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Sac, CA I was gonna Make a Cd-rom of Fanfilms and Trailers for our Fanforce

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by sacul-1138, Jan 21, 2002.

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  1. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    AWESOME!!!!!!!!! TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!
  2. Monsoon-Tier

    Monsoon-Tier Jedi Youngling

    May 27, 2001
    Your the man SAC.
  3. Aunt Jar Jar Mimah

    Aunt Jar Jar Mimah Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 10, 1999
    Another 2:00am? What? Is everyone in our group nocturnal??

  4. sacul-1138

    sacul-1138 Jedi Youngling star 5

    Nov 9, 2000
    So....did they work ok for everyone?
  5. bright sith

    bright sith Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 27, 1999
    I haven't looked through the whole thing yet, but everything I saw was perfect. Thanks a bunch, again.

    And oh, I was planning to make a post at 5 am Sunday morning, but my connection failed me. As for why I was up, let's just say it wasn't a pretty night.
  6. Aunt Jar Jar Mimah

    Aunt Jar Jar Mimah Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 10, 1999

    I'm afraid I haven't tried yet. I'm really thrilled to have it though! I can't wait to play with it. I'm worried my home computer won't run anything well. I should bring it into the office early someday.

    Thanks again! It's a wonderful thing to have!
  7. Jeremyguy

    Jeremyguy Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 11, 1998
    This looks like a cool thing. I'd be up for a copy if I could ever make it to a FanForce meeting.
  8. Aunt Jar Jar Mimah

    Aunt Jar Jar Mimah Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 10, 1999
    It's *SO* fantastic!! Thanks sacul! We loved American Jedi and the Jar Jar Biography especially. *Fan*tastic!!

    Thanks!! :D
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