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Is it me, or did PatJedi82 turn "green"? :)

Discussion in 'Europe General Archive' started by VaGG, Sep 10, 2001.

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  1. VaGG

    VaGG Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2001
    I think CONGRATS are in order!!! :D
  2. Morgaine

    Morgaine Ex-Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 19, 2001
    Yeah, the GSFF is finally an official FanForce chapter!! :cool:

    Congrats Pat! :)

    Now you owe us a party...
  3. VaGG

    VaGG Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2001
    ... Now you owe us a party... ... yeah, don't even think for a second that you 're gonna get away with it! ;) :D
  4. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    Absolutely right !

    Pat, ocme here, my dear [face_mischief]
  5. LadyVader81

    LadyVader81 Jedi Knight star 6

    Jan 2, 2001
    Congrats :D

    now where's our drinks? :p
  6. PatJedi82

    PatJedi82 Ex-Mod star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 31, 2000
    Wow!! A thread dedicated to me! That's cool ;)

    Thanks to all for the congrats! I really appreciate that!!

    Now to the party! The first round goes on my bill!!

    Let's drink!!!

  7. Morgaine

    Morgaine Ex-Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 19, 2001
    *grabs a sushibeer*

    Cheers! :cool: ;)

  8. Yar_Kaii

    Yar_Kaii Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 8, 2000
    just one round, man? i think we deserve more than just one lame round! :D
  9. PatJedi82

    PatJedi82 Ex-Mod star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 31, 2000
    I just said the first round. I didn't say anything about followed! ;)
  10. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    You don't count on me to pay for you as a fellow Sith, do you ? :eek:
  11. PatJedi82

    PatJedi82 Ex-Mod star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 31, 2000
    Nah, I wouldn't dare! ;)
  12. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    And just because I'm rep, that doesn't force me to buy either, I hope.
  13. PatJedi82

    PatJedi82 Ex-Mod star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 31, 2000
    But you're a Jedi and that forces you to buy ;) :D
  14. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    Yep ! Your kindness commands you to do it ;)
  15. Twinnie

    Twinnie Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 5, 2001
    Congrats Pat ! But as your buddy, I require that you offer me the drinks... why would we pay for you ?!

    Congrats to Mac, Jaina, Yar_Kai, Morgaine and all the other German-speaking fellows too by the way =)
  16. VaGG

    VaGG Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2001
    Are the drinks over yet, or do we have time for another quick round? ;)

    Once again congrats Pat!!!
  17. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    *grumbles* OK, I pay this round. *grumbles*
  18. VaGG

    VaGG Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2001
    Here, let me pour you a tecquila shot Anne... :)

    Tecquila shots for everyone of course!
  19. Obi_one_and_only

    Obi_one_and_only Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jul 18, 2001
    Erm, what does the green mean?
  20. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    Ahem, Obi Anne, you've got no reason to grumble, especially since the bank from which you withdrew the funds for the drinks is controlled by the Sith.

    CHEATER ! You're paying the drinks with OUR money !
  21. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Oh, you got me, I thought you wouldn't notice.
  22. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    The Sith have no reasons to spoil a spoiler-free person :p
  23. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    How noble of you. :)
  24. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    Always be a noble foe. Rule #1 for courteous war.
  25. VaGG

    VaGG Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2001
    How many rules are there?
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