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Beyond - Legends Journal of Mark Tantiss: (2012 Diary Challenge: AU, OC, L/M) COMPLETE with fanart

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Jedi_Lover, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Book-Geek

    Book-Geek Jedi Knight star 3

    May 28, 2011
    Mark's last remarks are touching! But I love his last words to Luke the most!

    But I especially love Mark's views on Salla![face_laugh]
  2. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Hehehe! Luke better not hurt Mara or he is in for it.
  3. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    Well, I guess that?s it. I have to say my life has been short, but it?s been full of friendship and adventure. If I die tomorrow I?ll have no regrets.

    That makes me so sad!!! I want Mark to have a long, happy life. [face_love]
  4. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Aww. Touching last remarks. Let's just hope once he does survive, no one finds the data-pad and bugs him about it.
  5. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Love your phrasing JL :* "overly enthusiastic playfulness" -- [face_laugh] nummmmy! [face_laugh]

    Loved Mark's parting remarks - very heartfelt.

  6. RedGold

    RedGold Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 29, 2004
    This is so funny! I love it! I love what you've done with Mark! You gave him a voice I never could! :D
  7. Falcon

    Falcon Chosen One star 10

    Feb 7, 2002
    I'm all caught up. Love where you're going with this and I'm looking forward to more :)
  8. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I want to thank everybody for reading. Mark has a practical streak in him. He still can't believe the rebels can pull off the impossible and beat a overwhelming military force using just a few thermal detonators and ysalamiri.

    I am glad Redgold approves of what I have done to Mark. She started Second to None around 2007 I believe, but just got to the second chapter where Mark gets his first name. I am thankful she let me take the story and finish it. I really enjoy writing about Mark, Luke and Mara.

    The diary challenge is Love, so I have to put in some romance this month. That is easy for Luke and Mara, they are crazy in love and bootknocking all the time, but I want to get Mark together with his girl.

    Thanks again for reading.


    Entry 29. Millennium Falcon

    I?m back! We survived, we all survived. Han was right, Imperial Stormtroopers really suck at their job. We killed Palpatine, destroyed his clones, we blew up the Citadel and I met a woman!! Yes a woman my age and she is beautiful! Her name is Kira and she?s absolutely gorgeous. She is taller than Mara and Leia, which is fine with me. She has luscious brown hair and soft brown eyes and she has a sense of humor. I think she likes me. Of course I did save her from the Citadel detention center and her impending torture by an interrogator droid. That might skew her feelings a bit towards liking me, but I hope when she gets to know me better she?ll still want to be around me. And get this?she?s a chef. She?s a honest-to-goodness chef. Not a cook in a diner, but a graduate from the top Coruscanti culinary schools. I have one up on Luke?my girl knows how to cook! Ha!

    Entry 30. Pinnacle Base

    I was so excited about meeting Kira yesterday I forgot to record what happened when we killed Palpatine. Or maybe I didn?t forgot, but was just trying to avoid thinking about what happened.

    Karrde and I run into the Emperor?s throne room and I threw my pet ysalamiri, Nibbles, at the Sith Lord. Once he was without the Force, Karrde shot him. It really was pretty easy to kill the Sith Lord. Unfortunately, killing his body is one thing; killing his soul is another. As soon as Nibbles ran away from Palpatine?s dead body his Force spirit comes out of the corpse and tries to get into me. He was almost successful in taking over my body, but at the last minute I see Nibbles. She actually came up to me, like she knew I needed help. I was able to grab her and stop Palpatine?s assault.

    I stopped him from taking over my body, but the damage to my psyche was already done. For those few seconds when Palpatine occupied my mind, I could see his thoughts and memories. I saw things that nobody should see. I have witnessed the horrors Palpatine inflicted upon the universe. I?ve touched true evil.

    I don?t want to tell Mara and Luke, but I think I know things that I shouldn?t know. When Palpatine was forced out of my mind I think he left a residue of his thoughts there. Right now the images are jumbled in my head?like a dozen people talking to me at once, but some voices are louder than others. I try not to concentrate on the dark knowledge revealed. Maybe I?ll forget. I hope I forget. I shouldn?t tell anyone about this. These darkside secrets should die with me.

    When I got back to the Falcon, I didn?t want to let go of my ysalamiri. I was afraid Palpatine may still possess me, but after I finally let go of Nibbles I realized he was gone and just the memories remained.

    You know, I wish I wasn?t a Force user. This is way too much power for anyone to handle. Maybe one day I will retire to Myrkr and live like a normal person. It?s times like this that I envy the Wild Karrde crew. It would be nice to be an average human and not have to worry about falling to the darkside and doing unspeakable evil. I don?t think anybody should have this much power.

    But I digress?getting back to what happened on Byss.

