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Before - Legends Into Another Day (Qui/Obi AU, Qui-Gon's Diary) Dear Diary Challenge 2008~~Updated 11/15~~

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Layren, Jan 2, 2008.

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  1. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I wonder who is interrupting him THIS time?

    Great update! =D=
  2. Gina

    Gina Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2003
    If one more person asks me how I'm feeling, I think I'll have to retort with, "What do you think?"

    ROTFL!!! [face_laugh] Now who would have ever guessed that he would be a grumpy patient? :p

  3. Jinngerbread

    Jinngerbread Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 2, 2007
    Gkilkenny Having been in the hospital many times, I can vouch for Qui's frustration with that ;)Sorry it was so short, I was mainly focused on getting away from Naboo. Thanks for reading!

    Kelia Yeah, it really is irritating! :p As far as what happened to him, well, you'll have to hang around and find out ;) And tsk, I could have him have something serious someday, then what would you do? ;) Thanks for reading!

    VaderLVR So does Qui ;) Thanks for reading!

    Gina I think all men make for grumpy patients, some of them more so than others. :p Thanks for reading! :)

    Entry Eighteen
    I'm much calmer now.

    Really, I am, can't you tell?

    In all honesty, I do feel better than I did the other day, I was just getting so annoyed with the people come in and out to check on my progress that I nearly pulled my own hair out in frustration. I've been instructed to rest, yet I could not rest. That is one of the most irritating things about being in the infirmary is the lack of privacy.

    Well, in addition to being poked and prodded, but it's a necessary violation, I suppose, but I digress.

    Han'yaie put a stop to my activity level, by giving me periods where I could have no visitors, so the silence enabled me to regain my calm.

    Among my close friends, Tahl was the only one home. It was good to catch up; it's been a long time since we had gotten to have a good talk.

    Good thing Sian and Kyran aren't home.

    I'd never hear the end of the fact that my first mission ended with me the infirmary.

  4. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    Good thing Sian and Kyran aren't home.

    I'd never hear the end of the fact that my first mission ended with me the infirmary.

    Dear Force, yes. I'm sure they will still hear of it - and so will Qui, over and over again. [face_laugh]
  5. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004

    Oh I think there are not many secrets in the Jedi
    they will all hear about it.[face_laugh]

  6. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Good thing Sian and Kyran aren't home.

    I'd never hear the end of the fact that my first mission ended with me the infirmary.

    I'm sure they will hear of it eventually, Qui, and you'll still never hear the end of it.

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh][face_laugh]

    Thank the Force one healer had the good sense to restrict visitors.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  7. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Good thing Sian and Kyran aren't home.

    I'd never hear the end of the fact that my first mission ended with me the infirmary.

    As if Sian and Kyran would ever - Okay, they would. :p


  8. dimyavie

    dimyavie Jedi Master star 1

    May 3, 2006
    Cute update, although you do have me wondering about why Qui is in the infirmary. Thanks for writing! :)
  9. jedidas3

    jedidas3 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 25, 2007
    Wonderful update! I'm sure that they will find's hard to hide things from a Jedi![face_laugh]
  10. Jinngerbread

    Jinngerbread Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 2, 2007
    Valairy_Scot You can count on that! ;) Thanks for reading!

    Gkilkenny You're probably right, not that many secrets around that place. :D Thanks for reading!

    Kelia Too many visitors can definitely be problematic sometimes. Thanks for reading!

    VaderLVR Ky and Sian would like to know what would make you doubt their intentions :p Thanks for reading!

    dimyavie Don't worry, the why'll be answered. :) Thanks for reading!

    jedidas3 Especially those Jedi. :p They have eyes everywhere! [face_shhh];) Thanks for reading!

    [b]Entry Nineteen[/b]

    News sure travels fast around here.

    I awakened this morning to a comlink call from, guess who?


    Tahl commed him to tell him about it and how on my first mission, I was in the infirmary, giving him the inside scoop.

    And here I thought she was on my side.

    Later in the afternoon, Kyran commed.

    I really should've known better.

    I guess I should explain what happened, so that I can have a full account of what all has gone on here in this journal as well.

    There was a pirate attack on my ship, Planet Spiral, as I was going home from Naboo to Coruscant. Once they discovered a Jedi on board, they decided I was going to be their hostage in addition to the other loot they had ransacked from the ship. I was injured as they attacked, getting a vibroshiv in the side and breaking my right arm in the scuffle, but managed to avoid being kidnapped, at least.

    Being injured for my first mission is bad enough, but being injured and kidnapped at the same time?

    That would just be embarrassing, not to mention setting a bad precedent for my future career.
  11. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004

    Ah! so jumping right in he has figured out what his life will be like.
    Vibroshiv's, pain , kidnapping, and infirmaries.:oops:

    Welcome to the not so real world Qui-Gon[face_laugh]
  12. Jedi-Gon

    Jedi-Gon Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 1, 2007
    [face_laugh] Ooh, bad precedent, indeed! Dear Qui... Better get used to it, for all of us fanfiction writers are out to get you. As you (soon to be) Padawan would say, "I have a bad feeling about this!" :p

    A very nice (very Qui-Gon - like [face_mischief] ) Addition, Master! :D
  13. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    Ah, wait 'til Obi arrives in his life - that's 2x as much kidnapping, pain and infirmaries.

    At least Qui's first mission ended with him alive and not kidnapped.
  14. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Being injured for my first mission is bad enough, but being injured and kidnapped at the same time?

    That would just be embarrassing, not to mention setting a bad precedent for my future career.

    But we enjoy torturing you SO MUCH! :D

  15. jedidas3

    jedidas3 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 25, 2007
    Being injured for my first mission is bad enough, but being injured and kidnapped at the same time?

