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JCC [Image heavy]A thread for art: See note on page 776

Discussion in 'Community' started by VadersLaMent, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    3h no post...

    Haematinon Portfolio - The Map of the Ophiotaurus Sea in the Geographical Temple of Aulea (
    A Map for the upcoming artbook 'Fragments of the Past', based on a decade long RPG chronicle :)
    Finally, after around 15 years, my players can see the official map of the known world in which they are playing :D
    Before this version, we had other 'maps', but they were just scribbles. Since I am writing an artbook dedicated to our story, I finally had the time (and skill) necessary to put my vision for the map in a proper context.

    I decided to include the map in an artwork telling the moment in which Diosconis, one of our players, arrived in the Geographical Temple of Aulea, a sacred Island in the vast, dark-blue waters of the Ophiotaurus Sea.
    The Map compared to Europe

    The Iskuzai alphabet deciphered.

    The Map

    Haematinon Portfolio - The Passage of the 'Hermeta' through the Crimson Strait - Illustration and design work (
    Here is for you another painting of the 'Fragments of the Past' project. I plan to release the first artbook February 2020 :) Wish me good luck!
    This artwork is full of little details regarding the life of one of the most influential cultures in the entire Ophiotauran Sea: the Iskuzai, more about it in the book :)
    Early sketch

    Haematinon Portfolio - A plant is grown in the Underworld watered by the blood of blessed dancers (
    Nobody remembers the stories and legends sung by the Poets of the Coastal Eparchies, and nobody remembers their meaning anymore. When looking at the frescos painted in the palaces of the Sea-Matriarchs, it's challenging for us to understand what stories they depict, and what secrets they are whispering with their coloured voices.
    For my project, Fragments of the Past.
    Detail of the wounded

    The dancer distracts the white gryphon

    The Goddess of the Underworld and the blue laurel.

    Haematinon Portfolio - An offering to the Panther (
    When the Iskuzai go to war, they pray to the Double-Crested Panther. Before taking a marriage vow, the Iskuzai ask the favour of the Double-Crested Panther. When death looms over them or is approaching a loved one, when the harvest looks in danger or when social unrest makes the city red with blood, they pray to the Double-Crested Panther. For every other little problem, request, or desire the Iskuzai pray many Gods, the same Gods worshipped by the now conquered Coastal Eparchies, it's only in the desperate and life-changing occasions that they ask the help of the Panther. And they never do that more than three times per year.

    Haematinon Portfolio - The three Ghosts of Ancylus Lake (
    Following the account of LLyr, son of Liadain the Gray Lady, the Ancylus Lake was haunted by three giant ghosts, phantoms of three brothers that marched their army one against the other after the death of their father, the king of the region. They all died, with their men, in the cold swamp after a furious battle. Now, in death, they all sing together the same mournful song:
    'Fear no more the lightning flash,
    Nor th’ all-dreaded thunder-stone;
    Fear not slander, censure rash;
    Thou hast finished joy and moan.
    All lovers young, all lovers must
    Consign to thee and come to dust.'

    Haematinon Portfolio - Speak with Dead (
    Artwork for Visions from the Past.
    'They poured the warm blood in the skull cup and stirred it with a laurel branch, and then they waited, they waited for his voice to thunder'
  2. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    3 h no post...

    Haematinon Portfolio - The Cave of Medontis, the Witch of Corals (

    Haematinon Portfolio - Full Moon Procession and Poem. (
    Full Moon Hymn

    O, white, ever-lasting ivory
    paleness that shines
    and dictates Time,

    Your movements in the Sky
    are the cyclic dance of blood
    in the dark womb of women
    and the whispering tides
    that remember us of thousand
    slumbers and wakes.

    O, white, silky, silver Lady,
    you write in the dome of Heaven
    the poems of the Season
    and the perennial return
    of what is good and shines with Reason.

    Haematinon Portfolio - Eriounes (
    "'Husacci! Husacci! Husacci!'"

    Haematinon Portfolio - A secret exchange at the Four-Eyed Gate of Psantes, South of the Hermus river. (
    South of the Hermus River, founded after the First invasion of the Lion-faced people , lies the city of Psantes, the second most important city of the Eastern Amphictyonic League, also called the 'Bravest Lady' or the 'Pearl of the Heart'.
    The city is free, like all the other cities of the league, and built on the hard rocks of the Marbles Valley, right before the everlasting expanses of the Shell-Desert.
    Often plagued by harsh wind and by the aggressive nature of the nomadic tribes that dwell in the region, Psantes survives thanks to the wise and ruthless intrigues of the Black Cloak legion, the holy regiment of spies and warriors that nights and days conspires to keep the Warlords of the Shell-Desert divided and suspicious of each other.
    The East Gate of Psantes, the Four-Eyed Door, the Door of the Twin Lions, is the first access to enter in the city, and when the wind blows from the Shell-Dunes, it allows the entrance of the rural population to escape from the cruel weather.