    After the battle with Palpatine and my rescue of Kira we get bac
  9. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Super post. :D And Mark really likes Kira - and you know she feels the same XD He's different from, but enough like, Luke that a lady has no choice [face_laugh] ;)

  10. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Mark's account of Palpy trying to take over is really creepy. It's a good thing Nibbles likes him.

    And he got a girl :D and the Rebels won. [face_dancing]
  11. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I just want to point out that Mark is not a sexist when he says he has one up on Luke because his girl knows how to's just that Mark loves to eat and if he had to eat another ration bar on the Wild Karrde he was going to gag. Luke gets a woman who can become and keep up with a Jedi...Mark gets a woman who can satisfy his hunger. [face_mischief] I just don't want Mark to look like a jerk...I'm sure he wouldn't care if she could cook or not.
  12. Book-Geek

    Book-Geek Jedi Knight star 3

    May 28, 2011
    Mark's entry about Kira, so sweet I think I've got cavities!:*

    Poor Mark. Palpatine really shook him up. :( At least that evil Sithy is gone for good!
  13. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Great updates.

    I can understand Mark's feelings about being Force sensitive. We all think it would be great to have awesome powers, but it has to be daunting, especially for someone like Mark who has only been "alive" a few months.
  14. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Lol. Great update. I don't think Mark is sexist. He's just a guy who loves food. What guy doesn't?
  15. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Entry 31 . Pinnacle Base

    I hate debriefings. I tell the same story over and over to the New Republic leadership. Initially, I was worried about accidently blowing up the planet Byss. I was sure they would be a little upset about that, but apparently not. Han actually said I might get a reward. Karrde has been pushing the NR to pay us for our work; after all, the pilot who smuggled the Falcon past the planetary shields received 100,000 credits. Karrde argued that non-military personnel such as his crew earned just as much if not more since it was the Wild Karrde crew that killed the Emperor.

    Karrde is one hell of a businessman, but he really should have gotten the deal in writing BEFORE we killed all the bad guys. Now we don?t have much leverage. It?s not like we can bring the Emperor back to life if they don?t pay up. I?m really not that concerned, though. I didn?t do it for the money, but if they want to give me money, I won?t turn it down.

    Meanwhile, Luke is still trying to talk me into training as a Jedi. Luke asked Mara and me if we wanted to practice some Jedi skills. I have been reluctant about training, but he said I could use his lightsaber. What guy wouldn?t want to use a lightsaber?

    We go to an empty cargo bay on base to workout. Luke hands me his lightsaber, shows me the controls and some pointers on how to use it. Mara already has Luke?s old lightsaber. Luke removes a practice remote from his gym bag and activates it. He said it would hovers around and shoots low intensity blasterbolts which Mara and I would have to deflect.

    Mara goes first to show me how it?s done. She moves around the remote with the grace of the dancer and deflects all the bolts with ease. Now it?s my turn.

    Luke is telling me to feel the Force flowing through me. I am concentrating on the movement of the remote and I?m ready to deflect. The first shot comes out of the device, but I panic and turn away allowing the laser to hit me in the butt. Let me tell you?it hurts. I think Skywalker has turned up the remote's blaster pain threshold to ?scorch?. I try again and again with the same results.

    Mara calls a halt and comes to give me advice.

    ?Mark, you can?t turn your back on the enemy! That?s an easy way to get killed!?

    I can?t help it?lightsaber training was not part of my flash-training. This is so foreign to me. But she?s right. I can?t flinch and turn away. I have to face the enemy.

    So I square my shoulders and go head-on with the remote. It shoots and I deflect the bolt. I am so impressed with myself I look up to Mara and grin. While I was looking at her, I didn?t see the next bolt coming. The remote shoots and gets me right in the groin. I drop the lightsaber, which luckily deactivated, and fall to my knees, my hands protectively grasping my manhood. Stang! That was going to leave a mark.

    Luke comes over looking concerned. I still have to shield around him because of the Force backlash, so I?m not sure if he is laughing inside. Mara is definitely laughing inside?.and out. She is literally rolling on the deck laughing her butt off.

    I?d get up and smack her, but I am in so much pain. I now think Luke didn?t have that remote set for ?Scorch?, he had the damn thing set for ?Circumcise?.

    Luke runs to his gym bag and opens a first aid kit. He removes and activates a chemical ice bag and hands it to me.

    So I spent the next half hour icing down my manhood while Mara tried not to laugh every time she looked at me. Maybe Jedi training is not what I want to do after all. I?m just glad Kira didn?t see what happened.
  16. Book-Geek

    Book-Geek Jedi Knight star 3

    May 28, 2011
    ROFL! Poor Mark! Mara and Luke better make sure he's alright or Kira's going to kill them!

    The first shot comes out of the device, but I panic and turn away allowing the laser to hit me in the butt. Let me tell you?it hurts. I think Skywalker has turned up the blaster pain threshold to ?scorch?.

    Sounds like me when my little brother or one of my teammates kicks a soccer ball in my direction. When it hits you, you'd think it was set for scorching pain as well... I've been hit more than once on the backside in a similar fashion.

