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Hey guys c'mon!! I'm bored over here!!!

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Arun Dale, Aug 28, 2001.

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  1. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    dismantles Rotary pen...then puts it back together...
  2. kahli

    kahli Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 1, 2000
    Why take it apart if you have to put it back together? Cut out the middle man, I say.
  3. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    **pokes arun in the chest**

    no sleeping it's forbidden
  4. pdubyuh

    pdubyuh Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2000
    I am soo tired today its all i can do to stay awake <yawn>
  5. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    no ones even welcomed me back. :(
  6. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    *Pokes Ladyvader in the chest**

    (any excuse) ;)

    Alpha you were away? ;)

    //hides welcome back stuff
  7. pdubyuh

    pdubyuh Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2000
    oops sorry alpha i'm too damn busy with all this work stuff its good to have you back :)
  8. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    I'm sorry I bothered.

  9. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    I'm bored an' all... trying to fend off my mam's 20 questions about Raisa....
  10. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    I'm scr£wed. Got loads of reading to catch up on and a loads of meetings. Andf I was playing my brand new spankin' PS2 'till 4am. Bought it cause it has the multi region dvd crack with it now. That DVD regionx thingmajig. Does anybody know if it is any good?
  11. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    PS2 is groovy... just expensive. The must have game is Gran Turismo 2 though! That's groovy as hell!!
  12. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    Hey OAC how much would you spend on a second hand photographic enlarger?
  13. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    I was looking at learning to develop my own photographs at one stage... setting up your own darklab is a pain in the butt though and the only ones in Devon are the college and private ones that you can't use :( Maybe I could do a night class at Exeter or something....
  14. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    I found one in the cellar...and i want to flog it...
  15. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    brand new a B&W is around £120 for a basic one. 2nd hand is around £50-£60. Colour 2nd hand is around £350 including filters but I have never used one.

    Sam, I have Gran Turismo for the PS2. It comes free with the PS2 now.
  16. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    is Metal gear solid 2 out yet. That always looked pretty pukka.
  17. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    Hmmm Interesting..

  18. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    About £250 for the PS2 with GT3 last time I saw... damn good looking game, that! The new Comet in Exeter have got a sit-in cockpit style two player GT3 set-up.. trouble was a greasy little kid was wasting time smashing into walls when I went in there :mad:

    Colour developing is supposed to be about the hardest thing to do processing-wise, I heard.... black and white processing sounds groovy though and I've never really done much B&W photography... mostly colour filters and crap like that.
  19. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    what nikon camera you got sam? most of the old ones are still brilliant and in demand if it is a manual and an electronic one.
  20. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    Nikon F301. Not in the greatest of external condition, but still works a treat and I love it! I wouldn't say no to one of them funky new Canon SLRs though! :D

    I keep meaning to scan in some of the photos I've taken with it cos a couple of them I'm really quite chuffed with! Got a great one taken through the branches of a bare apple tree during winter... bright day using a dark red filter and an 8 star Cokin! Bit cheesey to you pro-types, but I loves it! :D
  21. Ooh_Aah_Cantona

    Ooh_Aah_Cantona Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 13, 2000
    no stick with nikon. I changed my whole kit two yearsa go from minolta to nikon. best thing i could have done.
  22. pdubyuh

    pdubyuh Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2000
    holy technical camera talk
  23. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    Yeah, but that's Minolta! I really would quite like one of the Canon EOS300s though! :D Mind you, the Nikon F60 or F80 would be quite funky!
  24. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000

    I'd like to get into it. Trouble is, I know nothing about it.
  25. Poodu

    Poodu Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Dec 3, 1999
    I'd like to think I know something about it, Alpha... all I do though is enjoy using the camera... that's all that's important! It'd be great to take some really fancy art shots, but you've gotta plan stuff like that out. I just like spur of the moment landscapes and stuff like that!
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