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Orlando, FL January Meeting

Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Pikaroth, Dec 22, 2003.

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  1. raiza123

    raiza123 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 18, 2003
    Never give in, never give up. January post shall never die. It fights to survive, it gasps for air and struggles to survive. What vital importance does it need to say? Does it want to talk about the Safety Dance?

    Spiderman2 rules? Nah (although, most of us know it's true). Hippies rock, free love and all that jazz. nyet.

    How about Vin Diesel is a sexy, sexy man? That's not it either. I think January post is back just to say Hi and welcome back to Orlando - Dale!
  2. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    "King Arthur" takes its place as one of the worst films of the year. I cannot wait to publish my Top and Bottom Ten lists in December.

  3. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    Don't ruin it for me Brandon...I wanna see before you judge!!!

    Me thinks that The Safety Dance DOES want to be spoken about!


    We can dance if we want to,
    we can leave your friends behind
    cuz your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
    Well, they're no friends of mine!!!

  4. Ia-Bou

    Ia-Bou Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 15, 2001
    It wasn't me, Dale, I didnt post here
  5. JediScout

    JediScout Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 8, 2004
    Huh? Im confused.
  6. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    It's about time that this topic shot back up to the top once again.

    Oddly, I have something to post, a question if you will.

    I'm looking for a title and/or the performer(s) of a song. I'm sure it has been around for awhile, but I first heard it in the new film Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. It is the song that goes with the car wash scene. As soon as they show the girls in the bikinis across the street, the song I am looking for starts. When I got home, I looked online, but there is no soundtrack for the movie listed on, nor is there a soundtrack listing on

    Then, last night, my friend and I watched the epic Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. Not only is the near-perfect song "Never Leave You," aka: "Uh Oh" by Lumidee, in it, but so is the song I'm looking for. Now, CoaTDQ does have a soundtrack, but out of the very few that allows you to listen to, this song is not one of them.

    The only lyrics I know, or think I know, go something like, "<something, something, something> is better than yours..." Does that ring any bells? Sounds as if a female, perhaps more than one, is singing it.

    I know, it's not much to go on, but someone might know it, and, again, it brings this topic to the top.

    ...why the Top 10 Lists is not at the top confounds me.

  7. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    I haven't seen either movie, but could it be "Milkshake"? Your lyric wasn't much to go on.


    ETA: You can listen to a clip here.
  8. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    That's it! It's awesome! I owe you one. My life is complete. Damn right, it's better than yours! Awesome.

  9. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    So is it cool or sad that I immediately picked that song out of thin air with barely a clue to go on? ;)

  10. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    So I was wondering about this but didn't think it required a new thread...

    How many of you actually post on the forums at TOS? I opened my account like a thousand years ago and actually went on them yesterday. They're fun to read (multitude of topics) but they're just WAY too big. Seriously, if you miss a day, you miss like 30 posts or so in the same subject. Not to mention, if you haven't read a post from the beginning, you're completely screwed as sometimes they're over 500 pages long!!! I think I'll stick to small forums like ours for a while!

    Gotta love TF.N!
  11. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
  12. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    Okay, so I'm on the computer making my rounds today. I've got the TV on (watching "The Simpsons"). It happens to be storming outside. No big deal. I've watched TV during a storm before. But then there was one particularly close lightning strike. The power didn't go out, but everything seemed to freeze for one second, including myself. When the world returned to normal everything was fine except for my TV. Now there's a big huge purple and green blotch in the center of my TV. I mean HUGE. Aiyeeee! Does anyone know how this can be fixed (or if)? Everyone looks like the Incredible Hulk on my TV now. :(

  13. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    Take your old television to the dump and throw it in the ton of trash already there. Or, if you want, take it to an outdoor firing range and shoot at it.

    Then, see how much you are willing to spend, and head to Circuit City, Best Buy, or any number of other places and purchase a new one.


  14. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    Well, I've been looking for help on the ol' 'net here and I've stumbled across something about a degausser that will alter the magnet field of a tv. So I'm going to try to locate one of those. If not, I guess I'll start saving for a new TV. I'm gonna be watching it black and white for a while, though.

    Then again, maybe this is a sign from god to buy a HDTV . . . ;)

  15. RogueScribner

    RogueScribner Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2004
    Nevermind. I turned it off for a couple of hours and it miraculously repaired itself. Go figure.

