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Saga January New Stories Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by DarthIshtar, Jan 5, 2007.

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  1. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    2 New Stories for January 25, 2007

    Title: Cold Corellian Nights
    Author: darksideyesplease
    Timeframe: Eleven years after the Jedi Purge, about 7 years before A New Hope
    Characters: Han Solo, Olee Starstone, Filli Bitters, and OC's
    Genre: Romance, Drama, little bit of action.
    Author's Note: PG-13 for some suggestive scenes and dark lifestyles.
    I started this story because honestly I can't finish a story anymore that involves the prequel characters. I don't know if it's because of lack of readership or what, but I can't keep my motivation going. Anyway, I wanted to try some different characters and go back to just doing a short-story style effort instead of a 30ish-chapter epic. I expect this one to be around 10-15 chapters, similar to the length of some other fics I've had success with on these boards. I plan on getting back to The Yearning and perhaps the Liberator one day but for now I'm burnt out on that time period and I haven't written a "Romance" story in over a year on these boards, so why not try Han and a different female besides Leia. Also note that Olee Starstone for those who don't know is a real Jedi who survived Order 66 and a duel with Darth Vader (Thanks to Roan Shryne who did interfere and save her life in Rise of the Dark Lord, only to lose his own life to the menacing Vader.) Filli is also a real character who was Olee's semi love interest in the Rise of the Dark Lord book.

    on to the story...

    Title: Slow Train Coming
    Author: Rogue1-and-a-half
    Author's Note:

  2. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    6 New Stories for January 26, 2007

    Title: Anakin?s Amazing Blunder
    Author: Ocelotl_Nesto
    Timeframe: Post-TPM- a month after the events at Naboo.
    Characters: Palpatine, Yoda, Obi Wan, Annakin
    Genre: Vignette,blunder, and salvation
    Author's Note: I just got inspired by a quick Viggie I just read:
    Lost in Shadows:

    Title: And Then There Was One
    Author: VaderLVR64
    Timeframe: TPM-ROTS
    Characters: OCs, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Genre: Short Story
    Summary: The myth of the Chosen One, as seen through the eyes of those who knew him.
    Author's Note: Inspired by the vignette Forever Fifteen by Laine_Snowtrekker and posted with permission. Thank you!

    Title: A Fond Memory
    Author: hyperspace_police
    Timeframe: Original Trilogy with a flashback into the Prequels
    Characters: Old Obi-Wan, Han and Luke with a little bit of Young Obi-Wan and Anakin.
    Genre: Sad Regrets
    Author's Note: A very late SSE gift for Laine_snowtrekker. I could have sworn I posted it, but obviously didn't so here it is. The requests for this SSE were as follows: to include the words wordsmith and scrumptious and to include Obi-Wan or Han (or both)
    (Sorry it's late)

    Title: Forever Fifteen
    Author: Laine_Snowtrekker
    Characters: See title bar.
    Genre: Dramaish
    Author's Note:

    Title: Mother
    Author: dralksakrak
    Timeframe: Across the saga
    Genre: AU
    Author's Note:

  3. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    3 New Stories for January 27, 2007
    Title: Angels
    Author: Jade_Max
    Timeframe: TPM -AU
    Genre: What if
    Summary: What if Anakin had been older than Padmé at the time of their first meeting on Tatooine? How would their first conversation have gone? (Anakin is 16, Padmé is 14)

    Author's Note: Thank you to Knight-Ander for a rabid plot bunny that chewed on my brain while I was trying to write my other A/P and A/B stories. :Þ Adopted from the Plot Bunny Thread.

    Title: If you Want Me
    Author: Chewie-Fan
    Author's Note: ?If you want me, you?re gonna have to catch me.?

    -Bart Simpson

    Title: The Sky is Broken
    Author: Kestrel_Kenobi
    Timeframe: sometime between AoTC and RoTS
    Characters: Obi/Orla
    Genre: angsty drama
    Author's Note: I wrote an AU many moons ago about what would happen to Obi if he was not a Jedi. Then I wrote bigger story called ?Orla?s Story?. Every now and then I write little follow-ons. To clear things up for those who haven?t read them Faite and Jinn are Obi and Orla?s children.