    That would just be embarrassing, not to mention setting a bad precedent for my future career.

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    That is so Qui-Gon...great job with this!!!
  16. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Being injured for my first mission is bad enough, but being injured and kidnapped at the same time?

    That would just be embarrassing, not to mention setting a bad precedent for my future career.

    That's putting it mildly!

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Maybe when he talks to Sian he should just play up the fact that he fought off his kidnappers.

    Perhaps Sian would be so impressed, he'd forget all about teasing Qui-Gon?






    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  17. Gina

    Gina Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2003
    Well, in his defense, he did avoid being kidnapped, LOL!

    Loved the updates! :D Sorry this reply is so late, btw, I've been out of town for a couple weeks.

  18. Jinngerbread

    Jinngerbread Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 2, 2007
    Gkilkenny H says he has been in the "real world" plenty without getting hurt before now, though admittedly, this has left him a bit disgruntled. ;) Thanks for reading!

    Jedi-Gon He really should, shouldn't he? :p Especially with people like us around to torment him! Glad you liked it, thanks for reading!

    Valairy_Scot He says Obi-Wan just attracts extra trouble and that part isn't his fault. He seems to think someone might be out to get him, and wonder why he'd be thinking that? I just can't figure out why. [face_whistling] Thanks for reading!

    VaderLVR He says you've been taking lessons from Sian. :p Thanks for reading!

    jedidas3 Thanks! I'm glad you think so. :D

    Kelia Sian? Forget to tease him? I think he'd have to have amnesia for that to ever happen. Even then, he still probably would.[face_batting] Thanks for reading!

    Gina Yeah, at least he avoided it, this time. I wondered where you've been lately, glad you're back! Now get to work on Never Fall In Love with a Stranger :p I want another update! :D

    Entry Twenty

    I'm finally out of the Healers, at long last.

    I feel like a prisoner released.

    Well maybe not [i]exactly[/i], I realize that's going a bit overboard, but truly I do dislike being cooped up in bed and not to mention the needles and drugs. And I guess it really hasn't been that long either, but any time spent in that place is too long for me.

    Barely half a day out of the Healers, and I get a call from the Council.

    They wish to debrief me on the Naboo mission and the pirate attack on the ship afterwards and discuss in more detail what I mentioned in my mission summary. To prepare, I think I'm going to meditate and turn in early.

    I'm still a bit tired, even if I won't admit it to anybody else.

  19. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Good to see that even Jedi will act like regular guys!

    I'm still a bit tired, even if I won't admit it to anybody else.

  20. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
    I don't like being in the hospital either. That nasty antisceptic smell makes me queezy. I'm glad to see Qui out and about. :)
  21. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004
    A Jedi does not have time to rest, out of the healers straight on to the
    Council chambers.:oops:
    A jedi's work is never done.[face_shame_on_you]

  22. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    I'm still a bit tired, even if I won't admit it to anybody else.

    Now, now Qui, there's nothing wrong with admitting your human.

    Hopefully his session with the Council won't wear him out even more.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  23. jedidas3

    jedidas3 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 25, 2007
    Excellent! I'm glad to see Qui-Gon is up and rest for the weary!;)
  24. Gina

    Gina Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 3, 2003
    Well maybe not exactly, I realize that's going a bit overboard, but truly I do dislike being cooped up in bed and not to mention the needles and drugs. And I guess it really hasn't been that long either, but any time spent in that place is too long for me.

    I can definitely see him feeling that way. He's a man of action, after all. And besides, no one likes to be cooped up like that. LOL!

    Lovely update! :D

  25. Jinngerbread

    Jinngerbread Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 2, 2007
    VaderLVR64Yep, Jedi are human too. ;) Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading!

    Alexis_Wingstar I agree, it does smell funky in a hospital and I never like the smell of them either. Qui-Gon's glad to be up and around too. Thanks for reading!

    Gkilkenny Definitely not! Always on the move, you know. ;) Thanks for reading!

    Kelia Hopefully not, depends on how much he argues. ;) Thanks for reading!

    jedidas3 No rest indeed! Thanks for reading. :D

    Gina He definitely is a man of action and sitting still is one of the last things he wants to do, never mind sitting still and being in bed for days. Thanks for reading!

    Entry Twenty-One

    I did not realize it had been so long since I last wrote.

    In my defense, the last two years have been quite busy, with missions seemingly back to back and I moved due to ah?well. I moved. Let's just leave it at that. I misplaced the journal in the move, and did not get back to it, as I have not been back to the Temple in some time.

    Right now I am on leave for a few more days, before I am assigned another mission. I think I will transpose these entries into my datapad, to make it easier to access.

    Perhaps if I use the datapad instead of the old fashioned method, I will be able to get back into the habit of writing daily again.

    While I'm home, I've been visiting a lot in the crèche.

    You remember Obi-Wan Kenobi who was in my first lightsaber class?

    He's one of the ones I'm considering as my first apprentice.

    I am looking at others though, also. He is such a promising student; perhaps someone with more experience would be a better match for him.

    It's hard to say.

    I?m also looking at an initiate by the name of Siri Tachi.

    She's such a bright and spirited young woman, and two years younger than Obi-Wan. It makes her a bit young, yes, but I definitely think there is a good deal of potential there, but again there is the same issue that a Master with more experience might benefit her as well.

    I'm doing my best to take things slowly and let the Force draw me to the initiates, much as I do with everything else in life.

    Listening to the Force is the best way to decide.

    Though, now I'm feeling more confused with the options presented to me. In time, hopefully things will grow clearer.

    Perhaps I am not to choose just yet and I'm to wait a few more years.

    Only time and the Force will tell.
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