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ST I Have A Bad Feeling About This - The "Haters" Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Pro Scoundrel , Dec 6, 2019.

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  1. Knightstalker137

    Knightstalker137 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 17, 2003
    Everyone is quick to blame Kathleen Kennedy, and yes she should absolutely be held accountable, but at the end of the day, as head honcho, Iger is where the true blame for this whole debacle falls. He was the one that betrayed George and threw out the story treatment for the true 7-9 in favour of his own creatively bankrupt direction. He thought he and his goons could come up with a better story than a creative genuis like Lucas. Utter arrogance.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  2. PendragonM

    PendragonM Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 7, 2018
  3. Gerak

    Gerak Jedi Knight star 2

    Nov 23, 2019
    This is the canon opening to TROS

  4. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Sorry, but there's no guarantee that Lucas' ideas would have been better. I'd need to see his screenplays before making that determination.
    ImpKnight likes this.
  5. Jedi_Fenrir767

    Jedi_Fenrir767 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 16, 2013
    Michael Arndt was adapting them but it was taking to long so they went with JJ and Kasdan whether the films would have been good or not one this is for sure it would have felt consistent as a trilogy and with the rest of the Saga and not a high budget fan film
  6. KSennia

    KSennia Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 5, 2012
    I just got back from seeing this in a small, but packed theater. It wasn't as incompetently done as I'd feared. There are some things that look better on the screen than they do on paper. Especially if your entire movie is nothing but cool looking scenes, rather than an actual story. Although, there was a very thin and shallow story there that was alright.

    It's not a good film, but it was a fairly enjoyable viewing experience. I covered my eyes during the kiss scene. Kylo's death wasn't as funny as I'd hoped. In my head his flopping over dead looked funnier, but on screen he just kinda lies down and disappears. So meh to that. No one laughed at it in my theater.

    I did laugh when the trillion ships appear during the final battle, that was so over the top ridiculous. But fun if you don't care about logic, and the characters certainly appreciated it.

    Palpy was fun. Not scary. Kinda confusing. He sure changes his mind a lot, and he doesn't learn from his mistakes. Maybe when he comes back the third time he'll finally learn to stop shooting lightning when someone aims a lightsaber at him. And also, don't announce your plans to everyone. Just do evil in secret. That's what you're best at.

    I hated the end scene when Rey goes to Tattooine for no reason, and buries two perfectly good light sabers in the sand. When she tells the stranger lady that she's Rey Skywalker, I immediately replied with, "no, you're not."

    Leia's death was sooo stupid. But tears came to my eyes when Chewie cried. I thought they did a great job on cgi'ing the faces of young Luke and Leia during their training flashback.

    I like Dio, and Babu Frik, and the little rat things in the desert, and the alien children watching the puppet show. C3Po's stuff was funny and entertaining. I didn't feel sad about his "death" scene since I knew it wasn't real. Poor R2 got shafted with nothing to do.

    Lucky Lando and Chewie were the only OT characters to survive. I enjoyed Lando's scenes. Shame they left him being Jannah's dad so vague.

    If Luke had the wayfinder the whole time why didn't he ever go after Palpatine? Or did ghost Luke find the wayfinder for Rey because he somehow knew she was going to show up on the island? I was confused by that part.

    I didn't mind the Rey and Kylo stuff, except the kiss part. And his scene with Han was a nice mirror of the bridge scene, although if it was real, and it was Leia doing that which was what killed her, that would have been better. Like if she managed to make Han a force ghost, and then he could have been smiling with the group at the end along with Ben, that would have been nice.

    I sort of feel like Kylo's resurrecting Rey was a little pointless because with the way Disney treats heroes, she's already done her one heroic thing, and now she's likely just gonna settle down on Tattooine and farm moisture for the rest of her life. I got the feeling she was retiring rather than preparing to open up a Jedi school to train the next generation.

    I'd love a Disney + series with young, recast Poe and Zorri Bliss as spice smugglers with hearts of gold. Although at the same time I wanted Poe and Finn to kiss during the celebration party. In my head those two are going to settle down together, work for the new Republic Military, maybe. If there is even going to be a new, new republic. Who knows?

    TFA should have had Finn be part of Jannah's battallion, and shown them defecting for actual reasons, and then convincing their friends to defect, too. And then had them go on to rescue the new children being stolen for the final movie.

