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Highlander The Source/Highlander The Comics

Discussion in 'Archive: SF&F: Films and Television' started by darth-sinister, Jan 3, 2006.

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  1. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    I'm a fan of Highlander and I know there are others here as well. This is where you can discuss all four feature films, the upcoming new film "The Source", the television series, the animated series, the Raven, the upcoming comic series from Dynamite Entertainment, the action figures from Sideshow collectibles, the anime film "Vengence".

    The above links are from the upcoming film. The main site which features a synopsis and cast pics. After that is Adrian Paul's diary about the production of the film, which was updated throughout filming and will continue during post production. Also featured are photos taken from Impact Magazine #169 and from a contest that had been held, where two fans got to visit the set and get a cameo in the film.











  2. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    You mean 3 right ;) cause the 2nd movie never happend...

    Thats exciting though that their doing another one! I love this series. I was sad when Richie died.

  3. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    I include the second film for those who actually like it.
  4. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    I know, I was just giving you a hard time.

  5. MariahJade2

    MariahJade2 Former Fan Fiction Archive Editor star 5 VIP

    Mar 18, 2001
    Adrian Paul. [face_love] [face_love] [face_love]
  6. RolandofGilead

    RolandofGilead Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 17, 2001
    I love Highlander, but it's a little too disjointed to truly qualify as a Saga. None of the movies really fit and don't really work at all with the excellent TV show.

    Highlander: Ramirez dies, Conner kills the Kurgen and wins THE PRIZE

    Highlander 2 The Quickening: Conner and Ramirez are really exiled aliens. Conner would have died of old age if his alien nemesis didn't come to earth to kill him. :confused:

    Highlander 3: Conner McCloud vs Mario Van Peebles ('nuff said)

    Highlander Television Series: Great and Duncan is 10X the McCloud that Conner is, but hard to fit perfectly into events of first film even if you ignore other two.

    Highlander 4 Endgame: Good movie if you're a fan of the TV show. Conner sacrifices his life to empower Duncan thereby rendering Highlander 1 inconsequential.

    I have heard nothing of a 5th film and hated the woman in Raven.
  7. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    I liked Amanda(Raven) in the Highlander show, but not the separate show of her own.

    Probably my favorite quote from the entire series comes from Methos. It was when Duncan questioned him about his past as one fo the Four Horseman and he owned up to it.

    "Do you know which one I was Duncan? I WAS DEATH!"


    There?s no time for us
    There?s no place for us
    What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away
    From us

    Who wants to live forever
    Who wants to live forever....?

    There?s no chance for us
    It?s all decided for us
    This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

    Who wants to live forever
    Who wants to live forever?

    Who dares to love forever?
    When love must die

    But touch my tears with your lips
    Touch my world with your fingertips
    And we can have forever
    And we can love forever
    Forever is our today
    Who wants to live forever
    Who wants to live forever?
    Forever is our today

    Who waits forever anyway?

  8. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
    Ooooooooo Joe and Methos are in this film!
  9. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000

    Man I love the whole 4 Horseman episode from teh series. Plust Methos is just awesome.

  10. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
    Let's face it. Methos was the best character in the whole series.[face_love]

    and I'm a member of Clan denial!
  11. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001

    First, it's Connor MacLeod. :p Same with Duncan MacLeod. Anyway, here's the story for those who aren't familiar. Bill Panzer and Peter Davis loved the first film and had wanted to alter the ending, before it's release, to leave it open for more films. They were outvoted by I believe the writers Larry Fergueson and Peter Bellwood. One of them, probably Larry since he didn't do the second film. They did the bulk of the rewriting of Gregory Widen's original script, which was good, but a disjointed mess. In the end, the film came and went. But the international ticket sales and the home video market proved worth while. Brian Clemens, Bill Panzer and Peter Bellwood set out to write HL2. But many plot points in the early drafts were lost. Such as the fact that the Immortals would be reborn on Earth, after being banished from Zeist. They would forget everything at first, but slowly they'd regain their memories. And they would be separated to different points in time. This is why Connor was in Scotland in the 16th century, while Ramirez was in Egypt long before Christ was born. Kurgan was sent to Earth by Katana to kill them, so that they could never return, for if they did, he'd be overthrown. He was afraid that Connor would return if he won. But he was content to stay, which shows Katana was too rash. There was even going to be a scene where Katana and the tribunal witness the Kurgan's death. Time would pass slowly so that 500 years on Zeist would translate to many years on Earth. The film was met with many problems in the script department and as well as production values. Hence the lousy theatrical cut. The Director's Cut has been their attempt at restoring the film to it's original form, while adjusting it to remove the references to Zeist.

