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ST Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico) in TLJ

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Darth Chiznuk , Feb 15, 2016.

  1. Tusken Slayer

    Tusken Slayer Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jun 7, 1999
    As Plinkett says:

    Han fails because he faces great challenges.

    Finn and Rose fail because they act stupid.
  2. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    You just reminded me of another simple but clear reason Han and Leia in ESB =/= Finn and Rose in TLJ: they’re running from Vader the whole time. The primary villain of the film is engaging in a cat and mouse game of survival with Han and Leia. The equivalent would be if while Rey was off with Luke, our primary antagonist was busy with Finn and Rose.

    I briefly touched on this before, but I’ll say it again: you can’t put the primary antagonist and protagonist off isolated in their own little story, with a full on walking, talking prop that forgets she has any characterization outside of listening to these two strangers opine on their super!deep!thoughts! Or rather, you can, but then don’t expect anyone to think the, as you say, subplot of a subplot that none of the above three know or care about, matters to the larger story. It doesn’t. Nothing at all in the story would have to change if you take it out, besides a line of Hux to somebody on the bridge saying, “look for cloaked ships!”

    Which just reminds me, Han and Leia were running from and caught by Vader, while Finn and Rose were got caught by Hux after running from no one because they escaped the inescapable space chase no problem. The script treats Hux as a total and complete joke that the audience absolutely should not be afraid of, so that further detracts from the credibility of their story. When Han walked into that dining room with Vader sitting there, it was cinematically terrifying in such a brilliant way. It was daylight on this beautiful city with no suspenseful music leading the audience to feel that something was coming, and out of nowhere there he was.
  3. Rodney-2187

    Rodney-2187 Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 6, 2015
    MODified: No
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2019
  4. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    Their tears will be quenched when you hit banland for baiting. Get over yourself and stay on topic. And the topic is not your inability to cope with people not liking the same things as you.
  5. ZodaEX

    ZodaEX Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 27, 2015
    Wow what a thread killer.
  6. Rodney-2187

    Rodney-2187 Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 6, 2015
    Sorry about that. People of course are free to like and dislike whatever they choose. I usually focus more on things I enjoy and ignore things I don't. I'll try to do better job of limiting my defense of Rose to something short of what is considered baiting.

  7. Grievousdude

    Grievousdude Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 27, 2013
    I liked Rose in the TLJ movie. I'm reading the novelization at the moment though and she seems to be a bit jealous of Rey without having even met her because of Finn's connection with her. I hope this isn't followed up on in EP9 with a love triangle or it could change her character in a bad way for me.
    MarcJordan likes this.
  8. afrojedi

    afrojedi Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 23, 2015
    I like Kelly Marie Tran and I'm sure she performed Rose the way RJ wanted, I just didn't like the material he gave her. It makes me wonder if her character will seem disjointed in a way similar to that of Rey and Poe (between TFA and TLJ) if JJ and company write better material for Rose.
  9. DarthBane93

    DarthBane93 Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 11, 1999
    KMT was fine in the role - acted well. The character just felt shoved into the story without much purpose. And I didnt buy her and Finn's relationship, so that was another problem - more with the movie and the directing/execution rather than KMT.
  10. jakobitis89

    jakobitis89 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 27, 2015
    I think that's true. But not exclusive to KMT sadly, the three main leads give really good performances, even the OG trio of Carrie, Mark and Harrison give probably their best performances as their respective characters... BUT given weak material to work with. The relationship thing is a good example, they clearly have a good friendship building up and a mutual respect but BAM! smooch out of basically nowhere. No wonder Finn looked baffled.

    There were good moments and KMT gave a good performance - her moment on Canto Bight was affecting and well performed regardless of it's actual effect on the storyline overall. She had good chemistry with John Boyega, but it wasn't romantic chemistry until suddenly it was (or rather, that it was meant to be.)
  11. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    It wasn't ever meant to be romantic chemistry. Rose is crushing on Finn, but Finn is oblivious.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  12. Knight of Jedi Ren Sith

    Knight of Jedi Ren Sith Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 29, 2018
    I've seen TLJ numerous times, and I'm still not sure what Rose's job in the Resistance is. Why not make her the codebreaker/hacker? Give her some kind of talent other than spunk!
  13. jakobitis89

    jakobitis89 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 27, 2015
    Right, but the relationship was more about them moving past their first meeting and eventually becoming friends. There was nothing to indicate anything more than platonic until Rose lays a smacker on a confused Finn. Not that this was anything to blame KMT for, it literally came out of nowhere.
  14. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010

    I think the heart of the issue is that Rose is a very limited role for KMT, even in the romance department: being a possible romantic option for Finn seems to be one of her main functions in Rian Johnson's mind, but it's kept uni-directional as unrequited attraction, handicapping that aspect. She was initially supposed to get a scene where Finn showed attraction to her by getting gussied up to infiltrate the casino, but that got cut. And the problem is that when you cut down parts of her role as a potential romance option, RJ wasn't leaving a whole lot for her. She's not a dynamic action protagonist, even being forced to hide from Phasma during that melee, she doesn't really have her own arc, and she's largely just giving us some occasional exposition.

