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Reference Interest Measurement Thread

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource' started by Sawn_Kassal, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    takes beer and edits

  2. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    Well since some people think that on 31st we are going to restart 2020, sooo...
  3. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    Two of the Three Teasers that I have been working on (the third will come a bit later as I need to flesh out certain things):

    Star Wars: Imperial City


    Welcome to the Imperial City, the crown jewel of the Galactic Empire, formerly known as Coruscant.
    Once an example of cooperation and tolerance under the Galactic Republic, all that millennia of progress swept with one swift swoop. With the change of the name, to Imperial City, its heart was changed. It grew darker, despite Coruscant remaining the city that never slept, its soul has been corrupted. It was no longer the beacon of hope and prosperity, but a planet turned into a jail for the normal people, toiling under the upper Imperial classes and the megacorps, draining their lifeblood.

    While the upper levels were more or less maintained, the lower ones, the ones that did not see the sun, were even more decrepit than before. Corruption grew endemic as the Coruscant Security Force no longer cared for justice, only order was important to them. The white armored stormtroopers raided dwellings and people started to disappear.

    Fear, suspicion and hostility. Those are some of the words that can describe the populace of Coruscant. This air of corruption became the breeding ground for all the scum to thrive on. Black Sun, the Hutts and other criminal enterprises rule the lower levels. Czerka and other megacorporations the mid and upper levels.

    But in all this darkness there is still hope. Idealists, slicers, Rebel operatives, were willing to risk their lives and fight for the people.
    Night City Blues

    Maya Sokolov was having one of the toughest days in her career, maybe in her life. She was a regular officer of MiliTech, normally that would not have been a problem, but she was in charge of the protection of Special Research Facility in the outskirts of Night City. That provided her with a lot of benefits, but the responsibilities were tremendous. And now she had messed up...

    And messing up in Special Research usually ended up with dead bodies. Unless she could fix the mess and kill whoever did it, then delete any/all data that had been leaked.

    This facility was developing a new Combat AI and one day the chip disappeared. Of course that sent everyone into a frenzy, then the blaming game followed, having everyone pointing fingers at each other. But since she was the Chief of Security the responsibility was hers. So if she could not fix the situation she will get a bullet in the back of her head, then her body will either be incinerated or thrown in the landfill. Good thing her record was good enough, maybe they will make it quick and painless.

    But that hope won't get her anywhere.

    That was why Maya made a holo call to a fixer she knew, who said that he can arrange for her to meet a runner and their crew. She of course did not divulge too much info. Hopefully they would be able to catch whoever stole the chip before it sinks in the depths of the Black Market, or land in Arasaka's hands.

    She texted that runner, arranging for a meeting to discuss terms and hopefully get started. Drumming her fingers on the surface of the desk waiting for a text back.
  4. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    “It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
    Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
    It lies behind stars and under hills,
    And empty holes it fills,
    It comes first and follows after,
    Ends life, kills laughter.”

    ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, or There and Back Again


    Ever since the dawn of time the appearance of a comet was considered an ill omen. The sudden appearance of the bright ball of rock and ice, followed by the luminous and ethereal trail caused a primordial sense of dread in the hearts and minds of most regular people. To the enlightened persons of this new, twentieth century, these were mere superstitions, a remnant of a period of humanity's development, when the world was a scary and unknowable place. A place filled with monsters and magic. So these scientists simply dismissed them…


    But they were wrong…

    It is the year of our Lord 1930 and the world is standing at the precipice of the greatest storm of madness and bloodshed that humanity had ever imagined possible...

    There were those who stepped forward to oppose the darkness, but they knew their numbers would not be enough. And so they quietly began to seek out those few whose talents and skills could be used to defend the world against what was coming.

    About the Game:

    Since I had to close down Calm Before the Storm, I decided to revamp some of the themes and general ideas from it into a game set in an alternative Earth, where magical and mythical creatures and persons, along with monsters exist, albeit their numbers have been dwindling throughout the centuries. There are secret societies who direct historical events and figures to cause great upheavals that fuel certain rituals to bring the dark forces to strength. WW1 was one such event.

    Here fictional characters like Van Helsing, Victor Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, etc. exist along with historical figures (like Tolkien, Tesla, etc.) and are part of a network of people (think of it like the League of the Extraordinary Gentlemen, the BPRD and SHIELD) who hunt monsters, look for ancient artifacts that need protection from the dark forces.