    The third film was initially the genesis of Christopher Lambert and his friend Brad Miriam. But it when through many rewrites, with a few plot points dropped or altered. The end result was the third film, which ignored part two and carried on from part one. Meantime, Lambert had helped the producers to create the television series. But he would not star in it full time. He'd do one episode, after it was decided that Adrian Paul would play a separate character, out of respect. And to avoid confusion with the third film, the series would still have Immortals running around. The number of Immortals increased since they needed a threat other than mortal criminals and rogue Watchers. Endgame was to build off the idea of the series and first film. The Source continues that story, without referencing everything in particular.

    There is what fans call the multiple timeline effect.

    -HL1 only.
    -HL1 & HL2 only. Either version.
    -HL1 & HL3 only.
    -HL1, the series, the Raven, the books, Endgame & the Source only.
    -HL1, half of the series, HL3, the rest of the series, the Raven, the books, Endgame & the Source only.
    -The animated series only.
    -Vengence only.

    In the series, the events of the first film happened, but not everything. The Kurgan was after several Immortals who had escaped him over the years. Connor MacLeod, Iman Fasil, Sunda Kastagir, Ostra Vaselik and Yong Dol Kim
  12. Axle-Starweilder

    Axle-Starweilder Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 6, 2005
    i never really got into the show, but i did quite enjoy the first movie and it's epic queen soundtrack. the sequels however... well, i thought the second one was better than the third one, and i just could'nt believe there was a fourth.
  13. mrsvos

    mrsvos Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 18, 2005
    When I first got a VCR in the '80's along w/ Star Wars this was one of the first tapes I got and I watched it over and over and over....
    mmmmm... Christopher Lambert....[face_love]
  14. RolandofGilead

    RolandofGilead Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 17, 2001
  15. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    It's Highlander I think the general fan is suppose to be left confused.

  16. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    Nah, it's not meant to be confusing. Here's the story. When it came to HL2, the producers needed a quick explaination for their being more Immortals. Enter Zeist and it's whole plot. This origin of the Immortals was done half-assed, solely to get the story going. Fans and Lambert himself were not fond of this idea. In fact, Lambert wanted to quit the project over it, but was locked into a contract. Due to the poor reception amongest the fans, the producers realized that they were in a pickle. Fortunately, they listened to Lambert and he got them to go back to what made the first film work. Ignoring Zeist and all that other crap. Lambert hired Brad Miriam to take the story back to it's roots, which worked well. But then Paul Ohl took it too far, making a film too similar in many ways. Not to mention, some plot holes in terms of how the story moves along. Like how Kane and Khabaul Kahn arrived in NYC, so quickly. How Connor got his sword back, after getting mugged and taken to the hospital. Why Detective Stenn didn't refer to Detective Moran, since he was in charge of investigating Connor, not Detective Bedsoe. Though it was a bit lame, having Kane and the Kahn boys trapped in Nakano's cave worked better than making them aliens from another world.

    Now, when it came to the series, a whole different ball of wax was needed. The series was going to be about Connor, but it was changed to Duncan. The series was and still is separate from the films. Well, sorta. As I mentioned, much of the backstory from the first film is retained in the series timeline. But the elements of the Prize being won were left out. There were hints to this, but it was never said verbatim. The series begins in August of 1992, which is seven years after Connor killed Kurgan in 85. In "Revenge Is Sweet", the date is 1988 or 89 during the prologue. In season two's "The Watchers", Joe brings up Kurgan's file. Barring a couple of errors, the file supports the first film. Joe even said that Connor killed him eight years earlier. This being May of 1993, one week after "The Hunters" ended. So from there, it's more or less implied that the first film happened and all it's backstory. But a few things are different. The series would run for six years, during which the third film came and went. To avoid confusion, the third film stuck to the story of the first one closely, while the series didn't talk about it at all. In the series timeline, it's not clear who will win the Prize like in the first film. Ramirez figured it'd be Connor. Connor figured it'd be Duncan. Duncan figured it'd be Connor or Fitzcarn. Methos figured it'd be either MacLeod.

