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Star Wars CLOSED Legacy of the Guardians (Always Accepting New Players)

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Bardan_Jusik, Mar 10, 2017.

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  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    IC: Vanora with Viva and Sanchari

    Vanora was enjoying the light and easy chat with Viva and Sanchari when suddenly there was a spike of emotions -- alertness and apprehension that tingled along her montrals. Then the announcement came over the comm. Condition yellow...

    That was not good, Vanora thought. Only thing worse was "Red Alert."

    She followed Sanchari as the former fell in near the senior Jedi contingent. Vanora kept a close watch, making sure Viva was with them as well.






    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
  2. Kyber Acyk

    Kyber Acyk Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 30, 2017
    IC: Jedi Knight Kassokay Acyk
    Location: Main Hangar briefing room

    Kassokay had been finishing his morning routine when Taab's voice came on the intercom system and ordered him and his fellow Jedi Knights to the briefing room. Finishing up on polishing his midnight blue beskar'gam, Kassokay hurriedly pulled it on and then made his way toward the room. As he quickened his pace to a sprint, his mind was racing with questions, especially what sort of mission they were going to be sent on.

    As the Twi'lek approached, he saw a familiar face; it was Jedi Knight Troi. Kassokay leant against the wall, and nodded in greeting at his fellow Jedi. It was not like this in the NCPD at all - everyone had to be at the precinct briefing room on time, or you were disciplined for lateness.

    "Troi, do you have any inkling as to what the mission is that Taab has assigned us to?"

  3. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine "Sarge" Bonaventure
    Once More, Unto the Bridge

    At the airlock, I kept my focus on the new arrivals to the Pegasus, keeping my attention firmly away from the young padawans whispering among themselves behind me. Time was, I'd've come down on them like a ton of bricks in full-bore Sarge mode, verbally ripping them to shreds for their lack of discipline in the ranks. I used to be awfully good at that kind of thing, back in the old days...


    They sounded more like teenaged school girls than soldiers. But, to be fair, they weren't soldiers, they were young girls still in school. Ours was an unusual school, and they were unusual students, and considering how some students turned out, I should be grateful that they were so normal. Students who were socially awkward, the special, or chosen, ones, had a way of turning out to be special in lots of bad ways.

    Let them be young, I thought. There's no going back to the days of innocence after it's lost. When the time comes for them to grow up and be warriors, they'll do what they must. I just need to have faith that there's real strength underneath all the whispers and giggles.

    A klaxon sounded as the corvette jumped to hyperspace.

    "Condition yellow, condition yellow. Would the Jedi please report to the bridge at once. Well, so much for the little training cruise."

    I immediately turned and trotted forward toward the bridge, thinking, Let's hope these youngsters don't have to grow up too soon. They deserve a little more life in the Light before they have to see how dark the universe can be.

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @TheRynJedi @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @ThisIsMe1138
  4. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    IC: Viva'rra Raine
    Aboard Pegasus...not quite sure where she is

    Slowly, Viva became aware of the disapproval of many of the masters in the room, and her whispering died down slightly. If it had been up to her, she would have still been back at the Temple, practicing her skills and carrying out the routine she'd learned to appreciate with the friends she'd come to love. But instead, here she was on board this ship, without any definite clue as to what was really going on, behind the cover of the training cruise, and she couldn't escape the feeling that she'd just seriously screwed up in making a good first impression. And now there was an alarm going off, and people talking about a "Condition Yellow." The fact that Vanora seemed panicked was enough to scare her in itself, not to mention the fact that she didn't even know what that meant. She was a healer - she wasn't supposed to know, was she?

    "Excuse me?" she hissed, hoping to get the attention of one of the masters as they headed towards the bridge. "What's...what's going on?"

    TAG: @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @TheRynJedi @Sarge @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
  5. Khalia Octa

    Khalia Octa Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    IC: Khalia Octa
    Noris City, Noris

    Out in the distance, she sensed the darkness of their pursuer, angry and cold. Khalia pulled her cloak around herself tighter, as if trying to ward off the pursuer's dark presence.

    "Its a good thing he's alone, otherwise we'd be bantha fodder. Yes, lets go." Kev-Mas said through their telepathic connection. "Move on ahead of me. I'll take the rear so I can better defend against our pursuer if he catches us."

    The Twi'lek slotted herself between Kev-Mas and Nord, her eyes on the ground as she followed Nord out, but her aura searching and prodding the area for any twinges of darkness.