    Haematinon Portfolio - The Concubine-Oracle Tumsilt and her Peacock (
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  3. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  4. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Haematinon Portfolio - Etoi Villa on the Adramis Coast (
    Sketch of the owner :)

    Haematinon Portfolio - The Pavillion-Palace / Fragments of the Past - RPG (

    Haematinon Portfolio - Mentorship demo for my students - Forge of Naukleros (
    "The Forge of Naukleros in the Northern region of the Adramis Coast in Askedoria."

    Haematinon Portfolio - Beitris South Harbour Entrance (
    Design sketch

    Haematinon Portfolio - The Honey Ritual (
    "The Honey Ritual in the Kentron Temple"

    Haematinon Portfolio - Last Procession - Fragments of the Past RPG (
    The Last Procession in the Island of Elaphos

    'And when blessed, sapphire-skinned Zephrios Sporatheion, the One that Impregnates the Wind, and her Mother, slithering, Cirta of the shining-eyes, sent the smokes, fire and tides to engulf and subjugate the proud island of Elaphos, Abari, the King of Elaphos, son of Klaumata, descended from his temple-palace and said to his people:

    'We are about to be ground like the grain is in the Mill, but not even the Immortal Gods can kill because there is no Death except in our dreams.'
  5. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
  6. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  7. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Haematinon Portfolio - Fragments of the Past - Pantheon and Artifacts design work - part I (
    Hekaterides, Goddesses of the Moons. The chief deities with their father Zephrios among the Hattusas.

    Erigonio, God of Music and Violence. He belongs to the Tetrad of Askedoria.

    Phoeraia, Goddess of the Wild Beasts. She belongs to the Tetrad of Askedoria.

    Cirta, Goddess of the Underground Waters. She belongs to the Tetrad of Askedoria.

    "Auleo, God of Knowledge. He belongs to the Tetrad of Askedoria."

    "First part of the Pantheon."

    "Revered Artifacts of the Gods"
  8. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  9. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Haematinon Portfolio - The Acamantidi Lineage - Characters for the 'Fragments of the Past - RPG Quickstart' (
    The four siblings, progeny of the powerful (and recently deceased) Matriarch Erigone of Beitris. Created for the Fragments of the Past - RPG Quickstart! You can download the book for free if you signup to the Newsletter (currently only in Italian, but you can still look at the pretty picture and waiting for the upcoming English translation!)

    "The four siblings"
    "Agipo "Born-from-the-Fog", the firstborn bastard of the Matriarch"

    "Telesphorus "He-who-has-Luminous-Eyes", the Usurper"

    "Pindo "Aoidos", the Mad Poet"

    "Biante "Keeper of the Aegis", constantly in war against the Thesmis lineage."

    "Acamantidi Symbol in a "Tessera Hospitalis""

    Haematinon Portfolio - Zete and Pasitea - Character Mentorship (
    "Zete, the Prophetess and Pasitea of the Acamantidi Lineage"

    Haematinon Portfolio - Characters from Fragments of the Past - RPG (
    "Phittile, Hierophant of the Crimson Wolf Sanctuary"

    "Deonte, the Merchant-Prince of the West"

    "Phrisso, Pilot of the "Leukos" ship and Flautist"

    Haematinon Portfolio - Elea, daughter of Erinnikos the Tyrant [Fragments of the Past] (
    "The young, proud warrior Elea, daughter of Erinnikos for the Fragments of the Past TTRPG"

    Haematinon Portfolio - Fragments of the Past - Timoo the Priestess (
    "Timoo of Naukleros, the Priestess of Phoeraia Despoinaroa and Apotheria. "

    Haematinon Portfolio - Fragments of the Past - Black Cicadas, the Mercenary (
    "The cruel mercenary Black Cicadas!"
  10. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  11. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Haematinon Portfolio - The Last Stand of Cleas, son of Epsiltos. (
    From the 'Deer and Moon Inscriptions':

    "Obscure remains the fate of Cleas, son of Epsiltos. As the Oracle of the Cobalt Island predicted, he did not die in war, neither for old age and some claim he did not die at all; blessed by Cirta Iatromatis, he still roams the Crisopan coast. However, Cthesion of the Boutidai, who served as a Great Strategist in the Triapolis (Alliance of Three-Cities), told me the following story: When Diosconis died at the hands of his concubine, the treacherous Priests of Adramittum sent a regiment of western mercenaries to plunder his treasures; among them, there was my Great-Grandfather Tespharos. After many months, the warriors were able to find the secret den of the pirates. Cleas Epsiltodes, Diosconis' lover, refused to let them enter the cave, claiming it was a sacred place, under the protection of Cirta Gorguraroa and all the Fish-Shaped spirits of the Sea. Many of the warriors knew Cleas by name and admired his courage; they did not want to kill him. They asked Cleas to entrust them with the treasures, swearing by the name of the Gods that they would spare his life and bless his journey wherever he wanted to go. Cleas refused again, there was clamour and many asked at the same time why, why he was so reckless, my Great-Grandfather said: 'Noble Cleas, fighting for a friend is a deed worthy of fame and glory, but throwing away the gift of life can not be praised by the Gods nor by men'. Cleas answered reciting mysterious Etoi verses: 'What enters in the Secrets, in the Secrets will remain.' There was no way of reasoning with him; threats and pleas were useless. The mercenaries respected his decision and killed him in front of the entrance to the cave. They then erected a tomb for him and wrote: 'Here lies Cleas, son of Epsiltos, in the Secrets now He dwells'."