    Now when it came to Endgame, a lot of things happened. Dimenson wanted to get Lambert out of the story, since he wanted 2 million for the film. And the producers figured it be more tragic to have Connor sacrifice himself, rather than be mad as hell. So that's why Connor does what he does in that film. But the producers know that the fans have their preferences, which is why they continue to market the second and third film. This way all fans can be happy. Granted, it's not the best idea, but it works.

    Now in the Source, we are without Connor MacLeod. The producers didn't want to ignore his death and they didn't want to do a cheap resurrection like with Ramirez. That was more Lambert's idea to have Connery come back, since they were friends. Hence his being in HL2. For this film, Adrian Paul has more creative control whic
  17. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    Well that makes alot of sense. I got into Highlander cause of the show not the movies. My dad would watch the show on Saturdays and usually I would happen to be at home and would watch them with him. But I am excited to know there is a new movie coming out, cause I do miss everything that went with Highlander.

  18. RolandofGilead

    RolandofGilead Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 17, 2001
    OK so If I go with the premise that Conner and Kurgen weren't the last two Immortals left on earth (the entire point of the first film) then I guess that I can accept they are still in competition for The Prize. I actually really liked Endgame, although the tragic story of Duncan's wife would have been better served if there had been some mention, or hint of something like this from his past in the TV show.

    I have high hopes for the new film. It's interesting that as much as I love the series, the films have all suffered major flaws. I think it's much like Transformers. As cheesy as it all really is, it's the ideas, and the characters we hold onto and we overlook the crap. Funny that only the TV show was able to avoid this so well.
  19. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    The series had success because of a team of writers, lead by David Abramowitz. When he came on early in season one, he opted to turn the series into a morality play. Thus there are stories about honor, redemption, vengence, love and so on. In the beginning, there were going to be a small number of Immortals still. But mortal villians didn't have the same effect that the Hunters did, but they couldn't be used for every season. So the Gathering was mentioned less frequently, until it was dropped altogether in season three. It still exists, but it's an on-going event. One that will lead into a final Gathering, like in the first and third film. From season three on, Immortal villians were used frequently. Occassionally they would do episodes that are considered "comedies". These episodes would be done as a way to avoid having the Immortal villian of the week. And if there was an Immortal bad guy, that didn't mean that they were evil. Perhaps just misguided. Ahriman was just an attempt to do something new, but it didn't go over well. Partially because when it came to making season six, the plan had to be changed. The finacial backers gave them only half a season's worth of a budget and told them to set up a spin-off for a female lead. And that the show had to be less about Highlander and more like "La Femme Nikita". The fact that USA Network was funding them played into that. So the original Ahriman story, which was a season long event, became a mere trilogy. And so many weak episodes were written in season six. Fortunately, Elizabeth Gracen had become available again and she agreed to reprise her role for "The Raven". By the time the show got back to it's original roots, it was too late and there was not enough money to do a second season.

    As to no reference to Kate before Endgame, this is due to coming up with her while making the film. But if you watch the Eurominutes of season two's "The Darkness", Richie asks Duncan if he was ever married. Duncan says no, but he has an uncomfortable look on his face. It's quite reasonable to say that Duncan kept his mouth shut about her, since Tessa and Richie would have trouble understanding his decision. Much less forgiving him for it.

    Since the prophecy of Duncan never being married was made in 1847, and Duncan got married in 1712, we can say that the gypsy Carmen was only looking to the future and not the past. Plus, we can say that Kate had the marriage annuled after she recovered from the initial shock of her Immortality being triggered.
  20. Lobot_Omy

    Lobot_Omy Moderator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 9, 2001
    I haven't actually seen the movies, but I watched the TV show when it was on Space or something (Canadian equivalent of Sci-Fi Channel). That's until the season where they killed Duncan's friend and everything becamse really dark and weird.