    As it is now, I feel like you could easily go straight from ROTJ to this movie and not miss anything of importance. It works out even better for Luke since we could then assume he died heroically trying to stop Palpatine.

    There should have been a post credits scene, ala Marvel, where Evil Rey appears on Exogol where she flips a switch and Palpatine and all his sith eternal suddenly reappear. And have it end with Palpy chuckling creepily, like he does. It would have made as much sense as the rest of this movie did, and would have looked cool, too.

    Oh yeah, I also laughed when the Knights are walking past the stormies, and one says to the other, "those are the knights of ren," and the other one goes, "cool." You just know those guys have knights of ren action figures hidden in their bunks.

    All in all, it's my favorite of the ST, and the ST is my least favorite of the trilogies. TLJ goes behind it and TFA gets the very bottom spot.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  7. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Hey, it worked for the OT!

    Well, thanks to this film, there's really no guarantee that Palatine is truly dead, soooo...
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  8. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    Rey takes the Wayfinder out of Kylo's burning TIE fighter.
    KSennia, MeBeJedi and kalzeth like this.
  9. Nipuhanipera

    Nipuhanipera Force Ghost star 5

    May 25, 2014
    We can talk about it until we're blue in the face, but as long as the money keeps rolling in at a reasonable pace, nobody will be held accountable. At least not publicly.
  10. Jedi_Fenrir767

    Jedi_Fenrir767 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 16, 2013
    Igor is a smart business man though i think he just overestimated the capabilities of those around him. Heck he let Feige build the MCU and then wrest complete control of all Marvel characters from pretty much everyone. He figured the people that studied at the feet of Lucas and were recommended actually new what they were doing. Instead he hired a bunch of Yes people that let things get as bad as they did.
  11. Glitterstimm

    Glitterstimm Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2017
    I think what happened was, Kylo had a wayfindinder in his TIE Fighter, the one he found at the beginning of the movie. Rey crashed the TIE Fighter on Ach-to, but the wayfindinder was still inside it, intact, I guess.

    You just made me think of something kind of dumb, another little slight against Luke's legacy. He and Lando were looking for Ochii's ship on Pasana, along with evidence about where Palpatine is, or at least what Ochii was doing. That much we know because Lando outright said it. But Luke obviously failed because the ship and dagger and D-O and remains of (presumably) Rey's parents were still there. And then Rey swoops in and just discovers it all by ACCIDENT. Luke friggin Skywalker, Jedi Knight couldn't finish this quest, but Rey gets it done without barely trying.

    They really can't let Luke win at anything can they? [face_beatup]
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  12. KSennia

    KSennia Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 5, 2012
    Oh, okay. The wayfinder coming from Kylo's ship makes sense. Thanks!

    And yeah, poor Luke. He probably inherited his dad's hatred of sand, and quicksand is the worst! So he stayed far away from it, rather than accidentally falling through it like Rey, who probably loves sand.

    Darth Hater and Glitterstimm like this.
  13. MasterPrince713

    MasterPrince713 Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 13, 2017
    No, but the stuff would have had Star Wars spirit and kept to its established in-universe rules as opposed to people who thought they knew better than Lucas himself and actual dedicated actors, whilst destroying all its original characters accomplishments, general SW movie traditions and everything else that made SW as famous as it is today. Or somebody looking to make something controversial purely for its own sake and not the story.

    Is the PT, one of Lucas' creations, flawed? Though I loved it greatly and it was my childhood, I will admit to this. But Lucas mostly kept to his vision. Disregarding Jar Jar. Let's phase it, that Gungan's role was phased out.

    So yes, utter arrogance.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  14. ForceGhostPrincessLeia

    ForceGhostPrincessLeia Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2018
    Okay, this is my first sanctuary thread so please forgive my ignorance. So it's pretty standard for people who don't hate the movie to hang out in the hater's thread just to chime in when they think someone said something they can prove wrong? Does proper etiquette demand I start each post with a salutation to the lurking defenders?
    Leia chose not to train as a Jedi. Tptb decided to change that at some point, but that does not change the fact that it IS a change from where the character was in TFA.
    "It was a great question and one that we talked about a lot — even with Carrie [Fisher] — if there was another, why did she not take advantage of this natural Force strength that she's got?"

    "One of the answers was that it was simply a choice that she made...That her decision to run the rebellion and, ultimately, this resistance and consider herself a general as opposed to a Jedi, it was simply a choice that she took. Not that there's any regret that she could have [become a Jedi] and didn't."

