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ST John Boyega (Finn) in Episode IX

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by RX_Sith, Dec 12, 2017.

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  1. starfish

    starfish Chosen One star 5

    Oct 9, 2003
    No, JB is not responsible for what others do or say.
    wobbits, NooThe, MGM and 7 others like this.
  2. Jedi_Fenrir767

    Jedi_Fenrir767 Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 16, 2013
    Man why should we normalize this god damn terrible behaviour in people i see it all the damn time. Family member make excuses for their awful members and ask other people to deal with the person issues because they can’t be bothered to deal with their own. Nothing changes everyone is miserable.

    Kids are told just to let things go don’t respond to bullies don’t sink to their level. We are told ignore, ignore, ignore and it will be okay and it’s a damn lie.

    Family members change when people stop putting up with their BS and call them on it. Bullies stop bullying someone when they get their teeth kicked in by the same person and it’s no longer a risk free endeavour.

    Same thing goes for toxic people, fandom, ships etc they are never goi f to go way till someone shines a light on them so bright that they have to deal with yen actual garbage they peddle in and good on JB for doing it. They have treated him like garbage for years and it’s past time for their nonsense to be called out. Not to mention the stuff they did to Driver’s family enough is enough.

    The idea that we just have to put up with the garbage people say or type and that we can’t throw it back is just making all of this worse. As Captain America said he wanted to fight Hitler because he doesn’t like bullies and he wanted to fight back well in this case it’s well past time to fight back. This group has now made it possible to compare Twilight and Star Wars ffs. Good on JB for saying enough is enough.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
    wobbits, Sgt. Carver, NooThe and 5 others like this.
  3. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    I wonder how many of the same alt right trolls who attacked him on social media pre-TFA have begun loving him now that he can be weaponized to attack Star Wars.

    I’m so glad the stories are all done now and will combine to be among the more financially successful domestic film trilogies of all time and that we got multiple strong POC actors and actresses in this trilogy that was seen by many along with the return of Lando to help save the day at the end.

    All of the politicking is going to be so insignificant soon. Like those DC folks lobbying for Snyder cuts and all that. We got maybe a couple more weeks of silly season to work through and then the films are just out there in the world and eventually on Disney + and people just watch them and that’s it. Everything else will be niche and relegated primarily to hardcore fan sites like anger over Pine Trek was.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  4. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    Racist trolls harassed him yesterday, so it's just another day for him with obnoxious "fans."
    wobbits, Sgt. Carver, NooThe and 13 others like this.
  5. reyvision

    reyvision Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 12, 2017
    As JB said, "it's a movie, not a documentary." If people are that attached to where they're feeling hurt because others do not like it, it's time to perhaps step back. It's fiction. People can enjoy and ship it all they want. People can also hate and criticize it all they want without others taking it as a personal attack. Reylo isn't a life style, reylo isn't a religion. Hating reylo is not hurting anyone.
    wobbits, Sgt. Carver, NooThe and 9 others like this.
  6. Miriedis

    Miriedis Jedi Master star 3

    May 23, 2015
    This isn't Kpop were idols aren't treated like people, but creatures on pedestals that need to maintain a perfect amount of purity or else they'll be attacked by the morality police. The man made a joke and it's ignited a firestorm of racism, classism, and sexism. He is a human in his 20s that implied sexual contact between two characters. People can write 30k word thinkpieces about throne room and lightsaber "sexual metaphors" and post them on the Internet for anyone to see but a guy can't make one joke related to his character? It's insane.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
    wobbits, Sgt. Carver, NooThe and 6 others like this.
  7. Strategize

    Strategize Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2017
    Stop it. He can respond. But going "Screw it, go get em" and just giving back the confrontational vibe in general is not the way.

    Because then people are gonna jump in a generalize regardless of whether if you're doing it yourself or not. I'm ignoring what he's been through because it has nothing to do with my generalization argument, I've already acknowledged that shipping and Star Wars is filled with awful people, but not all of them.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
    moonjump05 likes this.
  8. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    Racist trolls are everywhere I suppose. Sucks.

    Attempting to relegate them exclusively to any camp is pointless. They’re everywhere online.
    moonjump05 likes this.
  9. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    He never said "screw it, go get em," just like it was untrue when you said he generalized reylo fans across the board. YOU are manipulating what he said in the worst possible light while ignoring the explicit harassment and racism he was subjected to.

    That's funny. In your last post you tried to relegate them exclusively to one camp specifically. You know, the camp that is on JB's side against the racism he was on the receiving end of yesterday.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
    wobbits, Sgt. Carver, NooThe and 8 others like this.
  10. Jedi_Fenrir767

    Jedi_Fenrir767 Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 16, 2013
    Well he tried ignoring them for four years and it got him nothing he has no contract nothing to lose why no go after this morons since clearly no one else is going to do it. People in the thread posting about hurting and talking to therapists about their ship. WTF are we getting to the point where grief counseling and sick leave will he approved for things that happen in fiction. Enough is enough and JB’s response was well earned after years of putting up with it it was time for him to push back and bravo on him for doing so!
  11. starfish

    starfish Chosen One star 5

    Oct 9, 2003
    I only seldom go on Twitter, so I didn’t really pay attention to a lot from the other day, but I saw the “it’s a movie, not a documentary” tweet, lol hilariously good.
  12. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    Yes the horror. JB posted a gif indicating boredom with someone taking a space opera ship waaaayyyyyyyy too seriously and trying to, what, shame him? for daring to criticize it. This is not normal behavior. JB has no obligation to pander to it.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
    wobbits, Sgt. Carver, NooThe and 6 others like this.
  13. Adept

    Adept Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 4, 2006
    You know, some days I think YOU should play the role of a Jedi Master in a future Star Wars story (Film or stream)...I'd LOVE to see this energy on camera.

