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SWRPF Archive ~~Korriban: The Rise to Evil~~

Discussion in 'Star Wars Role Playing Archive' started by JediKnightEmily, May 22, 2005.

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  1. Mukiruh

    Mukiruh Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005

    OOC: Sorry i posted at the same time as Zec -.-
    I dont understand your post though Zec, me and him are not fighting, are you attempting to attack us both?

    IC: Mukiruh

    "I had nothing to do with the attack on your camp." Mukiruh replied, turning off his lightsaber and lying down again, this time closing his eyes, knowing Jedi wouldnt attack someone who had done nothing to warrant a fight.
    Just as he closed his eyes he heard the other Dark Jedi's announcement, jumping up again he snarled, "Cant i get a moments peace? I knew coming to this damned planet was a bad idea!"
    Mukiruh ignited his lightsaber again, "Shouldnt you be off trying to become a Sith master or something?"
  2. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
    Zec Korric

    "Fight me Jedi, destroy your Jedi code and beliefs by fighting and destroying me. You know you want to after I poisoned some of your comrades and the padawan!" Zec sneered.
  3. bladex2

    bladex2 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    IC-Jaden~Jedi Camp

    "We all thought what?..."

    *Jaw clenches and ignites dual platnium blades*

    "In the name of the Jedi Council and the Galactic Republic you are under arrest! Please surrender.... give up you anger and hatred.... I do not widh to destroy you.."

    *drops into a Jaar'kai stance*

    Tag::Bad dudes, Jedi
  4. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
    Zec Korric

    "What you are doing is against your code, you have no proof except my words, if you fight me you are a traitor and must be killed."
  5. Mukiruh

    Mukiruh Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    IC: Mukiruh

    Deciding he most likely wouldnt have peace until the Jedi were off the planet, Mukiruh leapt at the Jedi's path- To find his way blocked by a silver blade.
    Mukiruh brought his saber down across the silver one, causing its tip to lower so he could land, "Alorian.."

    IC: Alorian

    Alorian had used the distraction of the interaction between Mukiruh, Zec, and Jaden to make his way up to them.
    "The word of Two Jedi Knights is usually enough to convince the courts." Alorian stated as he began to block Mukiruh's attacks.
    Calling on the Force he leapt over Mukiruh's head and thrust out, Mukiruh brought one of his blades across his back to block the shot, "Deal with that one, Jaden, I will deal with this one."

    OOC: Err i just realized Alorian may not really have known your name...Lets just say he read it in the ships computers while going over the mission?
  6. bladex2

    bladex2 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004

    "apparently you don't know our code..."

    *attacks, striking with both 'sabers, trying for a saber lock*

    "Surrender..return to the light...."

    Tag::Bad dudes, Alorna
  7. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
    Zec Korric

    "Prepare to die traitors!" Zec lifts his hand and shoots blue lightning at Jaden while egniting his lightsaber and starts to advance on Jaden swinging lightsaber to drive him back.
    "If you strike me down with anger you will have betrayed the Jedi!"
  8. bladex2

    bladex2 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004

    *smirks, letting the Dark lightning strike his hand, using his absorb/dissapate energy ability*

    "Angry...who said I was angry?"

    *parries the 'saber attacks and retaliates, locking his arms, he starts spinning vertically attacking with both 'sabers fast.*

    Tag::Bad dudes, Alorna
  9. Mukiruh

    Mukiruh Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    IC: Mukiruh

    Mukiruh smirked as he faced off Alorian, and the second a pause came in the battle he deactivated one Lightsaber, holding the other one in both hands, "Alorian, nice to see you alive old friend. So you have finally decided to hunt me down and bring me to justice."
    "Not bring you to Justice, you have not commited a crime yet. Turn back to the Light Mukiruh."
    Mukiruh snarled and leapt at Alorian again, swinging his saber.
    Alorian brought his silver blade around and blocked the strike, Mukiruh replied to it by launching three more slashes, all of which were blocked.
    Mukiruh summoned in the dark side of the force and fired the blue lightning at his friend, Alorian caught it on his blade.
    "How long can you hold on before the dark destroys you?!"
    Mukiruh continued to held the lightning in place a few moments longer before Alorian leapt away.
    "Idiot Jedi. Surrender now or die!" Mukiruh said, not entirly surprised his voice now echoed with a cold hatred.

