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Sac, CA JD and Marric Tease Thread

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by AuntBeruLars, Oct 1, 2007.

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  1. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Did you know...That a kiss contains about 9 milligrams of water and about 0.7 grams of fat and protein?

    One more reason a great makeout session is worth while. I can get all hot and bothered and give up fat at the same time. I'm all about it. :D

    And I don't want to hear all about the fat and protein I'd be taking back in on the reciprocal end.

    :eek: Egad, there is such a comment there which I just WILL NOT touch.

  2. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Wow. I was in a good mood last night. That's new.

    Once the thread about our bowling night gets posted (Ahem, LDV) I want to propose that we play boys against the girls. Handicap us all about 50 pins, and I think we can win![face_dancing]
  3. Marric_Korde

    Marric_Korde Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 16, 2006
    yeah if we use our left hands
  4. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Is that a challenge?[face_devil]
  5. Marric_Korde

    Marric_Korde Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 16, 2006
    remember the last time you challenged me in bowling?
  6. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Yes, but this time it'll be DIFFERENT. [face_frustrated]

  7. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Ok, seeing this thread fall to page 2 has finally prompted me to actually post something. What's happenin' around here? It's like the Ghostlands...all grey and dreary. I want it to be like Silvermoon -- all bright and beautiful with lots of activity. Something needs to change around here, I tell 'ya.

    How 'bout making everyone post one good thing about their day and one bad thing about their day. Then we can all act like the Cleaver family sitting around chatting about our lives. I'll start:

    Good: It's over
    Bad: It's not Friday

    Nah...I can do better than that

    Good: Nykon
    Bad: Stupid cat

    Who's next???
  8. Nasus_Sivad

    Nasus_Sivad Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 19, 2006
    I'll go next. :)

    Good: Boss called me away from office to play hookie and have lunch with her.
    Bad: Trying to fit my Tivo'd American Idol into my evening tonight and having to give up spa-ing.

    Was a good day but have both of my office ladies out so I will be the only person there in the morning. So will be a trade off. :)

    Am really looking forward to seeing everyone this Saturday. Seems like forever, I agree with you JD.
  9. Leia1138

    Leia1138 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 3, 2006
    Good: It's almost Friday and that means it's almost the weekend.
    Bad: Had a nasty headache.
  10. Quinlan_Vos_1

    Quinlan_Vos_1 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 11, 2007
    Good: It is Friday 'n I get to see all of my fellow rouges again.
    Bad: I want to stay in bed.
  11. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Good: Simon leBon in 2 more days
    Bad: I gotta wait two more days
  12. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Good: The Transporter
    Super duper horrendously bad: In the Name of the King
  13. Nasus_Sivad

    Nasus_Sivad Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 19, 2006
    Good - Baby Mama
  14. Jedidoria

    Jedidoria Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 21, 2006
    Good: Bushy haired [face_love]
    Bad: Mountain man [face_sick]
  15. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    Good: Kilts

    Bad: wearing them traditionally

    by the way, I did get my newest kilt a couple of weeks ago. Pics are forthcoming .... if anyone is interested
  16. Leia1138

    Leia1138 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 3, 2006
    And what's so bad about that??
  17. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    ummmm hello .... cold weather .. frost bite! :eek:
  18. Bith_Lord

    Bith_Lord Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 5, 2005
    Dont break your icicle.
  19. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
  20. Bith_Lord

    Bith_Lord Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 5, 2005
    or is it a snowflake? ;)

    Good to see you around you old hermit.
  21. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    no ... as in glacier ;) [face_laugh]

    thanks Bith ... ya young whipper snapper ;)

  22. Bith_Lord

    Bith_Lord Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 5, 2005
    For all you going to the Duran Duran concert, there will be an opening act Your Vegas
  23. Leia1138

    Leia1138 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 3, 2006
    But it's the middle of spring! :D
  24. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    ok, as soon as you go commando in the wench outfit, I will go traditional in the kilt. :D
  25. Leia1138

    Leia1138 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 3, 2006
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