  16. raiza123

    raiza123 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 18, 2003
    I HATE when that happens! :mad:

  17. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    This is disgusting:

    Yub Nub

    Yub nub, eee chop yub nub,
    toe meet toe pee chee keene, g'noop dock fling oh ah.
    Yah wah, eee chop yah wah,
    toe meet toe pee chee keene, g'noop dock fling oh ah
    Coat ee chah tu yub nub,
    Coat ee chah tu yah wah,
    Coat ee chah tu glo wah.
    allay loo ta nuv
    Glo wah, eee chop glo wah, ya glo wah pee chu nee foam,
    ah toot dee awe goon daa.
    Coat ee cha tu goo (Yub nub!)
    coat ee cha tu doo (Yah wah!)
    coat ee cha tu too (ya chaa!)
    allay loo tu nuv (3 times)
    Glo wah, eee chop glo wah.
    Ya glow wah pee chu nee foam,
    ah toot dee awe goon daa
    allay loo tu nuv.

    Yub nub, eee chop yub nub,
    Freedom, we got freedom,

    toe meet toe pee chee keene, g'noop dock fling oh ah.
    and now that we can be free, c'mon and celebrate.

    Yah wah, eee chop yah wah,
    Power, we got power

    toe meet toe pee chee keene, g'noop dock fling oh ah
    and now that we can be free, c'mon and celebrate.

    Coat ee chah tu yub nub,
    Celebrate the freedom

    Coat ee chah tu yah wah,
    Celebrate the power

    Coat ee chah tu glo wah.
    Celebrate the glory.

    allay loo ta nuv
    celebrate the love

    Glo wah, eee chop glo wah, ya glo wah pee chu nee foam,
    Power, we got power, and now that we can be free,

    ah toot dee awe goon daa.
    it's time to celebrate.

    Coat ee cha tu goo (Yub nub!)
    Celebrate the light (Freedom!)

    coat ee cha tu doo (Yah wah!)
    celebrate the might (Power!)

    coat ee cha tu too (ya chaa!)
    celebrate the fight (Glory!)

    allay loo tu nuv (3 times)
    celebrate the love

    Glo wah, eee chop glo wah.
    Glory, we found glory

    Ya glow wah pee chu nee foam,
    The power showed us the light

    ah toot dee awe goon daa
    and now we all live free

    allay loo tu nuv.
    celebrate the love.
  18. JediScout

    JediScout Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 8, 2004
    Where in the world did you get that from?
  19. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    Actually, there's the little book...Star Wars Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide...

    I bought it, gay book...but it has that translation in it too...and a translation of 3po's story from ROTJ (for the ewoks) and some other convos.


    Youw (goodbye in Shyriiwook)...

  20. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    I would just like to remind everyone that Miss Teen USA is on tonight starting at 9:00pm.

    That is all.

  21. askywalker98

    askywalker98 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 18, 2003
    NOO it's 9 40 I MISSED IT!!! AAGH!!!

    What was it? a Bauty contest pagent thingey? I bet its not as good as miss congenaility(sp?). heh.
  22. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    It's like Miss America, Miss Universe, and Miss USA, as well as Miss <insert state here>. It's been going on, well, forever. It's a "talent" contest. All the Miss Teens from all the 50 states and DC (making a total of 51) compete for the title of Miss Teen USA. Of course, it's just an excuse to make guys over 20 oogle over teenagers. It went on for two hours, so even if it was 9:40pm, you only missed forty minutes.

  23. chewbacca1138

    chewbacca1138 Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 12, 2002
    HAHAHA. I always get those stupid little pamphlets asking me to sign up for Miss Teen USA or what dumb! I don't think I could ever do one of those; annoying bimbos...
  24. raiza123

    raiza123 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 18, 2003
    anyone ever play a musical instrument? if so which one, when & do you still play?

  25. Pikaroth

    Pikaroth Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2002
    I played the cornet in school. I tell everyone I played the trumpet because no one seems to know what a cornet is, but they are pretty much the same thing (cornet is slightly shorter). In fact, while is hardly a site for actual answers, I don't feel like going to my Oxford English Dictionary right now, so this is what came up with for "cornet":

    Music. A wind instrument of the trumpet class, having three valves operated by pistons.

    I see it says "trumpet class." So, a cornet *is* a trumpet then? Kind of like a Civic and Accord are both Nissans? If so, then what is a trumpet? It seems that "trumpet" would be the make and cornet would be the model. So, for those that say they DO play "trumpet," what are they actually playing? Scary! says:

    Music. A soprano brass wind instrument consisting of a long metal tube looped once and ending in a flared bell, the modern type being equipped with three valves for producing variations in pitch.
    Something shaped or sounding like this instrument.

    But from the definition of cornet, it seems it, too, is a trumpet. Who knows.


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