    Here we are.
    Born to be kings.
    We're the princes of the universe.

    I am immortal.
    I have inside me blood of kings.
    I have no rivals,
    No man can be my equal.
    Take me to the future of your world.
  21. jag29

    jag29 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 13, 2002
    This is one of my favotire series. I moved to Cypress CA in late summer of 92. I remember when the pilot episode aired. I believe the first scene was with Duncan and Tessa having sex and Duncan sensing Connor. I don't think I ever missed an episode after that.

    The one thing that I didn't like was what Sinister stated. The villian of the week type character. The storyline for Methos was a great addition to the series. It would have been nice to see Connor poke his head in there more.

    I don't remember how the series ended though.

    It will be nice to be able to see the Highlander franchise come back to the screen. Hopefully its made well. Are there supposed to be only a handful of immortals left?

  22. darth-ermac

    darth-ermac Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 26, 2001
    Due to the limited budget of the day, the series had to go with the villian of the week format. Not everyone appeared on a regular basis, due to limited scheduling. Those who did, they were fortunate to have more than once.

    The series ended with Duncan having a final breakdown, due to all those that he lost and felt that it was time to pack it in, when Amanda and Joe were taken by Liam O'Rourke. But fortunately, Methos bought Duncan a way out and during a firefight, Duncan was 'killed' for a time. During this, he got to see a variation of "It's A Wonderful Life". He got to see how important he was to everyone and it got him to regain his spark. In the end, Duncan killed Liam and celebrated with his friends.

    For those who want to know, the Celtic song heard in the films and series is called "Bonny Portmore". You can find it on the Endgame soundtrack, the Best Of Highlander The Series score and on The Visit. Loreena McKinnett performs it in HL3 and on The Visit. Laura Creamer did it for the series. Jennifer McNeal for Endgame.

    If you want the film soundtrack, look no further than Queen: A New Kind Of Magic. Due to the poor reception of the original film, it was no longer billed as the film's soundtrack. But it does contain the music heard in the film, save for "Hammer To Fall" which is on The Works. Jim Byrnes does have a couple of albums of jazz and blues music. And he will perform a song for the film. The scores for the first three films are together on one soundtrack. Endgame is available separately.

    The reason Connor only appeared once was due to not having enough to pay for him, to avoid confusing with the films as much as possible and Lambert's decision to let the series stand on it's own without him.

    There are still a good number of Immortals left in The Source, but no number specifics.

    Lion's Gate Films is doing the North American and I assume Canada release. Not sure who is doing the international ones. That's also assuming it goes theatrical, which it might.

  23. Tabula Rasa

    Tabula Rasa Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 8, 1998
    I love the concept of Highlander more than anything else. Immortality is a subject of great interest to everyone, and the mythology sown into the Highlander Universe is incredibly captivating. I can enjoy all aspects of it despite it's flaws. I was a big fan of the first movie, and a big fan of the series. I quite like Adrian Paul, and am very pleased to see him return as Duncan in the up-coming movie(s). I hope it will be treated better than End Game, which I thought was a bit poor, but unavoidable I guess, if the goal was to continue the franchise with Duncan.

    Queen, of course, has always been a major factor in Highlander's impact. Their incredible music is classic, and immortal in and of itself.
  24. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    From what all Sinster is saying it sounds like it'll be a pretty decent flim.

  25. malkieD2

    malkieD2 Ex-Manager and RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 7, 2002
    Loved the original movie, hated everything since.

    The first movie is a forgotton classic - the score, direction and atomsphere are outstanding, but it possibly didn't make it massive because of the release of some major blockbusters around the same time.

    Go back and watch it again and realise how well it's aged. It has some aspects of modern day comic-book style movies, but without the tights and crappy villians. Infact, *some* aspects of the filming and direction of Highland match the most recent Batman movie (darkness, troubled lead character etc).

    Oh, and the opening sequence has The Fabulous FreeBirds featured, which is simply a bonus in my eyes!

    Queen were the rock-music-for-movies band of a generation - their work on Highlander and (for example) Flash Gordon is honestly timeless.

    Sing with me......FLASH! aaaaa aaaahhhhh, Hero of the Universe!
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