    The game will be episodic with each episode having its own theme, meaning for example there will be an Indiana Jones (who also exists in the universe) themed episode, a Holmes/Poirot themed episode, a spy thriller and so on.

    If you like to play a magical creature you should note certain restrictions like having to conceal your true nature as in that enlightened age people no longer believe in them.
  5. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    Wondering if anyone is up for playing Tyranny of Dragons. It is a mix between Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat adventure modules. I would be running it and it would be a game of good ol D&D.
    Shadowsun likes this.
  6. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Question for the group, what would be the appetite for a comedic game set on a movie set?
    darthbernael and HanSolo29 like this.
  7. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    You have certainly piqued my interest. I seem to recall that you floated this idea once before, and I love it as much now as I did back then! :D

    Were you looking to have this take place in RL?
  8. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Yes it would be in the RL a soundstage in sunny Brisbane, Australia in late October, right as the humidity kicks in.
  9. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    Oooh...that sounds great! I'm definitely on board if you move ahead with this. :)
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Hi to any potential and soon-to-be GMs for a Star Wars High Republic role play. [face_party] Tag me whenever/if ever a game starts. I'm reading "The Light of the Jedi" and it's as great as I hoped [face_laugh] [face_batting]
  11. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    *eyes slide across the room back and forth nervously*

    Uh NO!

    Ha ha


  12. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    I was thinking of a post-TOR game that will include elements of the Bane Trilogy (Bane himself, Zannah, the Brotherhood of Evil) and elements from the High Republic (the clothing style, the Jedi Temple Space Stations, the Nihil).

    Since the Sith Empire and Zakuul's collapses the Galaxy is a fractured place. The Republic has shrunk drastically. Hyperlanes have collapsed. Surviving Sith have formed their own fiefdoms, most squabble and fight among themselves. Former Republic planets have seceded, not wanting to have anything to do with the Republic. Some loyal systems remain in the sea of hostiles.

    The Jedi and the Senate started a project that involves sending ships to chart the routes anew and start reconnect the systems, scout the Sith and other hostile systems.

    I see the characters to be members of such a ship, a bit like Star Trek (and some Warhammer 40k elements, like the reunification).
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Happy wriggles @TheAdmiral ... can we sign up to be a High Republic established character? [face_dancing]
  14. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003

    The doors were thrown open and a scene of grandiose generals were shown standing about a table, glowing lights illuminating their faces from the rune carved table in between them. All turned to face the soldier marching in, now kneeling before them all.


    “My lords and ladies, the Auspices have begun to call.”

    Eyes were wide, gasps were emitted, and looks of both excitement and trepidation were exchanged throughout the room. One of the leaders stepped forward, an obvious elf of great renown.


    "Truly? Has it begun already?"

    "It has," intoned the soldier, eliciting further (if more subdued) reactions.

    “Tell me, soldier,” came one of the great female leaders in the chamber, her thick accent rebounding off the walls.


    “Whom do we know has received the mark?”

    The soldier lifted their head to meet her fascinatingly fiery gaze.

    “My lady, we know of one so far. They are —“

    Footsteps crunching the snow, as one warrior comes to join two other comrades overlooking a valley below. They glance over at his approach, where he stares off quietly for a few moments.


    “It would seem,” he began slowly at last, “The Auspices have started to mark their chosen.”

    “Ha. Only natural at least one of us is picked then,” mused the horned fighter nearby.


    “Aye. And when they do, we’re gonna light up our enemies like there be no tomorrah!” replied the dwarf among them eagerly, his fist charging up with magical energy in anticipation.


    “And we know who’ll be the first in our path,” grinned the zabrak savagely. An expression mirrored by the other two.

    A flash of light and a stream of magical energy flowed through the air, coming upon the palm of the woman weaving its path from the now cracked ground.


    “It would seem your suspicions were correct, my lord,” she replied after a moment of judging the energy she held before leveling her gaze to the one across from her.


    “Then destiny is in motion. Come then, Reastra, we must move swiftly if we are to protect those under our care.”

    The centaur woman, Reastra, inclined her head and immediately followed after her master who had turned to walk the other direction. Her hooves beating a rhythm upon the dirt and grass as she kept up confidently alongside him and his gleaming armor.