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Bardan_Jusik
  6. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    Cafeteria, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    It was a simple meal the wanderer ate, whatever it was that the cooking droid could whip up with limited supplies. It was good all things considered but, it was missing something. Yes, the thrill of adventure, the eating new foods and rare delicacies of other cultures and beings. That was just one of the things Rak looked for when he headed out into the larger galaxy. These thoughts of travel of exploration filled his head distracting him some from his meal, once hot going cold. He hoped for a change in the winds, a mission off planet, a long one. One that would take weeks, months...maybe years. His ever meandering heart pushed him to continue his travels to go further and farther until...for forever really.

    He was raised to see the galaxy as a million points of light, each one with it's own experiences to be had, it's own adventures and stories to tell. That it was the goal of travelers like them to wander among them learning everything they could in their short time in this wriling galaxy. It was hard to see the wider galaxy when you were cooped up in the temple.

    "Knight's Troi, Nosrep, Avarray, Cora, Sodi and Acyk report to the main hanger briefing room."

    Rak's eyes went wide with excitement and joy. Groucho was sending them on a mission, that was the only reason he would call them to the main hangar, they were going somewhere...hopefully for a long time.

    The wandering knight walked with a spring in his step and a smile on his face, finally he was getting out of the temple. He'd been feeling like he needed to get out for a while.

    In the meeting room he smiled and nodded to Knight Acyk.

    He took a seat, nearly vibrating with energy that could be seen and felt in the force. His eagerness written on his face.

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
  7. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Knight Cora
    Main Hanger Briefing Room. Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    Cora heard the announcement and moving her hand slightly at Rosana, started to walk towards the main Hanger Briefing Room. I wonder what's going on. Cora thought as she reached down to make sure her lightsaber was still attached to her belt. Did Commander Taab see more Chiss Sith in the area? Cora wasn't sure, but she figured it couldn't be long until she knew as she reached the Briefing Room. "I wonder what's going on." Cora asked out loud.

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    SkywalkerShine and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  8. Skywalker_T-65

    Skywalker_T-65 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 19, 2009
    IC: Lenea Sandstrider

    On the one hand, it was nice to have some confirmation that at least Zey was still around. The man was a crusty old man, but at least he was familiar. Lenea hadn't left home just to meet new people, after all. She wanted to see at least some old friends. It was rather the point of leaving in the first place, even if part of her still craved her adventurous youth. Something that was rather more relevant now, than when she had left. After all...

    Every time she left home, something happened.

    You know, I'm wondering if the Guardians are cursed. What kind of training cruise is this?

    Of course, she only assumed it was a training cruise because of what the Knight had muttered. Maybe he was just being annoyed at the situation? Eh, whatever was happening, it was probably important. So Lenea fell in step with everyone else, even if she only very, very, very loosely fit the definition of 'Jedi'. She had a lightsaber and could use the Force, did that count?

    Probably not!

    "You know, it seems like every time I'm around the Guardians, something happens." Lenea mused aloud, not to anyone in particular. Just thinking vocally. "At least it's never boring!"

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @Sarge @TheRynJedi @Coffee_Ninja
  9. SkywalkerShine

    SkywalkerShine Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2007
    IC: Rosana Zorbo
    Main Hanger Briefing Room. Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    "So you decided to stick around?" Cora asked casually. "It's nice to have new people. Are you nervous about being here?" Cora added, knowing how she felt herself when she first came to the Temple. "I was when I came, but that was a long time ago."

    Rosana kept her head down as she quietly listened to the other woman next to her. When she asked her these questions, the young woman gazed down and shrugged. "Not sure yet. But I'm not nervous. Still, I feel that I should be out there instead of being cooped up here. I have many reasons why I can't be here."

    When Cora slightly moved her hand for Rosana to see, she must have been signaling the smuggler to follow her. So she did just that. Something else was going on it seemed. Even though escape was on Rosana's mind, she decided to follow Cora. "I wonder what's going on," she heard the female Jedi say. Rosana shrugged. "Dunno. Could be more of those punks. Or something else. Hopefully, it's the latter."

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @TheSilentInfluence @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
    Bardan_Jusik and Sarge like this.
  10. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep
    Temple Library

    The Ongree sat quietly in a dark corner of the Temple Archive. Satisfied from the brief breakfast he had, Semajj was eager to start reading. The room was nearly empty, only Master Octaris and a couple young apprentices were present in the immediate vicinity as far as he could sense, but it was still early.