    I wrote this for the Obi Poem/Songfic Challenge. The (somewhat modified) lyrics I used are in bold ? they are taken from The Sky is Broken by Moby.

    PLEASE READ: This is a different kind of writing to what I normally do ? I'm kind of experimenting! It?s a poem-come-songfic. Trying to capture the thoughts of someone who has just found out that their loved one is dead. WARNING: Not very happy fic! If death and angst isn?t your thing then turn back now.

  4. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    1 New Story for January 28, 2007

    Title: One Moment in the Spotlight
    Author: Rogue Pilot 2347
    Timeframe: About five years after RotS
    Characters: OCs; Kindrick Galan, a steady doorman at the banquet hall that hosts all the important senate functions, an unnamed reporter
    Summary: the conversation between a young reporter who wants to report on a senate dinner party and the doorman who won't let him in:
    Author's Note: Star Wars belongs to Mr. Lucas; many thanks to him for letting people like me twist his universe a bit to fit our ideas; Kindrick Galan and the reporter belong to me.
    a/n: this was written for the New Essential Guide to Original Characters' OC challenge the criteria are:

    "Everyone has a price"

    Does the old saying hold true for your OC? Offer them a bribe to do something that they would otherwise find reprehensible, and let us all find out! And remember, often a person's 'price' has nothing to do with money...
  5. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    5 New Stories for January 29, 2007

    Title: The day Padawan Gallona was killed by Vader
    Author: jedimastercam
    Timeframe: During the time between 3 and 4
    Author's Note:

    b]Title:[/b] The Defendant?s Pleading
    Author: Darth_Kripp
    Timeframe: End of RotJ
    Characters: Luke Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine
    Genre: General AU
    Summary: The Emperor has thought of another strategy to turn Luke to the Dark Side without Vader's assistance, in a much different way.
    Author's Note:

    Title: Han/Leia Fanfic Challenge
    Author: HanLeiaFanficGuru
    Author's Note: A huge thank you to the brainstorming participants of the Bespin Café for this month's challenge! You're all awesome!

    For this month, your challenge is:Media Influences

    Han and Leia are an easily recognizable couple and they?re receiving a fair amount of media coverage with regards to their relationship ? how will this influence the direction in which their relationship is growing?

    This challenge is on the either the Saga board; please post all your entries in this thread or post a link to your short story in this thread.

    Good luck and MTFBWY!

    Title: The Misadventures of Three Angels: It?s an Angel Thing
    Author: JmsBndGrl
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: ?Anakin?s Angels? and their favorite Jedi
    Genre: Humor, Major AU (This is shameless)
    Summary: After a busy time with DRL, Angel #3 is supposed to spend some time with her fellow Angels, but things don?t go as planned.
    Author's Note: To Everybody: This is dedicated to my Angel Sisters. For anyone else who have been reading these silly vignettes you will know that in the last one, Angel #2 was given a "very important" towel from the first vignette. This vignette is written so that there is "towel parity" among all the Angels. However, I think I'll have to write another one so there is "Jedi parity." Maybe for HandmaidenVeme's birthday if DRL lets me.

    Title: Mission Complete
    Author: Laine_snowtrekker
    Timeframe: The Saga
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin (mostly)
    Genre: Not quite sure
    Author's Note: Not my sandbox, not my toys--but fun to play with
    NOtes2: Obi-Wan sneezes, snores, and is happy. I hope this counts.
  6. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    1 New Story for January 30, 2007

    Author: Polgarawolf
  7. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    2 New Stories for January 31, 2007

    Title: Legends
    Author: Corellian_jedi
    Timeframe: All over the place
    Characters: Dooku (narrator), Yoda, Jinn, Kenobi, Skywalker
    Genre: Um, ruminations?
    Summary: In the afterlife, Dooku reflects on the line of legendary Masters and Padawans, and their ultimate downfall.

    Title: Too Blind to See
    Author: FriskyFishy
    Timeframe: ROTS timeline, AU though
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala
    Genre: Drama/Angst, AU
    Summary: Anakin loses more than his arm in his duel with Dooku. He loses the privilege to see and is announced dead. What kind of an effect will it have on him and those dear to him? Slowly he will become to realize what is truly important to him. Has he forgotten or has he just been too blind to see?
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