    “You speak of the little ones.”

    A faint turn of the head, “I speak of us all.”

    An apparition appeared in an empty circular chamber in the depths of an abandoned temple somewhere in the world, far from where any prying eyes could see or eavesdropping ears could listen.


    “I assume we have been summoned here to discuss what has just occurred.”

    Blue flames coalesced into the form of another speaker in response to this being. Its azure ambience basking the interior of the ruins with cautious radiance.


    “Naturally. Our spies have gathered information from across the world and have confirmed the other nations are also learning what we have.”

    Tentacles quivered from the Illithid eagerly as its eyes bore into the man.

    “Good. Then it is likely the power balance may soon be shifting. We could make excellent use of this.”

    A couple of double clicks of mandibles and an insect looking man was also now in evidence, arms folded with what appeared a look of deep thought.


    “Patience. If true, we know not what direction that shift would go. In the coming days, I am more concerned not with the majority of the Auspices’ choices, but with the one in particular…”

    Silence greeted this as each individual seemed to weigh the words carefully. There was a deep meaning behind this concern, a gravity that felt far greater than they knew.



    Or so the poster for the brand new virtual reality or ‘Full Dive’ game claimed. It promised a variety of play styles and genres within the game, features never before possible, various races, an always expanding world that would soon enough feel as large as Earth itself, and a ‘completely reality altering experience.’ But there were only limited slots open worldwide currently, so those who could snag a copy would truly be making a name for themselves.

    Whether you buy into these claims or not, to put on the VR Helmet and feel like you’re truly in another world…something always imagined but now a reality for the first time…would be pretty awesome. Gotta admit.

    The glory! The excitement! The fun!

    Do you dare be among the first gamers to blaze this trail of experiences and make history?

    ((Oh, what could possibly go wrong?))

    The Meaning Of Hero

    ~Coming Soon 2021~
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
  15. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    That is a bit of a tough question. I prefer not to use established characters aside of Darth Bane and the others, though I am still not sure about them either. The High Republic is rather too close to the movies timeline-wise.

    But you can model your character after an established one.
  16. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Reviewer Extraordinaire star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    The High Republic era takes place 200 years before TPM
  17. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    The Crew

    Welcome to Ambrose, the Immortal City, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, fires, tornadoes, riots, hell, even an invasion, haven't brought this city down. We rebuild every time. And every time we elect the same corrupt politicians. They take money from the CEOs to make life easier for them and harder for the little people. The streets haven't had potholes filled in years. It's a broken record that keeps repeating again and again. So, you take matters into your hands. Sure you're breaking a few laws, but what does it really matter. The banks are insured, the big companies make more in a hour that you will see in a lifetime, and the rich folks up in the hills sleep on gold, no matter what we steal they won't miss it.

    So, whatcha doing, new to the city wanting to put down roots, former henchman that is breaking out on your own, just out of Riverview Penitentiary looking to get back into the game, or just a regular citizen that is fed up with it? This is Ambrose, the Immoral City, you can make it very far in the dark underbelly of this place, but, just be careful. If you get too much heat, you might find yourself struck down by a bolt from the blue, the Protector of Ambrose, it's shining light, Beacon. Where he goes, lighting follows and thunder soon after. He's brought down all the big hitters...only for them to break out again and know the story. He's a constant threat, but he's only really a danger to the guys on top. He won't notice a little fish like you...not yet.

    But, if you're looking for a caper, I might have something, but you're going to need a crew, people you can trust and rely on...because if you can't trust your crew, who can you trust.
  18. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Fifteen hundred years ago our people were slaughtered, and driven into the depths of the Unknown.

    For a millennium we planned our revenge.

    Five hundred years ago, we corrupted our enemies, and they took our names, ignorant of our True selves.

    Four hundred years ago, that corruption was undone; the sycophants who thought themselves as great as us were defeated in the Old Wars.

    A century ago, we were finally ready; we swept in, triumphant; the Great War began.

    A decade later, we experienced our first bitter and bloody defeat.

    A decade later, we turned the tide, but for all our preparations, we were stymied.

    A decade later, we sacked their capital, and they accepted our terms.

    A decade later, we had rebuilt, and we tried anew; we lost, our Emperor slain, our Council crippled, a civil war only just averted.