    Looking down, he brushed a light coating of dust off the cover of the book presented. The librarian had said that it made reference to the Great Galactic war, but did not date from that period. Semajj carefully opened the volume, as was greeted by an atlas. By all appearances this resource was not a firsthand account, instead it seemed to be a collection of papers from various historical authors. Each making a historical case, contributing to a larger debate about various actions taken by actors of the time.

    The Jedi was slightly disappointed that it did not date from closer to the events it describes, as that would have been a remarkable find. Shaking that thought away he dared to hope they might learn something from this source, even as all of its contributors were born a good seven hundred years after the war.
    Semajj's eyes were drawn to an article titled "The Case for the Knight Outlander", which was listed as being almost three quarters of the way through the book.

    Before he could turn the page however, he heard his name be called, and recognized the voice as coming from Commander Taab.
    "Report to the main hanger briefing room."
    With that the Jedi offered a sigh of reluctance. Taab wouldn't be calling him to the hanger if he didn't have a mission planned, and to Semajj it felt as if he had not been home very long. Still, it was his duty as a Jedi Knight to follow orders.

    Master Octaris had halted at the end of the Ongrees table, and raised an inquisitive eye. Semajj simply smiled, before speaking in a hushed tone so as not to disrupt the others "When you finish scanning it into the database I would be very thankful if you would send me a link." The Cerean nodded, deep enough that he wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a bow. "Of Course. Now you best be off." he stepped aside, allowing Semajj to leave at a brisk pace so as not to leave the Mandalorian waiting.

    Tags: @Bardan_Jusik, @galactic-vagabond422, @TheSilentInfluence, @SkywalkerShine, @Kyber Acyk, @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2018
  11. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    OOC: OK, everyone here at the Jusik household is feeling better and my daughter never even came down with this little 24 hour virus, so on with the show!

    GM Update

    IC: Beskaryc Taab/Knight Jacen Troi (NPC)
    Briefing room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    His heavy beskar boots clicking loudly on the polished cut stone floor the mandalorian strode confidently, if not belatedly, into the briefing room. Without a word he first surveyed the room, taking note of the six beings in the room, frowning behind his faceplate as he did so. There were supposed to be seven, but he counted only six. Knight Nosrep was there of course, and Taab expected nothing less of the Ongree Jedi. Taab considered him one of the best of the "warrior monks", a scholar as deadly with his mind as with his blade, and an asset on just about any mission. The Mandalorian gave the Jedi who had "earned back his name" in Taab's eyes a slight nod of respect as he took to the front of the room.

    Towards the back of the room the Commissioner (Knight Acyk) stood leaning against the wall of the room, keeping everything out in front of him where he could see it like a good constable should, speaking with Knight Troi. The latter was saying "I have no idea, but I have a feeling we're about to find out," to the former in an obvious answer to a question Taab hadn't heard prior to entering. Yes you will, if we manage to get everyone here on time Taab thought to himself as he continued surveying the room taking note of who was and wasn't there.

    Nomad (Knight Avarray) was sitting front and center, an eager look on his face. Taab didn't need the force to tell that the human Knight was itching at a chance to get out and do something, anything. It was his nature, and it was one Taab sympathized with. Sitting here in this Temple dulled the senses, better to be in the middle of the action then sitting in the meditation gardens contemplating the meaning of one's own belly button lint.

    Goran (Knight Cora) and Shifty (Rosana Zorbo) were seated together, not a surprise since Taab had seen them together not long ago in the corridors. The sight of them brought yet another downturn to Taab's already frowning, but unseen, face. In his discussion with the Council he had argued against the inclusion of Shifty on this assignment. He had instead wanted someone like Ghost (Knight Liuna Iotasi), but he had lost that argument, like he had lost every other with the Council. Ghost's place was here for now he had been told, and Shifty's own history might prove beneficial to the mission despite her lack of experience as a Jedi. He hadn't believed it, but it wasn't his call. At least she had shown up he thought as he gave a small shrug.

    That left just Verbal (Knight Jo Sodi) as the absent member. That Taab realized he shouldn't find surprising. Verbal was that quintessential "riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma"** as an ancient Mandalorian philosopher had once opined about the jetiise at large. Yes, the Kage Jedi encapsulated the words of Chur'chill more than any Jedi that Taab had encountered in the Temple. It should be no surprise he was late.

    Still it was aggravating, Taab had timed his arrival to allow the Jedi to be here before he arrived. That way he could get right to the assignment, but he had obviously mistimed things. No matter, he would begin anyway. The others could inform Verbal of their mission en route, if he arrived at all. Jetiise could be so difficult when it came to simply following orders.