    If this is what happens the first time he's working with a lightsaber, the rest of his training sure will be interesting! I pity his other lightsaber. [face_laugh] ;)
  17. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    [face_laugh] Poor Mark! [face_laugh]

    I'm sure Kira wouldn't be amused in regards to the remote's aim. :p
  18. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    Oh, poor Mark!! [face_laugh][face_laugh][face_laugh][face_laugh]

    I hope Luke made it clear this is not the Jedi way of contraception.
  19. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Ah, poor Mark. But I'm sure Kira will kiss it better [face_laugh]
  20. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    PLOT BUNNY!![face_laugh]
  21. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Briannakin's comment inspired me to write the first part of this update. Thanks everybody for reading.


    Entry 32. Pinnacle Base

    Usually I am very happy to see Kira, but when Luke, Mara and I left the cargo bay after lightsaber training I was really hoping to get back to my room unseen. Unfortunately, I?m not so lucky. The three of us were walking down the hall (me with a noticeable limp) when Kira shows up. She immediately noticed I was walking funny and had to comment.

    ?Did you hurt yourself??

    I am just waiting for Mara or Luke to say some sarcastic comment?well maybe not Luke, but definitely Mara, but to my surprise they just stand by struggling to stifle a smile.

    ?No, Kira, I just pulled a muscle.? I try to explain. I notice Mara?s lips twitch. She?s having a little harder time than Luke keeping it together and not laugh at my predicament.

    ?Oh, that?s terrible,? Kira says with real compassion in her voice. ?Maybe you can come over to my room and I can massage and stretch out the muscle.?

    Mara has to turn her back to us and I can see her shoulders quake, as she is desperately trying not to laugh. Mr. ?Jedi Calm? is also wavering as I see Luke bite down on his lower lip.

    ?No, need.? I said to Kira. ?I can stretch it out myself when I get back to my room.?

    That was it. Mara starts laughing, but she tries to disguise it as a cough. Luke comes up to her feigning concern, but I see he?s laughing also. They make some excuse about getting some water and hurry down the hall.

    Kira watched them leave with a confused look on her face. She then says she was looking for me because I had mentioned wanting to learn how to cook. She was going to ask me if I wanted to try a few recipes now, but if I wasn?t feeling well?

    I tell her I?m healthy enough to cook, so we went to the base kitchen while it was empty between meals.

    I watch her as she was preparing the ingredients. She was wearing a borrowed flight suit; it?s old and baggy, but all I could think about was how great she looked in it. Her brown hair flowed past her shoulders and those brown eyes look at me with such emotion. I can sense gratitude radiating off her through the Force.

    Shavit! I?m so nervous around her. I don?t want to screw this up. I also don?t want to take advantage of the situation. I saved her life, but I don?t want that to be the only reason she wants to be around me. I want her like me for who I am.

    That?s another problem?who I am. If I want a relationship with this beautiful woman I will eventually have to tell her the truth of my origin. So far she hasn?t commented on my resemblance to Skywalker. My beard is pretty full now, so she might never notice we look alike?and even if she did I don?t think she would ever consider the possibility that I am Luke?s clone. After all, I?m now much bigger than him and I have different hair and eye color. Mara also told me my voice is a little deeper than Luke?s?probably because my larger frame. I guess I shouldn?t worry about this right now. She might ditch me as soon as she gets back to her family on Coruscant.

    She is an amazing cook, though. We made some pasta for a late lunch. Chin must have smelled the food because he came down and asked if there was more. Of course, with my huge appetite?there wasn?t. Kira just laughed and made up another batch. I handed the food to Chin and said, ?Here?s something to enjoy in your quarters.?

    HINT, HINT! Luckily Chin is a very perceptive guy. He gives me a sly wink and goes back to his room.

    Kira and I talked. I mainly asked her questions. I really don?t want to talk about myself. She has worked so hard to get to her level of expertise as a chef. She is smart, funny, witty and very sexy. I?m not getting my hopes up about this relationship going anywhere. I really have nothing to offer her. I?m just a security officer on a smuggling/trader ship.
  22. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    I'm pretty sure Kira won't mind. Mark is a really sweet guy. [face_love]
  23. Book-Geek

    Book-Geek Jedi Knight star 3

    May 28, 2011
    Aw, Kira's so sweet! But poor Mark's so worried he's going to screw up. But Kira's not hero-worshiping, and Mark having a bit of trouble seeing that. She's not going to leave him for anything.
  24. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    I'm sure Kira won't mind Mark's occupation or origin.

    I'm glad I inspired the first part of the fic, but you and I both know the first things that popped into our heads were much more... mature.
  25. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Maybe, but you can't act on those thoughts if you want to post the fic on TFN. ;) Anyway, Mark's a virgin and like three months don't want to over stimulate him and give the guy a heart attack.