    A decade later, the Emperor showed his True self, and crushed all we had built.

    A decade later - fifty years ago - we rose up in an Alliance, and undid his treachery, and undid his successor.

    We started the war for a third and final time.

    Fifty Dark Lords have rose and fell for our cause.

    Now, we are on the edge of the genocide that was promised to us fifteen hundred years ago.

    We have again lost our homes, and we hold to territory that has been stripped bare, devastated, ruined.

    We stand between the Known and Unknown.

    The Southern Empire no longer answers our pleas; we know not if it has fallen or surrendered.

    This is our Last Chance.

    We have no Emperor; no Empress; no Dark Lords; no Wraths; no Voices; no Hand.

    The Final Stand of the Sith.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2021
  19. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Republic Perspective

    Fifteen hundred years ago they attacked us without warning; we fought them back from the steps of the Senate. We had to make sure they could never do that to us again; we took the worlds we could find as our own.

    For a millennium we had peace.

    Five hundred years ago, we discovered we had absorbed the enemies philosophies and influence; our own people became Sith, and fought us.

    Four hundred years ago, we won the Old Wars, at great cost to the Republic in blood and resources.

    A century ago, we discovered our True foes existed beyond the Rim and they invaded - even though we offered diplomacy.

    A decade later, we managed to triumph at last, and held the line.

    A decade later, we were brought to our knees, and it took all we had to survive.

    A decade later, they offered us peace, and used it to distract us while they sacked Coruscant, and we were forced to accept their terms.

    A decade later, we had rebuilt, and prepared for their next onslaught; we defended Corellia; we shattered their military; we killed their Emperor and Dark Lords.

    A decade later, the Emperor showed his True self, and crushed all we had achieved.

    A decade later - fifty years ago - we rose up in an Alliance, and undid his treachery, and undid his successor.

    The Sith started the war for a third and final time.

    Billions of our citizens have died to preserve our freedoms.

    Now, we have the will to end the Sith once and for all. We have the military might, and the Supreme Chancellor - our great leader - has the absolute authority to do what we resolved to do fifteen hundred years ago.

    We have driven them from their homeworlds, crippled their military, and killed their Dark Lords.

    We stand on the edge of true peace.

    The Southern Empire has collapsed; the North stands on the edge of destruction.

    This is our best chance.

    We have our Chancellor; our armada; our army; a society geared at last for total war.

    The Final Stand of the Sith.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Jedi Perspective

    Fifteen hundred years ago the Sith struck at the Republic; we did our duty and defended the people of the galaxy. We led the charge back to their homeworlds, and defeated their Dark Lords.

    For a millennium we kept the peace, putting down the dark influences that the fall of the Sith had released.

    Five hundred years ago, those influences ensured our own Jedi, and they became our enemies. The Old Wars began.

    Four hundred years ago, the Jedi Order was decimated and we barely defeated the fallen Jedi calling themselves Sith. We rebuilt.

    A century ago, the True Sith revealed their survival, and invaded the Republic; we stepped in to save them from defeat.

    A decade later, Jedi Masters died to hold the line at Bothawui.

    A decade later, we led the counter-assault into the Sith worlds.

    A decade later, they offered a false treaty, and slew the Grandmaster and half the Jedi Council as they sacked Coruscant and enforced a sham peace. We left the Republic.

    A decade later, we joined the Republic as that peace broke down - we stopped the Emperor’s murderous rituals, we saved Corellia, we saved the galaxy from the Hutts, the Dread Masters, from Revan.

    A decade later, the Emperor showed his True self, and crushed all we had achieved.

    A decade later - fifty years ago - we rose up in an Alliance, and undid his treachery, and destroyed his last vessel.

    The Sith started the war for a third and final time by attacking us

    Thousands of Jedi have died for the peace.

    Now, the Republic has the will and desire to end the Sith once and for all. They can do what they intended to fifteen hundred years ago.

    We have fought the war, slain their Dark Lords, foiled the Sith assault... but will we not kill to end the war.

    We stand on the edge of true peace.

    What remains of the Sith in the north are powerless to stop the Republic’s absolute war machine.

    This is our only choice.

    We have rebuilt the Order, and in our defeat we have found the humility of peace, and acknowledged how far we have turned from that... we must stop...

    The Final Stand of the Sith.

