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Beyond - Legends I, Mara Jade - post-TTT AU (L/M) - COMPLETED - sequel A/N & ginchy-shine posted 12/6/11!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by JediMara77, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Saber: Thank you!

    So why am I upping this very old thread?

    Because Iverna was so lovely as to create this gorgeous piece of cover art and I can't stop squeeing over it. [face_love]


  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Perfect for a perfect story=D==D=
  3. Ridley Solo

    Ridley Solo Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2010
    Good thing you did up it, or I never might have found this! This is an amazing peice of work! Love it! =D=

    Perfect balance of :eek: , [face_blush] , :_| , :p , and [face_laugh] !

    Long live Luke and Mara! [face_dancing]
  4. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Thank you, earlybird and JainaSoloYJK. I'm glad you enjoyed. :)
  5. rebel_cheese

    rebel_cheese Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 6, 2006
    This is a very interesting look at Mara as she becomes a Jedi but also becomes closer to Luke. This is something not really shown in canon thanks to the timeskip between Vision of the Future and NJO, and the JJK and YJK weren't allowed to reveal who Luke's wife would eventually be. So this works well as "fill in the blanks" if you're willing to alter a few things, as well as an AU.

    Very good work overall, and I'm glad you wrote it. It's an epic undertaking and you found Mara's voice really well.
  6. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Thanks so much for reading, rebel_cheese.

    In other news - Lane_Winree is a horrible, horrible influence on me...which means I'm currently brainstorming ideas for a sequel. :mad: Which won't see the light of day for awhile - if it ever happens (trying to remind myself how awful it was to write an entire fic in first person) - because I have other things to write right now. :p
  7. Jedi_QueenBee

    Jedi_QueenBee Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 5, 2008
    Don't think too hard JediMara77!!!
  8. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Oh, I'm thinking! :p

    I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who nominated this fic for the Beyond awards. It qualified for:

    Best Alternate Universe
    Best All Around
    Best Epic
    Best Canon Interpretation, Male (Luke Skywalker)
    Best Canon Interpretation, Female (Mara Jade)

    Thank you all so much! [:D]

  9. RedGold

    RedGold Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 29, 2004
    Great story, lots of tug and pull and evil-ness as requried for a L/M fic. :D
  10. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Thank you very much, RedGold. :)
  11. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who voted for this story in the fanfiction awards. Thanks to you it won:

    Best Epic (tie)
    Best Canon Interpretation, Male (Luke Skywalker)
    Best Canon Interpretation, Female (Mara Jade) (tie)

    The last two awards especially mean a lot to me, as this fic was mainly about those two characters and their long road to being together. Being inside Mara's head was a daunting task, and showing Luke as a well-rounded character, while never writing from his POV, proved to be more difficult than I could have imagined. So thank you very very very much for these awards; I appreciate them so very much.

    I am also brainstorming another fic to take place in this timeline...we'll see what happens.

  12. Iverna

    Iverna Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 20, 2008
    I'm still in the process of playing catch-up with this story, but I'm really enjoying it! I'm really glad that you like the cover. And congrats on the awards - from what I've read so far, they're definitely well-deserved! [:D] This fic is so much fun to read, wonderful job!
  13. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Iverna: Thanks so much! I'm really glad you are enjoying this fic. :) You know, I always had ideas for artwork from this fic, too, as well as another one... I might be sending some more requests your way! [face_laugh]
  14. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    I think I started to read this at one point but lost track of it, due to having a newborn at home (that'll do it to you! LOL). I was glad to find it again and have been reading on it here and there and finally finished today on my lunch break (and maybe a few minutes after my lunch break, too, but [face_shhh]).

    I really like this AU, I like how Mara was able to fully forgive herself and the depth of feeling you put between L/M--no hasty proposals here and some kissing before it, too!! :D I'm always up for post-TTT AUs and I love the exploration of Mara as a Jedi.

    Plus, I just plain like how you write Mara with Luke, too often I feel that she's written as overbearing and he's written as too childish and why would a she want a man like that and vise-versa? So great job!!

    A great read and if you do write a sequel I'll be the first in line to read! :D
  15. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    ginchy: Yay! I'm so glad you took the time to read this! :D

    I really like this AU, I like how Mara was able to fully forgive herself and the depth of feeling you put between L/M--no hasty proposals here and some kissing before it, too!!

    Heh, kissing and more. ;)

    I'm always up for post-TTT AUs and I love the exploration of Mara as a Jedi.

    Me, too. It's a very interesting concept to explore, considering her past as Emperor's Hand and smuggler. I think all those aspects make up who she is and I would have liked to see more of that private training between her and Luke that took place pre-Union. (And I don't mean in that way, lol!) The fact that she was willing to have a Jedi ceremony shows how much she grew as a person.

    Plus, I just plain like how you write Mara with Luke, too often I feel that she's written as overbearing and he's written as too childish and why would a she want a man like that and vise-versa? So great job!!

    Aww, thanks. [:D] I love writing Mara, she's so complex and it's always fun to sit and wonder "What would Mara Jade do?" And of course I just love writing L/M together, in every phase of their relationship. Although it's always fun when they stop the BS and are just together. [face_love] If I ever get around to a sequel (grumble grumble I have too much to write already) it's going to be so much fun to write, with them being happily married. :)

    A great read and if you do write a sequel I'll be the first in line to read!

    Haha, well now I feel obligated to write one! ;)
  16. CurtisZidaneZiraa

    CurtisZidaneZiraa Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 18, 2010
    totally phenominal. Absolutely. You completely deserved your awards.
  17. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    Okay, ginchy's been up to no good again. [face_mischief] You can find an AU ginchy-shine outtake to Chapter 18 of this fic on SWFF or I can PM it to you if you're safely over the age of 18.

    You can tell nanowrimo is over when I'm back to my naughty ways. [face_laugh][face_laugh]
  18. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Curtis: Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed.

    ginchy: You're the best!

    Everyone else:

    1. Go read the ginchy shine!

    2. For the past several months I've been brainstorming ideas for a sequel to I, Mara Jade. With help from the lovely and talented ginchy, I have finally finished my NEARLY ANGST-FREE outline. I am really looking forward to writing it and I hope you guys are, too. And here's a sneak peek.


    Title: Walking the Sky
    Author: JediMara77
    Characters: Mara Jade Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Daric LaRone, Soontir Fel, Chaf'orm'bintrano (Aristocra Formbi), Prard'ras'kleoni (General Drask), Dean Jinzler, Rida Hano, Callista Masana
    Timeframe: 14 ABY, in the I, Mara Jade timeline, in which Mara became a Jedi Knight in 11 ABY and married Luke one year later. It is not necessary to read that fic to understand this one, although I would love it if you did.
    Genre: Drama, Mystery, Action
    Summary: Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker accompany representatives from the mysterious Chiss Ascendancy and Empire of the Hand to investigate the remains of the long-lost Outbound Flight project. Will investigating the past give the Skywalkers the knowledge to save their future?

    There but for the Will of the Force go I.
  19. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005

    ahem. This is not the ginchy you're looking for. ;)
  20. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
  21. Ridley Solo

    Ridley Solo Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 27, 2010
    Sequel? =P~ OOOHHHHH!!!!! Can't wait!
  22. the-Naboo-council

    the-Naboo-council Jedi Youngling

    Apr 11, 2010
    can you send me the ginchy shine please