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Is Akira Kurosawa the key? Ep 3

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith' started by TK327, Dec 28, 2001.

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  1. bad radio

    bad radio Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 26, 1999
    Kurosawa?s Ikiru comes out in January, folks! Oh happy day!

    Also, I just moved across country and accordingly lost some of my webspace with my ISP. That?s why many of the pictures/links on some of the other pages in this thread aren?t working, but I hope to have them back up soon.
  2. Ree Yees

    Ree Yees Jedi Youngling star 5

    Apr 6, 2000
    I have only one Kurosawa DVD, Kamagusha (or something like that), I was wondering if any of you guys have found any similarities in SW with this one? There is the duality theme with the ruler being replaced by someone else (Sidious/Palpatine?)

    Anyway, great thread.

    DARKSIDER03 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 17, 2003
    keywords from ROTJ:

    "beware the powers of the Emperor,
    or suffer your fathers fate you will"

    (Yoda to Luke)


  4. JediMAQ

    JediMAQ Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 27, 2001
    Everytime this thread makes it back to the front page, I can't help but smile :D
  5. TK327

    TK327 Force Ghost star 4

    May 7, 2001
    Can someone help me out with my Japanese history? Is it fair to say that the Imperial troops were initially not at odds with the Samurai? I'm guessing that when the Emperor declared that regional leaders would have to give up their lands, the Samurai revolted, but were slaughtered by the Imperial army? Is that about right?
  6. bad radio

    bad radio Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 26, 1999
    >>>> Can someone help me out with my Japanese history? Is it fair to say that the Imperial troops were initially not at odds with the Samurai?

    The Emperor practically turned his back on the samurai in favor of modernizing Japan, even after many years of loyal service. The samurai were actually revered by a majority of the soldiers in the Imperial Army (some of the soldiers in the Imperial Army were in fact former samurai).

    >>>> I'm guessing that when the Emperor declared that regional leaders would have to give up their lands, the Samurai revolted, but were slaughtered by the Imperial army? Is that about right?

    The samurai revolted when their way of life was being threatened by railroads, guns, etc. They believed that they were still fighting in the best interests of the Emperor despite the fact that the Emperor had turned on them. Kurosawa actually visits this theme in his film Ran, when Hidetora banishes some of his loyal retainers who, despite having fallen into ill favor with Hidetora, remained faithful to their master until the very end.

    I would guess that the Jedi still remain committed to the concept of the Republic, even after Palpatine drives the Republic into the ground.
  7. Tikei-Fore-Tu-Wan

    Tikei-Fore-Tu-Wan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 9, 2003
    Loyalty and faith in leadership is, as bad_radio pointed out the crux of what Ran (and King Lear) is about. Kagemusha is another great adaptation of a "western" story (I'm pretty sure that if you look in the lexicon of any culture there'll be some sort of The Prince and the Pauper story in it)
  8. MeBeJedi

    MeBeJedi Force Ghost star 6

    May 30, 2002
    "I would guess that the Jedi still remain committed to the concept of the Republic, even after Palpatine drives the Republic into the ground."

    Very much agreed. At the very least, they are loyal to what the Republic once represented. Obi-wan makes this clear in ANH, when he reminices to Luke about what it was like "before the dark times."
  9. Lord_of_the_Bling

    Lord_of_the_Bling Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 6, 2003
    bad radio is the man.

    Anyway, I definitely see the parallels of the Jedi and the republic to the way the Emperor turned his back to the Samurai in Japanese history. Sweet stuff guys.

    Oh, and when Anakin turns to the dark side, keep Sword of Doom in mind. :D Evil at it's best.

  10. Darth-sennin

    Darth-sennin Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2001
    Exellent thread, I wish I had something to add since I love Kurosawa so much, but I had to mention how awsome this thread is.
  11. TK327

    TK327 Force Ghost star 4

    May 7, 2001
    Thanks very much for the help bad radio et al. Just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going off half-cocked in suggesting similarities between the fall of the Samurai and the Jedi.
  12. Lord_of_the_Bling

    Lord_of_the_Bling Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 6, 2003
    No TK327, you made a very good observation.
  13. Promethues-Skywalker

    Promethues-Skywalker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 2, 2002
    These are some of the best observations these boards have had the honor of holding. Ever since the first "Is Akira Kurosawa the key" post was made, many have tried to discredited the influence that Mr. Kurosawa had on GL.