    Starting Fall 2021
  21. Shadowsun

    Shadowsun Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 26, 2017
    Apollo's office was quiet, unusually so. He stood silent at the large glass window, looking at the noisy rumblings of the city, the comings, and goings of the busy citizens as flying cars and droids whizzed by. One small football-sized bot coming up to the glass wall, a thin piece of foam scarping across the glass as it silently worked. The faint ringing sound of an intercom sung as a disembodied female voice spoke. It was soft and smooth, an almost comforting noise, you could barely tell it was not a human voice.

    [Good Afternoon Sir, the Commanders are ready to speak with you now]

    "Send them in,"

    His back was turned away from them, three figures striding down, stopping at his desk, the central one speaking in earnest.

    "Well, is it true? Is he dead?"

    The two figures behind the man clad in orange and blue armor remained silent. One had their arms folded, atop his head sat a black helmet with several eye-looking pieces implanted into them. The only clad in nothing but orange and black was clearly much more agitated, opening and closing his fist repeatedly in a subconscious nervous tick.

    There was a pensive silence in the air, the figure turned away from them slowly turning to face them all, his golden armor glinting in the afternoon limelight. His body carried itself in quiet confidence as he spoke in the same manner, his voice barely above a murmur, but carrying the weight of the apocalypse.

    "Yes," He paused looking up at the air. "Today will be remembered as the day mankind's greatest warrior fell,"

    The silence resumed for a few more moments, the figure with his arms crossed spoke, his normal voice devoid of worry had a slight tinge of panic mingled in with the words.

    "How is that even possible, everything we threw at it, it could destroy, Samuel Jupiter was supposed to be the answer, the final evolution for destroying the Xenos once and for all,"

    "I am painfully aware, it would seem the hivemind created a champion of their own, we will have to launch a counteroffensive as soon as possible, otherwise it is over, for all mankind,"

    For All Mankind
    A Shadowsun RPG
    Coming Soon...

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021
  22. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Senate - After the Rise

    [Insert Stock Senate Photo]

    Fourteen months ago, the First Order, hitherto considered to be a minor power in the Outer Rim, destroyed the Hosnian system, crippling the New Republic.

    Thirteen months ago, the First Order smashed the Resistance at the Battle of Crait, with a handful of survivors escaping into a galaxy that had fallen.

    One month ago, this entire tableau of events was undone by the Battle of Exegol, where a great Galactic Alliance rose up to smash not just the First Order, but also the resurrected Emperor Palpatine.

    It has been pandemonium since.

    Warlordism, wide-scale rebellion, Hutt aggression, First Order survivors, as well as rumours about the survival of the Supreme Leader and even Armitage Hux, prevail. Contact with the Unknowns has been lost; the HoloNet relays at Genesis and Esfandia have fallen in the chaos.

    Inevitably, calm needs to follow.

    Inevitably, after a long absence, the Senate needs to return. The exact shape of the Republic, or the Alliance, or the Federation; it needs to be decided. Former Riosan Senator, Ransolm Caserfo, has been appointed as Acting Chancellor and now the First Session has been called on Mon Calamari, in the distant Outer Rim.

    [Insert Dashing Politician Photo]

    [Insert Stock Water World Photo]



    This is a Senate game set one month after the Battle of Exegol.

    The Galactic Alliance that rose up off the backs of the flame of Resistance now has to decide how to move forward - five small Warlord states have arisen in the Outer Rim, as much as the First Order is retreating en masse into the Inner Rim. The Core and Colonies is a patchwork of violence and allied and enemy states.

    What is to be done?

    The galaxy intends to start slow.

    The Acting Chancellor will have one year; the Senate will have one bill a month to put through. In twelve months, the galaxy will be saved, or doomed.

    You decide.

    OOC: I have such pants signal here that I can’t load Google. So, you have my placeholders.
    Last edited: May 1, 2021
  23. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    Was thinking of changing my earlier idea about the post-TOR into something more manageable.

    So was thinking a post-ROTJ (a mix between canon and EU), an Alliance team looking for Palpatine's observatories, maybe even hunt of Jedi artifacts at the backdrop of the Empire's collapse.
  24. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    Thoughts on a martial arts game, anyone?
    Shadowsun likes this.
  25. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    Like...Karate Kid or Cobra Kai?
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021