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Discussion in 'Community' started by VadersLaMent, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
    *le sigh*

  2. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    Gamiel, Iron_lord and Juliet316 like this.
  3. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  4. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    It's only a kitchen-knife, officer! by Shabazik
    The group of elves was talking to themselves, in a shadowy corner of the street. Just as the concerned neighbour had tipped him. The man of the townsguard, big as a wardrobe, almost as square and with a big cudgel on his belt, stride to the lollygagging elves.

    "...I wonder how you grip bow like a gang-member"

    "You hold bow horizontal. Then in a fight, you go into Arrow Time."

    The officer of the town guard coughed loudly. "Elves!!"

    The two young elves and the elfling turned to him, looking him up with a condescending glance. "Officer"

    "There's a municipal ordinance banning the brandishing of weapons in public, elves."

    "Weapons? But my good sir! These are but only kitchen-knives!"

    "Then why you elves carry them around?"

    "To cut an apple, of course!"

    "And for eating!"


    The officer rolled his eyes. "Don't cause any troubles."

    "Yes, sir!"

    The officer didn't liked the flippant attitude of the elves.

    "And I mean, because this is Aelfriool gang turf. Mess things here, you answer to them. The townsguard would be your last concern...


    As soon as the officer of the guard walked away, the three elves did obscene gestures to his back.

    "Poetry and magic, mutha****a!" they said, making the signs of their gang.

    Aelfdreim, city in the Barony of Hanat, south of the Kingdom of Degoland, had the largest Elferie or Elf Quarters among the Five Kingdoms of the Northwest.

    Which brought problems in it's own.

    While many of the older cities of the Five Kingdoms originated from elven cities of Old, be from the rossnes elven kingdoms of Aiea -as the ancient Empire of Aiesec- or the later high elven kingdoms, as Cairn'Hayrn and others, it wasn't the case of Aelfdreim, as in most cases the humans built upon the ruins or took the cities of elves of old.

    Aelfdreim, later known as Alfdreim, Old Alfdreim or Dreim, originated from displaced elven refugees, who thanks to the Baron of Hanat (worried by the Kanov raiders south of the border, from the Barlans) were allowed to settle down in his scarcely populated lands, being formed a refugee camp, from which later emerged a settlement, and then a town.

    Enduring progroms and persecutions, many of the elves of Degoland began to migrate to the south, to Aelfdreim, which had became a walled elf city, directly depending on the Baron.

    While initially an elven-only city -being for long the only elven-only city among the Five Kingdoms, until the foundation of the March of Cairie in the Northern marches-, the city began to attract as well half-elves and human settlers, who began to build their homes outside of the walls of Aelfdreim, to conduct trade and business with the elves of Aelfdreim.

    As human population increased, New Alfdreim -or Mensendreim- began to envelope the old city, and in the farmlands, humans began to protest to the baron of Hanat, for elves having property over the land, which lead during the years before the First War of the Power to a worsening of the situation for the elves in Alfdreim, as they where banned from owning farms, and where to live within the walls of the old city.

    During the First War of the Power, as the armies of the Dark Legions of Demons marched into Alfdreim, having heard of the defeat of Degoland, the towncouncil surrendered the city rather than to fight, opening the gates for the city to be sacked, but not destroyed, and the lives of their inhabitants respected.

    After the war, humans blamed elves for being the ones opening the gates and surrendering the city, but due the alliance between the high elven Venerable Empire of the Whide Axis and the kingdoms of the Northwest, while tensions rose within the city, there where actually some laws that relaxed the grip over non-human population... but in other parts of the realm, to escape the rising anti-non-human sentiment, more non-humans migrated, either to the closer Aelfdreim, or to the new Northern Marches, to the Polforian States of the Outregam, or the new elven principality of Erenian, beyond the traditional borders of the Northwestern Kingdoms, in the Barlans.

    Not only growth the elven population, but as well other non-humans. Dwarf merchants and craftsdwarves made a small dwarf quarter, and some of the civilised orcs and half-orcs lived outside the city walls (as the municipal charter banned them from living within the city), and even was formed a Doroz or cursed elf Doroz Quarter: but the largest population became the humans.

