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Discussions If the Legends continuity were further expanded, what stories would you add?

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by The Emotional Jedi, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    If you were in charge of the further expansion of the Legends continuity, what stories would you add to further expand the universe? What Era would you explore further and how would you continue the story after the Legacy comics?

    If I could decide how to further expand the Legends universe, then I would commission the creation of a lot of material (novels, comics and maybe a vídeo game) set in the New Sith Wars period, as we have very little material on this period today. In addition, I would commission the creation of a trilogy of novels that tell in detail the background story of Shaak-Ti, because in my opinion she deserves a trilogy of novels: a novel set in the time of her youth, another novel set in the time of the Clone Wars (based ont the Multimedia Project material) and another novel set during the period of her exile on Felucia. In addition, I would commission the creation of some comics and novels to tell some stories from the High Republic period (900 BBY - 100 BBY), since in the Legends continuity there is practically nothing about this period (except the Darth Bane Trilogy) and perhaps some novels and comics could be created to tell some planetary conflicts that the Jedi had to solve or something like that. In addition, I would commission the creation of Volume 3 and 4 of the Legacy comics to definitively conclude the story of the Skywalker family. After Volume 4 there should be no more stories about the Skywalkers and the Saga should focus on other characters belonging to other families.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
    AusStig and Dark Ferus like this.
  2. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    I honestly feel Legends should have ended with NJO, or at least the immediate post Endor storyline should have.

    Legacy should have happened like 200 years after Endor, not the about 100 it did I feel.

    As it stands I don't know what I would do to add to legends, other than flat out retconning some parts.

    If anything I feel try a fresh start in a completly new time period but that's something that could happen in the New Canon as well.
    spiderhat, Alpha-Red and Bel505 like this.
  3. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    I think the Legends universe should have an end, but I think this end should be in 25,000 ABY. The Republic exists since 25000 BBY, therefore the Legends universe must end in 25,000 ABY, so that the whole universe is perfectly symmetrical, with the 6 main films in the center and everything else on the sides in a perfectly symmetrical time scale.
  4. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Then let me rephrase it to "Skysolo Story should have ended with NJO" you could have a few one off novel with the characters post sure and maybe Legacy featuring their distant descendants but that should have been it.
    AusStig, Alpha-Red and pellaeon01 like this.
  5. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    I think the issue with far future stuff(e.g. 25,000 ABY as an end date) is how to keep the SW aesthetic. Technology may progress slowly in SW, but by that time it won’t even look like SW.

    I think…at most 5,000 ABY is a reasonable far future date. Anything else, you can show in visions or maybe short stories.

    Some areas I’d like to see expanded is more of the republic’s history-it’s 25,000 years of potential stories to tell. Many thousands of years are only described in essential guides. That’s a writer’s sandbox.

    I’d like to see novels set in the legacy and immediate post legacy era. More novels on the rule of two Sith. (Ideally from Zannah to Plagueis).

    A death of the big three series or anthology, more pre republic content, stories set during the Vong war and so on and so forth.

    Really there is an ocean of untapped potential if the EU were ever continued.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  6. pellaeon01

    pellaeon01 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 12, 2021
    Although I agree with this, the damage has already been done. Because FoTJ and Crucible were such crappy endings to their story, I'd love one final trilogy where it's all neatly tied up, and after one last hurrah that establishes a lasting peace, they all gracefully retire and eventually pass away.

    Yes please, there's so much there that could be fleshed out. I'd also love to have some novels covering the adventures of Bane's heirs over their 1000 year existance
    AusStig likes this.
  7. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Well with Legacy coming I think that doesn´t make sense. Plus lasting peace is more or less established. Plus I think giving the big 3 even more screentime would be just be furthering the mistakes that played a part in breaking legends in the first place.
    pellaeon01 likes this.
  8. adalmentia

