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Interviews with Authors *~*VaderLVR64*~* 092104

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Sebulba2179, Apr 23, 2003.

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  1. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Emmi and Gabri-Great interviews! :) *grins at Emmi* So the Empress and I influenced you, did we? ;)

    Very cool! I'm so glad to see Round 2 start up again! :D

  2. inez_the_swampgirl

    inez_the_swampgirl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 14, 2002
    Wonderful interviews, ladies. :D

    I'm really excited about this thread. I can't wait to get to know more of you. ;)

  3. Knight-Ander

    Knight-Ander Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 2002
    Good nominee list, so far. :)
  4. obaona

    obaona Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    Very cool! I will now use this background information to stalk you two wonderful writers . . . [face_devil]
  5. DarthBreezy

    DarthBreezy Chosen One star 6

    Jun 4, 2002
    I took a sneak off of moving to peek at E-mail and saw this! Wow! what company you've put me in!! I'll get my interview back asap...

  6. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    Excellent 'view, Gabri--both informative and humorous. :)

    I hope all the nominees accept--that's quite a list already! :)
  7. Amidala_Skywalker

    Amidala_Skywalker Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 2001
    Wonderful interviews! :) You?re both lovely ladies I have the pleasure of knowing and getting into mischief with *hugs to both*.

    Am [face_love]
  8. Lady_Moonbeam

    Lady_Moonbeam Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 4, 2002
    She's the dazzling sensation of the TFN Archive and the co-author of The Water's Edge. Her writing is prolific without losing any of the amazing power she has with her words. Her style is flawless and her stories beautifully new and intriguing. Unleash the applause for...



    Obaona, can you give us some background information on yourself?

    I'm seventeen and I live in California. Sixty degrees is cold, I don't care what others say! ;) I'm the youngest in the family; my older sister is majoring in music education, and my brother is studying to be a pastor. I'm very proud of both of them, and I can say that safely as the chances of them stumbling upon this are virtually nil. [face_mischief] I'm a writer, but I'm not impoverished . . . (give me time to move out!;) ). My parents are supportive of my fanfiction habit.

    What was your first Star Wars experience?

    Christmas, and sibling rivalry! My mother had bought my brother the Thrawn Trilogy, but then she realized we (the kids) had an unequal number of presents. Of course, this was highly, highly important to us kids, so she gave me one of my brother's presents ? The Last Command. I read that first. I came back to the whole trilogy sometime later (when myself and my brother, owner of the other books, weren't fighting), due to the fact that my brother kept going on about these weird folk called Dash Rendar and Han Solo. And before I knew it I was obsessed!

    What was your first experience with writing?

    When I was . . . younger, I wrote stories about horses. I was quite fond of horses. I wrote a good twenty pages of horse fiction for my mom when she was sick, and it was quite bad . . . Anyway! I've wanted to be a writer since I was eleven or so, simply because I loved reading so much so writing seemed like a suitable thing to do. ;)

    What inspires you to start a story?

    Many things, and everything. I often find inspiration in music, but to give an example of inspiration for me, a couple months ago some kid threw a big, silver ball into our backyard. No one came to claim it, so it's still there (my family is a tad lazy). We've dubbed it the scifi ball because its spotless, perfectly round and silver, and I've had plenty of plot bunnies attack me while staring at that thing.

    But I generally write because I have to. I get the mental jitters if I don't. I feel restless. 8-}

    What draws you to Star Wars fan fiction, in particular?

    Well, I was interested in Star Wars long before I found fanfiction, and even before the news that there would be an Episode I. Once I had devoured the EU, there was no place to take my Star Wars thoughts and speculations except my imagination. So fanfiction is kind of a natural extension of that. And I think there's just so much to explore in Star Wars fanfiction, as opposed to other fandoms. But that's probably just moi.

    In your vignette trilogy, you dealt with a romantic relationship between Obi-Wan and Siri Tachi. What possibilities do you see for that pairing?

