation poisoning - unlike the humble human.

    And if Nathan and Sylar are back what's to bet Sylar ate Linderman??? It's the only FEASIBLE possibility for why they'd both be alive... Unless the "bringing them back" is done in episodes set in the past...
  16. Luke_Sparkewalker

    Luke_Sparkewalker Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 23, 2001
    ahh that seems right Loz, thanks.

    I would think Sylar ate linderman -

    Molly: He's already here
    Yet he doesn't come near molly

    Peter: I took his powers
    He was refering to going nucluer but it's a good plot device

    So we know he was there at lindermans building and we know peter look his powers...all thats left is for thr writers to use that if they are going that way. HeroesRevlealed said one won't remember anything and one will hit the bottle hard.
    So, at least some, are coming back in the present.
  17. HappyBob

    HappyBob Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 7, 2002
    Good news, everyone! Kristin "Veronica Mars" Bell will be appearing on Heroes next season. At this rate it's only a matter of time before they snag some Firefly alumni. Come season four, and the Battlestar cast will be looking for new jobs too.
  18. MarvinTheMartian

    MarvinTheMartian Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 31, 2002
    The BSG cast will be appearing in "Galactica 2009" if history has anything to say on the subject!
  19. Magnus_Darcrider

    Magnus_Darcrider Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 24, 2005
    Heroes: Season One Commentary

    Just a bunch of comments by the creators/actors for each episode of the first season.

    The local DVD release for Heroes: Season One is 19 September.

    The premiere of the second season is still listed for 24 September in the US.

    Be seeing you,

    Magnus Darcrider
  20. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    STARTS AGAIN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :D =D=
  21. BigBossNass1138

    BigBossNass1138 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    It sure does. :D And in honor of that, check out my masterdly plan.

    I was thinking of getting as many of us together as possible for the first episode on Tuesday, but in discussion with several people it seems Tuesday will be problematic. So how do people like that idea? I'll still be watching it on Tuesday night, since even the Incredible Hulk would have a tough time dragging me away, but who would be up for a group viewing at Tosche Station later in the week? To sweeten the deal, I was thinking we could re-watch the last couple of eps of season 1, and follow it up with the new one. Sounds fun, no?

    I was going to say Wednesday, but that's the night of the Beatles double-feature at the Globe, which I'm not too fussed about but which I know several people are keen to go to. So Thursday, perhaps? Friday? Unlike last week, I'm free every night this week, so whatever suits the majority.
  22. Kahlan72

    Kahlan72 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 27, 2000
    I can do Tuesday, Wednesday as always. If you guys want to do it later in the week, I'm gonna have to score a copy of someone! :) Of course, it's on TV next week isn't it..we could always wait...

    *dodges sharpened pretzels and various soft furnishings
  23. GoobaFish

    GoobaFish Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 15, 2002
    Wednesday and Thursday here. It's probable I will have it already described to me by then too, but I'm up for a gathering.
  24. Murder_Sandwhich

    Murder_Sandwhich Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 7, 2004
    Thursday should be okay for me, as long as I can get there.

    Also, can somebody post when the "describers" are up?
  25. o__O

    o__O Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 21, 2007
    [face_laugh] it feels so cool adding stuff to the lexicon
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