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ST Is the Emperor really dead?

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by LANDO_ROCKS, Jan 31, 2013.

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  1. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    No, i'm not. That was a real concern for Natalie Portman before agreeing to play Padme, being associated and working on SW for a decade. It would literally take that long. Sure she could do other stuff, but did anyone else? How many other films did Ewan make? I think he made one or two, but for ten years the lion's share of his work was Star Wars. Some are gonna be fine with that, but we can't read DR's mind, that's all i'm saying.

    Now we're getting into semantics. I said "Disney might do it" then you counter with "So what?" Where exactly are we disagreeing, here?
  2. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    Are you quite certain?

    I'm disagreeing with your baseless claim that Disney would rush into another trilogy as soon as this one is in the bag.

    You believe the Marvel release schedule is evidence they would but it isn't - simply looking at what we know of the plans for Star Wars so far and Disney's reaction to delays, date changes,commenting on Ford's injury, etc. is proof they are not rushing anything.
  3. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014

    I don't think it's baseless at all. And not a dire prediction either, all we have to go on is prior record on the part of Disney with these huge franchises.

    Also, as i recall, this particular exchange between you and I was kicked off with an offhand comment in parenthesis by myself ("Though, with Disney come to think of it, it's a lot more of a possibility than it would be with LFL alone", from post #2472, this thread page 99). Since i explicitly stated the word possibility, why are we even arguing this? Can we move to something more substantial?
  4. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    You made a comment, whether it was in " " or ( ) or * * , or whether you stated it as a possibility or you claimed it to fact is irrelevant.

    What's your basis? The comparison to the Marvel movies doesn't hold water, even if it did that is one franchise - where is the prior history with "these huge franchises"?

    And how the other movies McGregor made during his stint as Obi-Wan? Why have you dropped that?
  5. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    Dropped what? Ewan MaCgreggor was pinned to Star Wars for a decade. I am unaware of any movies he made during the prequel trilogy, though i am sure he made some. Doesn't that speak? His identity was Obi-Wan. He chaffed, famously commenting several times on how weird it was. I'm failing to see the problem, here.

    Disney's prior history with a huge franchise *is* Marvel. What other huge preexisting cultural milestone franchise have they controlled? Lion King 2?

    And the sentence "Though, with Disney come to think of it, it's a lot more of a possibility than it would be with LFL alone" is far from claiming anything as fact. What's the score, here?
  6. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    It "speaks" that maybe it would have been good idea to look it up before you made the comment.

    It also wasn't a decade, by the way.

    Right, because Marvel is the only "huge" thing Disney owned prior to Star Wars, Mickey Mouse and the Disney Princess thing never really took off and Marvel had no plans for the MCU at the time of purchase.
  7. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    Mickey Mouse and the Disney Princesses are a different animal. Try countering with things unprepared for. Those are all separate and unconnected films, not a modern franchise.

    Give me a few minutes to comment on the rest.


    Why? If i'm wrong, i'm wrong. I see no need.

    Better part of one.

    For what it's worth, Ewan doesn't seem to be too upset about it, considering he's mentioned he'd participate in the new trilogy if asked. Not everyone might want that. Liam Neeson didn't. He softened eventually, but they had to cheat to get Qui-Gon into episode II and he wasn't in Episode III at all. Assuming things about people you don't know doesn't lead anywhere good.
  8. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    In what way are they different?

    By Disney Princess, I'm talking about that franchise itself (not just the individual movies). To you have any idea how much money that one franchise makes in a year?

    It is late here - I'll probably be asleep a few minutes so it may be tomorrow or Thursday before I'm back.
  9. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    None. Not one iota.

    Do you have any idea how often Princess Ariel gets stopped on the street and asked weird questions? No? I bet Carrie Fisher does.
  10. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    Come now, I know from previous discussions with you that you are capable of better arguments than a cartoon mermaid wondering the streets.

    Take a break - there is no hurry.

    No idea of the income from Disney Princess?

    I guess that makes your comment about Disney something else you should have looked up before making claims.

  11. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014

    No, i have no idea about the income from Disney princesses. Other people's money isn't my bag since i don't get to spend it. What i do have is an idea that the Disney Princesses are all separate movies, unconnected to one another. Little Mermaid stuff sells independently of Tatiana stuff, and Tatiana stuff sells independently of Pocahontas stuff, and Pocahontas stuff sells independently of Aurora stuff, and so on and so on...

    It's not a franchise.

    EDIT~ I'm afraid i must bow out for the night. I have to get up and, believe it or not, take a pee-pee test tomorrow. (For a new job, people, loose lips sink ships).

    Back tomorrow?
  12. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    Incorrect - Disney Princess is a franchise.

    Good luck with the test and job.

    Laters (for real this time :) ) - Thursday I'd say ;)

    LANDO_ROCKS Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 28, 2002
    Darth_Articulate and Dra--- like this.
  14. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    OK, my sleeplessness bought me to it.... Hoggsquattle, you forced my hand.

    ~Lucy Lawless, upon discovering that a PLANET would be, short lived, named Xena.

    Not that it has anything to do with out argument, but it's too awesome to be ignored. TAKE THAT HOGSQUATTLE! BOW before Xena!