    Obviously a lot, since I wrote a vignette trilogy about it! 8-} I see a lot of possibilities, but generally I think there's a limited timeframe in which those possibilities lie. They are both very strong, very dedicated Jedi, and I can't imagine them breaking the Code easily. I think some outside influence would have to change their lives as Jedi for them to be willing to do something non-Jedi, if that makes sense. Of course, the events of Episode III change everything, so I would say that would be a great spot to write that pairing (listening, Lucas?). Why them? They work together, they're friends, and they were once rivals who bickered a lot. They rather reminded me of Leia and Han in the OT.

    What characters do you find easiest to write, and what characters (if any) are hard to fit into?

    I find Obi-Wan and Leia very easy to write, and Anakin as well, surprisingly. Han and Padme I fi
  9. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    Oba! Nicely done, dear. :D

    If I'm really angry, I find it difficult to write, until I calm down and then I just kill Obi-Wan or something.

    :eek: Sometimes you just plain scare me. :p Can't wait for that Luke/Mara story!

  10. KatarnLead

    KatarnLead Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Oct 5, 2002
    [face_love] to oba! I inspire you???

    *goes to write another letter*
  11. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    Very nice, oba. :)
  12. inez_the_swampgirl

    inez_the_swampgirl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 14, 2002
    :D Are you my long lost twin? :p Very good, Oba.

  13. TheFallen

    TheFallen Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 27, 2001
    * Claps and giggles in her THIRD! way * ;)

    Wooo, oba! :D

  14. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    If I'm really angry, I find it difficult to write, until I calm down and then I just kill Obi-Wan or something.

    *cracks up* You really know how to make me laugh, oba! *hugs*

    Great review! I especially loved that story about how you first got into Star Wars! :)

  15. LadyPadme

    LadyPadme Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 26, 2002

    oba, sweetie, LOVED your interview! And I agree with the others; sometimes you scare me.

    Hugs, dearest! :D

    EDIT: That sounded kind of bad--let me modify this:

    Sometimes you scare me :) Why?
    1) Prolific writer- where do you find all the time?
    2) Consummate Obi torturer
    3) The fact that you bond so well with that other nut Elli...there must be a reason.

    You know I love you, right? ;)
  16. PadmeSolo

    PadmeSolo Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 3, 2002
    Wonderful Oba!! :D

    Even your interview style is elegant!! :p

  17. KrystalBlaze

    KrystalBlaze Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    ~Well, here we are, once again again with another interview. [mad cheering] Now, settle down here, folks. How quickly the interviews fly by. Today we have an interviewee who is one of the most beloved authors here. Her stories explore characterization and relationships. She's been nominated for an award and today she's here to tell you about it...


    Can you give us some background information on yourself?

    Well, first I have to say, ?Hi Everybody!? (a-la Dr. Nick)

    I?m 27 (soon to be 28) and I have two brothers and a sister. Since so many people ask, my real middle name is Inez and I grew up near the mouth of the Mississippi River, hence my screen name. We were literally in the boon-docks (a.k.a. middle of nowhere). The irony is, now I live in the Dallas Metroplex, and I love it! (Hey! We have McDonald?s! :p )

    Did I mention I that I hate talking about myself like this? I never know what to say. *sigh* Well, I guess some interesting stuff about me would be I?ve been very happily married for five years. I love movies and reading (more about that later ;) ). The biggest thing I?m doing in my life lately is soul-searching... ?What am I here for?? That sort of thing. Mostly it revolves around having a college degree that I?m not using. Could that be considered a mid-life crisis? I hope not, I?m too young for that... I think. [face_mischief]

    Well, I?m not here to depress you, so on with the next question.

    How long have you been writing?

    Well, I learned to write my name when I was around 4 or 5... Seriously, other than some literary essays and reports for school papers and that sort of thing, I?ve never really written anything before coming to the boards. I started writing ?I?d Do It All Again? last May or June and only started posting it in November.

    What exactly drew you to fanfiction?

    Settle in folks, this is kind of a long story. [face_mischief]

    First I have to say that I have always considered myself a reader, not a writer. I?ve always loved reading, ever since I was very little. There?s nothing I?d rather do more. My mom brought all of us kids to the library on a regular basis. I didn?t learn to sleep in a dark room until I went to college because I?d always fall asleep with a book in my hands and the lamp on.

