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I'd never thought I'd say this

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by LadyVader81, May 25, 2001.

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  1. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999're sounding like a deranged holiday rep
  2. Wormie2

    Wormie2 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 22, 1999
    Sorry. I just love Texas. It's my home. If only it weren't so damn humid 9 months out of the year.

    LOL, Chilled! Nah, you're safe. It's a big city. LV's in Arlington which is a suburb of Dallas right now. I used to live in Richardson. If she wanted to drive out of the city today, it'd take her a few hours to get out into the country.
  3. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    lol I get back to gatwick on sunday 8am.....can u say ouch....I am gonna have to stay online to keep me awake
  4. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    IMO the emty space it the BEST thing about America.
  5. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    I'd probably like it more if I had stayed in houston or dallas, but in the country.....not again
  6. Wormie2

    Wormie2 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 22, 1999
    You have empty space. It seems as though I drove through a lot of it the first time I was there.
  7. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    Oh I think it's their breakfast cearal

    Sugar Coated chocolate marshmallows with fizzy space dust...

    Full of breakfast goodness
  8. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    IMO Montana is the most beautiful place on the planet.
  9. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    lol all i eaten since i been here is junk food ....cant wait for a salad :p
  10. Soggy-Ben Doggy

    Soggy-Ben Doggy Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 9, 1999
    No, Wyoming is the most beautiful.
  11. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    your biased. :p
  12. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    That's all there is....when I was New York...I went to this restuarant in the 'village' the time I was a veggie and asked for something without meat...they said they could knock up a light none meat snack for me..I thought that sounds great...

    This is what I got...

    7 pan cakes stuffed with green onions
    dripping in butter, sour cream and cheese..
    and about 6 million french fries swimming in mayonasie...

    I could feel my arteries hardening just looking at it...
  13. Wormie2

    Wormie2 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 22, 1999
    I rather like Denver. But I'm more of a beach person. Give me California or Corpus Christie, Texas anyday!
  14. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    may I just say .....ewww lol
  15. Jumping Jedi Flash

    Jumping Jedi Flash Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 21, 1999
    lol just eat junk food!!!

    thats the american way aint it? mcdonalds wanted every american to have a store within 4 miles. 1 billion burgers sold !!!! (probably a day)!

    A change of scenery is good thou, "a wide open space"

  16. Soggy-Ben Doggy

    Soggy-Ben Doggy Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 9, 1999
    AlphaWolf, Montana is right next to Wyoming and if you thought Montana's beautiful, then you should see Wyoming. The area around the Tetons and Yellowstone is beyond description. I'd move there in a heartbeat, but my hubby's a lizard who loves the sun and couldn't stand heavy snow all winter long.
  17. Wormie2

    Wormie2 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 22, 1999
    Oh please, we don't all eat like that! Not all the time, anyway. ;)

    Next time, ask for a fruit salad or a just a salad....duh.
  18. Soggy-Ben Doggy

    Soggy-Ben Doggy Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 9, 1999
    Wormie -- California pays 50% more for electricity than any other state. As of this month, we just got an additional 89% increase.
  19. Arun Dale

    Arun Dale Jedi Knight star 6

    Sep 21, 1999
    Sorry even your salads have skittles in them...

    Favourite place in America

    New England....
  20. Wormie2

    Wormie2 Jedi Knight star 6

    Feb 22, 1999
    Yeah, I know. They also have more pollution and higher property taxes not to mention earth quakes....

    Yeah, yeah, yeah....

    I still love California.
  21. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    yep I love california too
  22. Soggy-Ben Doggy

    Soggy-Ben Doggy Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 9, 1999
    Hmmmm, no pollution where I live.
  23. Soggy-Ben Doggy

    Soggy-Ben Doggy Jedi Knight star 5

    Dec 9, 1999
    LV, where did you visit in California?
  24. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    k, even though I done A-Level geography {and passed ok!}} I find myself asking:

    There's beaches in Texas?

    - If so, I may have to go after all.

    I need a good beach at the moment.
  25. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    I been LA....Sacramento....san fransisco....a town called vacaville (plus places around there)
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