    adalmentia Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 12, 2020
    Revelation that Jacen Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker, Vestara Khai, Tahiri Veila, Callista Ming and Kenth Hamner were alive and safe with Danni Quee on Zonama Sekot and that they had been replaced by clones soon after the events of TUF
    The only post Crucible that I could accept
    AusStig, Doompup, Slater and 2 others like this.
  9. Darth Gravid, Darth Millennial ,Yoda origin story
  10. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    If I had to say one thing, it would be a zannah/Cognus trilogy.
  11. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    History of the Yuuzhan Vong. Origins, Silentium/Abominor War, Cremlevian War, their exodus, arriving in our Galaxy.
    The Banite Sith.
    A Legacy Vol. 3 where Maul and Talon team up, plots from Darth Plagueis are tied, plots in, characters and other things are tied in from Dawn of the Jedi.
    The Silentium and Abominor meeting the Yuuzhan Vong again, the Return of the Whills, setting up the Jedi/Sith Council situation in 500 ABY from the original plans for TFU, Jedi and or Sith end up at that planet from the Yoda arc in TCW S6. Abeloth returns? Tilotny returns to help redeem her, perhaps?
  12. Darth_Kevin

    Darth_Kevin Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 30, 2001
    I would have been most interested in the planned book Sword of the Jedi (which I would wager was nearly completed at the time of the Disney purchase).

    Imperial Commando 2 would have been cool too. I think Karen Traviss had made some progress on it before it was cancelled.
    Doompup likes this.
  13. Ackbar's Fishsticks

    Ackbar's Fishsticks Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 25, 2013
    Primarily the Dark Times (ROTS-to-ANH), which were horribly underserved by Legends continuity.

    More specifically:

    * Some books about the Reconquest of the Rim, preferably with existing characters like Pellaeon and/or Rogriss as the POV-characters, showing the Imperials wiping out the last Separatist holdouts as well as clamping down on pirates, warlords, and the like. Don't skimp on showing us the nasty side of the Empire (especially as the series goes on), but make it clear that there's a reason so many people were initially relieved when they came into office.

    * A politics novel, preferably written by James Luceno, showing this era from the POV of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Garm Bel Iblis. (Especially Bel Iblis, honestly). Show us how they gradually evolve from political opposition to actual guerrilla leaders, show them repeatedly trying and failing to fight "through the system" to oppose Palpatine's takeover of everything and slowly realizing that they're going to need to tear the whole thing down by force.

    * Bring back Michael Stackpole to write a series of books about Rostek and Hal Horn being CorSec by day, Jedi Underground Railroad by night. Like the X-wing series, there's a lot of opportunity here to show you insights into several parts of the Star Wars universe while maintaining a ground-level perspective: the refugee storyline shows you the aftermath of Order 66, but CorSec office politics will show you what it looks like to be on a planet that's slowly being Imperialized (and the resistance to such), and the crime angle lets you bring back a crazy number of iconic figures that we know were active in this era and important to the outcome: this is the time when Flirry Vorru and Jorj Car'das were big, and when Xizor and Talon Karrde were rising to power (and meanwhile, Booster Terrik and his precocious daughter were running around in the background during Booster's own glory days).

    For the OT and immediate post-OT era:

    * Mainly the Reenlistment of Baron Fel (which I really hope Zahn and Stackpole will find some way to release, some day, some how, even if it's just a leak on the Internet). That can lead into some Unknown Regions stuff, with Thrawn being a point-of-view character, but Baron Fel and the Hand of Judgment as well. Basically, I'd like some equivalent to NuCanon's Thrawn books, only instead of Thrawn books, they're more Empire of the Hand books, with Thrawn being one of the stars but not the only one.

    * Also: did they ever end up giving us buddy stories with Mara Jade and Mirax Terrik going on an adventure together? They should do that. Doesn't have to be long, can even be just a short story or a comic like Luke and Mara's wedding, but it should exist.

    For the post-NJO era: well, I really just don't like the post-NJO era very much, but as long as it's out there:

    * Sword of the Jedi trilogy. Yes, obviously.

    * Aaron Allston is tragically dead, but since Mercy Kill was the only part of the post-NJO I was really attached to, I really would have liked it to be the kicking off point for a 2.0 version of the X-wing novels. I also would have liked to see it return to some of the stuff raised in the FOTJ series, particularly the slave uprisings, and have a whole hazily plotted out story arc in my head where they end up assigned to some anti-slavery task force that ends up butting heads against the Hutts. You'd have a real job finding someone who can pick up Allston's torch, though.