    "All right, we're on a time crunch here so let's get started," Taab announced to the Jedi who had were here. "As some of you may know, the Council sent a small scouting party to Noris," Taab pressed a button on his vambrace and a holographic image of the planet, along with notations of it's galactic coordinates sprang into life, hovering above him. "Their orders were to discover if a dark side aligned Chiss cult known as the Obscurum had been re-established there." Their orders of course had gone beyond just that, though Taab didn't see a need to explain them all in detail. The Council, along with Taab, had been concerned that the Chiss brought to Saridona Prime accidentally by Crash (Initiate Sanchari) had been utilizing war droids of the same type as used by the Sith sect that had laid siege to the Temple of Light a decade ago. If the Obscurum was back, and possibly working with survivors of that sect, the Guardians had to know. They could be a threat not only to the Temple, but to the galaxy at large. The captured Chiss had claimed to be from the Obscurum before he had died, and Dull (Knight Klusd'dil'remuw) had recognized the dark sider's accent as being from Noris. So it seemed as good a place as any to start.

    "We haven't heard from the four being Jedi team since they arrived five days ago, so we're organizing a search and rescue mission." He gestured to the Jedi in the room indicating they were that SAR mission. "A low key," he stressed the phrase, "search and rescue mission." Taab had wondered about that part, sending in such a small team seemed in some ways like spending good money after bad, but there really wasn't much choice. The GoL's mission statement was to stay off the galaxy's sensor screen, that meant small teams even for the most critical of assignments. "You'll go in disguised as smugglers, we've got an old freighter set aside for you." Taab had ensured the old YT-1300 was being prepped even before he had entered the briefing room, "though if one of you has a better ship for this feel free to take that instead." He paused, the next part was important. "Under no circumstances are you to identify yourselves to the public as Guardians of Light." He paused again to really let that sink in. "Your primary goal is to find your jetiise vode (siblings) and extract them," he glanced towards the closed hatch to the briefing room as his voice lowered somewhat, "though between you and me, if you can fulfill their original mission along the way..." His voice trailed off though his implication was clear. Taab would very much like to see the rescue team also complete the scout team's original mission as well if possible.

    "Now," his voice returned to normal, "any questions?"

    Troi looked to Taab quizically, noticing the use of "you" and not "we" throughout the briefing. "You're not coming with us?" He asked in disbelief. Taab deactivated the hologram and shook his head. "The Council wants you to maintain a low profile, and while I am many things, inconspicuous I am not." He shrugged. "Besides, this is Jedi business, my job is keeping the Temple safe, which means I stay here. Now, anything else before you go?"

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto

    **--Winston Churchill.

    IC: Padawan Min'ord'krizoo "Nord" (NPC)
    On the run near the edge of the city, Noris

    "Move on ahead of me. I'll take the rear so I can better defend against our pursuer if he catches us."

    Nord calmly nodded at the order from the elder padawan, swallowing hard to keep his fear under control. If their hunter was indeed closing in on them Colcha might delay him, but at the cost of his own life, but Nord could think of no other alternative. He led the way, quickly but cautiously towards the edge of the city, well aware of the rough location of their relentless pursuer. For a time it seemed as though the pace of their pursuit quickened, though as they approached the city's edge the sense of their unseen enemy grew more distant and less distinct. Had he given up the pursuit, or had he merely somehow masked his presence?

    The sun was beginning to rise now, burning away the clouds that had dropped rain upon them for the last several hours It's soft light revealed that they were now near a large warehouse situated right at the city limits. Beyond it was a large field of tall greenish blue grass that extended as far as the eye could see. Nord eyed it carefully, that grass was easily tall enough to conceal a crouching attacker, though he sensed no danger from it. Turning his attention back to the warehouse he could see it was fenced in, though the fence was not well maintained as the chain link sagged in places, with a a short road and a gate in the fencing leading up to the warehouse's main entrance. Another gate in the fencing on the far side of the warehouse seemed to open up onto the field.

    "What do you think, we can hide in there for a little while?" He asked the others pointing to the warehouse. "Or do we keep going and leave the city entirely?"

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa

    IC: Captain Ro (GM restricted use NPC)/ Lieutenant Kendra (NPC)/Knight Gim (NPC)/padwan Elle NPC)
    Bridge of the Pegasus, hyperspace, Unknown Regions

    The introductions to Captain Sandstrider cut short, the Jedi moved as a group towards the bridge, the anxiety of the crew weighing heavily upon them. "Excuse me?" padawan Raine hissed, hoping to get the attention of one of the masters as they headed towards the bridge. "What's...what's going on?" Knight Gim looked up thoughtfully at his own padawan's face as she smirked at the naive question. Raine was Master Alyn's new padawan the Jedi knight reminded himself, taking note to remind his own padawan of that fact in due course. It was natural for her to feel confused.