    In the released film, her biggest remaining role is as a theme-speaker. And that isn't really a character.
    She's a mechanic... which really should have been used as an excuse to have her help create the Hyperspace Ram sequence by having he sabotage the Supremacy or something. The extra materials say she built their bombs and cloaking tech, but that's nowhere in the film.
  15. Knight of Jedi Ren Sith

    Knight of Jedi Ren Sith Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 29, 2018
    Hello, the writer made me a mechanic for no reason. [face_pumpkin]


    Give Rian a trilogy!
    Jedi_Fenrir767 likes this.
  16. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    Isn't that a pretty standard and necessary role in most movies? Not every character gets entirely fleshed out. And you wouldn't want them to. Her role is to give exposition and move Finn's story along.
  17. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    It is a necessary role, but its a role that's so small that it's not exactly supposed to ever be a named character's primary trait; if all you need is exposition, than background characters can suffice, or dialogue can be rejiggered to allow established characters to impart it without needing to introduce a new one.

    If a character is going to be given significant screen-time, than actually yes, I would want them entirely fleshed out. Rose is on screen longer than Leia or Poe, and almost as long as Kylo Ren. I don't necessarily need a full character arc, but I *do* need a reason to care if this character is supposed to have any value to the story, and Rose most definitely is supposed to be valuable in TLJ. Rian Johnson cast a talented young actress and gave her a not-insignificant amount of screentime alongside the male lead of the ST, an amount of screentime that easily could have been worked to include something more substantial than the occasional line of dubious exposition to clarify themes. Poe's got a character arc, and BB-8 is rolling around racking up a freakishly high body count while being cute, and Rose has a lot more time than either of them. And it's not like Rian Johnson can't write an interesting character with 13 minutes of screen-time, it's just that he hasn't.

    And Finn's story hurts because of how underwritten Rose is. Tran and Boyega clearly have genuine chemistry, as is shown early in their story, but it drops out and the story ends up becoming a barren wasteland of filler, in part because so little is done with Rose. This is an action adventure series that has featured farmboys, slaves, and ex-child soldiers become legendary heroes, or robotic sidekicks get away with outlandishly crazy stuff. If we're supposed to spend so much time with a mechanic in this story, than she'd better be doing stuff interesting enough to warrant her screen-time. (A similar problem afflicts Rey under Johnson's pen, where if she's not acting as an audience stand in for Luke or as a plot device for Kylo Ren, she's not really doing much.)

    And chances are, she probably will be doing much better under Abrams pen than she was under Johnson's, or she simply won't be taking up so much screen-time.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2019
  18. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    There's a difference between criticizing and bashing. One is allowed here, the other is not. This is the other.
  19. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    Her role being that of a "theme-speaker" is the best summation I've read so far. It was a straight-faced version of the guy who constantly walks by the screen, breaking the fourth wall in "Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In Da Hood" and just says "Message!" each time the audience needs to be alert that they are being preached to.
  20. cerealbox

    cerealbox Force Ghost star 6

    May 5, 2016
    Because then Finn and her wouldn't have an adventure or journey into an unknown world.
  21. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    This is the worst element of TLJ. It's not just Rose, though. It's multiple characters spelling out the themes. Rian has Leia do it. Poe. Yoda. DJ. Etc. It's almost as if he didn't trust that the themes he was promoting would be naturally conveyed...

    It's odd to me, because as far as I am aware, his other films feature almost no theme-speaking at all.
  22. JediAce1

    JediAce1 Force Ghost star 5

    May 8, 2014
    An adventure that turned out to be completely pointless since Holdo saved the day for the resistance in the end.

    @A Chorus of Disapproval
    I never would have thought I'd ever see a reference to Don't be a Menance on a star wars message board. LOL
  23. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
  24. cerealbox

    cerealbox Force Ghost star 6

    May 5, 2016
    He saw how the other side of the galaxy was living. I'd hate for only Rey to go to an unknown world (Ahch-To) while Finn doesn't. Plus he fought and defeated Phasma to death.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
  25. Talos of Atmora

    Talos of Atmora Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 3, 2016
    Dude, are you for real? Can you even imagine the thought process required to think that this is a logical area to focus on with Finn's character at all given his origins?

    "Wow, these kids are basically used for child labor. It's amazing that I, an indoctrinated child soldier who was bred for the sole purpose of being a pawn of a military junta, had no idea about the kind of cruelty present in the galaxy until this very moment." :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
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