    The influence is remarkable but many are still in the state of denial.

    Bad Radio, you deserve much respect for your thorough research on this subject, especially when GL himself comments on the influence of Akira Kurosawa.

    This last SW film will prove fully where, as you suggested, this last episode is headed and its ending. I remember stating long ago that Anakin knew, prior to ANH, about his son. Many so-called, or so believed, foremost authority on this topic were already proved wrong when the spoiler came out of Anakins knowledge of Padme's pregnancy and himself as a father. When you posted on this same subject, I was relieved to know I was not the only one and was happy to see your research support this.

    Keep up with the good threads for you have proven yourself to be the only qualifing and foremost authority on the subject of the SW prequels of all those who post on these boards.

  14. Promethues-Skywalker

    Promethues-Skywalker Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 2, 2002
    I'm Sorry! Let us not forget also TK327. Fantastic job! You too are the man TK.

  15. EyeH8EU

    EyeH8EU Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 30, 2003
    To honor the Japanese, I offer these Haikus in praise of this thread:

    This thread is full of
    Intelligent discussion
    Not one clone theory

    Almost everyone
    registered before 02
    This newbie is shamed

    Is Kurosawa
    the main influence on george?
    Or is Asimov?

    I bow in respect
    to a thread that can rival
    that great Ivan thread.
  16. Herque

    Herque Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 16, 2002
    i agree with you
  17. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    I just saw The Last Samurai and I was quite startled how much the Jedi philosophy resembles that of the Samurai.

    I didn't know much about these fellows, but now I realize that Lucas has indeed been influenced from these types of movies.

    There is no anger.....there is peace....

    In The Last Samurai Tom kills a Samurai's husband, and instead of hating him, this wife heals his wounds.

    Also like Jedi in Episode 3 all the Samurai die in the end of this movie

    They are killed by soldiers with guns. In Starwars, they are killed by stormtroopers with laser guns.

    In Starwars, Jedi have ancient like weapons (lightsabers) like Samurai who use only swords.
  18. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003

    Also The Last Samurai portrays the Samurai as always serving the government, just like in starwars, the Jedi bring peace and order to the galaxy.

    Both governments undergo a change (the Republic becomes corrupt, while that the Samurai serve pass through western influence) which the Samurai and Jedi don't accept.

    Also both the Starwars films and The Last Samurai contain corrupt senators.

    The Samurai and Jedi are both finally destroyed, not by enemies, but the organization they served and were loyal to for thousands of years.

  19. Raskolnikov

    Raskolnikov Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 15, 2003
    Sorry for the over-exuberance, but...

    Best. Thread. EVER!

    This thread should be mandatory reading for any newbie that joins this forum.
  20. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Yeah, TK327 and Bad Radio posted some quite amazing posts. There are also some very good links on the first page.

  21. E CHU TA!

    E CHU TA! Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 8, 2000
    Given its length, the opening shot of Episode 3 is probably another homage to the opening shot of The Hidden Fortress. I wouldn?t be surprised if the camera was trailing Obi-wan?s and Anakin?s ship just like the camera trailed Tahei and Matakishi. Overall, it would be appropriate to have Episode 3 and Episode 4 begin by paying tribute to The Hidden Fortress.

    Edit: The opening shot of The Hidden Fortress is approximately 1 minute 22 seconds. The opening shot in Episode 3 is estimated to be about 2 minutes 37 seconds.
  22. jedihyrumsfather

    jedihyrumsfather Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 8, 2001
    Right-O keeper of swords, I made a simmilar post on the similarity of the Latter day Samauri and the PT Jedi and how they have a similar situation. The Samauri were being threatened by the government because they were deemed useless. The Empire will do the same to the Jedi.

    Good stuff.
  23. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Jedi can also be paralleled to medieval knights. Qui-Gon Jinn is a good example of this. Also, they live in a Temple, a dwelling of the past.

    But the Jedi philosophy is definately based on that of the Samurai and similar orders.

  24. SithedMyPants

    SithedMyPants Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jan 24, 2004




    Egads!! I believe he is the key!


  25. TK327

    TK327 Force Ghost star 4

    May 7, 2001
    Very happy to see this thread is appreciated. bad radio and a number of others have really made this thread what it is. Wish I had more time to contribute.

    Thought I should link this thread to this hot debate
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