    "We'll know when we get there," he finally said to the young Mirialan hybrid, he said as they all crammed into the lift that would take them to the bridge. "It's not a combat alert though, so nothing should be exploding." He gave her a wink even as his padawan added on sarcastically. "Not yet." Gim kicked her in the shin lightly at the remark.

    "You know, it seems like every time I'm around the Guardians, something happens." Lenea mused aloud, not to anyone in particular. Just thinking vocally. "At least it's never boring!" Padawan Elle then turned to look at her. "Yes clearly all your fault." Gim was about to kick her again, harder this time ,when the lift door to the bridge opened depositing the group in the ship's command center. Elle he knew would find it small and cramped, but it was just the way Gim liked it.

    "Good you're here." Captain Ro said without a trace of emotion to her voice though the Jedi could feel that she was stressed. "We received a nearby automated distress call and are moving to intercept we should be coming out of hyperspace right about..."

    "Now." her second, Lieutenant Kendra, finished for her as the swirl of hyperspace resolved itself to the normal star studded view of normal space. "And there she is." The female officer pointed out the forward screen at the origin of the distress signal. It was a badly damaged ship, and even the most inexperienced among the could see it was no warship, not with those ungainly lines. It was clearly listing, adrift, and venting atmosphere from the aft portion. "It's a Chiss freighter." Kendra reported after a few moments of reviewing her screens. She sounded unsure of herself though.

    "Life signs?" Ro demanded. "Indeterminate," Kendra reported back, still sounding somewhat confused. "There's a radiation leak from the freighter's drive train that's hampering the sensors." She shook her head. "I can't tell much more from here." She frowned. "Main power is out, but some systems over there look to still be running on battery power..." Looking out the transparisteel window at the bow of the Pegasus, lights could still be seen flickering aboard the wrecked freighter. "They appear to have at least minimal life support." She shrugged, clearly wishing she could help more.

    Captain Ro took that in as she surveyed the fore and aft docking rings of the derelict freighter. "Is it safe to send over a boarding party?" There was a pause of several second before Kendra finally replied. "The bulkheads should keep the forward sections safe from harmful levels of radiation for now..." she trailed off for a moment before coming back to it. "But not for long." She looked to the Jedi and then her captain. "I'd say no longer than 15 minutes and then the whole ship will be too hot for anyone not in protective gear."

    Ro nodded at the report before addressing the Jedi. "It's the only way we're going to know what happened to them, and there still may be survivors." Knight Gim mulled it over quickly. "Well, looks like we're going for a little walk." The captain considered them for a moment. "Take the Spirit over and dock with their forward airlock," she looked at Sandstrider, "Stay in touch and report back what you find."

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @Sarge @TheRynJedi @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @ThisIsMe1138

    OOC: before any of you ask, no your characters won't feel anyone alive from over on the freighter.
  12. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Knight Cora
    Briefing room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    Cora tilted her head slightly as Commander Taab talked about the mission. It was low key which was fine with her. I really don't want to fight anytime soon. She thought as she brushed her hands over her healing wound. It would scar worse then she thought, but Cora was happy that it wasn't anywhere too visible. "I'm still wearing my armor." Cora spoke up at last. "A Mandalorian smuggler. And I've been working on my Mando'a too."

    As if to prove this Cora spoke again, her accent more confident. "K'oyacyi." She smiled and clasped Rosana on the shoulder. "But what if we run into Sith again? They might be able to sense that we are Jedi." Cora took her hand off Rosana's shoulder and looked around. "Is there anyone on the ground that might be sympathetic to the Jedi that you've heard of?"

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
  13. SkywalkerShine

    SkywalkerShine Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2007
    IC: Rosana Zorbo
    Briefing room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    The last thing Rosana needed was to do a mission. She couldn't get involved in something like this due to her past life. The thought about losing her Togruta master Vatra brought pain and sadness in her heart. She also vowed to never pick up a lightsaber again. But after all of this, was the Force trying to bring her back? Rosana couldn't do this. If only they knew...