    I dare you to say that wouldn't be cool. I double triple dog dare you.:p
  15. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    Baz Edit: Link Disabled

    How i found it no tale tells. I'm all stoic and stuff.
  16. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009

    LANDO_ROCKS Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 28, 2002
    Here's How Emperor Palpatine Could Return In Star Wars: Episode VII
    BY MIKE REYES[​IMG] 2014-08-25 09:31:45[​IMG] 8 COMMENTS
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    At the beginning of 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, Darth Vader was introduced as the man in charge of the Galactic Empire, or at least, it seemed that way. With his intimidating visage, his booming voice, and his Force choking abilities, Vader went down in history as a badass for the Dark Side. At least, that was until he softened up a bit in Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. Part of that softening was, assumably, because he learned about the existence of his long lost son. The other part was definitely because we got to see the man behind the man – Emperor Palpatine. As time went on, fans learned that if you were going to fear any one thing in the Star Wars universe, it had better be The Emperor.

    If the latest rumors from Latino Review turn out to be true, then Emperor Palpatine is coming back to haunt the universe once more. The following is the scoop in its entirety, courtesy of Latino Review:
    Two independent sources have recently written to us to confirm something we had heard back when production first began. Even though Star Wars: Episode VII (as well as the following two sequels) will feature its share of newvillains, the person pulling the strings, the real puppet master, the big bad of the trilogy is none other than Emperor Palpatine.
    Now say what you will about the Star Wars movies, but one of the consistently awesome things about these movies has been Ian McDiarmid's performance as Senator/Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine. The man has become legend in his performance of an evil slowly unmasking itself for all to see, and he's one of the only people to have escaped the black hole that is known as Hayden Christensen's acting. See for yourself in this clip from Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith, which may or may not have been punched up by rumored ghostwriter and playwright Tom Stoppard.

    Unfortunately, much like the rumors swirling around Darth Vader's return, it looks like we're going to have a new actor cast in the role, as Latino Review also reported the following:
    " Don't look for confirmations from this from Ian McDiarmid, because he's not portraying the Emperor this time. "
    If Emperor Palpatine is indeed returning to the Star Wars universe, why wouldn't he be extended the same courtesy as other original cast members and be invited back forEpisode VII? Well, here's where it gets fun, as there's a couple of ways they could go about doing this. First, the Emperor could simply have escaped from being thrown down a random opening in the second Death Star. It's not that implausible, in fact that's how Luke was rescued from Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back.

    Then, there's the more mystical route of return. Remember how Palpatine told Anakin about the myth of Darth Plagueis, the man who defeated death? Well, seeing as how The Emperor knew about this story, he just might know how Darth Plagueis beat death, and he probably used that knowledge to secure himself a spot in Episode VII, as well as Episode VIII as the Latino Review has specified. However there's one last question that needs to be answered, provided this is true. If you're interested in finding out what all of this could spell for Episode IX, then click over to the next page.[​IMG]

    Now, this last theory banks on some Expanded Universe stuff, so it could be total bunk seeing as the EU has been rejected. In the EU, Palpatine does come back through clone bodies that he prepared just in case things went to ****. One of those clones just happened to recruit Luke Skywalker over to The Dark Side, thus turning one of our favorite heroes into a tool of evil. Now if they want to disregard the Expanded Universe usage of clones, but go down a similar route, one could say that Luke's exile was for a specific reason. That reason would be, to protect himself from the spirit of The Emperor.

    Episodes VII and VIII could see The Emperor occupying a robot body, which COULD explain that hand we saw that everyone thought belonged to an Inquisitor. If this is true, his presence in VII and VIII, but not in IX, could mean that Luke, despite his best efforts, becomes possessed with the unlimited power of The Emperor for the grand finale of Episode IX! Of course, this could all be skuttled before we know it, so keep your ears and eyes open as Star Wars: Episode VII closes in on its December 18th, 2015 release date.
    Iron_lord likes this.
  18. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    Just fun. Sleepless fun.

    I need to turn my PC off.
  19. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    You were supposed to do that hours ago. You have more important things going on today.
  20. xx_Anakin_xx

    xx_Anakin_xx Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 9, 2008
    noooooooooo! I don't want him back. I'd rather have a Vader clone than a not really dead emperor.
  21. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    Palpatine isn't coming back - the Latino Review, like all other mivie news sites are just desperate for traffic and throw this rubbish out knowing people will go to their sites.

    The only question here is whether the story is an outright lie by Latino Review or that they've been purposely given false information.

    Considering their history, I'd say the the former.
  22. Bazinga'd

    Bazinga'd Saga / WNU Manager - Knights of LAJ star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 1, 2012
    Count Zero Do not attempt to derail the the thread with unrelated posts.
    darklordoftech likes this.
  23. TtheForceHurts

    TtheForceHurts Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 28, 2010
    While I am not a particular fan of the whole clone buisness, I just thought that if Palpatine would want a clone body, then he would want an unaltered, not growth accellerated clone. So if he entered the body of a clone (baby/fetus) after his death, this clone would be 35 years old by the time of EPVII and this would match up with Adam Driver and could explain, why nothing extraordinary happened in between the trilogies.
    Iron_lord likes this.

    LANDO_ROCKS Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 28, 2002

    I kinda assumed that his spirit wouldn't have much choice, he'd have to take whatever the closest body he could get to so probably a stormtrooper or similar just as he fell.
  25. TtheForceHurts

    TtheForceHurts Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 28, 2010
    If he fell into the reactor he would have entered the body of the TIE-Pilot that chased the Falcon out....and exploded, D'oh!!!
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