    I had to give up my reading habit in college as well, because I needed to focus on my studies. After school, I had a job, but eventually got laid off. I suddenly had time to read again (and MUCH time to make up for ;) ). I started haunting my local library. The only problem is, I?m very picky about what I read and eventually exhausted my list of make-up books. My husband had been trying to get me to read the SW books. I refused at first because I was afraid they would not be good or ruin my enjoyment of the movies. How stupid was I? *rolls eyes*

    So, I started with the Thrawn trilogy. You guessed it, I was hooked. After blowing through every book from ?Truce at Bakura? to ?Vision of the Future? in about 4 months, I was frothing at the mouth for more. I had heard about from some friends and my husband, so I started reading the book review section there, then I found the JC forums? literary boards.

    After lurking a while, I started reading about this thing called fanfiction. I seriously had no idea it existed before last year. I wandered into the fanfiction board and found my own personal Mecca. I eventually got bitten by a killer plotbunny and here we are.

    Have you written in any other fanfiction genres? If so, what are they? Do you find Star Wars fanfiction addicting?

    No, I?ve never written anything other than my current fic.

    Do you find Star Wars fanfiction addicting? [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] If you only knew!!!

    God?s honest truth? I?m currently following somewhere between 30 and 40 fics here at the JC. There are about 10 to 15 others at other sites. I?m writing my first fanfic, which will be about 120 pages when finished. I?m beta reading another for a friend, which will also be near novel length when
  18. Gabri_Jade

    Gabri_Jade Fanfic Archive Editor Emeritus star 5 VIP

    Nov 9, 2002
    Well, first I have to say, ?Hi Everybody!? (a-la Dr. Nick)

    *giggles* Hi, Dr. Nick! :p Wonderful interview, inez! Great to see you here. :D

    This thread is just so much fun... :D

  19. Knight-Ander

    Knight-Ander Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 2002
    I?m currently following somewhere between 30 and 40 fics here at the JC.

    Wow, inez! You certainly do like to read. :eek:
  20. LadyPadme

    LadyPadme Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 26, 2002

    inez: That was wonderful!! How lovely to read about you and your writing!

    Is this 200 page fic going to be SW or original?

    Echoes GJ in that this is a GREAT thread.
  21. Darth_Lex

    Darth_Lex Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 17, 2002
    humor with a bit o? angst. ?You know Sergio!?
    LOL! [face_laugh] [face_laugh] Inez, I love that Smirnoff Ice commercial!! Very humorous -- "darkish, lightish hair" ?!?!? [face_laugh] -- with a little bit of angst (will these two idiots -- Luke & Han, as it were -- be found out? :eek:).

    (Although I must admit that "You know Sergio?" has been surpassed by the Coors "Wingman" commercial as my current favorite. :p)

    Great interview!

    And like everybody else I agree this is a really great thread! :D :D
  22. inez_the_swampgirl

    inez_the_swampgirl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 14, 2002
    Thanks everyone! In my own defense, I must say I was interviewed while suffering some mild sleep deprivation, but I decided it would be more fun this way.

    Darth_Lex gets the cookies. :D

    LP The novel length story will be SW of course.

  23. PadmeLeiaJaina

    PadmeLeiaJaina Force Ghost star 6

    May 23, 2002
    Thanks for clarifying your handle, Inez. All I could think w/ Swampgirl was Greta from "Days of our Lives" :p [face_laugh]

    Great interview- I'm glad you chose to have fun w/ the interview, it showed a lot of your personality... makes me think that if I ever get the chance I may wander over to one of your fics :D
  24. Knight-Ander

    Knight-Ander Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 19, 2002
    "Taking one for the team, while your buddy lives the dream."

    ;) :p

    Yes, Lex, that's one of my favorites, too. :D

    I should have guessed the Smirnoff one. It sounded familiar.
  25. Wilhelmina

    Wilhelmina Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 4, 2002
    *stops giggling long enough to reply*

    Methinks I need to check out your story, inez. ;)
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