    "Permission to speak?" was all that Rosana asked, looking down with a melancholy look.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @Bardan_Jusik @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
  14. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep
    Briefing room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    Semajj looked at the motley band of Jedi that were going on this mission and felt a tingle of amusement at the thought of them pretending to be smugglers. Humans and the Twi'lek were known to be adaptable species seen in nearly every profession, but knowing his fellow Jedi as he did it still seemed weird to have them acting the part of criminals. For the Mandalorians smuggling seemed small time action.
    At the end of this thought he realized he himself would be the oddest one out, Ongree were known for their isolationism and for traveling in schools, usually underwater. He would have to be careful, and with that in mind he delicately placed the hood of his robe over his cranium. It would serve until he got a more sufficient disguise at least. Dipping his head he contemplated that it hardly mattered now.

    At last he spoke "Do we know if there is risk of encountering the Chiss ascendency on this mission?"
    It was not and unwarranted concern, they could bulldoze through dark siders with little worry but it would take some crafty lying to avoid conflict with the Chiss. For starters he very much doubted they would tolerate smuggler activity anywhere near their space, and furthermore it made sense that where members of their species were concerned the Chiss would at very least have some sense of what was happening near the system.

    Tags: @Bardan_Jusik, @TheSilentInfluence, @galactic-vagabond422, @Kyber Acyk, @SkywalkerShine
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
    SkywalkerShine and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  15. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Kev-Mas Colcha III
    Run With The Devil

    The trio came upon a warehouse, fenced in by a poorly maintained chain link fence.

    "What do you think, we can hide in there for a little while?", asked Nord, "Or do we keep going and leave the city entirely?"

    "Do not underestimate our pursuer, for the Force is with them," replied Kev-Mas, shaking his head, "If we stop they'll eventually catch up with us and we'll be on the run again. A flimsy shambling fence won't slow them down, they'll just cut right through it."

    The young Jedi stretched out a finger in between the space between where his two comrades stood, extending it forwards.

    "We keep going. Eventually they'll get occupied with other things and give up on us. But not this soon."

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik; @Khalia Octa;
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
  16. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    Briefing Room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    As Groucho explained more of the mission Rak couldn't help his lips curling like a feline that had gotten the cream. This was sounding more and more like a mission he lived for. Undercover, as smugglers, unable to identify themselves as Jedi. This was as if Life Day came early to him. He looked far too happy for being assigned a rescue mission. Maybe it was his eagerness to get out of the Temple but, he couldn't wait to get out.

    The added danger of working in the Chiss Ascendancy made it all the better. Operating under the noses of others always made him happy. It was the childlike glee of getting away with something, doing something you shouldn't. He knew on some level this wasn't the classical image of a Jedi, someone that takes enjoyment in breaking laws.

    Knight Cora spoke first going as a mandalorian smuggler, the smile deepened on Rak's face...if it could get any broader.

    Rosana seemed a little less enthused to be assigned this task. The wanderer hadn't met her or talked to her before but, seeing her hesitance gave him some pause.

    Finally Nosrep spoke asking if the Chiss would take exception to smugglers operating on their planet.

    "Isn't that the fun of it my friend?" Rak started, his gaze passed over the others in his little group. "I think we have everything we need for an incognito mission. If you all would allow I could play the role of your humble Captain, we can even use my ship the 'Vagabond', it has been used as a smuggling vessel. In one of it's past lives, still has a few compartments to complete the look. Troi, Cora," he continued looking to the two Mandalorian Knights, "you will be our muscle make sure no one bothers us while we are wandering around. You my friend," he gestured to his former padawan, "could be our navigator or simply our resident scholar that we picked up on one of our many, many adventures." Finally he looked to the younger woman Rosana. "You can be second in command, the first officer. How does that sound?"

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
  17. Kyber Acyk

    Kyber Acyk Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 30, 2017
    IC: Kassokay Acyk

    Smuggling. Now that is something I haven't done in years. Kassokay thought to himself as he glanced at Rak from the back of the room. And like the Mandalorians and Twi'leks from Clan Acyk and Clan Nilim before him, smuggling was second nature. One of his many ancestors, Jedi Master Silais Nilim, had spent many years smuggling slaves to safety. Another, Jedi Knight Cotan Nilim, turned rogue from the Jedi Order due to clashing ideals and had then turned to smuggling as a way to provide himself with a steady income as he endlessly wandered the galaxy.

    The Twi'lek nodded in agreement at Rak's choices for the chosen roles the group would be undertaking for the mission, but there was someone missing from Rak's list at the moment...