    IC: Alorian

    Alorian locked eyes with his friend, and was shocked to find that his friends voice actually surprised him more than his eyes- Which previously had been a pale blue color but were now red.
    "So the Dark Side has corrupted you. You are lost." Alorian said in defeat before deactivating his Lightsaber, "I cant believe that though!" He stated in his next moment of resolve.
    The young Jedi Knight leapt at the older Dark Jedi, Lightsaber ignited once again.
  10. JediKnightEmily

    JediKnightEmily Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 30, 2004
    Sara'a Stone

    She had woken up from her slumber and looked at the Jedi fighting the Dark Jedi.

    "Padawan's .... Knight's. Use the force to fight and you will win, turn this hatred into peace. Then in the end you will win."

    Tag: all
  11. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
    Zec Korric

    Parries a few attacks then shoots more lightning then throws rocks with the force at him shoots more lightning then stabs at the legs a swip at the right arm then pushes hard on one saber while holding the other one. "Anger... fear... you use them!"
  12. Mukiruh

    Mukiruh Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    IC: Mukiruh

    With a new found hatred for his once-loved friend, Mukiruh met Alorians blades, "Fool, For old times sake i will allow you to run now. Run back to the Master I know is waiting in that base. Run from your fear if you will so have it."
    Mukiruh's red eyes now locked with Alorian's green ones, finding only resolve and an ever-deep connection to the force and through that a love for the man he may have once- And still did, - Call his brother.
    Ignoring Mukiruh's comment, Alorian made a slash for the Dark Jedi's wrist.
    Mukiruh twisted out of the way, striking at one of Alorian's feet before releasing another stream of lightning.


    Alorian brought his lightsaber up to block Mukiruh's lightning, this time not allowing his friend to hold the stream for long.
    Alorian heard Sara's instruction through the bond all Jedi shared, and opened her to his own calm resolve. Not being able to communicate to the Jedi Master in words, Alorian sent his own feeling of unease for the Padawan fighting against the Dark Jedi.
    "Jaden, Do not listen to his words." Was all Alorian had time to say before engaging against Mukiruh's anger again.
  13. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
    Zec Korric

    Through the force Zec sends a message to Mukiruh:"I am growing weak, the Jedi are evil, I haven't done anything wrong, let go of your full rage kill him, kill him now!" Takes advantage of Jaden focusing on Sara's words and trying to stop my grip on his saber kicks him in gut then pulls him foward with the force and stabs at his chest. Raises lightsaber shoots lightning while doing it at him then points the lightsaber at Jaden.
  14. bladex2

    bladex2 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004

    *lets the lightning hit him, absorbing it*

    "I am not angry...I am however annoyed now."

    *slices the rocks, parrying his blows aside as he reverses both sabers, rapidly pumping his arms foreward and up repeatedly*

    Tag:Bad dudes, Aloria
  15. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
    Zec Korric
    Tries to hang onto one saber then when Jaden lifts saber upward aims a strong blow at his right hand. Then kicks him in right hand grabs falling lightsaber then grabs left saber trys to make it stab Jaden, then trys to stab his lightsaber into Jaden's chest and lunges foward with Jaden's right lightsaber blocking attacks and grabs Jaden's throat choking him.
  16. Mukiruh

    Mukiruh Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    IC: Mukiruh

    Mukiruh did not need Zec's message to release his anger. He continued with his heavy slashes, spurred on by hatred of his old friends continuing love and endless forgiveness.

    IC: Alorian

    Alorian continued to fight Mukiruh, blocking and parrying the Fallen Jedi's sword slashes. Remaining completly calm, Alorian reached out to the Light Side, allowing it flow through him and dictate his actions.
    Alorians silver blade seemed to flash brighter with each strike as Mukiruh's hummed lower.
    There were legends-Stories actually- Of the Sith blades being able to overcome and destroy the Jedi crystals within their Lightsabers. Know beams of pure anger and pure calm met.

    This time the Calm in the Silver Blade of Alorian met the Red Anger of Mukiruh's blade... Calming the anger within the blade, and causing the blade to flash a bright blue before dissapearing.
    Mukiruh's eyes in contrast flashed a brighter red.