    Haematinon Portfolio - [Fragments of the Past] Upadamida of the Moon-Bull Thyasos (
    Upadamida of the Moon-Bull Thiasos is said to have been the most powerful Etoi Matriarch on the continent of Askedoria after the Invasion of the Iskuzai. The poets of Epizephrya sing about the beauty of her pearly palace where a fountain supported by twelve silver lions kept the air cool and perfumed even during the scorching Summer. Two blessed, white feathers adorned her turban, some claims that the Concubine-Oracle Tumsilt herself gave them to Erodara, grandmother of the great-grandmother of Upadamida, in a time before the foundation of Iskuzai city of Demia and the Scarlet League. According to those stories, the feathers belonged to a sacred animal.
    Although Upadamida's kingdom was forced for years to pay tribute to the mighty Zeugridas city of Coiea, the matriarch organized in secret an army led by the Iskuzai mercenary Black-Cicada to free herself from those shackles. Some legends tell that after furious battles, the banner of the Moon-Bull Thiasos was raised on the acropolis of Coiea, but in the moment of her triumph, Upadamida fell to the ground dead, killed by a mysterious evil. Other poets claim that Upadamida's army was instead defeated, and the matriarch was forced to flee, taking refuge among the Hattusas of Tartus.

  12. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  13. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  14. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  15. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Teela - Warrior Goddess by Scebiqu on DeviantArt

    Guardian of Grayskull by Scebiqu on DeviantArt

    Temple of Darkness by Scebiqu on DeviantArt

    Anti He-Man by Scebiqu on DeviantArt
    Cover that I did for issue 4 of the german Masters of the Universe Fanzine`die Welt der Meister`--->…

    Anti He-man originates from the german MotU Audioplay Anti-Eternia, in which Skeletor opens a gate to the dreaded Anti world (also labelled as hell) where basically everything is reversed and He-man is the bad guy etc. (unfortunately Anti-Skeletor who would logically be the good guy never shows up) The castle in the back is Anti-grayskull the source of all evil power, described having the face of an angel.

    Shokoti by Scebiqu on DeviantArt
    Shokoti, a villainess from the old Filmation He-man cartoon. Appearing in the episode House of Shokoti pt. 2 which was agreeably of one of the best Episodes.
    Actually I just wanted to add a little color to a sketch and keep it sketchy, but somehow got carried away with rendering again. Don´t really know whats going on with the pose, probably she´s like "excellent Lord Masque, everythings proceeding as I have forseen!"

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  16. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  17. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  18. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  19. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
  20. Master_Lok

    Master_Lok Chosen One star 6

    Dec 18, 2012
    Another go at Hunter’s Moon (I’m almost embarrassed that colorist Rachelle Cheri Rosenberg likes these, given my currently crude color and “inking”, but I’m glad she sees that her work is appreciated this way. Her colors on Moon Knight are so amazing.)

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  21. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
  22. Sarge

    Sarge 3x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    "Doc" Thompson, C-130 flight engineer

  23. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
  24. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Golden Girl by Scebiqu on DeviantArt
    Hi guys, it´s been a while I uploaded something here. Time to change that.
    I don´t manage to do lots of private drawings next to my freelance work, but once in a while I feel inspired and can muster the energy to put a lot of work into a pivate painting.
    In this case I visited the Grayskull Convention (a small but dedicated annual german He-man and the Masters of the Universe Convention) were I saw a complete set of 'Golden Girl' Figures in the Exhibition.
    Who´s Golden Girl you might ask? 'Golden Girl and the Guardians of the Gemstones' was a toyline produced by Galoob between 1984 and '85 in the wake of He-man and especially She-ra of course. But instead of being a plain Knockoff it took a much more barbaric approach to the 'magical girl genre', moe like a cross between She-ra and Red Sonya.…
    To give it a more serious tone while still be glamorous of course, I chose to depict Golden Girl in a dire situation here, being overpowered by the Dragon Queen after defeating a bunch of her minions. But as the Toyline also was about the Guardians of the gemstones, rescue is on the way in the Form of 'Onyx - challenger of the sabered sword'
    Anyhow, hope you like it or maybe there's actually someone who remembers or had some Golden Girl Action Figures.

    Like Moth to a Flame by Scebiqu on DeviantArt
    Fascination with the rather obscure Golden Girl toyline that, as I learned, even preceded She-Ra by a little, hasn’t left me and led to the creation of a second piece of fan art.
    I’m slowly working through the illustrious and aply named cast of characters and chose Rubee (Fiery Champion of the Lightning Bow) as the main protagonist here. She is assailed by Moth Lady (The Winged Wicked Witch of the Night), Wild One (Fierce Barbarian Huntress) and Centaura (a character which was supposed to be released in the never realized second wave of figures).

  25. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002

    Woman, Lake and Dawn by Giorgos Tsolis
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