    "I see that everybody has their role to play in this mission, Rak. Now, where does that leave me in your plan?" he asked, feeling rather annoyed that he had been left off the list, glaring slightly at Rak, his striped lekku wrapping around his neck.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @TheSilentInfluence @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Mitth_Fisto
  18. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    Briefing Room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    The wandering Knight cast his gaze over to the slightly perturbed twi'lek, he gotten so wrapped up in everything and the man hadn't really spoken drawing his attention before he launched into his grandiose role descriptions. A slight embarrassed blush came over his face.

    "Ah...yes we can't forget about you," he started quickly covering his mistake, he never made a show of being perfect, mistakes happen. Still it was a little embarrassing, and no doubt annoying to the other man. "Engineer or, 'Loadmaster', the one to find our cargo once we land. The one with the connections and know how to get what we need." He then looked about the room again.

    "Anyone else I missed?"

    TAG: @Kyber Acyk @TheSilentInfluence @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Mitth_Fisto
  19. Kyber Acyk

    Kyber Acyk Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 30, 2017
    IC: Kassokay Acyk
    Briefing Room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    The striped Twi'lek nodded in agreement with the role that Rak had hastily assigned him. "Perfect. That is one thing I am good, finding things..." he strode forward and took a seat amongst his fellow Jedi. If they were going to be a team, Kassokay would have to be a team player, although in the New Coruscant Police Department he had been given the nickname "Wolf", due to his tendencies to work and act on his own.

    He heard Cora's statement and her mando'a and grinned - Kassokay only knew a smattering of phrases since he had spent most of his life on Coruscant and had only heard it from his rarely seen relations. Maybe he should ask her for a quick catch up on the language while they were aboard the ship?

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 @TheSilentInfluence @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Mitth_Fisto
  20. Skywalker_T-65

    Skywalker_T-65 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 19, 2009
    IC: Lenea Sandstrider

    So, find out what happened to a freighter. Drifting without life support, in the middle of nowhere. No one is out here but Chiss, Guardians, or the odd independent planet like...home. This stinks worse than a Mastadge.

    Lenea knew that she couldn't keep her feelings off her face. A small twist of her lips and narrowing of blue eyes. But, well, if there was one thing she had learned...always be wary. She had been an impromptu investigator once. And missed most of the signs, almost getting herself killed in the process. Nearly breaking her brother in the process. If it made her a little paranoid of things like this? Well, that was just how it went. She'd rather be paranoid and alive, than a Jedi who charges in without thinking things through.

    ...maybe she was a little bitter?

    Shaking her head, Lenea let herself smile. Her hand came up in a jaunty salute, as she looked at the Captain of this old ship. "Forward airlock, got it. Keep an eye out for us, will you? The Spirit isn't exactly new."

    With that said, she turned to look at the Jedi. Who knew how many of them were coming along, though she could probably carry all of them if really necessary. Part of her hoped at least a couple stayed behind, though. If only so there was some form of backup if they needed it.

    "Right, how many of you lot are coming along?" She didn't need to force the smile on her face now, as her gaze drifted over the Jedi. "It wouldn't be the first time the Spirit got used to haul Jedi on a mission. Hopefully it goes better this time!"

    @Bardan_Jusik @Sarge @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @Coffee_Ninja @TheRynJedi @ThisIsMe1138
    Bardan_Jusik and Sarge like this.
  21. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine Bonaventure
    That Last Deep Breath Before the Plunge into Cold Darkness

    "Right, how many of you lot are coming along?" asked Sandstrider.

    I raised my hand before Gim could.
    "One. Too slow, Gim." The Ugnaught glared at me as I affected to not notice by focusing my attention somewhere above his head.

    The Pegasus had the usual "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" panel on the aft bulkhead of the bridge. I popped it open and grabbed an oxygen mask, just in case. Canister pressure showed green, and a quick stretch of the hose didn't reveal any dry rot. This ship might be old, but it's well-maintained. Hope we can say the same for the ones we're headed for.

    "Anybody else want one? I'll trust the Force to protect me from radiation and decompression, but oxygen is more necessity than luxury, if you ask me."

    I tossed masks toward raised hands as the volunteers filed past. "All right, let's go and earn those fat Life Day bonuses we all got in our paychecks this month."

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @Coffee_Ninja @TheRynJedi @ThisIsMe1138
  22. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Jo Sodi
    Conference room Besh, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    To say that his meditations had been restful would be a bit of an understatement as he jolted awake from the tapping on his shoulder from his personal droid, "What is it Fate, the meetings about to start soon." he groggily questioned as he sat up a bit taller in his seat and thankfully saw an empty room. The droid of course spoke back in it's peculiar accent of garble code speak that always took him a few moments to decipher, especially when just waking up.