    IC: Mukiruh

    Illogically, driven by nothing but a pure hatred Mukiruh tossed his useless blade away and continued to come at Alorian with nothing but his bare hands. His anger blinded him to everything.
  17. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
  18. bladex2

    bladex2 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004

    *counters by driving his first 2 knuckles just behind the dark jedi's elbow causing it to spasm, he then kicked out, striking the inside of his thigh, numbing it somewhat then forearm shivered him in the forehead.
    As the dark jedi reflexivly loosened his grip slightly, Jaden rolled back, coming to his feet and, his saber slapping into his palm as he brought the sabers hilts together with a twist and a click forming double bladded lightsaber. He twirled it and dropped into a defensive stance*

    "Not bad...."

    Tag::Bad dudes, Alorna

    ooc::Dude, you kinda godmodded there::
  19. Mukiruh

    Mukiruh Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    OOC: Err..Do you mean in my battle with myself?..
  20. bladex2

    bladex2 Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    ooc::No..other dude, darthquell?something::
  21. Mukiruh

    Mukiruh Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2005
    IC: Mukiruh

    Everything had a red haze to it for Mukiruh, his anger overclouding everything. Deep within his own mind something told him what he was doing was stupid, and he would end up maimed or dead if he continued with the fight.


    Alorian had deactivated his Lightsaber. Mukiruh had another blade and Alorian knew it. Mukiruh had always planned for everything- Leaving nothing to Chance.
    Alorian adopted an old hand to hand Fighting discipline taught to the Jedi, blocking and dodging all of Mukiruh's attacks.


    this is pointless- I must overcome my rage. That was the first clear thought Mukiruh had, and then, while continuing his hand to hand assault on Alorian began to clear his mind of the red haze filling it.
    Summoning the force Mukiruh leapt away, and drew another Lightsaber, thinking clearly now. Its blood-red glow illuminating the ground around him, "Ready for round two?", his voice calm once more.

    Before answering Mukiruh Alorian adressed the Padawan, "Remember, remain calm. Do not allow any anger or anxiety you may have to cloud your judgement. Remember, it is not a Jedi's goal to kill his opponent."
    Alorian turned to face Mukiruh again, although he could sense the calmness in his old friends voice, he could still sense the hatred raging inside him, without answering Alorian ignited his silver blade again.
    The two leapt at eachother, blades connecting in mid air.
    they both backflipped and charged, blades meeting in a blade lock.
  22. Arch_Clone_Trooper

    Arch_Clone_Trooper Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 27, 2005
    IC: Volfie Mon

    *laying on the cliff with his binoculars watching the battle*

    Vol watched the jedi as they tried to fight the other Dark Jedi... if his companions gave into the dark side they would of easliy of killed them all by now... what Vol coulndt find was the padawan who had been posiened... that one he wanted to torture and get some answers on what they know of them, if more jedi are going to come, any useful information.

    "Weak the jedi are..." Vol said under his breath... "i dont need to show my self here, they can take care of the Jedi..."

    Vol decided the best way to track the jedi movements if they werent all killed would be to attach a homing device on some of the equipment they brought or a backpack of some sort...

    Vol lifted his arm and pressed 2 buttons on his arm gaurd, and floating assasin driod came out from the Fathom,

    "Attach a homing device to a crate of equipment or a back pack in that tent" Vol pointed to the tent where he saw a Silvery lightsaber jedi come out of earlier...

    The assasin driod moved very quietly down towards the tent to deliver its cargo.


    OOC: I wont be on till about 11 tomarrow in the morning... thats chicago time.... so count me out on any info, or playing till then.
  23. DarthQuellonis

    DarthQuellonis Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 22, 2005
    Zec Korric

    Lifts more rocks and throws it at Jaden. He then lifts other right hand and begans to try to force choke Jaden. "Remember your master's words, young one." Lets go of any hold with force choke then double jumps behind Jaden and tries to land a kick in his back. Goes into an offensive stance then says:"The dark side is strong here, tempting you!"
  24. Darth_Enroh

    Darth_Enroh Jedi Youngling

    May 25, 2005
  25. Jedi_Kkruhk88

    Jedi_Kkruhk88 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 14, 2004
    Teel Krex

    *Wakes up and walks out to where the battle is*

    Eh a battle

    *joins in the fight*

    Tag: Anyone
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