    * This isn't really serious, but I've started going through FOTJ again and the whole thing in the beginning where Daala assigns observers to each Jedi that drive them nuts kind of jump-started an idea for a sort of buddy cop series in this era - centered around one of the less consequential Jedi that we've either never met before or met only in passing. The point of which would be to turn the whole dynamic on his head: instead of being furious at his observer, the Jedi decides to just welcome him with open arms and let him in on everything he's doing, saying, oh, hi, nice to meet you, actually I'm kind of in the middle of trying to expose this illegal slaving ring that operates in Coruscant's lower levels. Wanna come with? The observer in turn turns out to be a former investigative reporter, or police detective, or Internal Affairs officer, who used to look into this kind of crime and corruption for a living, and decides, this guy's not so bad, sure, let's do it! By the time the story's over, they're basically the Riggs and Murtaugh of the Star Wars universe, inseparable, effective, and kind of a sign that, oh yeah, neither the Jedi nor oversight of the Jedi has to be a disaster if people are willing to work together like grown-@$$ adults. (Well, mostly adults. I am using Riggs and Murtaugh as a template, after all).
  14. Bel505

    Bel505 Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2006
    More stories with Luke and Mara, or Luke, Mara, and Ben as a family.
    Doompup and Ackbar's Fishsticks like this.
  15. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    The Bpfasshi Jedi Uprising by Zahn.
  16. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    I think more stuff about the NJO-not centered on the Skysolo family, the Hutt campaign, maybe with Nas Choka as the main POV, and stories from the perspective of regular GA soldiers-something we really don't see much in the NJO, at most its elite pilots or operatives. But regular NR army units fighting the Vong and the like.
  17. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    - Continue Dawn of the Jedi
    - “Dawn of the Sith”, an Ostrander/Duursema comic series about the Hundred-Year Darkness that ties into Dawn of the Jedi.
    - A Freedon Nadd novel by James Luceno
    - Novels about Zannah and Cognus after the events of Dynasty of Evil.
    - A Darth Tenebrous novel.
  18. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    I wouldn’t mind a multi author series that continues the story of the Banites from Zannah to Plagueis. That could be pretty amazing if done well.
  19. GunganSlayer

    GunganSlayer Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 24, 2013
    Sword of the Jedi basically comes to my mind first. Such a shame it wasn't released, as I feel it was pretty near completion at the time of the Disney acquisition.

    I sometimes hold onto some hope that they'll go back and release it, and other stories, under the Legends banner. I think enough time has passed since the acquisition and the discontinuing of the old EU timeline, and enough time has passed where Lucasfilm has released several films and a variety of books and comics under the new timeline. The "new" stuff is firmly established, and releasing additional stories under a separate timeline I feel will not confuse the fan base, nor general consumers. Tons of properties, particularly in sci-fi an fantasy, have a variety of stories told across different timelines and universes. Releasing under a separate banner also easily increases the amount of stories that can be told, and creates new opportunities for authors. It also in no way will distract from the main, "unified" timeline Lucasfilm has established. We have already seen a variety of instances where there has been conflict & inconsistencies across different media in the new timeline, and we also have the upcoming "Star Wars: Visions" TV series which seems to suggest "alternate" stories, so why not continue the Legends universe?

    Anyways--yeah, I would have loved Sword of the Jedi and the continuation of the Imperial Commando story lines. I would have liked further adventures under the X-Wing series, too.
    Doompup likes this.
  20. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    If I were in charge of the Expanded Universe I would publish an official announcement, announcing the expulsion of TCW and the related materials from the Legends continuity, because TCW and the Expanded Universe cannot be together. But, since Ahsoka is a wonderful character and I wish she could also exist in the Legends timeline, despite the expulsion of TCW from the Expanded Universe I probably would commission the creation of a comic series to tell her story, modifying her story so that it does not contradict the Clone Wars Multimedia Project but at the same time preserving the essence of the character without changing her personality that we love so much. Probably the only TCW-related media I would leave within the Expanded Universe are the TCW webcomics, because I don’t think they contradict the pre-Filoni Clone Wars timeline. Everything else, however, should be expelled.
    Alpha-Red likes this.
  21. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    I would avoid the clone wars and all related content, its been overdone.