    By the time of the Sargonic Wars and the Second War of the Power, Aelfdreim had about 5,000 elves and half-elves living in the Elferie of Old Aelfdreim, being by far the largest elferie of the Five Kingdoms of the Northwest, a number that remained somewhat stable since the aftermath of the First War of the Power. But while at the time of the First War of the Power, lived about 2,000 humans in the New Aelfdreim or Mensendreim, in the human quarters outside the old wall, by the Sargonic Wars, human population (and other non-humans inhabitants living in Mensendreim, outside of the elferie) had reached about 30,000 inhabitants, making Aelfdreim one of the largest cities of southern Degoland, and with the old city being completely encircled by the human city.

    The crowded Aelfdreim, became known for it's lack of security, the gangs and cutthroats, and the criminal elven youth helped create a stereotype among the humans of Mensendreim, that brandished all elves as thieves and cut-purse, and as well, practitioners of dark arts and magic.

    To this, the elven community of Aelfdreim blamed in their own to the later immigrants, and specially, to the Doroz, or cursed elves, to the point that among the elven neighbours, they began calling these criminals and delinquents "Doroz", despite them being or not actually Doroz elves. It was said, there was a Thief Guild operating within Alfdreim, but this was contested by the town council authorities.

    A large city with a diverse population and relative tolerance in comparison to other places of the Five Kingdoms, and unlike the scarcely populated, frontier Erenian, in the safety of it's traditional borders, it kept growing, attracting further city dwellers... which later, included not only light elves, much to the distaste to the "old Aelfdreim" elves.

    in Aelfdreim, will be founded by Grey elves from Dol-Sorne and a couple of teachers from the City of the Wizards of the Coast of Dahl'Haran, will be founded the Aelfdreim University of Aiea, which came to be one of the larger magic universities within the Five Kingdoms, and unlike the University of Karentia, that while had magic courses to elves and elven-blood magicians, it wasn't as closely watched by the Karentian Church.

    Look! A distraction! by Shabazik
    "Look! What's going on there?!" somebody exclaimed. Just after that, was her the clashing of tables and barrels.

    Curious, the people passing by in the alley turned around.

    "What's that?" a peddler asked out loud. But it wasn't needed to ask, as two elves were clearly fighting each other.

    "Elves, that's it. They can't live like civilised people!" said a man, which clothes and manners betrayed as an impoverished member of the rural lower nobility, that had moved to the city to try their hands at business -and largely failing at this-.

    "Shouldn't somebody stop this?" said a woman "They could hurt each other!"

    "Let them fight." said the noble. "Whatever reason they had to spill elven blood, is better for us that way."

    But, as sudden the fight had started, it ended, with the elves running away.

    The noble rolled his eyes. Elves. So coward, even when fighting their own. He turned to continue his way.

    Only then, he noticed he was missing the familiar weight of his purse on his belt...

    Ozcurilla Pickpocket by Shabazik
    "Hey. Hey. Hey!"


    "You have an ozcurilla hanging from you pack, trying to steal from it... hadn't you noticed?"


    "Shouldn't you... you know. Do something?"

    "Hadn't you noticed her mom further away watching over?" To him, it was clear that the other man hadn't been too long been a slave under demon service in that horrid city of Khar-bad. "Yeah don't scare the ozcurillas, their mothers get angry and you wouldn't like them when they're angry..."
    Meanwhile waited the for the Ozcurilla pickpocket an ozcura lurking nearby with a club in case things get out of hand. "Li'l onez gotz to learnz to stealz properly!"
    Fifth Ozctober drawing!

    (Ozctober: "Ozcura October". Is totally not a thing, but you can join if you want XD An Ozcura or Grey Orc is a creature of the World of Aiers )

    Raiders of the Lost Pie by Shabazik
    "I'm hungry noooow!" protested Bri to her older sisters. Mixing the ashes from the oven they threw in a corner of the courtyard and painting themselves all over as if it was warpaint had been funny and all, but she wanted to eat, now.

    In fact, her complains and begging for the meat pie that Mamma Vikki was preparing was what gave them the idea, after all.

    Bri wanted to eat the pie, and much to her surprise, Mamma Vikki said NO. She wasn't used to being told NO, and she didn't heard reasons when she began to cry. But with the excuse that the pie was too hot, Mamma Vikki still refused.

    Sobbing, she told this to her sisters. Who got an idea.

    "We are going to raid the Pie!"