    "Yes, yes. Of course you are supposed to care for my pet while I'm away. Don't want anyone overfeeding it and coming back to find a dozen of the little guy waiting for me."

    More garbled speak saw him furrowing a brow. "Of course I'm attending the meeting. It should be starting any minute." Actually now that the droid had mentioned the meeting it was odd that he was the only one here so far, it was true Jedi could often be distracted by the Force and run late for such things but he had made sure to wake and arrive hours ahead of time to avoid just such a thing. "I wonder where everyone else is."

    The question gathered an answer he was not ready for, "What do you mean at the meeting!" The garbled reply saw him sprinting from the room, pausing only to turn back before the door closed. "No you may not kill any 'accidental' extra pets!"


    Briefing Room, Temple of Light, Saridona Prime

    Having paused at the door he centered his breathing before stepping in to find a discussion about someone being good at finding things? Great, he had missed what he was doing and now he was missing what he was supposed to be whilst doing whatever it was.

    "Count me in." he simply chimed as he leaned against the wall, his glowing yellow eyes scanning the room for a holo or anything about the mission he could study quickly to catch up, only it seemed the Mando had already deactivated the blasted thing. Wonderful.

    TAG: @Kyber Acyk , @TheSilentInfluence , @Bardan_Jusik , @SkywalkerShine , @ConservativeJedi321 , @galactic-vagabond422
  23. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    IC: Viva Raine

    Her eyes darting back and forth between speakers, Viva watched the scene unfold in almost complete confusion. How in all the stars did a training cruise turn into this?! she wondered, feeling a spike of fear swell in her stomach. Most of the people here were trained Jedi - Knights or senior padawans or whatever their correct title was - and they were older than her, and at any rate had much more experience. She'd just been having a friendly conversation with Vanora, enjoying herself and wondering what this trip would have in store for her. Now she knew. '

    Unconsciously, she backed slightly into Vanora, feeling somewhat more secure beside her friend - after all, she'd been a loner for three years and she could tell anyone for certain that it wasn't her favorite lifestyle. It was also perhaps because of this past that she felt so unsafe when things were out of her hands, the way she needed to feel some amount of control over everything, and if one thing was clear in this situation was that she most certainly had no control whatsoever. And she was terrified.

    Wondering vaguely whether or not she was supposed to be doing something, Viva chanted in her mind, Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, fear leads to anger, fear leads to anger. Over and over she repeated it, feeling herself slipping into an aware yet meditative state, hoping that she wasn't the only one completely lost here.

    OOC: Based off of my real life confusion I have no idea what's going on rn :p

    @Skywalker_T-65 @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @Coffee_Ninja @TheRynJedi @Sarge
  24. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    IC: Vanora on the Pegasus, in the general Exodus

    Knight Bonaventure remarked as he took out oxygen masks and tossed them to the volunteers:

    "Anybody else want one? I'll trust the Force to protect me from radiation and decompression, but oxygen is more necessity than luxury, if you ask me. All right, let's go and earn those fat Life Day bonuses we all got in our paychecks this month."

    Vanora stifled a laugh at the comment and felt her own mood lighten; she grabbed 2, one for herself and one for Viva who was sticking close to her.

    She could sense the roiling confusion from Viva and commnented: "Hopefully we won't need these, but I'd rather have it than find out the hard way I should've gotten one."

    Vanora said to Sanchari, "I see how he could make you feel comfortable," indicating Knight Bonaventure, "He seems to know just how to put one at ease - lessen the tension."

    @ThisIsMe1138 \ @TheRynJedi


    @Coffee_Ninja \ @Skywalker_T-65
    Bardan_Jusik, Sarge and ThisIsMe1138 like this.
  25. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    IC: Viva Raine

    Viva instantly felt a bit safer, as Vanora took charge and snatched up an oxygen mask for both of them - she had a good point, too. Safe was (usually) better than sorry, and in the case of oxygen it probably wasn't the time to take risks. "Thanks," she mumbled quietly, genuinely grateful but still too on edge to want to chance drawing any unnecessary attention to herself.

    She heard Vanora's comment to Sanchari, and still sorting out all the details about her companions, waved her hands vaguely between the Ryn and Knight Bonaventure. "What... how are they..." She turned to Sanchari. "Are you a Jedi?" In retrospect, she probably should have taken the advice of her master and read the files on those who'd be travelling with her, but since when did she do optional homework? "Did you come with him?"

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @TheRynJedi @Sarge
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
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