    -JJ Abrams

    If Leia could have force smacked Kylo out of his Nazi phase, the time for that was before sending Han to his death. It also shouldn't have killed her, but we know consistency isn't a strong suit of this trilogy's writers. Even if she knew it would kill her, Leia would absolutely choose to make that sacrifice earlier rather than later, instead of allowing Kylo to keep slaughtering innocents.
    Oh, well done! ^:)^
    Oh, no. I don't like that.
    Because it's the only way to learn the 90% of the story in the movie that the movie refused to tell?

    But yeah, not wasting any money on that.
    Dear lord, yes, this nails it exactly! Except he already forgave himself and moved on, no biggie.
  15. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Oh, TROS was filled to the brim with Star Wars spirit...and I imagine Lucas' version would have been as well.

    "The way I work is that I cut the movie together, I look at it and figure out what I'm missing. At that point, it's more about how the movie flows together rather than how the script flows together. I'm acknowledging more and more that a script and a movie are two different things." - George Lucas: The Annotated Screenplays

    Sorry, but again, Lucas is no guarantee. The OT and PT have their fair share of mistakes as well.

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    Nate787 likes this.
  16. Vicarious Fan

    Vicarious Fan Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 1, 2013
    accountable how? I mean only 1 of the movies is going to lose money.

    and to be fair. George Lucas wanted this to be the next big official Star Wars project

    KSennia likes this.
  17. Nipuhanipera

    Nipuhanipera Force Ghost star 5

    May 25, 2014
    The problem is that he didn't do anything when things started to go wrong for SW. For whatever reason. And now we're here.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  18. insideguy

    insideguy Jedi Padawan star 2

    Dec 22, 2019
    The thing is except for AOTC and Solo nothing as far as box office has ever gone wrong with this franchise. There is no franchise that makes this type of bank for so long. Actually not even sure AOTC was a box office failure I think it just underperformed.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    Jedi Ben and Miles Lodson like this.
  19. Shadao

    Shadao Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2017
    This is my review from the review thread.

    I must say that it were plenty of good scenes and potential in the film. The problem I had was that Abrams was not committed to one path. And it's honestly the biggest weakness in Rey's character and ST as a whole.

    Like, they wanted Rey Nobody for the meta-message of anyone can be a Jedi, Rey Palpatine for defying your evil blood, Rey Skywalker for inheriting Luke Skywalker's legacy, and Rey Solo for the brother-sister dynamic with Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (they do not work as a couple imo).

    Like, what does Abrams want the ST to be about? This is what happens when he leaves everything open-ended in TFA for that Mystery Box gimmick.
  20. Vorax

    Vorax Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 10, 2014
    The First Order not the Fat Order...
  21. Vinylshadow

    Vinylshadow Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 3, 2017
    Can't wait for the NuEU to flesh out Luke's academy and give Ben twenty different love interests over the few years it existed before conveniently exploding so Ben isn't a murderer and can be shipped with Rey without it being weird, creepy, offensive, and glorifying toxic abusive relationships

    (Don't search for #Reylo on Twitter, because yikes)
  22. Glitterstimm

    Glitterstimm Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2017
    I'm all for making fun of Disney, they're a squid monster devouring culture and spitting out ink in its place, but I'm leery to make fun of Disneyland employees. They work very hard for low wages, and do the best they can with what Disney gives them. If their bosses tell them to jump into roles that don't meet audience expectations, that's not their fault, that's on Disney.
  23. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    Hell, even Hamill changed his tune about TLJ after The Mouse had a talk with him, and this is a guy who regularly denounces Trump on Twitter.
  24. nilzo antonio

    nilzo antonio Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 31, 2015
    One thing i really don't get is the timeline. When TFA come out it's said to be 30 years after the death of Palpatine; Rey was suposed to be about 18 that time.
    So how could the Emperor be after her since he was already dead ? Or the idea is that he never died and nobody, even imperial loyalists remaining didn't know it ?
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    Jedi_Fenrir767 and PendragonM like this.
  25. Vinylshadow

    Vinylshadow Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 3, 2017
    Don't hate the actors, hate the directors and writers, simple as that

    Can't wait until the actors are allowed to be honest about their characters - it promises to be glorious

    I wanna know how Gwendoline Christie feels about Phasma, especially after initially praising having an intimidating female villain
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