    Then, as dutiful children of the warrior caste, they had to prepare themselves for the raid -which meant doing the whole mess that was mixing the ashes with water and who knows what more!-.

    "Ssshhh!" Dagna said to their younger horned sister. "You are going to ruin the surprise!"

    Bri pouted, but decided to remain silent, as they lurked by the window of the kitchen.

    Meanwhile, on the kitchen of the Hall of Svanalla, Mamma Vikki along with Marya and Verra took out of the oven the last meat pies.

    "Moooomiiii" Verra said, as she lined up the pies on the ledge of the window. "Can I go play outside now?" She wanted to join her sisters she had seen playing with ashes and laughing on the courtyard.

    "They are playing warrior games. So no" Vikki said. "And there are still plenty of dishes to be washed!"

    Verra sighed, and went to continue cleaning the kitchen...

    and abandoned, the three pies on the ledge of the window, disappeared.

    Vikki was cleaning the oven, when she heard somebody cry, and then the hurried steps into the kitchen.

    "MOOOOOMIIIII" Bri, the little horned girl cried, jumping to Vikki's arms.

    "What happened?!" she said worried.

    "I burned my tongue!" Bri said with tears on the eyes. She was quick to pic a jug of cold water and hand it to Bri, who she sited by the table.

    Wondering how the girl could have burn her tongue, she looked around... and noticed the missing meat pies. And the two heads popping out the window, looking into the kitchen.

    Heads covered in ashes, like it was some sort of warpaint.

    She frowned.

    Bri, who had finished drinking the water noticed the change on her expression. "They made me do it!" she said, leaving the jug of water carefully on the table.

    Vikki roared, and in a moment the two heads in the window disappeared. Same with Verra and Marya, who escaped the Kitchen.

    [​IMG] and [​IMG] helped to come with a name for the little horned Ozcurilla! Bri. Which began as Grabby, and later deformed intro Grabry. Later as an adult Ozcura, she will take a name more proper of her demon heritage, Gabrielle, and a more "kick-ass" orcish name, Brighash. Gabrielle Brighash. But the others keep calling her Bri.
  5. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  6. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Drow Boy Armor by Shabazik
    "Well boy, now that you are an Official member of the Light Blue Ribbon Company, we need to get you a proper armor!"

    "Oh... yeah, probably it's a good idea!

    ... should we go to get some irons of the Company intendence?"

    "Pfft. Like we had something like that!! No!"

    "Then, we go to see a blacksmith? an armorer? Should I get a leather armor? or instead go for scale armor? Or instead, chainmail?"

    "Woh woh woh. You are going waaaay ahead for you own good! And all their armors suck!

    You know what's the best armor avaible in NegeƩmiliel?!"


    "Acolytal Armor!" the older mercenary said. The other mercenaries nodded. "And you know where we can get you some?"

    "... uhm... with an armorer that sells armors to the Acolytes of NegeƩ?"

    "Well, in principle, yeah! But she won't sell to a male, and we are too broken for that... but Boy! Don't forget something: you ARE member of an Acolytal family! Surely they have some good pieces of armor in your house!"

    "I'm... i'm not too sure that's a good idea."

    "It's an excelent idea!" the mercenary said. "We must only wait until isn't home your matron, mother or one of your sisters, so you don't get in problems!"

    "...yeah... probably that could work.

    "Hey, you guys have wine! and I mean, wine-wine! ACTUAL wine! From grapes! Of the surface!" said one of the mercenaries of the Light Blue Ribbon, surprised.

    "Hey! What are you girls doing down the kitchen?!!" the concerned voice of the drow boy was heard from the rooms, upstairs.

    "Just checking out a few things!" they answered, as they happily rolled a keg of wine to the main room of the luxurious house.

    "Have you ever drank wine?" one of the mercenaries whispered to the other.

    "Once. Took it from the cold body of a dwarf adventurer! I tell you, it's the best thing around!" the other answered, as she tried to open the keg with a knife.

    "HEY!" she yelled to the drows in the rooms upstairs. "How goes the search for armor?!"

    "Not good!" the host answered. he was very nervous, rummaging across the things of his elder sister. "We have only found so far only Ceremonial Armor!"

    The mercenaries that where striving against the wine keg stared at each other with a mischievous smile.

