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PT How did Anakin's mom die at exactly the moment he arrived?

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by ObiSpamBaloney, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. Christus Regnet

    Christus Regnet Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 10, 2016
    Schmi is either the Assistant Phantom Menace or the assistant to the Phantom Menace. She might be a Sith Lord.

    "A Sith..Lord?"
  2. Plan741

    Plan741 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 22, 2015
    I work as a PA in a Medical Examiner's office and have been performing postmortem examinations for 18 years. I can say with confidence that people die everyday without a medical condition that can be diagnosed anatomically. There is more to the body than its machinery; when we have someone like this we look into the postmortem chemistry, making sure the sodium, potassium, chloride and urea nitrogen levels are normal. We run the blood for infections and toxins. We look at the cells of every organ for signs of failure. If everything is nominal and there is no sign of trauma we state that the cause of death is undetermined.

    In my experience, I have seen a healthy individual die in the wake of catastrophic mental stress. People die from exposure to emotional shock quite often and without precipitating natural disease. One might expect that a person with poor health might die shortly after losing a spouse to whom they had been together with for many years. One might not expect to see it in a person who has faced repeated emotional trauma or massive loss but it does happen. It is as if a switch in the brain is thrown to the off position. A good amount of research has gone into concepts like excited delirium, where a person is reacting to an extreme emotional state. Oftentimes these people are agitated and when calm is restored later are found without respiration or heartbeat. Their autopsy results are usually negative for any diagnostic abnormalities and the cause is undetermined.

    To say that Padme had no reason to die is to deny anything that can't be seen and measured. It is possible within the context of her death and what she experienced if you want to be realistic. Otherwise it is just an event within a soap opera set in space. Shmi had plenty of reasons to die. Why then? Why not before? Why not in the star ambulance? Would Anakin have set firmly on the path to the dark side had she made it to the space ER? We can't say but in real life things such as these can and do transpire, leaving loved ones with queations medicine can't answer, no matter what technology we or the sci fi world has at its disposal.
    Count Yubnub and heels1785 like this.