    I would focus on the decline of the republic, the pre republic, and the old republic.

    Probably with NJO stories and novellas focusing on other Jedi or soldiers, or people in general, more Vong stuff, maybe a Legacy novelization.

    A Dark Empire novelization, and some small scale story set in between DNT and LOTF would also be stuff I'd want to do.
  22. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    I’d like to add more content from the Clone Wars Era because it’s my favorite Star Wars Era. I know it’s a very explored Era and we know practically everything about it, but I think we could add more content. After all, the only content I want to add to the Clone Wars Era is a simple comic book series, created to introduce a character that in other ways could not be present in the Expanded Universe, that is precisely Ahsoka. I don’t care about making post-Crucible content, because everything that officially exists between the New Jedi Order novels and the Legacy comics doesn’t exist for me, so I wouldn’t care about commissioning the creation of new content set in this time period.

    I know it’s a very unpopular opinion, but personally I’d like to completely rewrite Dark Empire. In my opinion the Dark Empire comics make Anakin’s sacrifice in Return of the Jedi useless and contradict the concept of the Chosen One Prophecy we saw in the movies. Therefore, they would have to be rewritten to eliminate the contradictions with the Prequels. Perhaps the story could be the same, but at the end of the comics Anakin's Force Ghost appears to take down Palpatine once and for all. This way the Chosen One Prophecy would not be counterdecided and at the same time 90% of the original Dark Empire story could be preserved, as I said only the end would need to be modified. I know that many of you probably hate the concept of the Chosen One Prophecy, but it was something that was created by George Lucas in the movies and that, like it or not, is there and cannot be ignored.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  23. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    I think that opens a giant can of worms, if you say "I want to remove something, completly, except that one major aspect". It turns the whole thing into a back and forth, half backed slog I feel.

    The problem is that fitting Ashoka into the Legends canon is pretty hard. Because in legends Anakin only ever becomes a Jedi Knight at about the halfway point of the war and then there is only a rather small window of time he could have been Ashokas master, a few months at best. And it would basically require an explanation why she was never really brought up/showed up anymore.

    The only way I could convievably see her work is if she was actually Plo Kon´s apprentice and maybe spent a few months with Anakin as her "subsitute master" while Kon recovered from any injury or was on a mission that he couldn´t take her on with as well.

    I think the easiest way to make Dark Empire fit is go with what several authors, including Timothy Zahn have suggested. The DE Palpatine was really just a mad clone not the original. I think Mara says that in one of the books pretty explicitly. The clone was its own being and just thought himself to be possesed by the spirit of the real deal. That he makes some statements regarding his past that don´t line up with what we see in the Darth Plagueis book would also give further credance to this theory.

    Or you could say that with Legacy the Prophecy was actually about Cade all along and just mistakenly attributed to Anakin...
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  24. The Emotional Jedi

    The Emotional Jedi Jedi Knight star 3

    May 18, 2021
    In fact, this was my idea. Ahsoka is not Anakin’s apprentice, but Plo Koon’s apprentice. She and Anakin are simply friends, and occasionally they fought together during the Clone Wars. I would love for a comic book series to be written that tells Ahsoka's story and her adventures during the Clone Wars, but obviously this comic book series should not contradict the Clone Wars Multimedia Project and the rest of the Expanded Universe, So obviously Soka can’t be Anakin’s Padawan.

    Honestly, that sounds a little weird. In my opinion the only two ways are: a) ignore Dark Empire and the related material and pretend that Sidious never came back from the dead (which is what I do); b) rewrite Dark Empire by eliminating the contradictions with the Darth Plagueis novel and making it so that it's Anakin's Force Ghost to kill Sidious once and for all. Personally, I like the second choice better. I love the idea that even after being dead Anakin is still able to fulfill the Prophecy. But since I’m too lazy to write my own version of the comics, I apply the first choice XD.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  25. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    DE does work thematically, both for Luke and Palpatine. It shows Luke emerging into master hood and overcoming the temptation into darkness, and for Palpatine, it’s reminiscent of Satan escaping the pit at the end of the millennium and waging war one last time.

    (of course this isn’t exact given the timeframe but Palpatine is explicitly a satanic character).
    AusStig and Force Smuggler like this.