    "HEY! You should try that!"

    "... Wh-what?!"

    "Yeah! Try the Ceremonial Armor!"

    "It-it's not decent for a male to do so!" he answered, consternated. "And it's banned! Only acolytes of NegeƩ can wear Ceremonial Armor!"

    "Only Acolytes of NegeƩ can wear ceremonial armor in public!!" the mercenaries answered.

    "And anyway, weren't you using acolytal arm warmers anyway? It's not that a big deal!!"

    He shouldn't have taken these from his sister to begin with, thought the drow boy.

    "Do it! Or we will never leave you join the Light Blue Ribbon Company!"

    "I thought I was already an official member!" he protested.

    "Think of it as an entry fee!"

    "I already paid my entry fee!!"


    Blushing, after some minutes, the drow male walked down the stairs to the main hall of the house.

    "I look ridiculous!" he protested to the drinking mercenaries. They looked up at him with lustful eyes and a smirk on their faces.

    "You look wonderful!" the eldest mercenary say. "And you should respect what I say! You know, there's a saying, that you should respect somebody who grew old, in a profession where normally a drow dies young!" she said, with a golden cup on her hand.

    "Don't mind her" other of the mercenaries hissed. "She actually joint us when she was finished as a miner! She actually got all her wounds in her first fight! And don't leave her tell the story about her eye! It's incredible BORING!"

    "An eye infection it's serious business!" the older mercenary said. "And what can I say? It's not like you get a retirement plan from being a miner! And finally: I fought a War Priestess! A WAR PRIESTESS! Respect that!"

    "Fought and lost. Not going to respect you only because you are old, rookie" a third mercenary added, while she had her head in the drawers, rifling throught the silverware.

    "Hey! I'm not the rookie anymore! The Drow Boy Toy it's the rookie!" the 'veteran' protested.

    "He clearly doesn't count!" the other mercenaries said firmly.

    "Can... can I change back, and keep looking for battle armor?" the drow boy asked.

    "It rides up your butt!" one of the Mercenaries statted, happy.

    "Yeah, I know... it's so... uncomfortable!"

    "It's a nice butt!"

    " th-thanks! But I don't want to show it like that--"


    "Oh, Hey, Drow boy!" said other mercenary, coming down from the rooms upstairs. She grabbed the very uncomfortable drow male. "Look! I'm wearing your grandmother panties! Isn't that sexy?!

    Don't I look acolytaly?"

    "Does that work even exists?!" one of the mercenaries asked

    "Don't know, don't care" was her answer. "I put as well these acolytal spidersilk leggings. Since always I wanted to do so. I'm so taking these: drow boys love Acolytal leggings!"

    "You can't do that! They are from my sister!" the Drow boy protested "Commoners can't wear them and-- HEY! That's from my mother!!"

    "So what? I always wanted one of these magical-light-statue-thingies as well!" the mercenary said, with the statue wrapped in her Light Blue Ribbon, a ring in each finger and many bracelets on her wrists. She didn't came to the house with any of them.

    "You are going to get in problem for stealing!"

    "D'uh. Dummy Males. Don't you get it? It's not stealing, when you invite us to your house!"

    The Drow Boy may be getting some afterthoughts of trying to join a Mercenary Company to become an Adventurer.
    Unlike in other drow cultures, among the NegeƩmi drow, males aren't warriors.

    Ahsoka's Tano and Iron_lord like this.
  7. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
  8. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
  9. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  10. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  11. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
  12. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  13. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  14. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  16. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  17. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  18. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  19. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    "There is a gargantuan open air foyer in the entrance to the Mansion and two equally monolithic pillars bearing the weight of the ceiling Looming some hundreds of feet above.

    I started this in November and faffed around with it every odd day or so.

    Check out some other details and a process gif (that currently isn't there, I'll have to re upload it) over on my artstation which is where I post more often these days. : "
    VadersLaMent and Iron_lord like this.
  20. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 37x time Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  21. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  22. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    Since Chun-Li is technically 52 years old this week (according to her DOB on the game), an artist did his own rendering of what she'd look like if Capcom honored her true canonical age.

    Iron_lord , Gamiel and Juliet316 like this.
  23. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
  24. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  25. Juliet316

    Juliet316 Time-Traveling F&G Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 27, 2005
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