    Anyways, before I go back to playing Monster Hunter World:

  14. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    well said.
  15. Strategize

    Strategize Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2017
    This is the entire vibe he's giving off, there's honestly no point denying it, it's all right there.

    Again, either he's being dumb and has no idea how toxic he made it, or he knows and he just doesn't care because Disney can't tell him to calm down in abit anymore. It's the latter.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  16. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    Actually, wondering “how many” of a group who were ousted as against the ST in advance and against him particularly in advance who used race online to bash him and what “Disney was doing to Star Wars” who might now see him as someone they can utilize to show “What Disney is doing with Star Wars” literally means that I don’t have any idea how many situations like that there may be. Only that I think there’s at least one situation likely. In no way does it imply what you said as a result.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  17. Jedi_Fenrir767

    Jedi_Fenrir767 Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 16, 2013
    Why the hell should he care. He put up with it for years and what did Disney do in all honesty the worst thing possible by making Reylo canon. The cast doesn’t like it many at LFL don’t like it but they did it. So why should he care, why should he shield these proper from the nonsense they themselves spew. Why not let them deal with their own BS thrown back at them. Unfortunately change comes through conflict mostly so unless someone speaks out it will just get worse.
  18. ForceGhostPrincessLeia

    ForceGhostPrincessLeia Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2018
    Duuuuuude wtf even. You've already compared JB to Trump twice and now he's become an alt-right favorite? What's your deal?
    Did you really just command "Stop it." to someone explaining with objective facts how your skewed perception of JB is waaaaay out of line? Gotcha. The entitlement explains alot.
  19. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    I haven’t compared JB to the President of the United States at all as people. They couldn’t be more different. However, I did say that the President used controversial “locker room talk” and received both a lot of likes and some media condemnation for the comments because another poster implied that likes on social media means lack of controversy.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  20. abbyroads

    abbyroads Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 11, 2017
    Trying to claim John made this situation toxic is downright ludicrous. Reylos have been nothing but unkind to him from the start, especially with their racially charged abuse. I don’t blame John for finally calling them out. He was 100% within his rights to do so. A man can only take so much.

    Reylos need to get a grip. Shipping a crappy ship and being called out for it by the lead actor of the franchise doesn’t make you oppressed. Quit acting like you’re some sort of social pariah.
  21. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    I actually look forward to Terrio and JJ discussing how and why they separate ReyBen from Reylo in this magical galaxy of Dyads and why they see the separation as so paramount to avoiding the abusive messaging some see. I think they thought long and hard about how to approach this in advance — particularly JJ with his wife being an activist — and when they get the pedestal to speak on this it will essentially cut off the criticism at its knees and become the talking points that everyone speaks to indefinitely. The criticism will ultimately be met with a wall of sound bites from Terrio and JJ who likely are waiting and ready to get into this more eventually.

    Until then.

    ETA: @ForceGhostPrincessLeia : It’s relevant to JB because I think it will help him to perhaps better understand what they were thinking as well. Important if he’s to be the new spokesperson for anti-Reylo the way some seem to think he will be.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  22. Strategize

    Strategize Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2017
    And the fact you think that him encouraging confrontation and toxicity just because he's out of Disney's clutches is okay also explains alot. There's a way to respond to these people without that tone, unfortunately, he lost absolute full composure.
    "Reylos" "Reylos "Reylos" more generalizing. "Their racially charged abuse" as if being a Reylo automatically means you're a racist.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
    NileQT87 likes this.
  23. ForceGhostPrincessLeia

    ForceGhostPrincessLeia Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2018
    JB didn't "make" anything toxic. The toxic community did that all on its own, and if the truth hurts then maybe that should clue them in to a few things.
    What does this have to do with JB? Oh, yeah, nothing. Trying to pick a fight since attacking JB didn't work out for you?
    wobbits, Sgt. Carver, NooThe and 3 others like this.
  24. Glitterstimm

    Glitterstimm Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2017
    Let me guess, you didn't criticize Rian Johnson when he would lose his composure on Twitter, but now you criticize Boyega because you don't like what he has to say?

    The idea seems more than just bad, it seems like a worrying double standard.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  25. Ender_and_Bean

    Ender_and_Bean Chosen One star 6

    May 19, 2002
    Love this photo by the way.

    So glad that Finn got to see first hand how amazing Lando is.

    It was weird watching the film expecting the leaks and expecting for this Jannah storyline to go toward Lando’s missing daughter and Finn thinking it might be him and all that and it never happening. Same with him saving the kids. I thought both were interesting ideas for him.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
    chrcharcor2 and christophero30 like this.
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