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How do you rate "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest"?

Discussion in 'Archive: Census and Games' started by TheBoogieMan, Jul 6, 2006.


How do you rate "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest"?

Poll closed Mar 24, 2012.
  1. 10 - This film is absolutely incredible!

  2. 9

  3. 8

  4. 7

  5. 6

  6. 5

  7. 4

  8. 3

  9. 2

    0 vote(s)
  10. 1 - Words cannot describe how awful this film was!

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  1. Kyptastic

    Kyptastic VIP star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    8 - Not as good as the first in terms of fun, but better in most other areas. I especially enjoyed the Keira Knightly and Johnny Depp scenes, which were a lot better done than any of the Knightly/Orlando Bloom scenes - although I do think Bloom was better in this one than COTBP.

    Barbossa is back :D[:D][face_dancing]

    PS. What would be the odds on a prequal film showing how Jack got the Black Pearl from Jones, and the mutiny and other stuff like that.
  2. -Phoenix-

    -Phoenix- Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 21, 2005
    I gave it a ten. It was just as good as I was hoping.
  3. Ascal_Elessar

    Ascal_Elessar Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 3, 2004
    Six - it was okay, not as good as the first one.
  4. droideka27

    droideka27 Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2002
    9- I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the third!
  5. rodan70

    rodan70 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 1, 2002
    It was ok at best, But that tease of an ending made me mad
  6. FriskyFishy

    FriskyFishy Jedi Youngling

    Aug 19, 2006

    I have a thingy with sequels. I always think bad of them[face_blush]
    But 'Dead Man's Chest' was quite good. I mean, if you want to see good comedy and entertainment then this is the movie :)
    But if you have gone to cinema for angst filled drama and tragedy then I believe you have bought ticket to wrong movie.

    Oh and yeah, the ending was frustrating[face_frustrated]
  7. Dal--Intrepid

    Dal--Intrepid Jedi Master star 5

    Mar 13, 2002
    6 - Convoluted for the sake of being convoluted, but it was funny enough and had enough action to make it enjoyable. Not nearly as good as the original though.
  8. StarWarsFreak444

    StarWarsFreak444 Jedi Master star 7

    Mar 28, 2005
    9 it's really good
  9. LadyPadme

    LadyPadme Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 26, 2002

    Cute but messy. I gave it a 6
  10. Padawan915

    Padawan915 Jedi Master star 6

    Oct 1, 2002
    8 - Solid summer movie, not as great as the original, but still solid.
  11. YukimuraTsukikage-

    YukimuraTsukikage- Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 12, 2006

    I loved it. The first time I saw it was a truly orgasmic experience.

    Aside from the sort of slow beggining, that is
  12. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005

    I thought it was good. It took awhile to get into it, and even then jumped around the park a bit, but I still enjoyed it immensely.

    Oh, and the kraken's graphics were a bit dodgy at times. :p
  13. Chigu

    Chigu Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 25, 2005
    10 - This film is absolutely incredible!

    captain jack is back.
  14. Tyranus_the_Hutt

    Tyranus_the_Hutt Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 14, 2004
    "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man?s Chest" was, for me, a clunky, incoherent, overproduced mess that managed not only to spoil the considerable grace and charm of Keira Knightley, but to submerge a properly amusing Johnny Depp performance beneath a sea of lumbering, repetitive excess. This is a bombastic, waterlogged spectacle populated with characters whose motivations are unnecessarily ambiguous, fastened to a narrative so overstuffed with incident that the film itself nearly threatens to capsize. And I haven?t even mentioned the running time, which is a wholly unnecessary 150-minutes+. POTC2 is as bad as "Half Nelson" is good, which is to say very.

    3/10 (or D+)

    Incidentally, I am among those who enjoyed the first film (which had flaws of its own, though none so severe), so this was a colossal disappointment.
  15. jedikitty19

    jedikitty19 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 23, 2006
  16. Ani_Lover

    Ani_Lover Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 15, 2005
    10 - I loved it.
  17. EmperorSorridom

    EmperorSorridom Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 2, 2005

    It was good, but not quite as much as the first.
  18. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    I back up my number 9 wholeheartedly after just seeing this film for the second time. It was awesome, I loved it even more.

  19. Jaide

    Jaide Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 27, 2004
    8 - It was pretty cool but not as cool as the first movie.
  20. Jedi_Master_Ron

    Jedi_Master_Ron Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 29, 2006
    6 or 7, I didn't much care for the first part of the movie, and the magical old lady or whatever she was wasn't necessary in my opinion. I also feel the film lacked the sort of gripping plot the first one possessed amd was slightly unorganized in a way.
  21. DarthBabe

    DarthBabe Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Mar 18, 2002
    I think "Ask a Ninja" gave the best review for this movie.
  22. Sniper_Wolf

    Sniper_Wolf Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2002
    One. Frakkin' terrible, and I almost walked out. The first time you see Bootstrap is the only good scene in the film. I'm passing on the third one.
  23. black_saber

    black_saber Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 4, 2002
    I would give Pirates an 8 out of 10.
  24. emilsson

    emilsson Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 5, 1998
    4 out of 10

    I thought it dragged for too long in several sequences, such as the whole thing with the cannibals and parts on Davy Jones' ship. I also felt Davy Jones did not work well as a bad guy.

    What saved the movie for me was some of Norrington's scenes, the music and the humour.
  25. darth_paul

    darth_paul Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 24, 2000
    I finally saw this movie, and was absolutely dismayed. It was something of an incoherent mess, and felt distinctly as if they were making it up as they went. It was entirely lacking the fun of the first movie, which was the main thing that made it so wonderful, and at times seemed a bit mean-spirited. Depp was no longer funny (I think they were writing the gags into the script this time around, which was certainly a mistake). And, at the very least, Elizabeth was totally out of character for much of the movie, and particularly toward the end. Plus, the move was too long by an incredible amount.

    I thought when sequels were announced it might be a bad idea, and am now completely convinced of it. The first movie stood on its own beautifully, and sequels should never have been made. I'm just interested enough that I'll see the third (particularly as I like the Barbosa character, though I really wonder how they'll come up with an explanation that's not ridiculous and contrived).

    It's visually incredible, and I'm amazed with what they did with Davy Jones (the scenes of him at the organ were gorgeous), and pretty impressed by the Kraken. But that's about all this movie did for me, and that does not a good movie make. I am utterly uninspired, and award it a 3/10.

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